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Chapter 413 The Ass Determines the Head

Many officials breathed a sigh of relief, but there were also officials who said to Wang Hao and others: "Old Wangge, having said that, the method of sharing one's family into one's own land is ultimately harmful to the moral integrity of the scholars.

We cannot sit idly by and do nothing."

As he spoke, a stern look flashed in the official's eyes and he said: "Besides, if Li Huan is to be a loyal minister of the emperor, even if he is in charge of the Jin Yiwei, we have already tolerated him taking charge of the Jin Yiwei and even the military power of the Beijing camp, but

He actually wants to reach into the court, and he even wants to carry out changes. If we retreat this time, then I am afraid there will be no place for us to stand in the court in the future."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of many officials present changed.

Some officials were aware of this, but most officials were not. Now being called out by this official in front of everyone suddenly aroused strong reactions from all the officials present.

"What a Li Huan, he is so ambitious. He actually wants to control the court?"

"Do you really think I'm easy to bully? He has the power of military and horse power. If he is allowed to take control of the court again, what will he want to do? Is he going to rebel?"

One by one, the hats were placed directly on Li Huan's head, but anyone who is not stupid knows that the reason why these officials reacted so fiercely and even filled with indignation at this moment was because Li Huan had touched their bottom line.

In the minds of these civil servants, Li Huan was just a soldier, and they didn't take him seriously in ordinary times. It was only because he got the emperor's favor that Li Huan became what he is today.

Although Li Huan is now a champion, he is the emperor's most trusted minister, but in the eyes of the civil servants of the dynasty, Li Huan is an ignorant and incompetent person, and he cannot stand on the stage at all.

It is intolerable that such a fortunate minister who came from a humble background and did not enter the officialdom through the proper path of imperial examinations actually wants to get involved in national affairs and even wants to usurp the power in their hands.

Wang Hao, who was stroking his beard, also frowned and looked at Yang Tinghe and Liu Yu. The two didn't say anything, but based on Wang Hao's understanding of the two of them, he only saw the words flashing in their eyes.

Yi Se can more or less guess what they are thinking.

His eyes swept over the remaining censors and Liubutang. Wang Hao took a deep breath and said slowly: "Don't worry, everyone, I am waiting for you. I will never sit back and watch Li Huan cause trouble in the court."

Qianqing Palace

The emperor drove back to the Qianqing Palace first, changed out of his attire, and appeared in the imperial study in ordinary clothes. At this time, Li Huan, Zhang Lun, and Zhu Fu had already arrived at the imperial study and saw the emperor appear.

, busy paying tribute to the emperor.

Zhu Houzhao signaled several people to get up and take their seats without courtesy. He glanced at Wang Hao, Yang Tinghe and other important ministers who had not yet arrived. Zhu Houzhao then looked at Li Huan and said with a bit of solemnity: "Li Qing,

Didn't you say before that you must find an opportunity to reform the tax system and not act rashly? Why did you suddenly mention this matter in the court today!"

The monarch and his ministers have not discussed the tax reform once or twice. They both know that this matter is related to the foundation of the country. If there is no complete preparation, it will never be implemented easily, because it can be done accidentally.

It will cause turmoil in the country.

Except for a few nobles like Zhang Lun and Zhu Fu, there were no outsiders here. It can be said that the nobles naturally sided with the royal family, so Zhu Houzhao did not avoid Zhang Lun and Zhu Fu at this time.

Hearing this, Li Huan didn't know Zhu Houzhao's worries. He smiled slightly and said, "Your Majesty, you can rest assured. Since I dare to mention this matter at this time, I have some confidence."

Hearing what Li Huan said, Zhu Houzhao's eyes lit up.

His biggest worry was that Li Huan was not very sure. Now that Li Huan said he was somewhat sure, he immediately felt a little more relaxed.

After all, based on how well he knew Li Huan, Li Huan was by no means a person who spoke arrogant words. Since Li Huan dared to say that and did that, he must be somewhat sure of what he said.

Looking at Zhu Houzhao's curious look, Li Huan coughed lightly and said: "Your Majesty also knows that reform has never been an easy thing to implement, especially when it involves taxes and other issues related to people's livelihood.

If Japan's major events are not supported by sufficient money and food, any slight setback may lead to the failure of the reform."

Zhu Houzhao nodded slightly and said: "What the Qing family said is true, and this is what I am worried about."

Zhu Fu on the side stroked his beard and suddenly laughed and said: "Old minister, I understand why the champion chose this time to carry out tax reform!"

Zhu Houzhao couldn't help but look at Zhu Fu, and Zhu Fu said with a smile: "Has your Majesty forgotten the confiscated wealth? With that wealth as support, even if it is recovered within one or two years,

If there is no tax at all, it will not cause the national treasury to be empty."

Zhu Houzhao's eyes lit up. He was a fan of the authorities. When he heard what Zhu Fu said, he immediately understood that the prerequisite of sufficient money and food was met.

Zhang Lun also smiled and said at this moment: "In addition to this, there is another reason. I think it is also one of the reasons why the champion candidate wants to carry out tax reform at this time."

Li Huan smiled and looked at Zhang Lun, as if to see if Zhang Lun could really guess the reason.

Zhang Lun noticed Li Huan's gaze and felt quite confident in his heart. He took a deep breath and said, "One of the very important reasons is that the champion has used the power of his previous victory to frighten all parties. He has an elite army stationed in the capital.

In addition, there is no shortage of money and food. If tax reform is no longer possible, then I really can’t think of any conditions under which tax reform can be carried out.”

With a bang, the Emperor, who was sitting behind the royal table, suddenly slapped the table. He stood up and said with a bit of excitement on his face: "Okay, okay, I

Why didn't you think of this? Just as the British Lord said, with the victorious Beijing army stationed in the capital and sufficient money and food in front of us, even if some people want to cause some trouble, it will be enough to suppress it."

If Zhu Houzhao was somewhat worried before that Li Huan's sudden mention of tax reform was a bit reckless, but now after Zhu Fu and Zhang Lun said this, Zhu Houzhao could be said to be completely relieved.

There are tens of millions of taels of wealth in the inner treasury. Coupled with the great external victory not long ago, it not only revived the power of the Ming military, but also sharpened its skills after a great war.

An elite army of hundreds of thousands came out.

With money, food, soldiers and horses in hand, coupled with the righteousness and honor, just imagine, there is anything in the world that their monarchs and ministers dare not do or cannot do.

Looking at Li Huan with a calm look on his face, Zhu Houzhao laughed loudly and said: "Li Qing can just let it go. Whether you and I, our monarchs and ministers, will be famous in history or be infamy for thousands of years, I will leave it to Ai Qing."

Li Huan took a deep breath, bowed to the emperor and said, "Your Majesty, please rest assured, I will do my best to reform the tax system, recast the foundation of our Ming Dynasty, and make the Ming Dynasty permanent."

At this time, Gao Feng's voice, who was guarding outside the royal study, suddenly came: "Mr. Yang Ge, Mr. Wang Ge and the Six Ministries, and the Commander-in-Chief of the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion want to see Your Majesty."

Zhu Houzhao sat down slowly and said in a deep voice: "Pass."

Soon I saw a dozen figures slowly walking into the imperial study. Although the imperial study was very spacious, with the dozen or so people who walked in, there were more than twenty people in total.

The place seemed a little crowded.

Yang Tinghe, Wang Hao and others all paid homage to the emperor.

Although there are only about twenty people in this imperial study, these people account for almost half of the core figures of the Ming Dynasty. It can be said that the decisions made by these people can almost affect the fate of this huge empire of the Ming Dynasty.

Instructing everyone to take their seats, Zhu Houzhao glanced at everyone and slowly said: "I am staying with you all because I want to discuss with you whether the plan proposed by Li Qing today to divide the children into two households is feasible.

How to implement it."

After Zhu Houzhao finished speaking, many people's expressions changed slightly.

The meaning of the emperor's words could not be clearer. This was a clear message to them that he, the emperor, would support Li Huanxing's tax reform.

Immediately, Wang Hao stepped forward and said to the emperor: "Your Majesty, you must not do this. For thousands of years, all dynasties have paid taxes and taxes, and the Taizu of our dynasty has done the same."

Although the method of establishing the ancestral law and spreading the land between small families sounds good, no one dares to say lightly what the pros and cons are. If the reform is beneficial to our Ming Dynasty, it is fine. If it shakes the foundation of our Ming Dynasty, we will all

He is a sinner of the Ming Dynasty."

At the same time, the Ministers of the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Punishment also stepped forward and expressed their opposition in a clear-cut manner: "What Mr. Wangge said is true. The law cannot be changed lightly. Otherwise, the country will be in turmoil and the people will be filled with resentment. I beg your Majesty to think twice."

It was expected that some people would stand up to object. If there was really no objection, Zhu Houzhao would wonder what these civil servants were up to, so Zhu Houzhao was not surprised at all.

He glanced at Yang Tinghe, Liu Yu and Wang Yangming with an indifferent expression and said, "What do the three pavilion elders think?" Liu Yu hesitated for a moment and said, "As a minister, you should share your worries for the king, and I will listen to your majesty in everything."


Looking at Liu Yu in surprise, Zhu Houzhao did not expect that Liu Yu would choose to stand on his side, but he thought that Liu Yu was regarded as the representative of the eunuch party. Even though the eunuch party is not as powerful as before because of Liu Jin, but

There is also a considerable force above the court.

Now that Liu Yu did not express any objection, and even chose to side with his emperor, Zhu Houzhao was naturally very happy. He nodded to Liu Yu with great satisfaction and said: "I understand my love for you."

When his eyes fell on Wang Yangming, Wang Yangming saluted the emperor, then looked at Li Huan and said: "Does the champion have a feasible method to promote the sharing of children as mothers?"

Li Huan chuckled and said, "Since Mr. Li dares to mention it, he naturally has a detailed method for implementing reforms."

With a flash of light in his eyes, Wang Yangming stroked his beard and laughed loudly: "Wang should give his full support to such things that benefit the country and the people."

Among the cabinet elders, the one Zhu Houzhao trusted the most was Wang Yangming. Now Wang Yangming did not disappoint him. With Liu Yu's support, it can be said that half of the four cabinet ministers expressed support, which greatly increased Zhu Houzhao's confidence.

Although the officials headed by Wang Yangming and Liu Yu only account for a small part of the court now, this at least represents the support of some officials for him, the emperor, and Li Huan.

Liu Yu and Wang Yangming expressed their opinions one after another, and everyone's target naturally fell on Yang Tinghe.

Although Yang Tinghe usually behaves in a low-key manner, no one dares to underestimate the other person. You must know that Yang Tinghe has a wide network of connections in the court that no one in the cabinet can compare with.

Most of the officials in the court were vaguely headed by Yang Tinghe, which meant that Yang Tinghe was not as showy as Wang Hao.

Yang Tinghe was one of the emperors of the past three dynasties, and was one of the important ministers chosen by the late emperors. After Xie Qian and Liu Jian were deposed, it can be said that Yang Tinghe has become an invisible representative of the civil servant group.

With Yang Tinghe's talent, he naturally understands the situation that the Ming Dynasty is facing now. When Li Huan proposed the method of dividing people into acres, Yang Tinghe's eyes lit up. He was amazed that this method would be of great benefit to the country. Yang Tinghe even dared to assert that,

If this method can really be implemented, if nothing else, it will definitely not be a problem to continue the national destiny of the Ming Dynasty for another hundred or two hundred years.

If one puts aside his own identity and position, Yang Tinghe absolutely agrees with and even strongly supports Li Huan's implementation of the reform of dividing the family into an equal share.

But there is a saying that people cannot help themselves in the world. Yang Tinghe, Wang Hao and others represent a large part of the officials in the court, or in other words, represent the interests of the gentry, officials and powerful people in the world.

The law of dividing one man into another directly hit the gentry, powerful men and officials who were entrenched in the local area, seriously damaging the interests of these people.

This premise is that no matter how much Yang Tinghe admired Li Huan and how clear he was about the benefits to the country of sharing the land with his family, when it came time for him to make a choice, Yang Tinghe actually had no choice at all.

Sighing secretly in his heart, he saw Yang Tinghe step forward, salute to the emperor, and said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, I think it is impossible. If the law of dividing a small family into an entire family is implemented, I am afraid it will cause chaos in the world and ruin all lives.

I beg your Majesty to think twice before acting.”

As Yang Tinghe opened his mouth, he saw the six departments present, the censors and other officials on the left and right all stood up and almost stood out.

Eighty-nine percent, he said to the emperor with righteous words: "I beg your majesty to put the country, the country, the country, and the country first, and think twice!"

Several governors from the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion looked at this scene and couldn't help but look at each other, not knowing what to do.

However, they have already been reduced to decorations, and the real power in their hands has long been taken away by the civil service group. It doesn't matter what opinions they express at this moment. As members of the nobles, they can't help but look at the British public.

How many people are there?

This chapter has been completed!
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