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Chapter 275 Wang Yangming rushes into the formation

Popular recommendations: Emperor’s arrival in Hongmeng: Beast Control: The pet beast is just for me to bond with

Among the desolate official roads, a village can be vaguely seen in the distance, but this village is silent and deserted.

Because the Tatars moved south, from the area from Qingyang Mansion to Wuning Fort, all the people of the Ming Dynasty who could leave had already fled.

The people living in this land are very aware of the ferocity of the Tatars, and they commit all kinds of crimes including burning, killing, and looting.

Because of this, after hearing the news that the Tatars were going south, most people had already left with their families, so that many villages were immediately deserted.

At this time, there was a rapid sound of horse hooves, and in the distant wilderness, figures were seen riding towards them.

The leaders of the group knew they were high-ranking figures among the Tatars just by looking at their attire. Behind these people were dark, slightly embarrassed figures.

Needless to say, these people are naturally Tatars, but looking at the embarrassed appearance of each of these people, it is obvious that they came at a high speed.

I heard a man on the horse say to the man next to him: "Azar, how long will it take for us to find the Great Khan's team?"

The man called Azar was a burly Khan, and just by looking at his stature, you could tell that he was powerful in force.

At this time, Azar heard the words and said to the person who spoke: "Chief Muze, according to the information we have gathered, the Great Khan's team is more than ten miles ahead. In at least half an hour, we can find the Great Khan.


The man called Muze turned out to be the chief of a Tatar tribe, although the Zhaleng tribe was only a tribe of more than 2,000 people and was inconspicuous on the prairie.

But after all, Mu Ze is also the leader of a tribe, isn't he, so Azar is quite polite to Mu Ze.

In fact, the two of them were not old acquaintances, but because they had the same encounter and both came to look for Dayan Khan's traces, they walked together on the road.

Not only Mu Ze, Azar and the others, but the people around them and even behind them looked completely dark at first glance. There were thousands of people in total.

These people were all Tatars who fled from the grassland because of Li Huan's killing spree.

These Tatars who were lucky enough to escape wanted to cut Li Huan into pieces, but all their tribes were slaughtered by Li Huan. Even if they wanted to seek revenge on Li Huan, they could not do it themselves.

The only thing that can be done is to follow the footsteps of Dayan Khan's army going south to find Dayan Khan and place his hope on Dayan Khan.

Azar glanced at the people around him. Among them were Tatar dignitaries and prairie warriors with military powers. However, they all suffered the same fate. They all had their tribes slaughtered by Li Huan.

When he thought of Li Huan, Azar couldn't help but have a look of solemnity and fear in his eyes.

As a warrior in the tribe, he can't say that he is invincible in defeating the entire tribe with his martial arts. However, even if he encounters more than a dozen jackals on the grassland, he can kill them.

But when he saw Li Huan charging into the battle and sweeping through everything, Azar was so frightened that he didn't even have the courage to swing his sword at Li Huan.

He once watched with his own eyes his former partner who was no less powerful than him rushed towards Li Huan, only to be blown away by Li Huan with a casual blow. When he saw the situation, he was so frightened that he turned around and ran away. Only then was he lucky enough to save his life.

"We must find the Great Khan. Only the Great Khan can avenge everyone."

With such thoughts flashing through his mind, Azar whipped the horse under him hard. Although the horse under him was already exhausted, Azar didn't care about the horse power at this moment. It was only a dozen miles long anyway.

The distance can reach the location of the Great Khan's army.

Just when Azar, Muze and others were running towards the direction of Dayan Khan's army, groups of elites sent out by Dayan Khan were blocking the southward direction from Wuning Fort.

As the general of Dayan Khan's army, Gilgiris received Dayan Khan's military order and strictly blocked news from the north. Whenever tribesmen from the north arrived, he would stop them and keep strict guard on them.

In the past few days, Gilgiris has stopped dozens or hundreds of tribesmen who came from the grassland in a hurry. From these tribesmen from various tribes, Gilgiris already knew what was happening on the grassland.

Although Gilgiris was worried about the safety of his relatives and friends, after all, the Great Khan had orders, so he honestly followed Dayan Khan's orders to stop these people and keep them under guard to prevent them from spreading the news.

Come on.

Suddenly, Gilgilis heard the sound of horse hoofbeats, especially the sound of horse hoofbeats, which was not small in scale. Gilgilis' expression became solemn.

Soon, Gilgelis saw a crowd of black people approaching. While being frightened, Gilgelis hurriedly went to greet them.

"Who is coming? Stop and dismount!"

When he saw clearly that it was one of his own people on the other side, Gilgiris breathed a sigh of relief and at the same time shouted loudly to Azar, Mu Ze and others.

Similarly, when Azar, Mu Ze and others saw Gilgiris and others opposite, their eyes lit up, as if they saw a savior.

Every one of them was frightened out of their wits by Li Huan, and they were in a state of panic. Now that they saw the soldiers and horses under Dayan Khan, at least their fears were relieved.

Mu Ze drove his horse forward and said to Gilgiris: "General, take us to see the Great Khan quickly. The Ming army is massacring people on the grassland. I don't know how many tribesmen have been poisoned by the Ming army."

"Yes, we want to see the Great Khan."

"We want to ask the Great Khan to avenge us."

"God damn Li Huan, damn the Ming army, the Great Khan must avenge us."

Suddenly, everyone was talking to each other, and everything was in chaos. Many people even drove their horses forward, directly scattering dozens of Gilgiris's men.

"Stop all of you, stop all of you..."

Gilgelis never expected that he would encounter so many people at once this time. You must know that before, they could only stop a team of a dozen people at most.

But this time, the scale of Azar, Mu Ze and others was really too big, with as many as a thousand people.

So many people came from at least a dozen tribes. It was precisely because these people were far behind that they were able to gather together on the road and form a team of thousands of people.

Now Gilgiris is trying hard to stop these people, but the team of thousands of people has their own ideas, and coupled with the chaos, only a few people nearby can really hear Gilgiris's shouts.

"Everyone stop, the Khan has an order..."

It's a pity that no matter how loud Gilgiris shouted, he couldn't stop everyone's progress. In the blink of an eye, a group of people passed Gilgiris's team of dozens of people and rushed towards the Tatar camp in the distance.

Seeing the people retreating, Gilgiris was shocked. Although there were patrols ahead, their area was divided into several waves. The number of people in each wave was about the same as the number of his men, so they could not stop them at all.

These tribesmen live here.

"No, the news must be reported to the Khan immediately."

Apparently Gilgiris has realized that the bad news coming from the grassland this time cannot be concealed.

Gritting his teeth, Gilgelis galloped away on horseback.

With a bang, Dayan Khan slammed a teacup on a general who was kneeling in front of him. The scalding tea only made him scream in agony.

"Trash, it's all rubbish. Who let those people into the camp? Don't you know that I, the Khan, had already issued an order not to let anyone from the grasslands enter the army?"

Gilgiris endured the severe pain caused by the scalding tea, lay on the ground and trembled towards Dayan Khan: "Great Khan, you can't stop me. Those people come from several tribes that were slaughtered by Li Huan, and there are enough of them."

There are thousands of people, so many people are coming together, how can we stop them..."

When Dayan Khan heard this, he immediately roared: "Trash, even if we kill them all, we can't let them enter the camp..."

The face of Gilgiris lying on the ground was full of bitterness. Although Dayan Khan sent no less than thousands of people to block the news, the thousands of people were divided into dozens or hundreds of teams scattered within a radius of hundreds of miles.

How can a small group of people in a small area stop a team of thousands of people?

You must know that even so, sporadic people from various tribes from the grasslands still arrive at the camp from time to time.

The news has spread sporadically, but because Dayan Khan ordered it to be strictly prohibited from spreading, and there are not enough witnesses, most Tatars actually don't believe it.

After venting his anger, Dayan Khan took a deep breath and was about to speak when he suddenly saw a figure breaking into the tent.

Adatu Meng, dressed in armor, strode in, glanced at Gilgiris lying on the ground subconsciously, and then said to Dayan Khan: "Great Khan, it's not good, a group of people just came outside the camp, Gao

They called for an audience with the Great Khan, especially when they told everything about Li Huan leading his army on a killing spree on the prairie. Now the news has spread among the army..."

Dayan Khan, whose anger had not dissipated yet, heard this and shouted angrily: "Why didn't you stop them?"

Adatu took a deep breath and said, "Unless we kill all those thousands of people in a short period of time, we won't be able to stop them at all."

As he spoke, Adatu smiled bitterly and said: "The most important thing is that in front of so many generals in the army, especially many of them are relatives of the soldiers, even if they order to kill these people, I am afraid they will be punished by the army."

The resistance of the soldiers..."

Dayan Khan couldn't help but frown, let out a long breath, and said to Gilgiris lying on the ground: "Get out."

Gilgiris quickly bowed to Dayan Khan as if he had been granted amnesty, and then withdrew.

Except for your old lama, there were only a few people left in the big tent. At this moment, Dayan Khan sighed softly and said: "I know that even if I block the news with all my strength, there will be a time when it cannot be blocked.

, I just didn’t expect this day to come so quickly.”

As he spoke, Dayan Khan said to Han Yu who was sitting there: "Mr. Han, what are the preparations for the retreat of the army? When can we withdraw to the grassland?"

After learning the news about Li Huan's rampage on the prairie, Dayan Khan's first thought was that Li Huan only had more than 10,000 people, which was enough to deal with small tribes, but if he encountered a large tribe, he would definitely be wiped out by the big tribe.

There is no need to take Li Huan's troops seriously.

In fact, Dayan Khan's original arrangement was not to withdraw to the grassland, but to recall Tulu Borot, Oirat and other troops to return, concentrate their forces, and strive to defeat the main Ming army where Wang Yangming was stationed.

As long as Wang Yangming's elite troops were severely damaged in the first battle, even if Li Huan's troops went on a killing spree on the prairie, the Tatars would not suffer.

But not long ago, the news brought by several people who escaped from the big tribe forced Dayan Khan to pay attention to Li Huan's tens of thousands of troops.

It was also from that time that Dayan Khan began to order people to arrange the retreat.

It just involves the retreat of hundreds of thousands of troops, which involves all aspects. It is by no means as simple as just saying retreat.

If there is no perfect retreat plan, if anything goes wrong during the retreat, the Ming army will definitely pounce on them and bite them hard.

Even worse, if the retreat does not go smoothly, a huge defeat will be waiting for them.

As Dayan Khan's think tank, Han Yu was one of the people responsible for arranging the retreat. At this time, he looked straight at Dayan Khan and said: "Great Khan, the retreat has been arranged, and the troops behind the scenes have been prepared."

We are ready, and the army can march out in an orderly manner at any time as soon as the Great Khan gives the order."

Dayan Khan couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief after hearing this. He was afraid that if the bad news spread and the army's morale was in chaos, the retreat had not been arranged yet. In that case, if the Ming army launched a large-scale attack, the entire army might be defeated.

Now that he heard Han Yu say that he could retreat at any time, Dayan Khan breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Dayan Khan glanced at the old lama sitting next to him and said, "What do you think, Master?"

The old lama put his hands together and saluted Dayan Khan and said, "It all depends on the Great Khan to make the decision."

Dayan Khan gritted his teeth and said: "Then I will send you an order to withdraw the entire army to the grassland."

As he spoke, a fierce look flashed in Dayan Khan's eyes and he said: "I will lead an army to capture that Li Huan, and I will kill him with my own hands."

After wasting so much energy and consuming a huge amount of food, hundreds of thousands of troops marched south to Africa but failed to achieve any results. In the end, Li Huan ran to the prairie and massacred everyone. This made Dayan Khan wish he could kill Li Huan.

Cut the corpse into thousands of pieces.

If Li Huan stood in front of Dayan Khan, Dayan Khan would definitely fight with Li Huan.

When Han Yu and others heard this, they bowed to Dayan Khan with solemn expressions and said, "We will take the order."

Soon the order for the army to retreat was passed to the top generals in an orderly manner.

As the third son of Dayan Khan, Urus Borot was looking at the order to retreat in his hand, and said solemnly to the dozen generals in front of him: "Everyone, the Great Khan has ordered that the entire army retreat.

And we, as the rear army, will guard the rear of the army and prevent the Ming army from taking the opportunity to pursue. It can be said that whether the army can successfully withdraw to the grassland depends on whether we can stop the Ming army. Do you have the confidence to protect the army and have a clear rear path?"

"Your Highness, please rest assured. We will do our best to protect the army from retreating smoothly."

"We will live up to the Great Khan's high expectations."

All the generals explained and shouted loudly, full of fighting spirit.

Urus Borot laughed loudly and said: "Okay, you are indeed a man of my grassland. I, the prince, will work with everyone to stop the Ming army."

"Your Highness is mighty, Your Highness is mighty."

There were not many men under Ulus Borod's command, with a total of more than ten thousand men. Although it was less than the hundreds of thousands of Tatar troops, after the tens of thousands of troops were cut off, it was no longer a small number.

Here, the Ming army camp was slowly advancing towards the Tatar army under the auspices of Wang Yangming. It could be said that they were moving step by step without any confusion. They were pressing forward little by little, adding a bit of pressure silently.

Naturally, the movements on Wang Yangming's side could not be hidden from the Tatars. Dayan Khan and others also knew that Wang Yangming's actions must be to cooperate with Li Huan on the grassland to put pressure on them.

For this reason, Dayan Khan sent more than one wave of troops to try to attack the Ming army camp.

Unfortunately, under Wang Yangming's control, the Ming army's firearms, infantry, and cavalry cooperated seamlessly, and coupled with the slowly advancing camp, they did not give the Tatars the slightest chance.

The Tatars originally wanted to break the mountainous pressure of the Ming army by charging into the formation, but in the end, they were smashed in front of the Ming army's camp as stable as Mount Tai, and more than a thousand of their horses were damaged.

Now the Ming army's camp has advanced to ten miles away from the Tatar camp. Compared with the hundreds of thousands of troops on both sides, this distance is almost face to face.

If any side's troops and horses are dispatched, they can enter the opponent's camp within half an hour at most, and a war may break out at any time.

In this case, both sides monitor each other's movements around the clock, and any slightest movement will alert the top management of both parties.

The slightest movement from the Tatar side immediately alerted Wang Yangming and others who were stationed in the camp.

Seeing the military report coming, Wang Yangming stood up suddenly, his eyes flashing and couldn't help but laugh: "Okay, okay, the Tatars are finally about to withdraw, and our opportunity has come."

In the big tent, Qi Zhen, Shen Buyi and other civil and military generals were all cheered up after hearing this.

After learning about Li Huan's killing spree on the prairie, everyone had been looking forward to the news of the Tatar army's retreat.

However, as the Tatars blocked the news, even though they worked hard to spread the news of Li Huan's attack on the prairie, the hundreds of thousands of Tatar troops were still as stable as Mount Tai, which clearly demonstrated the strength of Dayan Khan's army.

However, everyone also knew that the Tatars would either fight to the death with them and defeat them in one battle, or they would retreat to the grassland before the morale of the army was in chaos.

The previous several attacks by the Tatars were a precursor to a desperate attempt by the Tatars. However, under the command of Wang Yangming, they not only blocked the Tatars' attack, but also gave the Tatars a blow in the head.

Dayan Khan did not dare to underestimate them anymore.

Now that the Tatars have finally chosen to retreat, everyone knows what this means.

Pairs of eyes turned to Wang Yangming who was sitting there.

Wang Yangming looked at everyone with a smile, and said with a sparkle in his eyes: "Everyone, my Ming Dynasty is not like the Tatars who can come and leave whenever they want. The general has completed his mission perfectly, so the next step is for us to perform

It’s time.”

"I will obey the orders of the Governor."

All the generals explained and shouted at Wang Yangming with great excitement.

Wang Yangming looked solemn and glanced over the group of people and said: "What should we do next? The governor has made arrangements before. Everyone has their own duties. Now everyone returns to the army and takes action."

All the generals bowed to Wang Yangming, then turned around and strode away. Soon there were noises and roars in the camp, and soldiers and horses left the camp in an orderly manner.

At this time, Wang Yangming put on a suit of armor, holding a spear in his hand, and got on his horse under the astonished gazes of Shen Buyi and other civil servants.

"Grand Governor, you...what are you doing?"

As the commander of the army, Wang Yangming should be in charge of the central army at this time, but looking at Wang Yangming's posture, it is clear that he wants to charge into the battle.

Wang Yangming said calmly: "As the commander-in-chief of an army, I should be responsible for boosting the morale of the army."

Shen Buyi couldn't help but said anxiously: "The commander-in-chief is the commander-in-chief of an army, and his safety is as important as a mountain. How can he rush forward like a reckless man? If something happens, who can be responsible..."

Wang Yangming laughed and said: "I am not a weak scholar with no strength. I can personally lead the army to pursue the Tatars and have control of the army at any time. This camp will be commanded by Councilors Shen."

While speaking, Wang Yangming roared at the thousands of elite cavalry behind him: "Soldiers, please follow me to kill the enemy!"

"The Governor is mighty, the Governor is mighty!"

It has to be said that Wang Yangming, the army commander, personally charged into the battle, and how much impact it had on the morale of the Ming army can be seen just by looking at the high fighting spirit of these soldiers.

Wang Yangming listened to the roar in his ears and couldn't help laughing: "The Ming army is mighty, the Ming Dynasty is mighty."

"The Ming army is mighty, the Ming Dynasty is mighty!"

Suddenly, shouts arose, and hundreds of thousands of troops shouted in unison. The sound resounded through the sky and spread throughout a radius of more than ten miles.

Urus Borot led more than 10,000 fine cavalry under his command and watched the army march away slowly. Suddenly, the deafening shouts of the Ming army were heard in the distance.

But the faces of all the Tatars who heard the shouts changed.

They were ordered to cut off the rear, so they naturally knew the dangers of cutting off the rear. If they were not careful, the whole army would be eaten by the Ming army.

Especially as Li Huan went on a killing spree on the grassland, news of the massacre of dozens of tribes had spread among the army. Although Dayan Khan made a decisive decision to withdraw his troops, it was still a little late in making up his mind.

It was obvious that the Tatar army was in chaos at this time.

Ulus Borot couldn't help but feel nervous when he saw the expressions of his soldiers changed drastically. Fortunately, Ulus Borot knew in his heart that he could not let the morale of the army continue to decline. Otherwise, once the Ming army came up, it would be a 100% battle.

If he can't exert half of his strength, he may be eaten by the Ming army in a short time.

Taking a deep breath, Urusbolot let out a long roar to attract the attention of his soldiers to him, and shouted loudly: "Sons of the Immortal God, you are all my Tatar warriors, tell me,

Are you scary?"

The personal guards of Ulus Borot shouted in unison: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid."

Soon, the more than ten thousand Tatar soldiers, whose morale was shaken, also shouted loudly. Along with the shouts, the morale of the soldiers steadily improved.

The ground shook and smoke billowed.

Ulus Boluot's expression changed slightly. Looking at the roaring Ming army cavalry, a stern expression flashed in his eyes: "The Ming army is almost all infantry, and there are not many cavalry. As long as we destroy these Ming army

The cavalry of the Ming army alone can never catch up with the army unless the infantry of the Ming army grows wings."

As he spoke, Urusbolot's eyes flashed and he said: "Commanders, follow me to crush the Ming army's cavalry, so that these Ming people know who is the warrior on this horse."


Wang Yangming really took the lead and charged forward.

Qi Zhen and other generals looked at Wang Yangming, who was rushing to the front under the escort of his personal guards, with expressions of astonishment and disbelief in their eyes.

Is this Wang Yangming, the cabinet boss and army commander in their impression who has always been elegant, calm, and thoughtful? Who will tell them what is going on with Wang Yangming in front of them, wearing armor, holding a spear, and galloping on the battlefield?

Although there have been many famous generals in history who were able to serve as generals and ministers, and were able to serve as civil servants and military commanders, there are only a few such figures, and there are only a few who have been able to do this throughout the ages.

Even in the hundreds of years since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, no one has been able to achieve the rank of general or prime minister, but today they saw in Wang Yangming the shadow of those outstanding figures from all ages.

Wang Yangming's cultivation level can be said to be extremely high. Looking at the world, there are only a few people who can compare with him. Now he is wearing armor and charging into battle. It may not be as powerful as Li Huan's, sweeping across all directions and causing a bloody storm wherever he goes, but it is still the same.

Hard to find an opponent.

The two cavalry teams collided suddenly, and the commanders of both sides led their most elite troops towards the other side's flag.

When Urus Borot saw Wang Yangming's handsome flag charging forward, he almost rubbed his eyes in disbelief. After confirming several times, Ulus Borot couldn't help but be overjoyed.

He never dreamed that Wang Yangming, the coach of the Ming army, would personally lead the army to charge forward.

Originally, Ulus Borot was deep in the central army under the protection of his personal guards. Unless the army was completely defeated, Ulus Borot's position was definitely the safest.

As long as Urusbolot does not die, even if the army suffers heavy losses, it will not be completely defeated.

Therefore, this is also the reason why the coach has always been in charge of the Chinese Army, but when Ulus Borot saw Wang Yangming's coaching banner, Ulus Borot couldn't sit still.

Wang Yangming, a civil servant, dared to rush to the front line. In Urusbolot's opinion, Wang Yangming must have gone crazy to win military glory.

The commander of the first army did not sit in charge of the central army, but actually rushed forward like a general. This was simply unbelievable. At the same time, Urus Borot was also ecstatic.

This is the opportunity that God has given him. As long as he can kill the Ming army coach Wang Yangming, the morale of the Ming army will be greatly reduced, and he can even kill the Ming army with Wang Yangming's head.

Thinking of this, Ulus Borot finally couldn't sit still, and shouted at the guards behind him with gleaming eyes: "Hahaha, the Ming army coach actually ran over to die on his own. It's all thanks to him."

Do you think this prince can miss it?"

When these warriors among the Tatars heard this, they were also extremely excited and shouted: "I am willing to follow the prince to kill the Ming army coach."

Urus Borot waved the scimitar in his hand and shouted: "Come with me to get Wang Yangming's head."

A crowd of people gathered around Ulus Borot, holding high the banner of Ulus Borot, and greeted Wang Yangming. At the same time, the general Qi Zhen who was following Wang Yangming saw the moving Tatar general.

The banner couldn't help but said excitedly: "The Governor, it's moved, the banner of Urus Borod has moved!"

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