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Chapter 443 Suspected of forcing the palace

Although Yang Tinghe was not the first assistant, he was regarded as the first assistant in the hearts of Baiguan. In addition, after Xie Qian and Liu Jian and others left one after another, Yang Tinghe had actually become the backbone of Baiguan.

Although Yang Ting and others did not seem to be that concerned about dealing with Li Huan in the previous few times, or they took the initiative to stand up and compete with Li Huan as they expected.

Even so, looking at the court, apart from Yang Tinghe, there is really no one else who is qualified and capable of winning the support of hundreds of officials.

Now after hearing what Yang Tinghe said, many people breathed a sigh of relief and saluted Yang Tinghe: "Thank you for your help, I ask you to persuade your majesty. Don't be bewitched by that traitor Li Huan. It has given me the foundation of the Ming Dynasty."

An official called his friends and said, "Everyone, let's discuss how to contact more people and send a letter to the emperor to advise His Majesty."

As the officials left, calm finally returned to the square. However, the chaos in front of the Qianqing Palace disappeared, and a turbulent undercurrent was brewing in the capital.

Compared with Li Huan's previous proposal of dividing people into acres, inventorying the world's acres, and collecting taxes based on acres, although many people are quite resistant, because the officials, gentry and dignitaries who really have the right to speak I have the privilege of being tax-free, so although I am quite opposed to the policy of dividing one person into another, I don't have the motivation to resist it with all my life.

In any case, their own interests would not be harmed. After noticing the emperor and Li Huan's determination to implement tax reform, naturally no one risked being targeted by Li Huan and taking advantage of their own family members. He had to sacrifice his life with Li Huan.

However, this time it is different.

Sharing the land among the peasants would not infringe upon their interests, but Li Huan's proposal for the government and gentry to pay the grain as one unit was fully pursued by them.

It can be said that as soon as this strategy came out, everyone seemed to feel the aggressive attitude from Li Huan.

In a rather quiet and elegant courtyard, more than a dozen officials are gathering together. If anyone recognizes these people, they will find that although these people are located in different ministries and yamen in the court, they seem to have no connection, but If you look closely, you will find that these people are from the south of the Yangtze River.

Jiangnan has produced a lot of talents since ancient times. Especially in the Ming Dynasty, when the Ming Dynasty opened the imperial examination to recruit scholars, almost half of the scholars came from Jiangnan, so that the imperial court had to specially create a southern list and a northern list for this purpose. This was used to balance the power between the North and the South.

Even so, above the Ming Dynasty Hall, there are still more officials from Jiangnan, and only a small part of them are gathered here now.

Although Chen Gengyun, a lecturer at the Hanlin Academy, has an inconspicuous rank among officials, as a lecturer at the Hanlin Academy, his status is extremely noble.

During the Ming Dynasty, the Hanlin Academy was a truly noble place. Only the best among the Jinshi were eligible to enter the Hanlin Academy. And if you wanted to enter the cabinet during the Ming Dynasty, you had to be from the Hanlin Academy.

Although there is no explicit rule, this is an unspoken rule accepted by the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty. In other words, as long as there are no accidents in the Hanlin Academy, the future will be bright.

Chen Gengyun's elegant temperament has long since disappeared, and there is even a bit of ferocious look on his face. He said: "God damn Li Huan, he still has scholars like us in his eyes, and he actually wants to destroy our ancestors." The method is to collect taxes on the acres of land under the names of our officials and gentry..."

As the Prime Minister of the Imperial Academy, Du Yuan stroked his beard and looked at Chen Gengyun who was losing his temper and said: "What Chen Shi said is true. We bear the hope of all the people in the world, and we must not sit back and watch Li Huan corrupt the imperial court and disrupt our Ming Dynasty. "

Whether it is Du Yuan, the Prime Minister of the Imperial Academy, or Chen Gengyun, the Chancellor of the Hanlin Academy, although they seem to have only noble names and no real power in their hands, no one dares to underestimate them even among the six powerful officials.

If we really want to talk about influence, I'm afraid not many people can compare with them.

At this time, Zhao Ye, a member of the Ministry of War, smiled bitterly and said: "You guys didn't see the tit-for-tat scene at the meeting today. Your Majesty doesn't know how he was so fascinated by Li Huan that he actually supported Li Huan." That traitor ignored the advice of hundreds of officials."

Zhao Ye sighed and said: "Although Mr. Yang Ge said that he would unite all the adults to meet with Your Majesty and persuade His Majesty to take back his life, but judging from His Majesty's attitude, it would be a little difficult for His Majesty to take back his life."

Most of the people present had experienced the great court meeting not long ago, so when they heard what Zhao Ye said, everyone's faces showed a sad look.

However, Du Yuan, the eunuch of the Imperial Academy, and Chen Gengyun, the lecturer of the Hanlin Academy, did not attend the meeting. They did not know that the officials at the meeting were intimidated by the power of the emperor and Li Huan.

Seeing Zhao Ye's dejected look at this moment, Chen Gengyun couldn't help but slapped the table and shouted angrily at Zhao Ye: "What do you mean, Mr. Zhao, what do you mean by this? Could it be that just because of your majesty's attitude, we have to sit back and watch your majesty?" Made a huge mistake?"

While speaking, Chen Gengyun raised his hands in the direction of the imperial city and said: "As human ministers, we assist the emperor above and provide safety to the people below. If the emperor makes mistakes, we should rebuke him. How can we have to do it just because of some difficulties?" give up."

Du Yuan, the eunuch on the side, immediately clapped his hands and praised: "Okay, that's good. Since your majesty has been deceived by the traitor Li Huan, we must wake him up. This is the way to be a minister."

Some other officials couldn't help but look at Du Yuan. Chen Gengyun said with a bit of excitement and curiosity on his face: "Could it be Du Jiancheng, what can Shi Chen tell you can you do?"

Chen Gengyun stroked his beard and showed a hint of wisdom on his face. However, he cast his eyes on Du Yuan, the supervisor next to him, and said, "Du Yuancheng must have some ideas."

Du Yuan smiled slightly when he heard this, and said to Chen Gengyun: "As the saying goes, heroes think alike. Du thought that Chen Shi's method should be the same as what Du thought."

As they spoke, the two of them looked at each other, as if they had a mental connection, and smiled at each other.

On the other hand, Zhao Ye and the others who saw the reaction of the two men looked a little unnatural. Why couldn't they think of any way to make them look like fools compared to Du Yuan and Chen Gengyun? .

Taking a deep breath and suppressing the uneasiness in his heart, Zhao Ye couldn't help but look at Chen Gengyun with an expectant look on his face. Du Yuan and Du Yuan said: "If you have any good ideas, please tell me quickly."

Looking at each other, Chen Gengyun smiled at Du Yuan, and then said: "Didn't you all say before that His Majesty will not accept the advice of hundreds of officials at all?"

Zhao Ye nodded slightly and said, "Not bad."

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and Chen Gengyun said: "Then it must be that there are not enough people to advise His Majesty. If the number of people is large enough, in the face of the fierce public opinion in the world, I don't believe that Your Majesty can really ignore it.

If you haven’t heard of it.”

After being slightly startled, Zhao Ye looked at Chen Gengyun with some confusion and said, "What does Chen Shi mean?"

Chen Gengyun chuckled lightly and said: "As far as Chen knows, there are thousands of scholars from our Ming Dynasty gathered in the Imperial College. Among them are many talented people, and there are many people who are famous for their achievements. You said that if we put Li at the imperial meeting today,

If Huan suggests that the emperor revoke the tax-free privileges of those who hold high positions of power, what will be the reaction of these people?"

Before Chen Gengyun could finish his words, Zhao Ye said: "Is there any need to say that? No one will agree to it. They have studied hard all their lives, and all they want is to be able to be superior to others and become a master. Now Li Huan is a traitor."

He actually wants to deprive them of their tax-free privileges, so it’s not an exaggeration to say that he is their mortal enemy.”

Chen Gengyun nodded slightly and said: "That's right. As the saying goes, destroying someone's wealth is like killing their parents. What's more, Li Huan still wants to abolish their tax-free privileges. Do you think these people will take Li Huan as soon as they learn the news?

The traitor was torn alive."

Many people showed excitement on their faces after hearing Chen Gengyun's words.

Because if they put themselves in his shoes, they didn't need to think too much to know that once the news reached the Imperial College, the scholars in the Imperial College would probably fight for Li Huan.

Du Yuan, the Prime Minister of the Imperial Academy, who was stroking his beard, sneered: "Thousands of scholars gathered in front of the palace gate to ask for an explanation from the emperor. Do you think the emperor would choose to preserve Li Huan at that time, or would he choose to

Killing Li Huan will give an explanation to thousands of scholars!"

An official said excitedly: "That's needless to say. As long as the emperor is not stupid, he will definitely know what choice to make. Offending thousands of scholars for a mere Li Huan is not what a wise king would do. Even a faint king may not dare to do so.

Do something like this."

Several eyes fell on Du Yuan, the Prime Minister of the Imperial College, and Zhao Ye said to Du Yuan impatiently: "Prime Du, the Imperial College can be said to be your territory. This matter

I’m afraid I’m going to trouble you, Du Jiancheng.”

Du Yuan laughed loudly and said: "It's just a little effort. If you can eliminate one traitor for my Ming Dynasty, it will be the glory of many scholars in our country."

After saying that, Du Yuan suddenly stood up and walked out and said: "You are willing to go to the Imperial Academy with Du Mou, and invite many scholars to knock on the palace door together, admonish the emperor, and ask the emperor to kill the traitors."


"Go together, go together!"

"How could such a feat be accomplished without me!"

Here Du Yuan and others made up their mind, left the other courtyard and headed straight for the Imperial College.

Yang Mansion

Yang Tinghe, who had high hopes from the officials, stayed in the mansion after leaving the court, so that the officials did not know what Yang Tinghe was doing at this moment.

However, although Yang Tinghe said that he was in the palace, he could not avoid the important officials of the court coming to visit him one after another, hoping that he could come up with a way to deal with Li Huan's policy of paying taxes to the officials and gentry as one body.

Whether to categorically reject the emperor or to comply with the emperor, as important ministers of the imperial court, they had to come up with an idea. After all, all the officials were still waiting for their decision.

In the study, Yang Tinghe sat there calmly and calmly, looking at several officials with anxious expressions on their faces.

Seeing Yang Tinghe's unhurried look, the Minister of Rites couldn't help but said to Yang Tinghe: "Mr. Ge, what time has it been? Why are you still so unhurried? If you don't think of a way, I'm afraid it will be your Majesty's fault."

The imperial edict is about to leave the palace."

The other people also spoke together.

Yang Tinghe smiled slightly and said: "You don't need to worry, it is not difficult to solve this matter."

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned when they heard this, looking at Yang Tinghe with some surprise and confusion. If this matter was really so easy to solve, they wouldn't have to get angry one by one.

"Mr. Ge, is there really anything you can do?"

A young man standing next to Yang Tinghe looked at the situation in the field and remained silent. He just slowly poured tea for Yang Tinghe.

Yang Tinghe said calmly: "Yang has a method, you might as well give it a try. If nothing happens, His Majesty will be able to take back his life, and even Li Huan will not be able to escape the blame."

Everyone's eyes lit up and they stared at Yang Tinghe.

He saw Yang Tinghe waving to a few people. Seeing this, the Minister of Rites and several others subconsciously stood up and stepped forward. Yang Tinghe dipped his hand into the tea in the teacup and lightly wrote a few words on the table in front of him.


"The Imperial College..."

Looking at the method written by Yang Tinghe, the faces of several important officials gradually became excited.

Suddenly, one person couldn't help but clapped his hands and exclaimed: "Okay, okay, I never thought that Mr. Ge would have such a wonderful method. If it is true as Mr. Ge said, then this time Li Huan will have to shed a layer of skin even if he doesn't die.


Seeing everyone leaving happily, calm returned to the study room.

I don't know how much time had passed, but the young man who had been standing there without speaking slowly opened his mouth and looked at Yang Tinghe and said: "Father, although this method is wonderful, it is suspected of forcing the emperor into the palace. If the late emperor was in power, this method would have no taboos.

Nothing goes wrong, but although you are kind-hearted now, you are not a weak king. Aren't you afraid that it will backfire and cause chaos?"

Yang Tinghe glanced at the young man, with a look of satisfaction on his face and said: "Yes, you think about defeat before winning. Yongxiu, you have not let my father down, but everything is under my father's control. Yongxiu, you will be great."

Don’t worry.”

After Yang Shen listened to his father's wise words, the worries in his heart gradually dissipated, and then he nodded and said: "It's good that the father has something in mind, but the child is worrying too much."

Imperial College

The Imperial Academy of the Ming Dynasty was divided into the South Prison and the North Prison, which were also called Nanyong and Beiyong. The South Prison was set up by Taizu. Needless to say, it was naturally located in Nanjing. Thanks to the flourishing literary style in the south of the Yangtze River, the Nanjian had no less than 10,000 students.


The Beijian was established by Emperor Yongle and was located in the capital. In order to distinguish it from the Imperial College in Nanjing, it was called the Beijian. Because the capital was the political center of the Ming Dynasty, a large number of famous scholars gathered in the Imperial College.

There were so many people there, even more than 10,000 people at its peak, it was an unprecedented event.

[Asking for a monthly ticket]

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