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The 251st chapter was provoked Li Huan

Just when these tribal leaders were secretly wondering whether they should also stand up to Dayan Khan and compete for the candidate of the vanguard, they saw Dayan Khan sitting there suddenly saying: "Darul Flower"

, you will lead your troops as the vanguard and go south first to cooperate with King Anhua to fight against Li Huan."

Saying that, Dayan Khan looked at Darul Flower and said: "Darul Flower, I have chosen you as a pioneer. I hope you can start a good start for my sons on the grassland. Don't let me and everyone down."


Darulhua laughed heartily, and first glanced at Botelte proudly, then bowed to Dayan Khan and said: "Don't worry, King Khan, we, the warriors of the Suder tribe, will definitely not let this happen.

The King of Khan disappoints you. Li Huan, a mere man, came and captured him, and decided to take the head from his neck and present it to the King of Khan."

Dayan Khan nodded slightly, looked at Zheng Ping and said: "Mr. Zheng, I would like you to go south with Darulhua. I will then lead the army to cross the three-sided checkpoint and go south to the Central Plains to help King Anhua."

Hearing this, Zheng Ping's face showed a bit of joy, and he saluted Dayan Khan and said: "Zheng thanked the Khan on behalf of my prince. If the Khan helps me, my prince will definitely be able to occupy Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia and other places. By then, my family will

The prince will definitely not forget Dayan Khan and the Tatar tribe’s help.”

Wuning Fort is almost dozens of miles away from Xidu City. It is a border military fort directly facing Wuning Fort.

This time the Tatar army gathered in the capital city, Wuning Fort can be said to be the first to bear the brunt. As the governor of the three sides, Yang Yi had received an order from the court early in the morning to strictly guard the three sides and welcome the Tatars southward at any time.

Yang Yiqing has been in charge of the three sides for many years. He knows the significance of every military formation and every fortress on the three sides better than anyone else. Wuning Fort can be said to be an extremely important military fort in Ningxia border towns, and its importance can be compared to the previous ones.

Column of three.

Therefore, in Wuning Fort, in addition to the original 500 soldiers in Wuning Fort, Yang Yiqing sent an additional 1,000 elite troops, bringing the number of soldiers and horses in Wuning Fort to 1,500.

It's not that Yang Yiqing is unwilling to deploy more troops and horses to Wuning Fort, it's not that there are so many military forts that Yang Yiqing has to defend, it's simply impossible for him to concentrate his efforts on defending one place.

After all, the initiative lies in the hands of the Tatars. In the land bordered by Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia, there are no less than a hundred military forts, large and small. It can be said that every military fort must be defended by soldiers and horses.

It is already quite difficult for Yang Yiqing to increase the number of defenders of Wuning Fort to 1,500. After all, there are no less than a dozen military forts directly facing the capital city. In other words, even if Yang Yiqing is

The number of men and horses in Wuning Fort was increased, and the Tatars could change the target of attack at any time.

As the scouts from both sides came into contact with each other, a large number of elite scouts died in the secret confrontation. People on both sides could feel that a big battle was coming, and it was really a storm.

Woo woo woo

The desolate horn suddenly sounded, and the sound spread in all directions. The roar of the Ming army general suddenly came from the originally silent Wuning Fort: "The Tatars are coming, the Tatars are coming, fight, fight..."

Along with the roar, one after another figures were seen rushing out, and they were none other than the garrison soldiers of Wuning Fort.

The man sitting in Wuning Fort was a guerrilla general, and the thousand troops were led by the guerrilla general Chen Zheng.

As the guard of Wuning Fort, Chen Zheng had long been prepared for the Tatar attack, so after Chen Zheng arrived, he directly sent out all the sentries under his command, and also sent several small teams outside Wuning Fort.

Several temporary forts were built within ten miles. There were not many people in each fort, only three or five elite soldiers. The purpose of these forts was not to resist the Tatars, but to prevent the Tatars from attacking.

Being able to light the smoke warning in advance gives Fort Wuning time to react.

Not long ago, several wisps of smoke rose up, immediately alerting the defenders of Wuning Fort. Not only Wuning Fort, but also several other Ming army forts not far from Wuning Fort were also alerted by the smoke.


Standing on the high wall of the military fort, Chen Zheng, wearing armor, looked at the Tatars from a distance, who were sweeping in like a torrent.

Needless to say, this group of Tatar soldiers and horses are naturally soldiers and horses of the Suder tribe who have taken the responsibility of the vanguard.

The Suder tribe spent a lot of money this time, recruiting almost all the young men of the tribe, and finally gathered 6,000 soldiers and horses.

For a tribe with a population of only 20,000 to 30,000, this really emptied out the youth of the tribe. It can be said that all that is left of the Sudel tribe on the grassland today is a group of old, weak, women and children.

Once the Sudel tribe suffers heavy losses, I am afraid that it will not be long before the Sudel tribe disappears on the prairie.

Chen Zheng looked at the Tatars that were sweeping in like a torrent. His expression was full of solemnity and he said to the deputy general beside him: "Have you ever sent someone to inform the Governor that the Tatars are attacking?"

The deputy general heard the words and said seriously: "General, don't worry, the general has sent people to pass the news to the governor as quickly as possible."

Chen Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, nodded slightly, and said with a stern look in his eyes: "Okay, it seems that this time the Tatars chose to use our Wuning Fort as a breakthrough point to go south. In this case, tell brothers, this battle is the only one

Just die!"

Although Wuning Fort is said to have more than a thousand defenders, it can be resisted for a while with the help of the military fort, but that also depends on the situation.

If the Tatars usually go south to clear grass valleys, no tribe is willing to bear the cost of hundreds or thousands of casualties to attack a military fortress.

But now it is not a small tribe on the grassland going south to clear grass valleys, but a situation where more than 100,000 Tatar troops have gathered to attack the Ming Dynasty.

In this case, since the Tatars have chosen Fort Wuning, Fort Wuning is destined to be breached.

It’s not that Chen Zheng underestimated his own strength. In fact, the strength of the two sides is not at the same level at all. At least tens of thousands of Tatars attacked several fortresses with Wuning Fort as the core, so the fall of Wuning Fort and other fortresses was nothing more than

It's just a matter of time.

After all, there are several passes under Wuning Fort. Although the locations of those passes are not as dangerous as Wuning Fort, once they are breached, Tatars will still flood in. The roads are simply rugged and difficult to travel and are not suitable for large armies.

Just walking through.

However, just because it is not suitable for a large army to pass through does not mean that it is not suitable for a small number of people to pass through.

Therefore, in the absence of reinforcements, Wuning Fort and several attached passes can hold out for two or three days, which is the limit.

Even if the pass was breached on the first day and a large number of Tatars entered the pass, Fort Wuning would not be able to hold on for long.

In this case, as the general guarding Wuning Fort, after determining the Tatar attack target, he either chose to abandon the pass and escape, or he could only fight to the end. There was no other possibility at all.

The deputy general glanced at Chen Zheng and said, "General..."

As if he could guess what the deputy general wanted to say, Chen Zheng waved his hand and said: "Vice General Li, don't say anything else. I bear the country's debt, and as the guard of Wuning Fort, I should swear to die to repay the country's debt."

Lieutenant General Li took a deep breath and saluted Chen Zheng: "I will lead people to guard Langwakou, which will inevitably become the focus of the Tatar attack."

Chen Zheng nodded and ignored Lieutenant General Li who was leading people away. Instead, surrounded by his own soldiers, he clenched the sword in his hand and stood on top of the fortress, looking at the Tatars who were getting closer and closer. Suddenly,

Jian shouted angrily: "Kill!"


On March 19, the fourth year of Zhengde in the Ming Dynasty, the Tatars took the Suder tribe as the vanguard. Six thousand Tatars attacked Wuning Fort. The guerrilla general Chen Zheng led the guards to fight to the death. On the second day, Langwakou was breached.

The Tatars poured into Wuning Fort, and more than 1,500 soldiers guarding the gate fought to the death.

In this battle, more than 2,000 people of the Suder tribe were killed or injured. Darulhua, the leader of the Suder tribe, was furious and ordered a bloody massacre of Wuning Fort.

Guerrilla general Chen Zhengshen died, and more than 1,500 soldiers were killed and wounded. Hundreds of people in the fort who had no time to escape were massacred. Only dozens of people fought their way out. Wuning Fort was breached, and the Tatar army entered from Wuning Fort.

Pass, like a torrent rushing into Ningxia.

Although spring has entered, the cold wind is still strong in the border areas, blowing on the face like a knife.

A group of soldiers and horses were galloping across the ground at an extremely fast speed, and the banner with the letter "Li" written to the mighty general was fluttering fiercely in the wind.

Obviously, this group of troops broke through Anhua City and put down Li Huan's troops who rebelled against King Anhua with a thunderous force.

After confiscating all the powerful men in Anhua City, Li Huan seized a large amount of grain and grass, including not only the large amounts of grain and grass collected from various places in Qingyang Prefecture after the rebellion of King Anhua, but also the large amount of grain hoarded by the powerful men of Anhua City.

This solved the problem of tens of thousands of soldiers and horses under Li Huan's command.

Originally, Li Huan's tens of thousands of troops still needed to raise food and grass, but they easily captured Anhua City and put down the rebellion of King Anhua. The seizures and confiscated property and food from Anhua City alone were enough to supply Li Huan's men and horses.


In this way, it can be said that Li Huan no longer has any worries. After all, even if the imperial court can raise enough food and grass for a while, it cannot move it to Ningxia at once. After all, the speed of food and grass transportation is definitely not comparable to that of Ningxia.

The traveling speed of Li Huan's cavalry.

After obtaining a large amount of food and grass, they rested in Anhua City for two days, dealt with a group of rebels in Anhua City, and then headed towards the capital city under the leadership of Li Huan.

Through the news from Jin Yiwei and Yang Yiqing, the governor of the three sides who was in Yulin Town, Li Huan already knew that the Tatar army gathered in the capital city and was likely to move south at any time.

Yang Yiqing's letter said that in Yang Yiqing's opinion, since King Anhua was colluding with the Tatars, as long as Dayan Khan was not a fool, he would definitely choose Ningxia as the direction of attack.

Although attacking Ningxia is not the best choice, after all, if the Tatars want to plunder the Kou Pass, they must choose Shanxi and then go south to the capital.

The land of Ningxia is famously barren. The Tatars entering Ningxia are definitely not as good as entering the land of Shanxi and plundering the capital.

However, if you consider that the Tatars want to support King Anhua, then Dayan Khan will definitely choose Ningxia as a breakthrough point, and then support King Anhua to occupy the three areas of Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia.

In fact, Li Huan had already learned from King Anhua's staff that King Anhua had sent Zheng Ping as an envoy to see Dayan Khan and asked Dayan Khan to come south to help him.

So if nothing unexpected happens, Dayan Khan will definitely lead his army towards Anhua City. Let alone Dayan Khan, if he were in Dayan Khan's position, he would do the same thing.

s Choice.

At this time, Li Huan reined in his horses and ordered his soldiers to rest.

The army rested and everything was in order.

A burst of fast horses came galloping, and several figures galloped forward. Judging by their clothes, if nothing unexpected happened, they should be the royal guards from Ningxia.

After verifying his identity, the leader of the Jinyiwei Xiaoqi walked over quickly under the leadership of his personal guard Li Hu. After saluting Li Huan, he said to Li Huan and others: "General, generals, the emergency army

According to the report, the Tatars took the Suder tribe as the vanguard, and Darulhua, the leader of the Suder tribe, led 6,000 strong men to attack Wuning Fort. Wuning Fort was captured by the Tatars yesterday."

Although they had already been mentally prepared, everyone's hearts sank when they suddenly heard that Wuning Fort had been breached.

Li Huan looked at the little flag officer in imperial robes: "Tell me quickly, where are the men and horses of Su'er's tribe now? What are they doing?"

The flag officer of Jinyiwei said solemnly: "Wuning Fort guard Chen Zheng led more than a thousand soldiers to defend Wuning Fort. Although Wuning Fort was breached, it also caused the death and injury of no less than 2,000 people from the Suder tribe. Darulhua

Furious, he ordered the bloody massacre of Wuning Fort. After only one day of training, he led the remaining four thousand troops to slaughter all the villages in sight. It is feared that thousands of people have been killed by him to this day."

Everyone's expressions turned cold when they heard this, especially Li Huan, whose eyes flashed with murderous intent. He suppressed the anger in his heart and looked at the little flag officer.

The little flag officer felt a chill all over his body, and felt that the eyes of everyone looking at him were so cold. He said in his heart: "At dawn, Darul Huazheng led his men to massacre Luming Town. If he didn't come out,

Surprisingly, the other party may not have left Luming Town yet."

Li Huan said in a deep voice: "How far is Luming Town from here?"

The flag official immediately said: "To tell you what my lord, Luming Town is almost fifty miles away from here. If we run fast, we can reach it in an hour at most."

As soon as the flag official finished speaking, Ren Ping, Chen Ang, and Xu Ying stepped forward and said to Li Huan: "My lord, I am asking for a battle. Please allow me to lead my troops to destroy this group of Tatars."


Almost all the more than 1,500 soldiers of the Ming Dynasty in Wuning Fort were killed in the battle. In addition, the Tatars were slaughtered all the way. Even according to what the little flag officer of the Jin Yiwei said, the Sudel tribe was now dozens of miles away.

The people of the Ming Dynasty were slaughtered in every town. As long as there was still some blood, it would be impossible not to react at all.

Li Huan's eyes swept over several people, and he said with murderous intent in his eyes: "There is no need to fight with anyone, I, the general, will lead the people there myself."

As he spoke, Li Huan's eyes fell on Ren Ping and said: "General Ren, you lead a group of troops behind to protect the army's food and grass. The rest of the people will follow me to Luming Town."

Ren Ping had a wry smile on his face after hearing this. He also wanted to lead an army to deal with the Tatars of the Suder tribe. Unexpectedly, Li Huan ordered his general to stay and protect the army's food and fodder.

Looking at Xu Ying, Chen Ang and others with happy expressions on their faces, Ren Ping sighed inwardly. In comparison, he was a veteran in the army and seemed to be the most suitable one to stay.

With such thoughts flashing through his mind, Ren Ping bowed to Li Huan and said, "The last general takes command."

Originally, they were a little worried that Ren Ping would not agree, but when they saw Ren Ping agree, Xu Ying, Chen Ang and others immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and the joy on their faces became even brighter. At the same time, they all bowed their hands to Ren Ping.

: "Thank you for your hard work, General."

The ground shook and smoke billowed. Li Huan took the lead, followed by more than 8,000 cavalrymen, like a torrent.

Luming Town is originally a small town. There are probably hundreds of households in the town and about 2,000 people.

The peaceful and peaceful town in the past was shattered by the Tatar invasion.

When the members of the Sudel tribe entered Luming Town with ferocious looks, the entire Luming Town was suddenly plunged into a bloody storm.

Because the attack on Wuning Fort resulted in the death and injury of more than 2,000 tribesmen, Darulhua, who was furious, directly ordered the massacre of 20,000 Ming people to bury the dead and injured tribesmen warriors.

Along the way, Luming Town was the largest town they encountered. Following Darulhua's order, thousands of Tatars directly flooded Luming Town.

Rape, killing, and robbery were staged in Luming Town, a peaceful town. The people in the town never thought that one day such a disaster would happen.

Seeing their parents, wife, children and young children being killed and ruined by the Tatars, many bloody men roared and rushed forward to fight these Tatars.

It's a pity that these are just ordinary people. Even though some people resisted desperately, it had no effect. In less than an hour, the town of more than 2,000 people turned into a ghost.

Darulhua stood at the entrance of the town under the guard of the most elite warriors of the tribe. Listening to the wails, screams, and begging for mercy of the Han people coming from the town, there was a hint of joy in her eyes.

Isn't the reason why his Suder tribe is fighting for the vanguard position just because they want to advance into the Central Plains to plunder?

What Darulhua didn't expect was that they would suffer such heavy losses in order to break through Wuning Fort, and even the originally high morale of Suder's troops would be greatly affected.

The reason why Darulhua allowed his men to kill and plunder wantonly was not only to vent their hatred and revenge, but also to stabilize people's hearts.

After two days of letting go, Darulhua clearly felt that the originally low morale of the warriors under his clan had been completely restored, and even with the killing, the wild nature in his heart was released.

Darulhua dared to say that even though there were only more than 4,000 men under his command now, the combat effectiveness was not necessarily worse than when he had 6,000 men before.

There is another figure next to Darulhua. It is Zheng Ping and Zheng Wen'an, the special envoy of King Anhua who went to pay homage to Dayan Khan and implore Dayan Khan to lead an army to help King Anhua.

At this moment, Darulhua smiled at Zheng Ping beside him and said: "Mr. Zheng, what do you think of the warriors under my command? Are they braver than those soldiers of the Ming Dynasty?"

Darulhua said with a bit of sigh: "I have to thank you, Mr. Zheng. If you hadn't come up with this idea for me, I'm afraid the military morale of the tribesmen under me would have been lost long ago."

If other people heard this, they would be very shocked. I am afraid no one would have thought that relying on killing to stimulate the evil spirit in the hearts of the soldiers of the Sudel tribe to stabilize the morale of the army. Such a cruel and dehumanizing method was actually given by Zheng Ping.

Darul Flower's idea.

Every time the Tatars killed each other in the past two days, Zheng Ping followed Darulhua and watched with his own eyes every village and town was massacred by the Tatars.

Zheng Ping was like an outsider, as if he had not heard the wails and begging for mercy from the massacred people. He had always been extremely calm, so calm that it was shocking.

Even Darulhua sometimes looked at Zheng Ping with a hint of fear in her eyes, obviously shocked by Zheng Ping's ruthlessness.

Zheng Ping stroked his beard, cupped his hands towards Darul Flower and smiled slightly: "The patriarch's men are all brave men, and now they have been inspired to reveal the murderous nature hidden in their hearts. The idle Ming soldiers are definitely no match for the warriors under the patriarch.


Darulhua laughed loudly when he heard this and said: "Mr. Zheng's idea was the best. If I can take the head of Li Huan's son, I will definitely ask for credit for Mr. Zheng."

Zheng Ping said modestly: "So Zheng, thank you very much, the clan leader."

Suddenly, the sound of horse hooves was heard in the distance, and a member of the Suder tribe was seen galloping towards them.

"Clan Chief, Clan Chief, there are Ming troops coming towards this place."

Before anyone arrived, the shouts had already been heard.

Darulhua couldn't help but look surprised when she heard this. When the man turned over and dismounted, Darulhua stared at him and said, "How many people are here? Do you know whose banner they are?"

Now that they have entered the territory of the Ming Dynasty, there is nothing surprising when they encounter the soldiers and horses of the Ming Dynasty in the territory of the Ming Dynasty.

Darulhua was more concerned about the origin of the person who came. You must know that he was ordered to help King Anhua and deal with the mighty general Li Huan sent by the imperial court.

The man shook his head and said: "There are so many cavalry and many flags, but the characters on the flags are so small that I don't recognize them!"


There are not many Tatars who can read Chinese characters, but most of them are upper-class people. It is strange to say that people at the bottom can read Chinese characters.

Zheng Ping raised his brows, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, but he smoothed his beard and glanced at the man and said: "You must have seen the coming flag, please draw the words on it for me."


The man was stunned, then hesitated, lying on the ground and using his fingers to draw an extremely torquey "Li" character.

Zheng Ping looked at it for a while before he showed a look of surprise, and then he frowned and said with some confusion: "No, this is the banner with the character Li. It is said that in Ningxia, only Li Huan, who was named a mighty general by the emperor, is qualified to fly it.

So many flags are.”

On the other hand, Darulhua's eyes lit up when he heard this and said: "So the person here is that little Li Huan?"

Darulhua didn't think about why Li Huan appeared here. He just thought that this was the opportunity God gave him to perform meritorious service. Originally, he planned to take people to find Li Huan, but he didn't expect that the other party would take the initiative to come to his door.


Without much thought, Darulhua shouted to the guards beside her without hesitation: "Blow the horn and summon the troops."


The desolate horn sound sounded, and at the same time in Luming Town, the Tatars who were venting their animalistic nature were stunned when they heard the horn sound, then they reacted, and then quickly gathered towards the place where the horn sounded.

At this moment, Zheng Ping said to Darulhua with a solemn expression: "Chief Darulhua, please don't be careless. The people Li Huan is commanding are the elites of the Beijing camp..."

Darulhua glanced at Zheng Ping with disdain and said: "So what about the Beijing camp? We are not even afraid of the border troops, so why should we be afraid of a group of Beijing camps that have been raised to waste?"

Even the Tatars know that the most elite soldiers of the Ming Dynasty are undoubtedly the Jiubian soldiers. As for the Beijing camp, almost all of them have been turned into waste.

Zheng Ping hesitated after hearing this, but did not say anything more. In fact, even Zheng Ping did not think that the soldiers and horses from the Beijing camp brought by Li Huan were the opponents of these Tatars who had unleashed their bestiality.

The Beijing camp has been without war for decades and has been turned into a waste. Zheng Ping himself thinks so, so naturally he will not persuade Darulhua again without sense.

However, Zheng Ping still said to Darulhua: "Head of the Darulhua clan, let's make sure first whether the person coming is Li Huan."

If the people who came were really Li Huan's men, what Zheng Ping would be worried about was what was happening to Anhua City now.

Although Zheng Ping did not think that Li Huan could break through Anhua City in such a short period of time, for some reason, Zheng Ping always felt uneasy in his heart.

Don't think Anhua City was attacked.

Such thoughts flashed across his mind inexplicably, but they were quickly suppressed by Zheng Ping.

On the other hand, Darulhua on the side noticed the change in Zheng Ping's expression, and just glanced at Zheng Ping strangely. She didn't think much about it, and quickly focused her attention on the gathered clan members.

It seemed that after a lot of killing and venting, these people were all stained with blood, and the murderous aura had not dissipated. Although many people looked disheveled, the evil aura was getting stronger and stronger.

At a glance, people can tell that these people are desperadoes and not easy to mess with.

Seeing this scene, Darulhua couldn't help but glance at Zheng Ping, and felt that the idea Zheng Ping gave him was really a good idea.

When morale is low, then let your subordinates go and kill the people of Ming Dynasty to vent their anger, and morale will soon be restored.

With a bit of surprise, Darulhua sighed as if he had discovered some huge secret: "No wonder in the history of the Han people, there are always people who massacre cities to stimulate the morale of their soldiers. This method is really effective."

Zheng Ping glanced at Darul Hua in surprise. He didn't quite understand what Darul Hua was doing. However, he didn't know that Darul Hua had already considered killing the people of Ming Dynasty in the future because of his suggestion.

Come to boost the morale of your men.

The ground shook slightly, and a cloud of smoke appeared in the distance. A group of cavalry was faintly visible in the smoke, roaring towards them.

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