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Chapter 263 The Daming scribe who secretly met with Dayan Khan

Cai Changming's expression changed slightly, but he still faced Rudal's gaze and said, "Master Wanhu, the army is about to be defeated. Please run away."

Rudar couldn't help but be stunned when he heard this, and then shouted angrily at Cai Changming: "You bastard, you dare to disturb the morale of our army, come on, behead this man for me..."

As Rudar finished speaking, two extremely strong Tatar warriors stepped forward and tore Cai Changming off his horse.

Cai Changming fell to the ground in a state of embarrassment, especially since he was pinned to the ground by those two people. He might be beheaded at any time.

However, at this moment Cai Changming shouted loudly: "Master Wanhu, I have not shaken the morale of the army. You have also heard, sir, that the Ming army shouted the news of your death..."

Rudar stared at Cai Changming fiercely and shouted: "So what? How could I, a prairie man, believe Mingren's nonsense? It is simply wishful thinking to mess with the morale of our military based on those rumors."

As he said this, Rudar looked at Cai Changming with disdain.

Cai Changming was originally sent by Dayan Khan to follow him and make suggestions for him and Mutai, but Rudar, Mutai and the others despised Cai Changming from the bottom of their hearts. Generally speaking, they were noncommittal to Cai Changming's suggestions.

Just listen, if you don't want to hear it just pretend you didn't hear it.

Looking at Cai Changming condescendingly, Rudar sneered and said: "If you mess with our military morale, you will be dealt with according to military law. Even if you go to the Great Khan, I can give you an explanation."

When Cai Changming heard this, his expression changed and he said loudly: "Where is Lord Wanhu's commanding flag? If there is your commanding flag, then naturally no one will believe the rumors of the Ming army.

Li Huan is watching and has already ordered people to put away the flag. In this case, Lord Wanhu, think about it. When our soldiers heard the rumors of the Ming army and couldn't see your flag, what would they do?

Don’t you believe the Ming army’s rumors?”

Rudal, Humu and others, who had not taken Cai Changming seriously at first, suddenly changed their expressions.

After looking at each other, whether it was Rudal or Humu, although they were a little reckless, it didn't mean they were fools.

If they really didn't even have this knowledge, they wouldn't be able to sit in high positions.

They just didn't think of this before, but after Cai Changming reminded them, they immediately realized the seriousness of the problem Cai Changming reminded.

"Quickly, raise the general's flag quickly, and at the same time everyone shouts in unison, telling everyone that I am still here, don't believe the words of the Ming army."

As Rudal gave the order, the flag that had been knocked down was immediately erected. At the same time, hundreds of Tatar warriors following Rudal shouted in unison.

It's just that Rudar's reaction can at most affect some nearby Tatars, which can be regarded as stabilizing the minds of some people.

It's a pity that the Tatars further away have already lost their minds, and it can be said that the morale of the army is in great chaos.

In addition, Li Huan ran rampant like a murderous god, killing all the Tatars in the army, and completely disrupted the Tatar formation.

The morale of a large number of Tatars collapsed and they fell into chaos under the attack of the Ming army. Many Tatars even lost the will to fight and subconsciously turned around and wanted to escape.

The first was followed by the second, and when a large number of Tatars fled, the rout occurred.

Li Huan, who was in the middle of a killing spree, noticed such a situation and didn't know that the opportunity was coming. He immediately shouted loudly, and with Li Huan's roar, Ren Ping, Chen Ang and other generals in charge of commanding the troops immediately seized the opportunity.

This rare opportunity, a sudden rush, completely crushed the Tatar people's last will to resist.

Once a great defeat occurs, even Dayan Khan's personal visit may not be able to reverse the situation.

Although Rudar said that he had stabilized some people, compared to the defeated army, it was only a very small number of people. Under such circumstances, it was simply a delusion to expect that few people to be able to stabilize the army.

Defeats are contagious, and many Tatar soldiers who had no idea what was going on were swept up by the defeated army and immediately became part of the fleeing army.

As the saying goes, a defeat is like a mountain falling, and tens of thousands of Tatar cavalry were defeated like this.

Rudar, Humu and others in the distance clearly saw this scene, especially when they saw the defeated soldiers rolling back and attacking their own military formation. They all looked at each other with shock on their faces.

"How could this happen, how could this happen..."

"We are clearly outnumbered, so why were we suddenly defeated?"

Both Rudar and Hu Mu looked stupidly at the defeat of the army.

Cai Changming, who was pinned to the ground, suddenly broke free and shouted at Rudal, Humu and others: "Master Wanhu, the overall situation has been decided. The defeat is still irreversible. For this plan, we must save our lives."

For your sake, Master Wanhu, please take the people to escape immediately."

After Cai Changming shouted this, Rudal and others reacted.

Rudar looked at Cai Changming with a grateful face and said tremblingly: "Sir, yes, sir, run away. Let's run away immediately. We must not be targeted by that Li Huan."

At this moment, Cai Changming even said to Rudar: "Please order Master Wanhu to put down the commander's flag immediately to avoid attracting the attention of the Ming army. Once Master Wanhu is targeted by the Ming army, I am afraid he will try to escape.

It’s hard to be born.”

Rudal looked at the high-flying handsome flag and immediately shuddered. He shouted almost instinctively: "What are you still staring at? Didn't you hear what Mr. Cai said? Put down the handsome flag quickly."

When those few soldiers heard this, they instinctively lowered the commander's flag. It was really a commander-in-chief who succeeded or failed.

As Rudar led hundreds of his own soldiers to flee in embarrassment, especially Rudar's rout directly caused the Tatar army of nearly 10,000 people to be leaderless and without the command of their generals, the army completely collapsed.

Originally, if Rudar and other Tatar generals could stand up and gather the defeated troops, they might not be able to gather part of the defeated troops. Even if this battle was a huge defeat, the defeat would not be so miserable.

It's just that Li Huan left such a deep impression on Rudar and others that they were so frightened that they didn't dare to confront Li Huan, or even stay, for fear that they would be targeted by Li Huan and step on the wooden platform.

Follow in the footsteps.

The completely defeated Tatar army naturally became the target of the Ming army's pursuit. For a moment, the Ming army galloping on horseback could be seen shooting a Tatar off his horse or knocking him off his horse. It was completely one-sided.

of massacre.

Li Huan rushed to the front as always. Looking at the defeated Tatar army, he couldn't help but smile on his face.

This victory was beyond Li Huan's expectation. He originally thought that he would go through a fierce battle, but he never expected that it would end up like this.

"I really didn't expect that this battle would be won so easily."

Xu Ying, who had been chasing the Tatars not far away from Li Huan, was also following Li Huan at this moment, and happened to hear Li Huan's emotion.

Hearing this, Xu Ying couldn't help but look at Li Huan with awe and reverence and said: "The victory of this battle is all due to the invincible bravery of the general, who frightened the enemy so much that the enemy commander did not dare to meet the general. Thinking about the past overlord

Xiang Yu is invincible, just like a general."

In Xu Ying's view, the battle between Li Huan and his army against the Tatars was completely head-on, with no tactics or tricks. He relied on his invincible force to defeat the enemy.


Looking at the history of China for thousands of years, the generals on the battlefield can be roughly divided into the war faction and the brave warrior faction. Among them, the representative of the war faction is like the soldier Han Xin, while the brave warrior faction is like the former overlord Xiang Yu.

One relies on strategy to win the final victory in a war, while the other relies on one's own bravery to win the war.

Xu Ying was born in the lineage of the Duke's family, so he naturally knew this, so in Xu Ying's view, Li Huan was a representative of the brave warrior faction like the overlord Xiang Yu.

It is said that a man with great ingenuity can plan a victory thousands of miles away, but by relying on his own invincible bravery, he can still be invincible and conquer all attacks.

In several battles, Li Huan always rushed forward and killed the enemy. He relied on his own bravery to kill the enemy and his morale collapsed. This was completely the path of the brave warrior faction.

Li Huan couldn't help laughing after hearing Xu Ying's words and said: "The courage of an overlord is unparalleled throughout the ages. How can Li compare with it?"

This world is a world of martial arts practice. It is conceivable that under such a background, Xiang Yu, the overlord who is famous throughout the ages and is called the unparalleled overlord of all ages, is so strong.

Although Li Huan said that his strength was not bad, and even dared to say that there was almost no one in the world who could defeat him, he did not dare to say that he could compare with the Overlord Xiang Yu.

Of course, Li Huan is not belittling himself. When Overlord was at his peak, he was nearly thirty years old, and now he is only in his early twenties. The future is limitless. At the moment, he is indeed not as good as Overlord Xiang Yu, but give him another ten years.

, even if the overlord is resurrected, Li Huan still dares to fight him.

A large number of Tatar troops here either surrendered or were killed by the Ming soldiers who were chasing them. Rudar, Humu and others who escaped first only listened to the shouts of death coming from behind, fearing that they would be killed by the murderer.

Ordinary Li Huan was caught up by his subordinates and almost ran away without his life.

I don't know how long I ran away, but suddenly a group of cavalry came towards me from the front.


The desolate horn sound suddenly woke up Rudal, Humu and others. When they came back to their senses and saw that the oncoming team was their own team, everyone felt relieved.

The first person to clear the way was the strong man Agula who was accompanying Dayan Khan. At this time, Agula was dressed in armor, with a long bow on his back and a spear in his hand, and he was majestically clearing the way.

Agula couldn't help but be stunned for a moment when he saw Rudar, Toraki and the others, especially when he saw Rudar who looked panicked. Agula drove his horse forward and saluted Rudar with some doubts.

: "I've met Mr. Wanhu."

Although Agula is a powerful person among the Tatars, compared to Rudar, who is the leader of a tribe and an official of ten thousand households, Agula's status is still a little lower.

Therefore, when meeting Rudal, Agula still has to pay respects to Rudal.

Seeing Agula, Rudar did not dare to exaggerate. He squeezed out a smile and nodded towards Agula: "It's General Agula. Where is the Great Khan? I want to see the Great Khan."

Agula glanced at Rudar in surprise and said: "The Great Khan is among the central army. If Wanhu wants to see the Great Khan, I can send someone to take Wanhu there."

Agula said with a smile on his face, glanced at the people following Rudar and said: "Could it be that Wanhu has killed the mighty general of the Ming army and won the victory, giving our army a good start?"


Agula followed Dayan Khan and was also influenced by the Han family.

Rudar's expression changed slightly when he heard this. He took a deep breath and did not answer. Instead, he said to Agula: "General Agula, please send someone to take me to see the Great Khan."

Agula recruited a subordinate and asked him to take Rudar to see Dayan Khan. However, Humu and others only had a dozen soldiers allowed to follow Rudar, and the rest stayed behind.

A luxurious carriage was slowly moving forward surrounded by a large army. This carriage, which looked like a big house, was clearly Dayan Khan's vehicle.

The Tatars on the grassland were obviously deeply influenced by the Han family. As the co-owner of the Tatars, Dayan Khan naturally could not ride a horse like ordinary people when traveling, so he had such a large carriage that showed his noble status.

The carriage was surrounded by a team of golden-armored guards, guarding the carriage watertight. There were many flags, fluttering in the wind.

In the carriage, Dayan Khan was sitting on his knees. The faint scent of sandalwood filled the air and the creaking sound of the carriage did not affect Dayan Khan who was playing chess with a blue-shirted scribe in the carriage.

Dayan Khan raised his hand and dropped a chess piece. A slight smile appeared on his slightly rough cheeks and he said to the green-shirted scribe opposite: "Mr. Wenzhi came to see me this time, but what's the matter?"

The scribe in blue shirt also dropped a chess piece. Hearing this, he smiled slightly, stroked his beard, looked up at Dayan Khan with a calm expression and said: "Have the Great Khan ever thought about how far he would go when he went south?


Dayan Khan raised his brows, glanced at the scribe in blue and said, "Of course we have to fight to the capital and take Li Huan's head before withdrawing his troops."

The blue-shirted scribe praised: "The Great Khan is so courageous. He led his army to the capital in the past. In the following decades, no foreigners set foot in the capital. The Great Khan actually wanted to recreate the grand occasion of the ancient invasion of the capital.

I admire you greatly."

As the scribe in green shirt dropped a chess piece, he changed his voice and said: "It's a pity that things are different now. In the past, there were too many coincidences that the Wala army was able to kill the capital. Now that the Great Khan wants to kill the capital, I'm afraid

It’s not that easy.”

Dayan Khan looked at the blue-shirted scribe with a half-smile, casually threw a handful of chess pieces on the chessboard and said, "Yes, the Ming Dynasty is very powerful. Even though I have a large army in hand, I can't guarantee that I can kill the capital."

But Dayan Khan suddenly stared at the blue-shirted scribe again and said: "I was thinking about how to kill the capital before. After all, this was something that was impossible to achieve. Now that I saw Mr. Wenzhi, I suddenly felt

A little more sure.”

Although the blue-shirted scribe had always been very calm in front of Dayan Khan, he was stared at by Dayan Khan at this moment, and he suddenly felt like he was being seen through.

As a celebrity, Du Zhi asked himself what kind of people he had seen, and no one could make him lose his composure. But at this moment, in front of Dayan Khan, Du Zhi felt great pressure for the first time.

Du Zhi secretly sighed in his heart, he was indeed a heroic figure on the grassland, and he really lived up to his reputation. However, under normal circumstances, when the people of the Ming Dynasty saw such a heroic figure born on the grassland, they would definitely be afraid at the first moment.

However, Du Zhi didn't have any worries in his heart. Instead, he felt faintly excited and hopeful.

It’s better if Dayan Khan is strong enough. It’s best if he can really kill the land of Gyeonggi as he said. If Dayan Khan can really kill the land of Gyeonggi, the world will definitely be shocked.

At that time, as the culprit of everything, Li Huan, who massacred the Tatar tribe and provoked the revenge of the Tatars, would definitely be accused by thousands of people in the world. Only death can calm the anger of the officials in the court.

The anger of the people.

Thinking of this, Du Zhi became more and more confident about the purpose of his coming here.

However, Du Zhi smiled slightly and said: "The Great Khan was joking. I am just here to give the Great Khan a gift on behalf of my master."

Dayan Khan just glanced at Du Zhi, nodded slightly and said, "Yes, Mr. Wenzhi is indeed just here to give me a gift."

As he spoke, Dayan Khan looked at Du Zhi.

Being stared at by Dayan Khan, Du Zhi took a deep breath, suppressed the turmoil in his heart, and slowly pulled out a sealed letter from his sleeve and handed it to Dayan Khan.

Dayan Khan took the secret letter, glanced at the sealed fire paint, opened it in front of Du Zhi, took out the letter and read it.

Scanning the contents of the letter, Dayan Khan's eyes suddenly condensed, and a bright light flashed in the depths of his eyes. He couldn't help but look up at Du Zhi and said: "Your Majesty, I really wish that the mighty general died without mercy."

Burial place."

Du Zhi just chuckled and said, "Why can't I understand what the Great Khan said?"

Dayan Khan couldn't help laughing when he heard this and said: "Yes, yes, I didn't say anything, and you don't know anything either."

At this moment, a deep voice came from outside the carriage and said: "Great Khan, Rudar, the official of ten thousand households, wants to see you."

Hearing this, Du Zhi said to Dayan Khan: "My master's gift has been delivered to me, so I will take my leave."

Dayan Khan nodded slightly and watched Du Zhi get out of the carriage and ordered his guards: "Send someone to send Mr. Wenzhi away. We must ensure that Mr. Wenzhi leaves safely."

After giving these instructions, Dayan Khan's eyes were fixed and he handed the letter in his hand to an old lama in the carriage who never said a word.

The old lama was sitting there wearing a long robe. He looked old, but actually he was only forty or fifty years old if you looked carefully. Especially his eyes were shining with wisdom. He had almost no sense of presence before, but when he took the letter and glanced at him,

When I saw the content of the letter, a terrifying aura suddenly burst out from my body, as if I had turned into another person in an instant.

Dayan Khan didn't seem to notice the change in the old lama's expression. He sat upright and said toward the outside of the carriage: "Let Rudar come to see me."

Soon Rudar got on the carriage, then he knelt down respectfully and bowed to Dayan Khan and said in a trembling voice: "Rudar pays homage to the Great Khan and asks the Great Khan to forgive me."

Dayan Khan couldn't help but frown when he heard this, and his eyes fell on Rudar who was lying on the ground, as if he wanted to see through Rudar.

But Rudal, who was lying on the ground, felt as if there was a light on his back, and his heart was extremely nervous.

He and Mutai received the order of the vanguard and served as the vanguard of the army. However, they returned in defeat. Even Mutai lost his life. Seeing Dayan Khan now, it's strange that Rudar wasn't nervous.


Dayan Khan was not a kind person. Back then, he had witnessed Dayan Khan ordering the massacre of more than a dozen tribal chiefs who refused to surrender to him.

Now that he was defeated, it was not impossible for Dayan Khan to order his death.

Just when Rudar was panicking, Dayan Khan's voice sounded: "So you and Mutai were defeated by the Ming army? Doesn't it mean that reinforcements have arrived?"

In Dayan Khan's view, unless the Ming army comes with reinforcements, if Rudar and Mutai command an army of 20,000, and face Li Huan's more than 10,000 cavalry, even if they cannot completely destroy the opponent, they can at least maintain their strength.


Looking at Rudar's frightened look now, he must have experienced a major defeat. Needless to say, reinforcements from the Ming army must have arrived.

After waving his hand, Dayan Khan said to Rudar: "Get up and speak. Tell this Khan how many reinforcements the Ming army has come, how many soldiers and horses you and Mutai have lost or injured, and where is Mutai's leader stationed now?"

After hearing Dayan Khan's words, Rudar broke out in a cold sweat and did not dare to get up. Apparently Dayan Khan had misunderstood and thought they had just experienced a defeat. At this time, Mutai even led troops to confront the Ming army.

But the fact is that the 20,000-strong army, including Mutai, was almost wiped out, and he was the only one who escaped with hundreds of people.

But how should he speak about such a thing, and how should he inform Dayan Khan.

Dayan Khan didn't know about the tragic defeat yet. If he spoke later, Dayan Khan would definitely be angry. I just don't know if Dayan Khan would chop off his head in anger.

Thinking of this, Rudar lay down in front of Dayan Khan, trembling all over, cold sweat dripping on the blanket.

Rudar's abnormal reaction was naturally seen in Dayan Khan's eyes. Even the old lama who had been sitting silently by the side noticed Rudar's abnormal reaction and cast a concerned look at him.

Dayan Khan saw Rudar's expression in his eyes, and he didn't know why he had a vague feeling in his heart.

Taking a deep breath, Dayan Khan suddenly shouted in a deep voice: "Rudar, tell Ben Khan, what exactly happened?"

Rudal, who was lying there shivering, softened when he heard this and almost fainted.

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