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Three hundred and eighty third chapter girl go

"Dead, everyone is dead"

Some people looked at the group of people on the ground who were pricked up like hedgehogs, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

Huang Boliu subconsciously opened his eyes wide, looked at the corpses on the ground, and then looked at Ren Yingying, Lu Zhuweng and others who were also in shock, and felt an inexplicable chill in his heart.

Huang Boliu was still very aware of the strength of Shi Jing and his men. These people didn't even have the power to resist. How could Huang Boliu not be shocked?

Almost instinctively, Huang Boliu raised his head and looked in the direction of Zhang Huai, Huang Long and others.

Previously, he only knew that a group of official cavalry was coming, but he never thought that the strength of the official army would be so strong. After all, as the leader of a gang, he knew a little bit about the strength of the Ming Dynasty official army.

It's not that he underestimated the Ming Dynasty's officers and soldiers, it was actually that the officers and soldiers he saw were not much better than ordinary people, let alone compared to his gang members.

Shi Jing led his men to resist the imperial army. He did not dare to say that he could firmly block the imperial army. At least he would not be defeated in a short time. As long as he could lead his men into the bamboo garden and capture and kill the imperial envoy Li

Huan, everything is settled.

But now who will tell him what is going on in front of him, and why the army that was so vulnerable in his impression suddenly became so powerful.

On top of the high wall, Li Huan's eyes fell on Huang Boliu and others, and he said calmly: "If you are captured without mercy, maybe I can spare your lives. If not..."

The people who were suppressed subconsciously looked towards Ren Yingying, Lu Zhuweng and others.

An angry look flashed in Ren Yingying's eyes. She had spent a lot of effort and effort to gather so many people. She came here just to rescue Xiang Wentian. How could she be willing to give up just like that.

Besides, she still had nearly a thousand people in hand at this time, so she didn't believe it. With so many people, they couldn't defeat each other.

With such thoughts flashing through her mind, Ren Yingying said in a deep voice to Huang Boliu and others: "What are you doing standing there in a daze? Why don't you kill me!"

Following Ren Yingying's order, the eyes of the people who were originally wavering could not help but flash a fierce light, and they rushed toward Zhang Huai, Huang Long and others with howls.

It has to be said that Ren Yingying's deterrence is still extremely strong, at least few of the evil heretics summoned by her dare to disobey her orders.

"How stubborn!"

Zhang Huai looked at the crowd of Jianghu people rushing towards them in a dark mass, with a trace of disdain flashing in his eyes.

At the same time, Zhang Huai immediately shouted: "Archers, prepare! Shoot!"

Immediately, the sound of arrows breaking through the air was heard, and just like before, arrows rained down.

It's just that this time the crowd of people who rushed up were obviously on guard. The crowd was not as concentrated as Shi Jing and others, but kept a certain distance. At the same time, under guard, everyone saw the arrow.

Lost, they all waved their weapons to block.

Of course, even so, there were still people who were shot and screamed horribly, but in comparison, the number of casualties was obviously much smaller.

It is a bit unrealistic to shoot Huang Boliu and others on the spot as easily as Shi Jing and others were shot.

The distance between the two sides is almost tens of feet. Although the distance of dozens of feet may not seem close, for a group of people in the martial arts world with strong bodies, they can rush forward in just a few breaths.

So Huang Boliu and others braved several waves of arrows and fought their way to the front.

Seeing the figures of Zhang Huai, Huang Long and others right in front of them, the people in the Jianghu who came forward under the rain of arrows suddenly showed fierce expressions.

At this time, the murderous intent in these people's hearts was also aroused. After all, they saw their companions falling to the ground one by one, many of whom were their close friends. It can be imagined how strong the murderous intent in these people's hearts was.

"Kill, kill, kill"

Huang Boliu and others shouted repeatedly, and the weapons in their hands were directed at Zhang Huai, Huang Long and a group of cavalry.


Zhang Huai casually hung the strong bow on his horse, stretched out his hand and grabbed a spear. The spear shook in his hand and suddenly made a sound of breaking through the air.

With the sound of gold and iron clashing, the spear hit Huang Boliu's fallen sword.

Huang Boliu wields a sword with one arm, and his strength was originally very good. However, due to a broken arm, he is now able to exert seven or eight points of strength, which is already good. However, he fell into a disadvantage in the first fight.

As for Huang Long and the other cavalry, they pulled out their sabers one by one, dismounted in unison, and appeared in front of the crowd as neatly as a forest.

When these cavalrymen got off their horses and lined up neatly, a wave of evil aura hit their faces, especially since these people were wearing uniform armor and holding gleaming swords in their hands. Not to mention other things, just that aura

The uniformity and uniformity are frightening.


Huang Long, who was standing at the forefront, shouted loudly, and then slashed the saber in his hand at the Jianghu people who rushed up in front of him.

Pfft, pfft

The sound of the blade entering the body was suddenly mixed with screams, and dozens of Jianghu people who rushed at the front were cut in half by the sword light that filled the sky.

Don't think that these cavalry can only fight immediately. After dismounting, their strength is not bad at all. To deal with these people in the arena who have no rules and no personal strength, the neat military formation will simply abuse the opponent.

"Hahaha, cut again!"

Huang Long laughed excitedly, and his body was already covered with the blood of the people he killed. When Huang Long laughed, he looked like a devil in the eyes of these people in the world.

The sword light suddenly appeared again. This sword light was so sharp that someone died on the spot as soon as the sword light came out.

From the perspective of Ren Yingying, Lu Zhuweng and others, Huang Boliu and others were really brave, and they rushed towards the ranks of officers and soldiers without fear of death.

However, in the blink of an eye, the chaotic team of Huang Boliu and others seemed to have crashed into a rock, only to have their heads bruised and bleeding. Waves of people from the rivers and lakes who rushed forward were easily beheaded on the spot, leaving only

Bodies everywhere.

In just a blink of an eye, as many as two to three hundred people in the Jianghu who followed Huang Boliu and rushed forward were killed. At this moment, the people in the Jianghu behind realized what they were doing, and each one of them screamed almost instinctively and stopped.


Some people didn't know what was going on and continued to rush forward, but in the end they pushed their companions who had stopped forward, and were greeted by the cold light of the sword.

Not only Ren Yingying and others saw this scene, but Li Huan who was standing on the high wall also saw this scene. Li Huan's eyes were calm, and he seemed not to be surprised by the scene in front of him.

In fact, this is not surprising. The troops led by Huang Long and Zhang Huai were the most elite ones in the Ming Dynasty. It can be said that in this era, no one in the world may be able to find a more elite army than them.

It would be really outrageous to say that such a team cannot even cope with a group of people from all over the world.

Lin Pingzhi on the side said with excitement in his eyes: "It's so happy, it's so happy. A group of rabble dares to attack the military formation. I really don't know how to write the word "death"."

Li Huan chuckled when he heard this, and turned his eyes to Ren Yingying, Lu Zhuweng and others not far away.

Li Huan was a little curious as to what choice Ren Yingying and others would make in this situation, whether they would choose to escape as before.

At this time, Ren Yingying, Lu Zhuweng, Zhuo Feng and others all looked extremely ugly. The scene in front of them was too unbelievable for them.

In their knowledge, killing has never been so clean and efficient.

But just now, the Ming army in front of them seemed to have put on a show for them, making them clearly realize that killing people could be so efficient.

"Sheng Aunt, Huang Boliu and the others won't be able to hold on for long. Let's take the opportunity to leave. Otherwise, I'm afraid it will be too late to leave!"

Ren Yingying, the Green Bamboo Man subconsciously looked towards the bamboo garden.

It's been a while, why haven't Yao Sihai, Qin Weiye, Peach Valley Six Immortals and others rescued the person yet?

In the opinion of Ren Yingying, Lu Zhuweng and others, Li Huan and Jin Yiwei's masters must have been attracted by them at this moment, so the person responsible for guarding Xiang Wentian is definitely not Qin Weiye, Yao Sihai and their opponents.

Originally, according to the prior agreement, once Qin Weiye and others succeeded, a signal would be sent out to notify them as soon as possible. Ordinarily, if nothing unexpected happened, even if Xiang Wentian was not rescued at this time, they should still make some noise.


Ren Yingying's eyes fell on the Green Bamboo Man, with a hint of inquiry in her eyes.

Green Bamboo Man noticed Ren Yingying's eyes and naturally knew the meaning contained in Ren Yingying's eyes. He shook his head slightly at Ren Yingying. He didn't know what was going on with Qin Weiye, Yao Sihai and others.

Suddenly, several figures jumped up from the bamboo garden onto the high wall. Who could they be if they weren't Cao Yu and several elite guards?

Each of these people held the bloody heads in their hands, and then said respectfully to Li Huan: "Sir, there are thieves who broke into the bamboo garden, and we have killed them all."

The eyes of Ren Yingying and others naturally fell on the bloody heads held in the hands of Cao Yu and others, and their eyes immediately shrank with horror in their eyes.

"Qin Weiye, Yao Sihai, the Six Immortals of Peach Valley, they... they..."

Yangzhou branch helmsman Zhuo Feng opened his eyes wide and looked at the heads held in the hands of Cao Yu and others in disbelief. He recognized the identities of these heads at a glance.

Ren Yingying glanced at Li Huan with great reluctance, turned around and walked away without hesitation: "Let's go!"

However, as soon as Ren Yingying and others turned around, they saw nearly a hundred Jin Yiwei armed with crossbows appearing on the long street behind them. The figures of Jin Yiwei were also on the high walls around them, and they were actually surrounded.

"Since you are here, don't leave. Aren't you here to save people? Xiang Wentian is right here."

While they were talking, they saw a figure being escorted over by Jin Yiwei. Ren Yingying and others recognized it as the target they came to rescue this time, Xiang Wentian.

"Uncle Xiang!"

When Ren Yingying saw Xiang Wentian's embarrassed look, she couldn't help but let out a sweet cry subconsciously.

Xiang Wentian had been not far away before. Everything that happened before was seen by Xiang Wentian. He never thought that Ren Yingying would bring someone to rescue him.

Seeing Huang Boliu and others being killed on the spot trying to save him, Xiang Wentian wanted to rush out and warn Ren Yingying so that Ren Yingying could escape quickly.

It's a pity that he couldn't help it. Now he was being escorted out. Hearing Ren Yingying's sweet cry, Xiang Wentian couldn't help but his eyes were hot, and he subconsciously wanted to speak, but it was a pity that he couldn't speak out because his mute point was sealed.

The voice comes.

Li Huan flicked his fingers, and the mute point on Xiang Wentian's body was immediately released, and Xiang Wentian opened his mouth and said: "Yingying girl, hurry up!"

At the same time, Xiang Wentian yelled at Green Bamboo Man: "Green Bamboo Man, you loser, why are you fooling around with Yingying and why don't you just protect Yingying and go away!"

Green Bamboo Man looked around subconsciously, and saw that all the surroundings were surrounded by Jinyi guards holding powerful crossbows. They were already surrounded, and it was not so easy to leave at this time.

Li Huan put his hands behind his back and said calmly: "Everyone, listen, anyone who moves without permission will be killed without mercy!"

The surrounding guards, Huang Long, Zhang Huai and other elite cavalry soldiers who had just put away their swords all responded in unison: "Yes!"

A terrifying aura rushed towards them, frightening the faces of more than a hundred people in the world who retreated to Lu Zhuweng, Ren Yingying, Zhuo Feng and others.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of people in the arena, including Huang Boliu, were killed like melons and vegetables, leaving only nearly a hundred people.

At this time, the more than a hundred people who had luckily escaped the disaster were like mourning their heirs. They no longer looked as fearless as before. Some of them were even trembling in fear at the miserable death of their companions.

Qi Liu knelt down on the ground and kowtowed: "Master, please forgive me, Master, please forgive me."


In the past, if people in these rivers and lakes saw their companions acting like this, they would definitely kill them immediately to avoid embarrassment, but now no one thinks there is anything wrong with those who kowtow to beg for mercy.

If they can survive, they will definitely kowtow to the army and beg for mercy without hesitation.

Zhuo Feng subconsciously clenched the weapon in his hand and trembled: "Holy aunt, what should I do?"

Before Ren Yingying could speak, a stern look flashed in the eyes of the green bamboo man beside him and he said: "Everyone is protecting my aunt. Even if we risk our lives, we can't let my aunt fall into the hands of the government."

As he spoke, Green Bamboo Man grabbed a shield from a Jianghu man and placed it in front of Ren Yingying and said, "Auntie, let's go."

Upon seeing this, Zhuo Feng and several other experts from the Sun Moon God Cult gritted their teeth and rushed forward without hesitation. They had to fight tooth and nail. If they fell into the hands of the government, they would only die.

Since they are all dead, why not give it a try? Maybe there is still a way to survive.

In an instant, arrows flew through the air one after another, and hundreds of arrows rained down on dozens of desperate people, causing screams and curses to be heard.

At this time, Ren Yingying, who was being guarded in the middle, had a look of confusion on her face. The screams all around and the corpses falling to the ground from time to time made Ren Yingying feel like she was dreaming.

The green bamboo man who withstood the rain of arrows was really not afraid of death. He held a shield in one hand and a corpse in the other and danced in an airtight manner. Together with Zhuo Feng, he protected Ren Yingying from a distance of several tens of feet.

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