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Chapter 25 Inadvertently inserting willows

Seeing the excitement of Chen Yidao, Zhao Zhi and some members of the Li family, Li Huan was also quite shocked. To be honest, Li Huan thought that after destroying the Fang family, it would be good to be able to find 30,000 to 50,000 yuan in property.

After all, Fang's rise was too short.

However, after Jin Yiwei's professional examination, they learned from Fang Wenlu and the Fang family members the location of the Fang family's treasure. In addition, the Fang family's apparent wealth actually amounted to a hundred thousand taels.

Li Huan remembered that even Cheng Yi was very shocked when he saw the looted property and piled it up. Even Daolian Jiang Fang had committed a heinous crime and deserved to be killed.

After some discussion with Li Huan, the two sides directly divided the Fang family's wealth equally. Among them, the Li family wanted 30% of the land, shops, etc., and the rest was handled by Jinyiwei, as well as gold, silver, and jewelry.

They were divided on the spot.

Even several of the Fang's ships moored in the port fell into the hands of the Li family. After all, Jin Yiwei had no interest in ships. The Li family only lost a thousand taels of gold and silver and got one large and four small.

A total of five ships.

According to Zhao Zhi, if you really buy those five ships, you won't be able to buy them without a few thousand taels each.

With several shops, hundreds of acres of farmland, five large and small ships, and almost fifty thousand taels worth of gold and silver, it can be said that the Li family became a fat man at once.

Zhao Zhi stroked his beard and didn't care about being a scholar. He chuckled and said: "At last, all the hard work was not in vain. With this money, the soldiers who died in the guard station can finally get pensions."


Previously, Li Huan was lavish and spent his money like water. I dare not say that he emptied the Li family's wealth, but there was not much money left.

In order to deal with the attack on the Fang family, there was a big battle last night. According to preliminary statistics, there were fifteen dead and more than twenty injured, a total of more than eighty people, almost half of them dead and injured.

, this shows how dangerous last night was.

The joy on Li Huan's face subsided a little, and he looked at Zhao Zhidao solemnly: "Uncle Zhi, it can be said that thanks to these people, the deceased's family has a hundred taels, and the injured's injuries range from 20 to 50 taels.

In addition, all the soldiers who participated in the battle last night will be rewarded with twenty taels of silver each."

Zhao Zhi and Chen Yidao were overjoyed when they heard this, but soon Zhao Zhi looked at Li Huan and said, "Brother Huan, isn't it a bit too much?"

According to common practice, even if someone dies in battle, the pension they can get is only a dozen taels at most. Not to mention those who are injured, it is not uncommon to receive no compensation.

Li Huan shook his head and said: "They are fighting for their lives, how can I, the Li family, treat them poorly?

Zhao Zhi took a deep breath and bowed to Li Huan: "I would like to thank you on behalf of all the soldiers."

Li Huan pondered for a moment and said: "A hundred acres of fertile land will be allocated from my Li family, and Uncle Zhi will distribute it to the families of the dead and injured. They fought to the death for my Li family, so we, the Li family, cannot ignore what happened after their deaths."

There were soldiers from the guard station accompanying the ship. They were on alert all around, but this did not prevent them from hearing the conversation between Li Huan, Zhao Zhi, and Chen Yidao.

These soldiers were inexplicably excited after hearing Li Huan's words. Although they only had twenty taels of silver reward, this was definitely an astonishing amount for them.

The most important thing was Li Huan's compensation for those brothers who died or were injured in the war. That was what really shocked them.

A hundred taels of silver and fertile farmland were given to me. I am afraid that even if I searched all the Ming Dynasty Guards, I would not be able to find such a good thing.

"I am willing to die for you!"

More than a dozen soldiers on the ship bowed to Li Huan with grateful expressions. Looking at their fanatical expressions, they would not hesitate at all if they were asked to die for Li Huan now.

Li Huan was stunned by the reaction of these soldiers. He was obviously confused. But Chen Yidao and Zhao Zhi looked at Li Huan with relief. In their view, Li Huan's move was to win over these soldiers. Now

From the looks of it, it was obviously very successful.

But whether it was Chen Yidao or Zhao Zhi, they would never have imagined that Li Huan had never thought about this at all. After all, in Li Huan's view, human life was as important as the sky. These people fought desperately for his Li family, and now some people are dead and injured. He

If there is not even a little compensation, how can one's heart be at peace?

Taking a few steps forward, Li Huan helped the soldiers who had prostrated themselves up. Feeling the burning eyes of these soldiers, he finally could only say to the soldiers: "Li Huan is young. You can all be said to be my brothers. We are all the same."

Brother Pao, if you repay me with your loyalty, I will definitely live up to you brothers."

Zhao Zhi stretched out his thick arms, his green shirt hanging slightly, stroking his beard and praised: "It's true that a tiger father has no dog son, Brother Huan is better than the eldest brother."

Not long after, through flags, the news that Li Huan was subsidizing and rewarding the soldiers was spread to several other small boats. The soldiers on those boats were also extremely excited, and they all bowed to Li Huan from a distance and shouted.

Between the sea and the sky, several boats, one large and four small, were rushing towards Langqi Island. Suddenly, a small boat in the distance was also rushing towards Langqi Island at a very fast speed.

"Hey, look at that little boat. It seems to be heading towards our Langqi Island. I don't know who it is!"

Chen Yidao stood on the side of the boat and looked into the distance. The boat was still quite far away, so he couldn't clearly see what was going on on the boat.

However, it didn't take long, and Chen Yidao said with a bit of surprise: "Hey, it seems to be the one from the Lin family in Fuzhou!"

Li Huan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he heard this. Speaking of which, he still wanted to call Mr. Lin his cousin, but his grandmother Lin was still there. The relationship between the two parties could be said to be quite close.

Lin Zhennan stood on the boat, with several close men from the escort agency beside him. At this moment, Lin Zhennan had a worried look on his face. Next to him, a man in his late forties held a cooked copper stick in his hand and said: "Mr.

Headguard, there is no point in worrying, we can only rush to Langqi Island as soon as possible, hoping that the Li family can hold on for a while longer..."

Sighing, Lin Zhennan said: "It's just that we got the news too late. Otherwise, if we had arrived in time last night, we might not have been able to take advantage of the chaos to rescue my aunt and Brother Huan."

The man driving the boat shook the oar with a strength that ordinary people could not match. At this moment, he said: "Chief escort, look, are those boats the Fang family's fleet?"

Li Huan and others discovered Lin Zhennan's small boat, and Lin Zhennan and his party also discovered the five ships, one large, four small and five.

Gu Ying was the man who used cooked copper sticks as weapons and couldn't help but said: "It can't be that the Fang family has already attacked the Li family and sailed to receive the spoils. If so..."

Even Lin Zhennan couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart. He was already worried, but now he saw several ships from the Fang family heading towards Langqi Island. Lin Zhennan couldn't help but think more about it.

【There is a third update】

This chapter has been completed!
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