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Chapter 285 Li Huan, who has returned with a reward

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Everyone's expressions changed at this. In their numbness, the two Alborots had received Dayan Khan's order and led more than 10,000 troops of the Golden Horde to resist the Ming army's pursuit.

Under normal circumstances, Alborod and the two would definitely not appear here in Naguli at this moment.

Suddenly, everyone had a vague feeling of something bad.

It was obvious that Dayan Khan could not be unaware of the problem that everyone present was aware of. Dayan Khan had a gloomy face, and the trace of smile that had just appeared on his face also disappeared, and he looked coldly.

Said: "Let the two of them come to see me."

Soon I saw two figures walking over. If it wasn't Na Guli and Alberot, who could it be?

When he saw the two of them, Dayan Khan's eyes flashed with a cold look, and he stared at the two of them.

Being stared at by Dayan Khan, the two people, Nu Guli and Alborod, who were already frightened, suddenly became more and more frightened.

Before he even came close, Alborod knelt down in front of Dayan Khan with a thump, crying and saying to Dayan Khan: "Father Khan, the child is guilty, the child is incompetent, and the father Khan has been disappointed..."

Nu Guli was stunned for a moment, then he also knelt down in front of Dayan Khan and said slowly: "The general has disappointed the Great Khan!"

Although Dayan Khan already had a bad feeling in his heart when he learned that the two came to meet him, and he was even mentally prepared.

But after really listening to what the two of them said, Dayan Khan still couldn't help but swayed, feeling heartache and breathing a little fast. It took a while before he recovered a little.

Dayan Khan just looked at the two of them, gritted his teeth and said, "Tell me, what exactly happened?"

That was an army of tens of thousands of people from the Golden Horde. The most elite soldiers and horses under his command, even if they faced tens of thousands of Ming soldiers, even if they couldn't defeat them, it wouldn't be a problem to retreat unscathed.

Over the years, he didn't know how much effort he had spent to gather 50,000 Golden Horde Khan troops. Now it seems that the tens of thousands of Golden Horde Khan troops may just be gone.

Trying hard to suppress the anger in his heart, Dayan Khan looked at the two of them.

Alborod, who was kneeling on the ground and crying, said hurriedly: "Father, it's all Ma Guli's fault. Everything is Ma Guli's fault. If he hadn't ordered the attack on the Ming army's position, it wouldn't have been possible."

It was bombarded by the Ming army, so that the army finally collapsed under the bombardment of the Ming army's firearms."

Ma Guli on the side couldn't help being stunned after hearing Albrot's words. Ma Guli obviously didn't expect that Albrot would say such a thing. You must know that his words directly destroyed everyone.

All the responsibility was thrown on him.

Even if they had known for a long time that Albrot had no responsibilities and was the middle-class among the sons of Dayan Khan, he never expected that Albrot would push everything so cleanly and neatly.

They are unwilling to take responsibility.

Seeing Albrot crying in front of Dayan Khan, not wanting to be tainted with any responsibility at all, Nu Guli sighed softly in his heart, and let Albrot cry, but just knelt aside without saying a word.

Everyone saw Nu Guli's reaction in their eyes, and then looked at Alborot's unbearable look, and everyone let out a sigh in their hearts.

Anyone who is not a fool would know that Albrot was shirking his responsibility. Without Albrot's consent, even a weakling would not be able to command the Golden Horde.

Therefore, if Ma Guli could order the Golden Horde to attack the Ming army, it must have been approved by Alborot. Otherwise, Ma Guli would definitely not be able to mobilize the Golden Horde.

It's just that the nominal commander-in-chief of the more than 10,000-strong Golden Horde Army was Ma Guli. It would make sense to say that all the responsibility lies with Ma Guli.

Eyes naturally fell on Dayan Khan. Listening to Alborot's story, Dayan Khan learned that more than ten thousand of the Golden Horde Khan's army had been killed and wounded mostly by the Ming army's shelling, and was also killed by the Ming army.

The army chased them to death, but in the end, only less than 2,000 horsemen returned in embarrassment.

More than 10,000 elites went there, but only less than 2,000 came back. Dayan Khan couldn't help but slapped the table, stared at Ma Guli coldly and said: "Ma Guli,

Don’t you have anything to say?”

Hearing this, Ma Guli gave a bitter smile, with a bitter look on his face, and slowly bowed to Dayan Khan and said: "Back to the Great Khan, I am the last general, so the army suffered heavy casualties, and everything was the last general.

My fault is that I have betrayed the trust of the Great Khan. No matter how the Great Khan punishes me, I have no complaints in my bones."

As he spoke, Nu Guli bowed to the ground respectfully, completely handing himself over to Dayan Khan's disposal.

I have to say that Ma Guli's statement made people secretly praise him, especially Han Yu and Lu Guang, who all looked at Ma Guli with appreciative eyes.

As expected, Ma Guli is known for his resourcefulness. This move is to retreat before advancing, and he humbly admits his guilt. Faced with Alberot's blame, he has a correct attitude and does not make any judgments. Naturally, people have a good impression of Ma Guli.


Even Dayan Khan, who just wanted to drag Ma Guli out and chop him up, now saw Ma Guli lying on the ground without any complaints and did not argue in the face of his son's blame. This attitude made Dayan

The look in Han's eyes was a little more gentle and a little less sharp.

But even so, the murderous intention in Dayan Khan's heart still existed, and he said coldly: "Do you know how much expectations I have for you? I thought you would definitely live up to my expectations and be able to stop the Ming army."

Pursuing soldiers, but you...you really disappoint me."

Ma Guli lay on the ground and said in a trembling voice: "The general is guilty, please be punished by the Khan."

Such an admission of mistake in Ma Guli made it impossible for Dayan Khan to act out even if he had murderous intentions. Taking a deep breath, Dayan Khan suddenly said to Han Yu and Lu Guang beside him: "Several gentlemen thought that this Khan was going to

How should I deal with him in Ma Guli?"

Han Yu and Lu Guang looked at each other and saw Han Yu stroking his beard and saying to Dayan Khan with an attitude of knowing the pearls of wisdom: "Great Khan, General Ma Guli is a rare brave and good fighter in our army.

General, if we kill him because of a defeat, I am afraid that the Ming army will laugh at him. We must not do such a thing that hurts those close to him and makes enemies happy."

Dayan Khan's expression gradually softened a bit, as if he had listened to Han Yu's words.

However, Han Yu knew clearly in his heart that Dayan Khan had no intention of killing Ma Guli deep down in his heart.

Ma Guli is indeed capable. Among all the Tatar generals, Ma Guli's ability is enough to rank among the top three.

Several generals on the side also noticed that Dayan Khan's originally gloomy expression had softened a bit, and they felt relieved.

They knew what Ma Guli was capable of. If Ma Guli was really killed by Dayan Khan, he would have cut off his hands and feet.

Besides, in the eyes of these people, according to Alborod, the responsibility for this defeat was not actually due to Nu Li, but because no one expected that the Ming army would concentrate artillery fire on them.

Because of this, even the mighty Golden Horde Army was almost wiped out. Not to mention numbness, even if it were anyone else who really ran into the well-prepared Ming Army,

It's no good at all.

A general had a fairly good relationship with Ma Guli on weekdays. Although he did not have a close friendship, that was because he was concerned about Dayan Khan's opinion.

At this moment, the general coughed slightly and saluted Dayan Khan: "Great Khan, what Mr. Han said is true. Although General Ma Guli is guilty, his crime will not lead to death. How about making him pay for his crime and perform meritorious service."

The rest of the people also began to plead for Ma Guli. Dayan Khan looked at everyone calmly, with no trace of his inner thoughts.

But at this moment, Dayan Khan suddenly opened his mouth and said to Ma Guli who was lying on the ground: "Ma Guli, what do you think this Khan should do with you?"

Ma Guli still lay there respectfully, and said to Dayan Khan with great piety: "No matter how the Great Khan punishes the guilty general, Ma Guli has no complaints."

Dayan Khan snorted coldly, flicked his long sleeves, stared at Nu Guli for a while and suddenly said: "I will give you another chance to make meritorious deeds. This time you will lead 10,000 cavalry to hold off the Ming army for me."

For three days, as long as you hold off the Ming army’s pursuit for this Khan, I will forgive you for this defeat.”

Lying there, his numb body trembled slightly, and he felt a little excited in his heart.

In fact, Nu Gu was not as calm as he appeared, and his heart was always hanging in the air, fearing that he would be beheaded by Dayan Khan in a rage.

The probability of this kind of thing is extremely high. Don't think that if he is Dayan Khan's nephew, Dayan Khan will be lenient to him.

To be honest, his status is not only not a preferential treatment, but also contains great dangers, so that although he is extremely capable of commanding an army, he does not even have an elite army under his command.

If it were not for his status, even if he was just an ordinary herdsman and showed great talent in commanding troops, he would probably surround Dayan Khan and entrust him with important tasks and the power of troops.

But now that Ma Guli heard that Dayan Khan said that he would be given a chance to redeem himself and make meritorious service, Ma Guli breathed a sigh of relief.

With a faint glance at Ma Guli, Dayan Khan snorted coldly and said: "Immediately bring troops and horses to block the Ming army for me. If something goes wrong again this time, don't blame me for treating you badly."

You're welcome."

He got up from his numbness and hurried away. Then Dayan Khan scolded Alborot severely and snorted: "You useless thing, get out of here."

Although he was severely scolded by Dayan Khan, Alborot let out a sigh of relief. At least Dayan Khan did not punish him, which shows that Dayan Khan still cares for him.

Seeing Alborod running out, Dayan Khan let out a long sigh, looked at Han Yu and the others and said, "What do you think of this Khan's treatment?"

"Great Khan Holy Ming!"

Han Yu and others all said to Dayan Khan.

Lu Guang stroked his beard and said: "The Great Khan ordered Ma Guli to lead his troops to defeat the rear. It is truly a sage. It can be said that there is no more suitable candidate than Ma Guli. One of them has the ability to fight against the Ming army."

Since he has already suffered a big loss in the Ming army's firearms, he will definitely not make the same mistake this time. On the one hand, the Great Khan was magnanimous to Ma Guli and would not hold him accountable for his defeat.

Responsibility, I must be grateful to the Great Khan in my bones, know my shame and then be brave, and when the time comes, I will lead the troops with more heart."

Many people had expressions of astonishment on their faces after listening to Lu Guang's words, and looked at Lu Guang strangely.

They didn't analyze so much from Dayan Khan's actions. Why, they were all human beings and couldn't think of anything, but Lu Guang was able to analyze so many intentions.

On the prairie

Following Li Huan's order, another fire burned, burning the camps and corpses of the Tatars who had been slaughtered by the army.

It can be said that everything that could not be taken away by Li Huan, whether it was tents or various materials, were all burned down by Li Huan's order.

Even if some tribesmen escaped, when everything in the tribal settlement was destroyed, even if the escaped Tatars came back, it would be impossible to rebuild the destroyed tribes.

It is difficult to survive on the grassland without supplies, so even if there are fish that slip through the net, the tribes that were destroyed by Li Huan will never appear again.

It was completely dark, and at a glance, there were countless cattle, sheep, and war horses. Not to mention others, there were nearly 50,000 war horses gathered alone.

Coupled with the numerous cattle and sheep, hundreds of thousands of livestock were like a black cloud on the prairie, and everything they passed was a mess.

"The Romance of Fairy Wood"

At this time, thousands of horses were galloping on the prairie, and the sound of cattle and sheep neighing could be heard in all directions. Thousands of cavalry followed Li Huan's banner and roared across the prairie.

Behind it were thousands of rescued sons and daughters of the Han family, helping to drive cattle, sheep and war horses, and there were several thousand-man teams parading around.

On this day, Xu Ying led a team of thousands of people roaring in. From a distance, Xu Ying could be heard shouting at Li Huan: "General, the last general has cleared away the Tatars within dozens of miles in front.

I came here to report back to the general."

Li Huan smiled slightly at Xu Ying and said, "How far is it from Wuning Fort?"

Xu Ying immediately said: "We still have more than a hundred miles to go back to the general, but we can reach the vicinity of Wuning Fort in at least half a day if we rest and the horses don't rest."

A bright light flashed in Li Huan's eyes, he nodded slightly, and looked towards the south, where the border of Ming Dynasty was a hundred miles away.

The Tatars entered through Wuning Pass and also came out from Wuning Pass. Just a few days ago, Li Huan had received news from Jin Yiwei that the Tatars had chosen to retreat. If he calculated based on the distance, he could not leave.

What an accident, maybe the Tatar army should have arrived at Wuning Fort at this time.

Looking back, I saw that there were nearly ten thousand troops behind Li Huan, with one person riding two or even three horses. As for the rest of the horses and even the cattle and sheep, there was not a single one.

Ren Ping, who was following Li Huan, noticed Li Huan's gaze and said, "Isn't the general worried about Li Tie and the others?"

Just a few days ago, guerrilla general Li Tie obeyed Li Huan's order and led more than a thousand cavalry to escort the captured war horses, cattle and sheep back to the Central Plains from the pass where they had previously exited.

Although the Tatars along the way have been wiped out, after all, Li Tie and the others only have more than a thousand cavalry, escorting thousands of Ming people and countless captured cattle, sheep, and horses. If they really encounter them on the way

As for the Tatar troops and horses, all the things might have to be returned to the Tatars.

With the lives and deaths of thousands of people at stake, and so many seizures, it would be strange if Li Huan wasn't worried.

Glancing at Ren Ping, Li Huan chuckled and said, "Li Tie and the others have been gone for a few days. Even if I worry, I can't change anything. I can only hope that everything goes well for them on this journey."

As he spoke, a cold look flashed in Li Huan's eyes: "What we have to do now is to rush to Wuning Fort as quickly as possible, completely block the Tatars' retreat, and cooperate with the governor to severely inflict heavy losses on the Tatars.

Tartar's army even left them all behind."

Thinking of leaving Dayan Khan's hundreds of thousands of troops behind, even if the Tatars were not completely destroyed, they would probably decline from then on and no longer be able to threaten the safety of the northern part of the Ming Dynasty.

When they thought of this, all the generals beside Li Huan looked excited when explaining.

Ren Ping, Xu Ying and others couldn't help but said to Li Huan: "General, give the order. Even if we risk our lives, we will rush to Wuning Fort to block the retreat of Dayan Khan's army."

Seeing that the military morale was ready, Li Huan was about to order the army to set off and rush towards Wuning Fort when suddenly a burst of smoke and dust billowed from the front.

Li Huan only glanced at it and narrowed his eyes.

Li Guo, Li Hu and others on the side were surprised and said: "Hey, it seems to be someone from the Jin Yiwei?"

Li Huan mobilized the Jin Yiwei from Gansu and Ningxia to cooperate with the military sentries. After they were sent out, they would have a pair of eyes to help him keep an eye on the troubles hundreds of miles away.

It can be said that the reason why Li Huan and the others were able to wipe out each Tatar tribe so smoothly on the prairie was largely due to the Jin Yiwei and those sentry detectives.

Without these people to find out what was going on around them, even if Li Huan had many plans and bravery, he would not be able to easily defeat each Tatar tribe.

Lin Pingzhi, who was dressed in a dusty life, now looked extremely experienced. He galloped towards him. When he got close, Lin Pingzhi got off his horse, bowed to Li Huan and said, "I'm here to see the general. We have an urgent military situation."

Li Huan glanced at Lin Pingzhi and others and said: "Tell me quickly, could it be that Dayan Khan and others have withdrawn from Wuning Fort?"

Lin Pingzhi shook his head slightly and said: "Back to the general, there are tens of thousands of Tatar troops dozens of miles ahead, rushing towards our direction."

Li Huan and others couldn't help but frown when they heard this. Li Huan was even more surprised and said: "Hey, could it be said that Dayan Khan has noticed our purpose and sent people to deal with us first?"

Li Huan said to Lin Pingzhi: "Have you seen the opponent's flag clearly? Is it the Golden Horde Army under Dayan Khan?"

In Li Huan's opinion, if Dayan Khan was really aware of their existence, if he were Dayan Khan, he would definitely send his most elite Golden Horde army to deal with them.

Lin Pingzhi shook his head and said: "I once approached the opponent quietly and found that the flag the opponent raised was not the flag of the Golden Horde, but the flag of Oirat and Mandula!"

"Oirat? Mandula?"

A member of the Jinyi Guard Baihu Dang said to Li Huan: "The general does not know. The Oirat and Mandula tribes are numerous large tribes on the prairie. They even disobeyed Dayan Khan's rule, but Dayan Khan's power

The Great, Oirat, and Mandula tribes had to surrender to Dayan Khan. According to my subordinates, the Oirat and Mandula tribes were most likely concerned about the tribal people on the grassland, so they specially led the vanguard to Dayan Khan.

It is my duty to be the first to return to the grassland."

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