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Chapter two hundred and ninety-eight

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Guan Zheng's face was filled with joy and he said: "It's good that the general is safe and sound!"

In Guan Zheng's view, Wang Yangming was too calm in his military use. Although there was indeed no hidden danger in fighting steadily, even if he could not win a big victory, he would not be defeated.

If it weren't for Li Huan, Wang Yangming would definitely not have made such a desperate move and pressed forward with all his troops to fight the Tatars decisively.

But at the moment, it is obvious that the Ming Dynasty has the absolute upper hand. As long as nothing unexpected happens, the Ming Dynasty will definitely win this battle. It all depends on the final result.

With such thoughts flashing through his mind, Guan Zheng suddenly said to Li Huan: "Since the general is fine, the last general will lead the army to continue attacking the Tatars. This time they will definitely hit the Tatars hard. If Dayan Khan can be left behind,

If so, we will definitely leave our name in history this time.”

It can be seen that Guan Zheng is full of expectations for leaving Dayan Khan as the lord of the grassland. No wonder Guan Zheng, the temptation is really too great.

Since the Meng Yuan Dynasty occupied the Central Plains and was later expelled by Emperor Taizu, the inheritance of the Meng Yuan Dynasty has never been cut off on the grasslands.

Dayan Khan is the co-owner of the grassland, and he is a descendant of the Mongolian Golden Family. If Dayan Khan can be captured, this achievement will definitely make the names of the civil and military personnel involved in this battle go down in history.

While he was talking, he suddenly saw a messenger coming on horseback. Fortunately, this soldier was of good cultivation. Otherwise, it would not be that easy to travel among the army and ensure his own safety.

When the messenger saw Guan Zheng, he immediately stopped, saluted Guan Zheng and said, "General Guan, the Commander-in-Chief has an order."

Guan Zheng was stunned for a moment, then looked at the messenger with a straight face and said, "I wonder what the Commander-in-Chief ordered?"

The messenger immediately handed a warrant to Guan Zheng and said: "General Guan, the Governor has an order, ordering you to immediately lead your troops and horses to join forces with General Qi to massacre Ada and annihilate Ayan's troops."

When Guan Zheng took the warrant and saw its contents, Guan Zheng's face changed slightly and he exclaimed: "What a Dayan, I didn't expect him to have escaped."

Guan Zheng was naturally not as good as Wang Yangming in commanding the army. Dayan Khan led the Golden Horde army to escape from Langyakou. Guan Zheng was naturally not aware of it among the army, but Wang Yangming discovered Dayan Khan's actions immediately.


Dayan Khan fled far away, leaving Ada to slaughter the men. After Ayan's troops were cut off, he stopped the Ming army from pursuing them. He was not decisive. He almost sensed a potential crisis. Dayan Khan cut off his wrists without hesitation and took only his clothes.

The elite of the headquarters fled far away.

It must be said that Dayan Khan's move was somewhat unexpected. You must know that Dayan Khan almost abandoned the nearly 100,000 soldiers and horses who followed him into the pass and went south.

Most people would not have such great courage to suffer such a huge loss, but Dayan Khan made such a decision without hesitation.

Li Huan raised his brows and said to Guan Zheng, "Did Dayan Khan escape?"

After coming back to his senses, Guan Zheng handed the order to Li Huan and said, "General, look here. This is the order sent by the Governor."

Li Huan took the order and looked at it, and it was clearly written on it that Dayan Khan had led his Golden Horde army to escape.

As the vanguard commander, Guan Zheng is naturally qualified to know this kind of news. After all, as the vanguard commander, Guan Zheng must have a certain understanding of the overall situation. Otherwise, the commander of the troops may be too hesitant to look forward and backward when setting up the formation.

If Guan Zheng didn't know that Dayan Khan had taken away the Golden Horde Khan's army under his command, then once Guan Zheng faced Ada Tumeng, Ayan and others would definitely have to concentrate on guarding against the Golden Horde Khan's army. After all, the Golden Horde

The existence of the Khan's army is a deterrent that no one can underestimate.

In this way, ten points of strength can be used at most six or seven points. But now that Guan Zheng knows that Dayan Khan has taken away the Golden Horde Khan's army, then when he faces Ada Tumeng and Ayan's troops,

Then there is no need to consider the threat of the Golden Horde Army, and you can fully exert all the strength of your subordinates.

Li Huan took a deep breath, glanced at Guan Zheng and said: "Guan Zheng, please lead the army to deal with Ada Tu Meng's troops in accordance with the orders of the Grand Governor."

Guan Zheng nodded slightly and saluted Li Huan: "The general can go see the governor, and the general will deal with the Tatars."

Li Huan watched as Guan Zheng led his soldiers to chase the Tatar troops away. Behind him, a steady stream of Ming soldiers followed like a torrent.

However, these soldiers and horses consciously avoided Li Huan and others.

Not to mention Li Huan's big flag indicating Li Huan's identity, but Li Huan and the others were covered in blood, and the evil spirit that seemed to be real made people subconsciously not dare to collide.

Until Guan Zheng could no longer be seen, Xu Ying on the side couldn't help but said to Li Huan: "General, shall we go to join the Governor next?"

Now that it was known that Dayan Khan had escaped, and that the Ming army had already marched out, this battle was almost going to end. Xu Ying and others were naturally curious about where they should go next.

Li Huan slowly shook his head and said, "Can you still fight?"

If they go to join Wang Yangming, then the possibility of them going to the battlefield again is not too great. After all, they have been on an expedition all the way. If they join Wang Yangming, they will definitely be arranged to have a good rest.

Li Huan's words obviously meant that he didn't want to leave the battlefield just like that. After all, when the battle was about to end, he didn't want to just wait for the outcome of the battle.

Xu Ying and Ren Ping also reacted. Their eyes lit up and they looked at Li Huan and said, "Why don't you dare!"

Li Huan's gaze passed over Xu Ying and others and landed on the hundreds of soldiers who were covered in blood but stood tall and tall. Each of these people was full of fighting spirit, and pairs of eyes looked at him expectantly.

Li Huan felt the strong fighting spirit revealed by these people, and he burst out laughing. After laughing, Li Huan pointed his spear and said: "Soldiers, please follow me to get the head of Dayan Khan."


"The general is mighty, the general is mighty!"

Now that it was known that Dayan Khan was leading the Golden Horde army towards the direction of Langyakou, Li Huan naturally understood Dayan Khan's plan.

Obviously Dayan Khan was preparing to exit from Langya Pass. Although Langya Pass was a hundred miles away from Wuning Fort and the road was quite difficult, Wuning Fort could not be broken for the time being, so Dayan Khan had no choice but to give up.

Wuningbao and choose Langyakou.

Li Huan took the lead, knew the direction, and immediately led hundreds of people straight towards Langyakou.

Although Dayan Khan said he would set off first, after all, he left in less than an hour. If there were dozens or hundreds of people in his group, after an hour passed, with the horses galloping, they might have been dozens of miles away.


But Dayan Khan and the others had a large number of troops. The elite Golden Horde Army alone numbered more than 40,000. The larger the army, the slower the marching speed.

Li Huan and others are chasing Dayan Khan at this time, and may not be able to catch up with Dayan Khan's team.

Under the leadership of Li Huan, they ran wildly and soon left the area where the armies of the two sides were fighting.

Everyone finally left the battlefield, but there were still shouts of death coming from behind.

At this moment, there are about five hundred people behind Li Huan. It can be said that everyone is riding alone and riding two horses.

Originally, Li Huan and others were riding alone, but when Li Huan decided to pursue Dayan Khan, he ordered his elite men to snatch the Tatar horses, and finally they were able to get enough for one person and two riders.

After rushing out of the battlefield, Li Huan gave an order, and everyone immediately changed their mounts. Then the horses galloped, and their speed suddenly increased a lot.

Ming army camp

The huge camp was almost empty, with hundreds of thousands of troops pouring out. But at this moment, in the Ming army camp, Wang Yangming looked at the sand table in front of him with a solemn expression.

Figures standing aside were the generals and civil servants who stayed behind at the camp.

Shen Buji stood beside Wang Yangming and also looked at the sand table in front of him. He saw the flags on the sand table representing the troops of both sides clearly showing the current situation of the armies of both sides.

Several of the flags were obviously separated from the Wuningbao battlefield, and at the location representing the Wolf's Fang Mouth, a densely packed flag could be clearly seen.

You must know that each of these flags represents thousands of soldiers and horses, which means that a large number of Ming troops are stationed in Langyakou.

Shen Buji said to Wang Yangming in great amazement: "Grand Governor, this...this soldier with a wolf-fang mouth..."

No wonder Shen Buyi was so surprised. It was not just Shen Buyi. It could be said that except for a few people, almost everyone present looked at the situation on the sand table in disbelief.

At this moment, everyone already knew that Dayan Khan's warrior had his arm broken, and he abandoned part of his army and headed towards the Wolf Fang Mouth with the most elite Golden Horde Army.

With Dayan Khan's move, anyone who is not a fool can tell that Dayan Khan is about to escape from confinement.

Originally, Langyakou was just an ordinary pass, with only a few hundred men and horses stationed by the Ming army. Although it was considered important, it was much inferior to a large pass like Wuning Fort.

But who will tell them when the Langyakou, which was originally defended by only a few hundred troops, was actually garrisoned by tens of thousands of troops.

When were these tens of thousands of troops mobilized? Why didn't they receive any news?

Some people even secretly wondered whether Wang Yangming had planted the flags representing the Ming army in the wrong place.

Just thinking about Wang Yangming's personality and character, it is obviously impossible to make such a mistake. In other words, Wang Yangming had mobilized troops to block Dayan Khan's retreat before they knew it.

They really did not expect that Wang Yangming would choose to escape from Langyakou back to the grassland after reaching Dayan Khan so early, and even dispatched troops in advance to block Dayan Khan's return path.

Many people couldn't help but look at Wang Yangming with a bit of wonder and vague fear.

It is really Wang Yangming's method and ability to take one step at a time and calculate to the extreme, which is too shocking.

Now that they think about it, every move of Dayan Khan seems to be part of Wang Yangming's calculations. Dayan Khan was defeated by Wang Yangming's calculations rather than by Li Huan's hands.

Wang Yangming glanced at Shen Buyi and others indifferently, and said slowly: "The defenders at Langyakou are only 30,000, but they are just a chess piece randomly deployed by the governor, just in case, and we didn't expect to arrive.

Yanhan will really choose to take the wolf's mouth."

After hearing what Wang Yangming said, although Shen Buyi and others believed Wang Yangming's explanation on the surface, their true thoughts were unknown.

However, it can be seen from the faint fear in their eyes when they looked at Wang Yangming that they did not really believe Wang Yangming's explanation.

Naturally, everyone's expressions and reactions could not be hidden from Wang Yangming, but Wang Yangming did not take it to heart.

There was a rush of footsteps, and a sentinel came in a hurry. He saluted Wang Yangming and said, "Grand Governor, the great general has broken out of the siege and is now heading towards Langyakou."


Some people couldn't help but exclaimed, this news was really shocking.

In everyone's opinion, Li Huan should have returned as soon as possible after escaping from the siege of the Tatars. However, according to what my sentinel said, Li Huan had just escaped from the siege and escaped from danger, and he went to chase the Tatars again.

, this is what you want to do.

There is a saying that says, "Don't hold back when returning to the army." The meaning is very clear, don't stop the soldiers and horses who are determined to return.

In particular, Dayan Khan's army was the most elite Golden Horde army. No one could underestimate the more than 40,000 Golden Horde army who wanted to return to the grassland.

When someone tries to prevent them from returning to the prairie, you can imagine the fighting power such an army will unleash.

Some people think that Li Huan is too capable and would be too arrogant to prevent Dayan Khan from returning to the prairie.

There are also people who have some admiration for Li Huan's actions.

All eyes couldn't help but fall on Wang Yangming. After hearing the sentry's words, Wang Yangming's expression seemed quite calm, as if Li Huan's actions were expected by him.

At this moment, Wang Yangming said to a guerrilla general next to him: "Feng Xiao, you immediately bring five thousand elite troops of yours to join the general. You must obey the general's orders in everything."

Feng Xiao couldn't help but be stunned when he heard this, and said subconsciously: "But Grand Governor, if the general takes away those five thousand elites, Grand Governor, your safety will be in danger..."

You must know that the five thousand elites under Feng Xiao's command are the elite army left by Wang Yangming to hold the battle. At critical moments, Wang Yangming can even personally command this elite group and change the direction of a war.

The total number of Ming army soldiers and horses left in such a large camp did not exceed 10,000, and the most elite were the 5,000 soldiers and horses under Feng Xiao's command.

Once Feng Xiao takes away these elites, it means that Wang Yangming will no longer have usable troops around him.

Shen Buyi and others subconsciously wanted to persuade Wang Yangming. After all, they also knew that although the war situation had a clear direction, no one could guarantee whether there would be any surprises.

If an accident really happened, they would still have a troop available. This was the significance of Feng Xiao's command. With this troop in hand, they would not panic.

Wang Yangming waved his hand, shook his head at Feng Xiao and said: "Li Huan needs the help of your troops more than the governor."

As he said this, Wang Yangming turned to Feng Xiao with a serious look on his face and said, "What are you still doing? Why don't you go quickly?"

Feng Xiao immediately took the order in a solemn voice and said: "The last general takes the order."

Seeing that Feng Xiao was about to leave, the expressions of several officials changed slightly, and one of them immediately stepped forward and saluted Wang Yangming: "No, the Governor."

"The Governor must not do it. Once Feng Xiao's troops leave, who will protect the safety of the Chinese army's tent? If the Tatars make a surprise attack..."

Wang Yangming raised his head and glanced at these officials indifferently and said: "Aren't there thousands of soldiers and horses and more than 100,000 young men? If the Tatars dare to attack, what do I have to fear?"

As soon as Wang Yangming's words came out, several officials who expressed objections opened their mouths, but for a moment they didn't know what to say. In the end, they could only watch Feng Xiao's figure leave. They looked at each other, and something was revealed in the depths of their eyes.

Unwilling to give up.

At this time, Shen Buyi coughed lightly and said: "Guys, what the Governor said is true. In comparison, General Li Huan needs the help of Feng Xiao's subordinates more. With five thousand elites under the command of the General, perhaps

It can bring us unexpected surprises.”

【Well, please give me a monthly pass.】

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