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Chapter 308 Li Huan's Crazy Ideas

Xu Guangzhao, the Duke of Dingguo, was sitting there with the air of an old god. Among all the nobles present, it can be said that Xu Guangzhao was the most indifferent one.

Xu Guangzhao, the Duke of Ding, was also one of the several Dukes present. He was extremely noble. Although he was not of the same lineage as the British Dukes, the Xu family was a family of two Dukes.

As for the family, there is no other family in the Ming Dynasty.

Even though the Wei Guogong lineage has its roots in Nanjing and the Dingguogong lineage is based in the capital, it may not be as prosperous as the British Dukes, but among the nobles, no one dares to underestimate the Dingguogong lineage.

Of course, even if someone is as prominent as Ding Guogong Xu Guangzhao, as the Xungui Group was suppressed by the civil servant group, the entire Xungui Group lost its right to speak in the court, so the Dingguogong lineage as the core of Xungui is also the same

There is no right to speak.

But this time, the Xu family of Duke Ding came out with a talent like Xu Ying. What made Xu Guangzha happy the most was that Xu Ying was always by Li Huan's side.

According to the letter Xu Ying sent home not long ago, he accompanied Li Huan through many battles with Li Huan. It can be said that Xu Ying did not fall behind in any of the battles Li Huan went through.

What does this mean? This is a military exploit that makes countless people jealous.

Therefore, Xu Guangzha looked very indifferent when he looked at Li Xi and Chen Jizu who were sighing at the fact that the children in the mansion had followed Li Huan and made great achievements.

Although the Chen family has Chen Ang and the Li family has Li Zheng, in comparison, how many people can compare with Xu Ying's contribution to Li Huan's side.

However, looking at the excitement or display of the two of them, Xu Guangzha coughed lightly, glanced at the two of them blankly and said: "That's right, this time my seventh child is just following the general.

On the other hand, if you were to accompany the general to fight and be rewarded based on merit, Ma Ma Hu Hu could be awarded a title."

As soon as Xu Guangzha said these words, Li Xi and Chen Jizu closed their mouths involuntarily and looked at Xu Guangzha with envious eyes.

Everyone is in the same group, and no one knows who’s background.

Just hearing Xu Guangzha speak, they knew that Xu Guangzha was showing off, but who gave Xu Guangzha the qualification.

Xu Ying's ability was not bad at all, and she was favored by Li Huan and was taken by Li Huan's side. Xu Ying did not fall behind in every battle Li Huan went through.

As Xu Guangzhao said, when the time comes to reward based on merit, Xu Ying will probably not be able to escape the title of nobility.

Even if I can only get one count by then, that would be quite a big deal.

Looking at the Ming Dynasty, one can only be awarded a title based on military merit. Even those civil servants who keep their word are helpless. As long as there is no military merit, no matter how powerful you are, you will never be rewarded with a title.

Because of this, in the hundreds of years of Ming Dynasty history, there were really very few people who were actually knighted as civil servants.

If nothing unexpected happens this time, the Xu family will have a count. Although compared to the lineage of Ding Guogong, who is the Duke of the Ming Dynasty, perhaps a count cannot compare with the Duke, but that is

Ming Dynasty is so noble and noble.

Zhu Fu, who was at the top, couldn't help but blush when he saw this scene, and almost pointed at Xu Guangzha, whose eyes were full of pride, and cursed loudly.

What are you proud of? It's just that you were lucky. You seized the opportunity and sent the family's children to follow Li Huan. Even if you can be awarded a title for your military achievements, you will be taking advantage of your own son-in-law.

While feeling sour in his heart, Zhu Fu couldn't help but feel regretful. If he had known this earlier, he would have selected a few capable disciples among the disciples of Duke Chengguo.

It's a pity that it's too late to say this now. After all, at the beginning, who could have thought that Li Huan, Wang Yangming and the others could accomplish such a big thing.

Hundreds of thousands of Tatars went south, and were almost wiped out by these two people. If someone had said this to them at the beginning, they would probably think that the other party was crazy.

Glancing at Zhang Lun who was sitting next to him, Zhu Fu immediately felt a lot better, because the British lineage, like their Chengguogong lineage, did not send out any outstanding children in the mansion.

With the British government as company, Zhu Fu's mood improved a lot.

Of course, it is not that the British and Chengdu princes did not send people to follow Li Huan. After all, when Li Huan was ordered to go on an expedition, the two princes deployed their elite generals to follow Li Huan as Li Huan's personal bodyguards.


It's a pity that they didn't think of sending out the most capable children in the clan at that time, but only sent some elite generals. Otherwise, how would they have allowed Xu Guangzha, Li Xi, Chen Jizu and others to show off their children here.

With a slight cough, the hall suddenly became quiet, and everyone's eyes turned to Zhu Fu who was sitting there.

Zhu Fu looked straight and said: "Everyone, I invite you here today. One is to celebrate the general's victory over the Tatars and his unprecedented victory. The other is to invite everyone to come here to discuss how we can contribute to our noble group."

Keep this great contribution."

Everyone had awe-inspiring expressions when they heard this, and no one was stupid. They knew very well that as soon as the victory came, it only took half a day for the entire civil servant group to take action.

They are all noble families who have been rooted in the capital for hundreds of years. Even if they have no power in their hands, the slightest disturbance in the capital cannot be hidden from them.

It would be strange if they couldn't even notice the small moves of the civil service group.

There was no need to send people to inquire. Chen Jizu and Li Xi could all guess that the Civil Service Group would definitely try every means to target their Xungui Group.

This great victory is really too amazing. This great victory alone can give birth to at least a dozen nobles. If the emperor does not use more than a dozen titles to reward the meritorious officers, I am afraid that all the officers and soldiers of the three armies will be killed.

Heartbroken for it.

The Ming Dynasty has been in peace for many years. It can be said that there are very few new Xunguis over the years. There is no new blood to join. In addition, the Xungui Group has been suppressed by the civil service group for a long time and the Xungui Group itself has not lived up to its expectations. Naturally,

He completely lost his right to speak in the court.

After all, the right to speak is a manifestation of the authority controlled by one's hands.

At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the civil service group and the nobility group checked and balanced each other. Civilians governed the government and the nobility controlled the army. This kind of civil and military checks and balances lasted for decades until the battle of Tumubao.

He created a figure like Yu Qian and Yu Shaobao, and suddenly took the military power away from the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion. From then on, the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion became almost a decoration, with no real power at all.

In fact, the final analysis is that the person who holds the real power among the nobles is gone. Naturally, he will be at a disadvantage in the battle with the civil servant group, and it is not surprising that he will be suppressed.

For decades, the nobles have almost become like decorations in the court, watching the struggle between the civil servant group and the eunuchs, and have been reduced from the protagonists to the supporting roles like background boards. If these nobles are willing to do so,

I'm afraid no one will believe me if I tell you.

Whenever there is an opportunity, the Xungui Group definitely wants to step into the forefront, rather than just being a decoration. Unfortunately, under the strict defense of the civil servant group, without a miracle, it is completely a luxury hope for the Xungui Group to take power again.


However, this great victory gave hope to a kind of honorable person.

Chen Jizu took a deep breath, looked at Zhu Fu and Zhang Lun solemnly and said: "My lord, just tell me what you want everyone to do this time. After so many years, this time it is us nobles who come to the front."

The only chance, no matter what, we can't give up this time."

Li Xi nodded and said, "Yes, if I miss this opportunity, I'm afraid I won't have another chance in the future."

The rest of the people also expressed their opinions in unison.

Zhu Fu and Zhang Lun looked at each other, their eyes full of excitement.

Zhang Lun laughed loudly and said with determination in his eyes: "In that case, we will work together to compete with these civil servants this time."

Yan'an Prefecture, Shaanxi

After more than ten days of fighting, hundreds of thousands of troops gathered in Yan'an Prefecture.

Yan'an Fucheng, a huge mansion, is the temporary residence of the army commander Wang Yangming.

It is not an easy task to coordinate the march of hundreds of thousands of troops, especially when facing a group of arrogant and powerful generals. If the commander is even remotely unable to control the army, the soldiers will inevitably disturb the people.


At this time, Wang Yangming was sitting there wearing a green shirt, holding a volume of classics in his hand, showing the demeanor of a sage.

There was a sound of footsteps, and Wang Yangming looked up. When he saw the person coming, Wang Yangming couldn't help but his eyes lit up. He put down the book in his hand and stood up and said: "General, is there any news from the capital? Without His Majesty's decree,

Wang is afraid that he will start repatriating his troops back to their respective bases to wait for the imperial court to reward them."

Li Huan is also dressed in regular clothes, full of heroic spirit, walking like a dragon and walking like a tiger, showing his extraordinary performance in every move of his hands and feet.

Hearing Wang Yangming's words, Li Huan smiled slightly, reached out and pulled out a bright yellow scroll from his sleeve and handed it to Wang Yangming.

Wang Yangming glanced around and saw only the dragon pattern on the bright yellow scroll. His eyes suddenly lit up. He took a deep breath, put his hands on the scroll respectfully, glanced at Li Huan and whispered in a low voice: "General, please seriously invite me."

Did you get His Majesty’s decree?”

Li Huan sat down, looked at Wang Yangming's surprised look, and said with a chuckle: "Jin Yiwei rushed 800 miles away and worked non-stop. The governor will know if what he just delivered is your majesty's secret order."

Just by looking at Li Huan's expression, Wang Yangming was convinced that the scroll in his hand was most likely the emperor's edict. Although he had long known that Li Huan was trusted by the emperor, Wang Yangming was not convinced when he thought of what Li Huan had discussed with him before.

I can guarantee that the emperor will really agree to Li Huan's request.

In fact, after the Tatars were defeated and part of the Ming army wiped out the remaining Tatar enemies, normally Wang Yangming, as the commander-in-chief, should wait for the court's order to disperse the army, order the armies that came from all directions to return, and then

It is better to lead a class of meritorious soldiers back to the court.

In fact, this is also the case. Just a few days after the victory was announced to the capital, the cabinet had ordered Wang Yangming to repatriate all troops and select some of the meritorious soldiers to the capital.

After all, even if rewards are given based on merit, only a very small number of soldiers are actually qualified to enter the capital. For most soldiers, rewards from the imperial court will only come after they return to their respective stations.

Otherwise, if hundreds of thousands of troops come to Beijing to receive the reward, not only the emperor, but also the civil and military officials in the court will be the first to stand up and oppose it.

It is not a good thing for local troops to enter the capital. If not, it will repeat the story of Dong Zhuo who caused trouble in the capital in the late Eastern Han Dynasty.

But after any commander with a sound mind achieves an unprecedented victory, his first reaction is to delegate power. To be precise, he gives up control of military power to prevent being impeached and suspected by the emperor or civil and military officials.

However, just when Wang Yangming was about to repatriate the troops according to the court's wishes, Li Huan found Wang Yangming and made a request that made Wang Yangming change his mind.

Even though he was holding the emperor's imperial edict in his hands, Wang Yangming still clearly remembered the request made by Li Huan at that time.

At that time, Li Huan actually asked him to postpone the repatriation of his troops, and instead suggested that he select 50,000 elite troops from hundreds of thousands of troops who had been on the battlefield and had seen killings to come to the capital.

It can be said that Wang Yangming almost thought that Li Huan was going to rebel.

Although the capital said there were still troops from the capital camp, Wang Yangming knew very well that after Li Huan's elimination, the number of troops and horses in the capital camp was already insufficient. In addition, when he left the capital, he selected some elite troops from the capital camp, so he could

It is said that the capital is absolutely empty as never before.

Tens of thousands of elite troops enter the capital and can directly control the capital.

Li Huan sat there, looked at Wang Yangming, and chuckled: "Li has no intention of rebellion. Now that His Majesty's decree is in place, the Governor can feel at ease now!"

After glancing at Li Huan, Wang Yangming opened the imperial edict in his hand, glanced over it, and couldn't help but have a gleam in his eyes.

Sure enough, the emperor really agreed to Li Huan's request and ordered him to cooperate with Li Huan and select 50,000 elite troops from the army to be incorporated into the Beijing camp. In addition to the 50,000 troops that Li Huan had previously organized and trained in Shaanxi, the two

Taken together, these are the 100,000 elites who have been on the battlefield and fought against the Tatars.

To be honest, Wang Yangming really admired the emperor for daring to issue such an imperial edict. After all, as the emperor, how many people could trust a minister like this.

If Li Huan has second thoughts, and a hundred thousand troops enter the capital, the world will really change its color.

After exhaling a breath of turbidity, Wang Yangming respectfully handed the imperial edict to Li Huan and said: "With your Majesty's decree, Wang will cooperate with the general in selecting soldiers and horses to be organized into the capital camp."

Li Huan laughed loudly when he heard this and said, "With Mr. Yangming's help, Your Majesty can feel at ease."

While speaking, Li Huan glanced at Wang Yangming and chuckled: "When I return to Beijing this time, I will be able to become a marquis for my merits."

Wang Yangming looked at Li Huan and said calmly: "I'm afraid it's not that easy."

Li Huan raised his eyebrows and said, "It seems that Sir has also received news from the capital."

Wang Yangming shook his head and sighed: "We haven't returned to the court yet, but there is already a quarrel in the capital and in the court. The princes in the court are just suppressing us. Don't deny the merits of the soldiers of the three armies.

, it chilled the morale of the officers and soldiers of the three armies."

Li Huan couldn't help but snorted coldly when he heard this: "Sir, I'm afraid you will be disappointed. Before Li returned to Beijing, he had already become what they said was a butcher who killed innocent people indiscriminately and insulted the etiquette of the Ming Dynasty. Those who followed Li came in regardless of their lives."

The soldiers on the grassland were also criticized verbally and written by them, and each one became a murderous executioner. They said that the women and children on the grassland are so innocent, and fuck them. They could say this, and there was nothing else they could do.


While speaking, Li Huan seemed to be angry and slapped the table eucalyptus, which shattered the table eucalyptus to pieces.

Wang Yangming also had a dark look on his face after listening to Li Huan's words. He was born in a family of officials and had been in the officialdom for many years. Naturally, he knew the nature of those officials very clearly. What Li Huan said

Those officials can definitely do it, even better.

It is precisely because Wang Yangming knows this that Wang Yangming said what he said just now. It is fine that some of the achievements of these generals have been wiped out, but if even the achievements of the lower-level soldiers who worked hard and sacrificed their lives were wiped out.

, how could he, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, have the face to face those soldiers who were bloody on the battlefield?

Li Huan's eyes swept across Wang Yangming's face, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Sir, do you think you still have illusions about those people?"

When Wang Yangming heard this, he slowly raised his head and looked at Li Huan and said, "General, what do you think we should do when facing the Gonggun princes above the court?"

[Do you have a monthly pass? Just smash it.]

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