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Chapter 342: Reward

The shouts of the generals spread in all directions, and the 100,000 troops behind them also cheered loudly.

You can imagine what it would be like when 100,000 people chanted in unison, especially the long live shouts that resounded in the sky and spread in all directions.

Almost everyone in the capital knew that on this day the emperor led hundreds of officials out of the city to greet the returning army in triumph. Many people in the capital even came to watch the fun as if they were joining in the fun.

At first, many people were pointing and talking at the Emperor's Luan Jia and the black army from a distance, but suddenly a thunderous shout came, and suddenly there were only the shouts of a hundred thousand soldiers in the sky and the earth.

The sound caused many of the less courageous ones to be frightened and fell to the ground in an instant, looking at the 100,000-strong army with horrified expressions.

Not only the people nearby, but even most of the people in the capital heard the shouts that echoed through the sky at this moment.

Many people were startled and subconsciously looked towards the city gate. Just listening to the shouts, even if they were slow to react, they could realize that such a big movement must be the triumphant return of the army.

Some elderly seniors couldn't help but have a look of reminiscence on their faces as they listened to the powerful shouts that echoed through the sky.

They had experienced a situation like this decades ago, but it was the Tatars who came under the city walls of the capital. Fortunately, there was Qianyu Shaobao who took orders at the critical moment, turned the tide and repelled the Tatars.

, preserved the country and the country of Ming Dynasty.

That is to say, after the Tatars retreated, the soldiers defending the capital also issued such a cry like a thunder and tsunami.

"Grandpa Taizu has a spirit in heaven, and our Ming Dynasty has given birth to a wise king. From now on, we no longer have to worry about those barbarians coming to the capital."

Someone said with a sigh.

The hundreds of thousands of troops here shouted in unison, with such overwhelming momentum that even the emperor Zhu Houzhao was startled by such momentum, but then Zhu Houzhao couldn't help but show excitement on his face.

In Zhu Houzhao's view, isn't such a strong army exactly what he expected? Li Huan and Wang Yangming really lived up to his expectations. Not only did they repel the Tatars, but they also trained him such an elite army.

The army comes out.

With such an elite team joining the capital camp and taking charge of the capital, the emperor has nothing to worry about.

Thinking about how he didn't feel safe even in the imperial city when he was a first-class treasurer, he even deliberately built a new location like the Leopard Room under Liu Jin's instigation.

Do you really think he wants to enjoy himself? If he really wants to enjoy himself, he can enjoy himself in the imperial city. Isn't it because Zhu Houzhao doesn't feel safe in the imperial city?

Later, with the appearance of Li Huan, everything happened one after another. He took control of the Jinyi Guards and gradually took control of the Beijing Camp. This gave Zhu Houzhao some confidence and support.

It can be said that since Li Huan took control of Jinyiwei, Zhu Houzhao rarely left the palace and went to the Leopard Room. After all, Zhu Houzhao was not a fool.

If he could guarantee his own safety, why didn't he know that his emperor could only be truly justified in the imperial city? After all, the Leopard Room was not a place where the emperor should stay for a long time.

Now looking at the 100,000 troops in front of him, Zhu Houzhao was not in agitated mood. He looked at Li Huan and Wang Yangming beside him with a bit of smile in his eyes.

Zhu Houzhao is in a good mood here, but there is a group of people who are all mourning for their heirs. Not to mention their faces are as black as the bottom of a pot. Anyway, any fool can see how unhappy these people are.

Needless to say, with the martial arts gaining momentum, the civil servant group who least wanted to see this scene was the civil servant group. Therefore, all the civil servants present did not dare to say that one of them counted, but at least nine out of ten looked unhappy.

Zhu Houzhao laughed heartily. Even a fool could see how good the emperor was in his mood.

In fact, this is normal. Even a foolish king knows what it means to have such an elite army in hand, not to mention that Zhu Houzhao is not a foolish master.

"Publish my decree and reward the three armies. Every officer and soldier in the three armies will be rewarded."

Under the restraint of officers at all levels, the 100,000 soldiers who had just stopped shouting soon heard the emperor's decree to reward the three armies. The officers and soldiers of the three armies were immediately delighted and once again kowtowed to the emperor and shouted long live.


There was another cry of long live the mountains that resounded through the sky.

Watching an army of 100,000 people led by some generals to set up camp in the barracks of Beijing Camp, Zhu Houzhao's eyes fell on Wang Yangming and other generals.

At this time, Zhu Houzhao took Wang Yangming's hand and smiled with great grace: "You are all meritorious ministers of our Ming Dynasty. I have ordered people to set up a banquet to welcome all the soldiers."

Those who stayed at this time can all be said to be meritorious generals. Although they had known that this process would happen for a long time, when the emperor said this, the soldiers couldn't help but look excited and grateful.

In the huge palace, the emperor was sitting in the main seat. Sitting on the left were the military generals headed by Li Huan and Wang Yangming, while sitting on the right were the important officials of the imperial court who were accompanying him.

However, those on the left have always had a slightly better status. In recent decades, even when the imperial court held banquets to entertain important civil and military officials, the civil officials had always been on the left, and the military officials on the right.

However, this time it was Wu Xun's side who was on the left. This naturally made many civil servants feel indignant. They thought that the emperor was too fond of Wu Xun. Although it was not revealed, you can guess it just by looking at the attitudes of these civil servants.

What's going on in these people's minds.

After a while of toasting, Zhu Houzhao's eyes fell on the elders sitting there and said: "Elders, what happened to the rewards I ordered you to discuss. In response to this great victory, the imperial court will reward the meritorious soldiers.

, have you made a decision?"

As soon as the emperor said this, all the generals' eyes suddenly turned to Yang Tinghe, Wang Hao, Liu Yu and other court officials.

There was a glint in the eyes of these generals. They must know that this reward is related to their future, especially since the contribution this time is so great, it is even enough for the court to reward several marquises. Most of them may not be enough.

It is possible to become a marquis, but there is still some hope of becoming a count or even a lower title.

Therefore, all the generals looked at the important officials of the imperial court with great expectation.

It seems that they did not expect that the emperor would suddenly ask this question, but as important ministers of the cabinet, Yang Tinghe, Wang Hao and others quickly reacted, and saw Wang Hao slowly stand up and salute to the emperor, and glanced at the generals indifferently.

He said: "Back to Your Majesty, after consultation with the Ministry of War, the Governor's Office of the Five Armies and the Cabinet, the list of awards for meritorious soldiers has been finalized and is just waiting for His Majesty's sanction."

It is said that they are waiting for the Emperor's Holy Judgment. In fact, anyone who is not a fool knows that since the Ministry of War, the Fifth Army Governor's Office, and the cabinet have already discussed and come up with the results, then this list of awards cannot be said to be the final result. In fact, there will not be much Big changes.

Zhu Houzhao nodded slightly when he heard the words and said: "That's very good. At the court meeting tomorrow, I will reward the meritorious officers and soldiers to comfort the meritorious officers and soldiers of the three armies."

All the generals were overjoyed when they heard this. Although they had known for a long time that the rewards for them would definitely not be able to escape, but now that the emperor had vowed that the imperial court would announce the rewards for them the next day, everyone was naturally very happy, almost for the first time. Immediately he stood up and bowed to the emperor: "I thank you, Your Majesty. Long live, long live, long live your Majesty."

After the banquet dispersed, many generals with rosy faces and smell of alcohol left the imperial city in groups.

It can be clearly seen that a group of military heroes are gathered together, and most of the civil servants responsible for accompanying them are gathered together. The two sides cannot be said to be distinct, but there are not many people walking in the same place.

Wang Yangming, who was originally a civil servant, was even a cabinet minister, but now he was clearly alienated from the civil service group intentionally or unintentionally.

How could Wang Yangming not be aware of this? It's just that Wang Yangming didn't take it to heart at all about the alienation of the civil servant group.

However, it is only most civil servants who are alienated from Wang Yangming. After all, Wang Yangming has also been a cabinet minister for a period of time. He is also a generation of sages and great scholars. He has already gathered a group of officials around him. Even the third-grade minister has taken the initiative to worship him. Under Wang Yangming's family.

Therefore, at this moment, several civil servants were walking with Wang Yangming with smiles on their faces, talking and laughing with Wang Yangming, but they did not show that Wang Yangming was isolated.

Of course, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Wang Yangming has actually been isolated by most civil servants. Unless Wang Yangming makes his position clear and completely severs his relationship with the military, otherwise, Wang Yangming will inevitably be regarded by the civil servant group as being close to the Wuxun Group, and then Wang Yangming will be regarded as close to the Wuxun Group. Hostile and isolated by the civil service group.

Li Huan naturally noticed this, but Li Huan just looked at this situation with a smile. Even regarding the move of the civil service group to isolate Wang Yangming, Li Huan had the attitude of looking at the civil service group's joke.

Others don't know Wang Yangming's ability, and only think that Wang Yangming is talented in both civil and military skills. However, Li Huan knows how strong Wang Yangming's real ability is.

This person's ability is not as simple as that of a generation of sages. As long as Wang Yangming is willing, he can completely start a new one, pioneer a new school, and form his own system in the court.

We must know that based on the original history, Wang Yangming gathered the great achievements of the Xinxue and lectured all over the world. He gathered a large number of students around him and carried forward the Xinxue. After Wang Yangming passed away, the Xinxue had already developed and grown to become one of the most influential Confucian schools. A countervailing force of the same lineage.

Li Huan was looking forward to this Enke very much. Wang Yangming was the examiner appointed by the emperor. After the Enke, it can be said that all the Enke scholars in this class are Wang Yangming's disciples.

I dare not say that all the disciples in this subject will be used by Wang Yangming, but as long as Wang Yangming becomes the teacher of these people and preaches his comprehensive spiritual philosophy, I believe that most of them will become Wang Yangming's followers. By that time, the civil service group will want to Isolating Wang Yangming would probably become a joke.

However, it was said that the noble disciples who followed Li Huan and returned from the expedition were praised endlessly by the nobles when they left the imperial city.

Chen Jizu looked at his concubine Chen Ang and said with emotion on his face: "My son is really promising. I don't know what kind of reward my son will receive at the imperial meeting tomorrow."

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and catch up on books recently. I can switch sources and read aloud with many sounds. www. Android and Apple are available.]

Xu Ying on the side heard the words and chuckled softly: "Uncle Chen, don't worry, Brother Chen has made countless contributions this time. As long as the adults in the court don't interfere with it, I dare not say too much. I can't escape the position of earl."

It fell."

Xu Ying's words were like a thunder that exploded among the nobles. A dozen nobles who were talking to their disciples in a low voice all looked at Xu Ying and Chen Ang, their faces full of expressions.

A look of horror.

They are all nobles who have retired from the country, and they are all able to enjoy the glory and wealth they have today because of the shadow of their ancestors. Therefore, no one else knows how difficult it is to get a title based on military merit.

In the past hundred years of the Ming Dynasty, the number of nobles has not increased much, but has decreased a lot. Except for the two waves of nobles at the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the Jingnan period, in the past hundred years, there have been very few people who were truly knighted for military merit.


This time they defeated the Tatars, annihilating hundreds of thousands of Tatars in one battle. I can't say that the military success was comparable to that of the two emperors Taizu and Wenzong, but it was also the greatest victory that the court had experienced in a hundred years.

For such a great victory, it is not impossible that several marquises and more than a dozen earls would emerge from the victory, if the emperor was generous and generous.

You must know that Chen Jizu inherited the legacy of his ancestors. He inherited the title of Marquis of Ningyang, and was a Marquis of the Ming Dynasty.

Ordinarily, Chen Jizu was extremely shocked to hear that Xu Ying said that his son might be awarded the title of earl.

That is the position of an earl. Although it is not as good as that of a marquis, it can still be regarded as a superior earl position.

If it is a hereditary and irreplaceable Earlship, then its dignity may not be as noble as the Marquisship of Ningyang Marquis in his lineage.

Although there is not much hope for hereditary succession, the title Chen Ang received this time is very likely to be the kind of title that has been downgraded from generation to generation, but this has already made Chen Jizu extremely excited.

You must know that if Chen Jizu is really knighted, it means that the Chen family is a double noble family. In the Ming Dynasty, this is a supreme honor.

Chen Jizu, who was extremely excited, pulled Chen Ang and said in a trembling voice: "Okay, okay, if my son can be knighted, my father can open an ancestral hall to comfort his ancestors that I, Marquis Ningyang, will have a successor."

On the other hand, Chen Ang seemed quite calm and did not lose his composure like Chen Jizu. Hearing this, he smiled calmly and said: "Thanks to the care of the general, my son was able to achieve what he is today."

Hearing this, Chen Jizu nodded repeatedly and said: "Yes, yes, everything is done by the general. Without the care of the general, no matter how powerful my son is, he may not be able to use it."

At this time, other nobles also learned about the merits of their heirs from their own heirs. After all, although they had previously said that they had sent people to inquire about the merits of their heirs, no matter how much they inquired, they never heard anything from their heirs.


Few of these nobles are fools, and I dare not say that they are all old foxes. However, they can roughly judge the rewards that their heirs can receive based on their achievements.

Some people's faces showed excitement, while others showed a bit of regret, but no matter what, everyone's faces were full of joy.

At this time, listening to the conversation between Chen Jizu and Chen Ang's father and son, everyone reacted and nodded in unison: "Ningyang Hou said well, this time it is indeed thanks to the general's care, we have to thank you properly

That's the general."

"Hey, where is the general? Has anyone seen the general?"

"The general was still here just now, why did he disappear in the blink of an eye?"

For a moment, everyone looked around in confusion, looking for any trace of Li Huan.

At this time, the British Duke Zhang Lun stroked his beard and said: "No need to look for it. Just now I saw people from the imperial guards coming in a hurry. I whispered a few words to the general, and the general left in a hurry. I think it's

There must be some urgent matters to deal with at Jin Yiwei’s side.”

After hearing what Zhang Lun said, everyone understood why Li Huan could not be found. It turned out that there was something going on with the Jin Yiwei, and Li Huan left first.

Chen Jizu, the Marquis of Ningyang, couldn't help but sigh: "I guess there is nothing big going on with the Jin Yiwei. Later I plan to go to the General's mansion to pay homage to the General and express my gratitude."

As soon as Ningyang Marquis Chen Jizu said this, the eyes of all the nobles around him suddenly lit up. Why didn't they think of this? However, Chen Jizu said it in front of so many of them. If it spread to Li Huan'er

, I think Li Huan will definitely look at Chen Jizu and even Chen Ang and his son in a different light.

"Go together, go together. After the general has finished handling the affairs of the Jinyiwei Yamen, we all will go to see the general together."

[It’s the last two days, and the voting draw is open. Brothers, if you have a monthly ticket, please vote, otherwise it will expire and become invalid. 】

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