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Chapter 415 The world is looking sideways at him

A few people can now be regarded as grasshoppers on the same rope as Li Huan. They are both prosperous and devastated. Others may be targeting Li Huan or looking at Li Huan's jokes coldly, but Zhang Lun, Zhu Fu and others are.

I'm really worried about Li Huan.

Feeling the concern in the eyes of Zhang Lun and Zhu Fu, Li Huan smiled slightly and said: "Don't worry, everyone, since I dare to do this, I naturally know the seriousness of it, and I will never risk my own life and that of my family."

The honor and disgrace of life and death are just a joke."

After hearing what Li Huan said, Zhang Lun and Zhu Fu secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

You must know that Li Huan and them are married. If Li Huan is really killed because of the reform, it will be difficult for them to stay out of it. Now seeing how confident Li Huan is, a few people are a little curious out of their trust in Li Huan.

Li Huan's eyes fell on Wang Yangming, who didn't speak much, and he slowly said: "I wonder if sir, if you have time to accompany Mr. Li for a walk."

Wang Yangming raised his eyebrows, nodded slightly and said, "I dare not invite you if I wish!"

In the court, although there were some civil servants who took refuge under Li Huan for various purposes and cheered for Li Huan, almost most of them were not political talents.

But Wang Yangming is different. Not to mention Wang Yangming himself is extremely talented, but he also has a large number of talented people gathered under his sect. Another point is that the former emperor ordered Enke to be opened, and the chief examiner was Wang Yangming.

The new batch of scholars accepted by the imperial court were naturally marked by Wang Yangming, even though Li Huan did not think highly of most literati of this era.

But that is only because of the personal ethics of these literati, but when it comes to talent and learning, to be honest, these people can really be said to be the most outstanding people in the Ming Empire.

After all, if you are not a truly outstanding talent, it is really difficult to stand out from thousands of troops.

In every scientific examination held in the Ming Dynasty, countless scholars were considered, but only a few could really fight all the way to the end and eventually become the most prominent group of people in the Ming Dynasty.

I dare not say that it is one in a thousand, but at least it is one in a hundred, one in a thousand.

Nowadays, such a group of new scholars have integrated into the court, some have entered the Hanlin Academy, and some have entered the six ministries to observe politics. The more important point is that Wang Yangming, the teacher of this new generation of scholars, has not

I would rather waste such a great opportunity and teach the mind science that I have mastered as a subject to everyone.

The study of mind can establish Wang Yangming's status as a sage, and its sophistication is naturally extraordinary. For the scholars of this era, I dare not say that it is enlightening, but at least it has opened the eyes of many scholars.

At least according to the information that Jin Yiwei privately inquired about, a total of 124 people were admitted to that batch of Enke. Among them, nearly a hundred people were moved by Wang Yangming's teachings after listening to Wang Yangming's lectures several times.

Wang Yangming became his disciple and became his disciple.

Compared with the high-ranking civil servant group in the court, these newly promoted scholars may not be in the mainstream at all, but one thing is undeniable, that is, any official starts from scratch, and these scholars are also average.

As long as these scholars grew up and slowly entered the various ministries of the court, it can be imagined that at that time, these scholars who were deeply influenced by Wang Yangming's philosophy would definitely be Wang Yangming's biggest supporters.

Xinxue emphasizes the unity of knowledge and action, which is exactly the help Li Huan needs next.

Any reform must be implemented by people. After all, no matter how good the policy is, if no one implements it or it is distorted and misinterpreted by others, it may turn from a policy that benefits the country and the people into a policy that harms the country and the people at the bottom.


This is a real world where everyone is a human being and anything can happen.

If the method of dividing a small family into an equal amount of land is really to be implemented, it will definitely take more than just one sentence. It is as simple as a decree. Li Huan didn't even have to think about it to know that once the emperor officially issued a decree to reform the taxation method.

Perhaps under the pressure of the emperor, no one in the court openly opposed it, but when it came down to the officials at the state and county level, it was still unknown whether they could actually implement it.

Anyway, Li Huan didn't believe that the lower-level officials would be so obedient, or that they would honestly cooperate with him to implement the method of sharing the land with the family.

Li Huan and Wang Yangming walked side by side. At this time, the sun was approaching the zenith, and the bright sunshine fell on Li Huan and Li Huan.

Wang Yangming listened to Li Huan's heart-to-heart talk about how he would implement tax reform next, and pondered Li Huan's words in his heart. After all, Wang Yangming had clearly stood up to support Li Huan before.

The most important thing is that Wang Yangming understands that given the current situation of the Ming Dynasty, if reform is not possible, the Ming Dynasty may face the disaster of changing dynasties within a few decades and fall into the reincarnation of previous dynasties.

As a scholar, Wang Yangming's greatest pursuit is to assist the emperor, care for the people, and become a wise minister who will leave a name in history.

Therefore, when Li Huan proposed to reform taxes and implement the law of dividing a person into an equal share, Wang Yangming had already made a decision in his mind, and it was not because he had a close relationship with Li Huan that he had to stand up and support Li Huan.

If Li Huan's proposal was really a policy that would harm the country and the people, Wang Yangming would have stood up and opposed Li Huan without hesitation. However, with Wang Yangming's perspective, he didn't know the benefits of sharing the land with the Ming Dynasty.

Yang Tinghe, Wang Hao and others generally opposed it. Wang Yangming really couldn't pass his own psychological test.

"I wonder if you, sir, would be willing to help me!"

At this time, Li Huan paused and stopped at the entrance of the palace. His eyes were full of solemnity and he looked at Wang Yangming.

Although Li Huan asked himself that even if all the civil and military officials in the dynasty opposed it, he would still implement tax reform as long as he had the support of the emperor. However, it would definitely be extremely difficult, and even he himself did not have much certainty.

But if Wang Yangming could support him, Li Huan's chances of success would at least be a little higher.

Under Li Huan's glaring gaze, Wang Yangming felt a surge of pride emerge from his chest, and couldn't help but laugh: "The champion wants to leave his name in history, how can Wang be willing to be the queen?"

Hearing what Wang Yangming said, Li Huan's eyes suddenly lit up. He couldn't help but stretched out his hand and said to Wang Yangming: "With the help of Mr. Li, Mr. Li will have no worries. The reform can be achieved!"

Looking at Li Huan's outstretched hand, Wang Yangming immediately reached out and gave Li Huan a high-five and solemnly said: "I am willing to encourage you together!"

It has been less than half a month since the Great Chao Hui, and the weather is getting colder and colder. The new year will arrive in about a month.

Since that day, after the meeting of the imperial court and the discussion of politics in the royal study room, several important officials including King Ge Laowang, the imperial censor, the minister of rites, etc. were deposed by the emperor because they opposed Li Huan's reform of taxation.

The court was in an uproar for a while, and it spread throughout the world in the shortest possible time.

Along with this, the memorial written by Li Huan to the emperor spread, especially the content of the method of spreading the land among the peasants. The scholars were in an uproar about it.

As the elites of this era, these people can naturally see the pros and cons of the method of dividing the land between farmers and farmers. This is to cut off the flesh of local powerful and gentry like them.

They have always been lying on Ming's body to suck blood. When will it be the imperial court's turn to cut off their flesh and drain their blood? Wouldn't this cost their lives?

In a short period of time, local governors and officials at all levels wrote to the court one after another, impeaching Li Huan for causing harm to the country and the people. Memorials flew into the capital like snowflakes.

Countless eyes from all over the world turned to the Forbidden City of the Ming Dynasty, as if to see what kind of decision the young emperor sitting in the Forbidden City would make in the end.

After all, as long as the will of reform is carried out, everything is not yet a foregone conclusion. Perhaps the emperor gave up on the idea of ​​reform due to pressure.

Yang Mansion, Yang Tinghe watched another group of officials leaving, looking towards the Forbidden City with a somewhat profound expression.

At the city gate, a carriage creaked and slowly drove out of the capital. When it was leaving the city gate, the curtain of the carriage was opened, and an old face emerged, looking like an ordinary old man.

Normally, but if anyone recognizes this person, they will probably be amazed. This person is none other than the former Pavilion Lao Wang Jie who was deposed from the position of Pavilion Lao not long ago.

Wang Hao's eyes returned from the direction of the Forbidden City, and a strange look flashed in his eyes. After putting down the curtain, he saw Wang Hao's eyes sweeping over a letter in front of him. He took a deep breath and slowly said: "

Let's go south to Nanchang Mansion." Jinyiwei Yamen

Li Huan, dressed in brocade robes, seemed not to be affected by the external disturbances at all, and looked at ease.

In the hall, Yue Buqun, who had been promoted to the imperial envoy of Jinyiwei Town, was standing there respectfully. He secretly glanced at Li Huan who was sitting there, took a deep breath and said, "I don't know what you can do if you come here to recruit an official."


Li Huan glanced at Yue Buqun and said slowly, "I have something for you to do."

Yue Buqun's eyes lit up and he said without hesitation: "Just tell me, sir."

Li Huan chuckled and said: "It's not a big deal. I just want you to go out and lead people to flatten the Blackwood Cliff for me. From then on, there will no longer be any Sun and Moon God Sect in this world."

, are you sure?"

Hearing what Li Huan said, Yue Buqun couldn't help but be stunned. He was obviously shocked by Li Huan's words for a moment.

If it were people like Ma Ming, Chen Ke, and Zhang Huai, I'm afraid they wouldn't have such a reaction. After all, in the eyes of people like Ma Ming who come from noble families, those who are above the world are all

They are all rebellious officials and traitors, and they will be killed if the court wants to.

But Yue Buqun was different. Yue Buqun himself came from a martial arts world, and was even the leader of the Huashan Sect who had been entangled with the Sun and Moon Sect for decades. In Yue Buqun's heart, the Sun and Moon Sect was like a sect.

Behemoths are generally difficult to destroy.

But now Li Huan's understatement said that he wanted to destroy the Sun Moon God Sect and level the Blackwood Cliff. This naturally conflicted with Yue Buqun's long-held understanding. For a moment, Yue Buqun couldn't help but be stunned.


Seeing Yue Buqun's reaction in his eyes, Li Huan smiled slightly and said, "What, are you having any difficulties?"

Yue Buqun suddenly came to his senses, took a deep breath and said hurriedly: "Go back to me, sir, there is no difficulty."

That's what he said, but Yue Buqun still had a look of hesitation on his face, obviously not as sure as he said.

Li Huan just smiled and said: "Just say whatever you have to say, and ask for anything you need. As long as I can do it, you will definitely get what you want. If the Sun and Moon God Sect cannot be destroyed by then, then don't blame me.

Punish you for your sins.”

Yue Buqun bowed to Li Huan solemnly and said: "Xiaguan was born in Jianghu, and he knows very well that if you want to destroy the Sun Moon God Sect, you can't just send out the imperial army. If you only send out the imperial army, maybe Heimu can be defeated."

There is nothing wrong with Ya, but facing those members of the Sun and Moon God Sect, I am afraid that most of them will flee. These people may resurrect at any time and form the Sun and Moon God Sect again."

Li Huan nodded slightly. What Yue Buqun said was not unreasonable. Although the people in the rivers and lakes were not opponents of the imperial army, if they wanted to escape, it would be really difficult for the imperial soldiers and horses to prevent any fish from slipping through the net.

Seeing Li Huan nodding, Yue Buqun perked up and said: "I thought that it would not be difficult to completely eradicate the Sun Moon God Sect. First, the imperial court would send an elite army, and secondly, recruit a group of martial arts masters."

Follow along, this way, you can ensure that no fish from the Sun Moon God Sect slips through the net."

The corner of his mouth curled up slightly, Li Huan looked at Yue Buqun and said, "Oh, are you planning to recruit the Huashan Sect?"

Seeing Li Huan staring at him with a smile, Yue Buqun said hurriedly: "The Huashan sect has withered and its strength is vulnerable. The lower official believes that the two major sects of Shaolin and Wudang should send an order to send their disciples to assist the imperial court in encircling and suppressing the Sun and Moon God.


When he looked at Yue Buqun and felt a little uneasy in his heart, Li Huan couldn't help laughing, stood up and looked at Yue Buqun and said, "Not bad, not bad."

Listening to Li Huan's praise, Yue Buqun secretly breathed a sigh of relief for some unknown reason. It was really too stressful to face Li Huan's direct gaze.

While Yue Buqun breathed a sigh of relief, he was also secretly proud of himself. The method he proposed to recruit Shaolin and Wudang disciples to assist the imperial court in encircling and suppressing the Sun and Moon God Sect was definitely unexpected.

Lin Pingzhi, who didn't see Lin Ping standing nearby, couldn't help but cast a strange look at him.

But at this moment, Li Huan casually handed two bright yellow scrolls with seals to Yue Buqun.

Yue Buqun was stunned for a moment when he looked at the two scrolls in front of him, then realized what was happening and fell to his knees with a thud.

Those two scrolls were obviously two imperial edicts. No wonder Yue Buqun fell to the ground in shock. After all, in the past few years, Yue Buqun had integrated into the officialdom. It was reasonable to have such a reaction when he saw the imperial edict.

Seeing Yue Buqun's reaction, Li Huan smiled slightly and said, "There are no outsiders here. These two imperial edicts were obtained by me for you. Please open them and take a look."

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