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Chapter 451: Gunpowder Keg

Chapter 451 Powder Keg

It can be said that this alone will completely cut off Lin's hopes for the next hundred years.

Everyone knows that the descendants of the Lin family within the next three generations will not be able to take the scientific examination, which means that the Lin family will lose the opportunity to enter the officialdom from then on.

In this era, it would be fine if the Lin family was just a local power. The worst they could do was spend more money to establish good relations with officials above the officialdom, which would not affect their status as a local power.

But don't forget that the Lin family is the most prosperous wealthy family in Qiantang County. It occupies countless enviable interests. Not to mention other things, just the hundreds of thousands of acres of fertile land in this land in the south of the Yangtze River.

I don’t know how many people are envious of me.

That is to say, the Lin family has talented people from generation to generation and has never cut off the support from the officialdom. This is how it is possible to preserve the Lin family's huge wealth.

Today, the Lin family has suddenly lost its future. Even because of the impact of the Lin Yuan Kung Palace case, several officials from the Lin family were dismissed one by one by the imperial court and investigated.

In other words, the Lin family today has completely lost its protection and is a family with so much wealth. In other words, in a short while, those who covet the Lin family's wealth have not had time to take action. Otherwise, the Lin family's hundreds of years of

The foundation may have been wiped out long ago.

On this day, in the Lin clan's ancestral temple, more than a dozen elders of the Lin clan gathered in the ancestral hall with solemn expressions.

The ancestral hall was filled with the spiritual tablets of ancestors of the Lin family. Under the leadership of the clan leader Lin Xiao, more than a dozen people offered incense to their ancestors before taking their seats.

Lin Xiao nodded and said: "What the third brother said is true. Mr. Wangge alone cannot save my Lin family. However, I saw another person in Mr. Wangge's house."

Lin Xiao said word by word: "This person is not a big shot, but the person behind him is of high status."

Feng Gu and Zhu Hong's eyes fell on Liu Yangzheng and said: "Mr. Liu, I wonder what the prince will say this time?"

Lin Xiao suddenly stood up and almost roared: "I am not willing to give in. Even if I risk my life, I will give it a try, all for the Lin family!"

At this time, Lin Xiao also looked solemn and said: "This person's name is Liu Yangzheng!"

The elders of the clan couldn't react for a while. They were entrenched in the local area, and their connections were so dense that even the local royal family members and vassal kings were not taken seriously by them.

Glancing at Lin Quan, Lin Xiao just frowned and said, "I said, as long as I am still alive, I will never sit back and watch the Lin family be separated. The third brother should not mention the separation of the family again."

Under the attention of everyone, Lin Xiao nodded slowly and said: "Yes, it is Mr. Wang Zhaowang from the front pavilion."

An old man stroked his beard, frowned and said slowly: "Clan leader, are you sure he is the secret envoy of Prince Ning whom he met at Mr. Shouxi's house?"

For this reason, Lin Xiao hurriedly left after temporarily calming the chaotic people in the clan. This was only half a month. He just returned to the clan yesterday, and as soon as he came back, he hurriedly summoned all the elders of the clan.



After Lin Quan finished speaking, everyone else looked at Lin Xiao. They were also curious as to whether Lin Xiao really had any solution. After all, Lin Xiao must have been thinking of a solution after he left for less than half a month. This time

When I return, I might actually bring something back with me.

Therefore, in the eyes of many people, Prince Ning is just an arrogant person who is ambitious but has no brains.

Similarly, the elders of the Lin clan did not have a good impression of Prince Ning. When they heard Lin Xiao mention Prince Ning, everyone was naturally extremely surprised.

"Mr. Wang, I wonder where the special envoy of King Ning is!"

Hearing what Lin Geng said, almost everyone felt nervous.

As if he was not surprised at all by everyone's reaction, Lin Xiao looked at everyone with a solemn face and said: "The leader of this clan has promised to be King Ning's secret envoy to help King Ning seize the treasure..."

This time Lin Xiao did not sell out the secret, and said directly: "Liu Yangzheng is the secret envoy of His Highness Prince Ning of Nanchang Prefecture!"

The smiles on several people's faces gradually faded away, and they showed a hint of solemnity.

But now that the Lin family has been robbed, the Lin family is no longer what it used to be.

The identity of the old man is not simple. He is older than everyone present. He is the grandfather of Lin Xiao and the others. It can be said that he is the only one left.

Lin Quan was not surprised by Lin Xiao's answer, but he still looked at Lin Xiao and said: "Head, you have come up with an idea that can save our Lin family. As long as you have a way to save the Lin family, I will naturally not mention it again.

What about dividing the family?"

Lin Quan looked at Lin Geng and Lin Xiao and said, "Do I, the Lin family, really have no other way to go? I helped King Ning rebel, and if it fails, I, the Lin family, will probably die without a burial place."

Lin Quan, the elder of the clan, looked at Lin Xiao and said with some impatience: "The clan leader is so anxious to summon us here. Could it be that he agreed to divide the ancestral property?"

Lin Quan said doubtfully: "Among the high-ranking officials and dignitaries in the south of the Yangtze River, there seems to be no such Liu Yangzheng. Who is this person?"

Hearing this, Liu Yangzheng nodded with a smile and said: "Everyone, I came here this time to bring you the prince's reply. As soon as you asked for it, the prince agreed. As long as you can help my prince to win the great treasure, in the future I will not only be a prince."

Wandai, the prince has agreed to all your requests one by one, and these can be testified by the tutor, Mr. Huang and Mr. Mao."

Lin Quan frowned and said: "After Mr. Wang resigned, he retired to Wu County, which is not far away from my Qiantang County. However, Mr. Wang has resigned after all, and his influence is not as good as before. I'm afraid he will still protect me."

Don’t live with me, the Lin clan.”

If anyone saw him, he would definitely be very surprised, because no matter who among the few people who chatted and laughed with Wang Hao, they were of high status, and in this place in the south of the Yangtze River, anyone's words could cause quite a stir.

Lin Xiao slowly said: "Everyone, thanks to the traitor and the foolish king, I, the Lin family, can be said to have reached a critical moment of life and death. I have spent the past half month to personally visit Mr. Shouxi!"

As Wang Hao finished speaking, Liu Yangzheng was seen walking slowly from a pavilion not far away. As he approached, Liu Yangzheng saluted Sun Zheng, Feng Gu and others and said, "Liu Yangzheng has met you all.


It's just that Lin Quan couldn't figure out what Liu Yangzheng's background was despite racking his brains.

Wang Hao did not disappoint Prince Ning. He helped him persuade Sun Zheng, Zhu Hong, and Feng Gu, who had great influence in Jiangnan, and introduced them to Liu Yangzheng.

"Everything is for Lin!"

Lin Quan squirted out a sip of tea, opened his eyes wide, and looked at Lin Xiao in disbelief: "Clan leader, what are you talking about? Why is Xiang helping King Ning to seize the treasure? Will King Ning be able to rebel if he wants to?"

Thinking about the methods they used to annex other people's properties in the past, anyone with a normal mind can imagine that those who intend to annex the Lin family will never leave behind them, the backbone of the Lin family. In other words, if they don't want to save themselves, maybe

The lives of ordinary tribesmen will not be greatly affected, but I am afraid that none of them will be able to survive.

Because of this incident, Prince Ning's name was still talked about in Jiangnan for a while, and many people even secretly laughed at Prince Ning for being wishful thinking.

It turned out that this was not the first time that Liu Yangzheng met Feng Gu and others at Wang Hao's house. Previously, Liu Yangzheng was sent by King Ning to invite Wang Hao to come out because of Li Shishi's suggestion, hoping to draw help from Wang Hao's connections.

However, it was not that no one among the clan elders in the ancestral hall reacted. One person's eyes lit up and he said with a bit of surprise: "Mr. Shouxi mentioned by the clan leader, could he be the elder who was forced to resign by the traitor Li Huan?"

Wang Hao, Mr. Wangge?"

The old man spoke, and everyone looked at the old man.

Lin Xiao looked straight, clapped his hands, and saw two Lin clan members guarding outside the ancestral hall slowly closing the door of the ancestral hall. Then he saw that the optical fiber in the ancestral hall was dimmed. Fortunately, there were candles burning in the ancestral hall.

, it doesn’t affect anything.

Lin Geng pondered for a while, glanced at everyone present, and sighed slightly: "I, the Lin family, have no choice. I can either fight hard or wait to be swallowed up by others. I don't think you guys want to see Lin's property."

It’s being divided bit by bit, and we people will be plotted to death one by one.”

Seeing Lin Xiao's cautious look, all the clan elders now looked expectant on their faces, and even Lin Quan, who had been singing opposite roles to Lin Xiao, couldn't help but cheer up.

Zhu Hong, Feng Gu and others showed a smile when they heard this. Although they knew that Prince Ning would be very generous in order to win over them, they were still quite satisfied after hearing Prince Ning's reply brought by Liu Yangzheng.

"Prince Ning?"

Lin Xiao hurriedly said: "Returning to my uncle, it was at Mr. Shouxi's house that I met Prince Ning's secret envoy through Mr. Shouxi's introduction."

None of these characters can be seen by everyone, let alone gathering together, chatting and laughing.

The rest of the people also had shocked expressions on their faces. They were obviously shocked by Lin Xiao's words. They thought that Lin Xiao's return would bring them some surprises, but they never thought about what surprises he brought back. It was obvious.

Just frightened.

As an elder of the Lin clan, he had some knowledge of many powerful people in Jiangnan. If he could be mentioned by Lin Xiao, and also mentioned together with Wang Hao, the former pavilion elder, then the other party was obviously not an ordinary person.

Lin Geng, who is eighty years old, can be said to have witnessed the rise and fall of the Lin family. He has a very high prestige among the Lin family. Among the elders of the clan, the only one who can influence Lin Xiao's right to speak is this one.

Lin Xiao's uncle.

"What do you mean, what does our Lin family have to do with Prince Ning?"

Liu Yangzheng's nickname was Wenxi, and as Wang Hao's disciple, it was normal for Wang Hao to call him by his first name.

At this moment, everyone's curiosity was also attracted by Lin Xiao, and they subconsciously asked: "Who is it?"

Jiangsu Wuxian

In a vast garden, Wang Hao, who was dressed in regular clothes and had gray hair, was chatting and laughing with a few people.

Although Prince Ning had a good reputation in Jiangnan, because he originally intended to adopt his own son as the emperor, he was regarded as having ulterior motives and spying on great treasures. The emperor ordered him to shut himself up in the palace to reflect on his past mistakes.

Lin Xiao is the father of Lin Yuan and the leader of the Lin clan of this generation. He still has a very high prestige in the clan. Even in Qiantang County, he is a figure who can shock Qiantang County with just a stamp of his feet.

As he spoke, Lin Xiao said with a bit of madness: "How could my son Lin Yuan be so wrong that he was killed by the traitor and the foolish king? Our Lin family has benefited the country and stabilized the court, but our family has been ruined.

Are you willing to face this fate?"

Even if the emperor really has no heir today and wants to adopt someone from the clan to inherit the throne in the future, it is impossible to adopt someone from the lineage of Prince Ning.

The rest of the people also looked at Lin Xiao in surprise.

After all, once the family is separated, the Lin family will never be able to return to its heyday, and may even disappear due to the separation of people's hearts.

Lin Xiao snorted coldly and said, "Even if we don't help Prince Ning rebel, can the Lin family be saved?"

Wang Hao smiled slightly and said slowly: "Wenxi, come out and meet you all!"

Wang Hao waved his hand and saw the maids serving on the side retreating one after another. Soon, Sun Zheng, Zhu Hong, Feng Gu and others were left in the pavilion.

The Lin clan was robbed before, but anyone with any knowledge knows that the Lin clan is probably going to be doomed, so some elders in the clan proposed that while the Lin clan's property is still under their control, everyone should divide the ancestral property.

You can save as much as you can in the future.

Several people were slightly stunned, with a look of astonishment on their faces. It was obvious that they didn't know who Mr. Shouxi was, and he actually allowed Lin Xiao to visit him in person.

However, this proposal was rejected by Lin Xiao, the clan leader. According to Lin Xiao, although Lin said that he had reached a dead end, it did not mean that he was really dead. As long as there was a glimmer of hope, he would not

Just sit back and watch Lin's demise.

Sun Zheng, the head of the Sun family who controls water transportation in the south of the Yangtze River, Zhu Hong, the head of the Zhu family, one of the major grain merchants in the south of the Yangtze River, Feng Gu, the head of the Feng family who controls the salt and iron ore trade in the south of the Yangtze River, and Huang Zai, Mao Zedong, the famous celebrities in the south of the Yangtze River.


Zhu Hong was heard stroking his beard and saying with great satisfaction: "Okay, if the prince does not let us down, then we will not let him down. This time we will definitely try our best to help the prince clean up his side and eliminate the traitors."

Zhu Hong wanted to tear Li Huan alive when he thought of the carts of gold, silver and grain that had been taken away from Zhu's residence by Jin Yiwei and tax collectors not long ago to clear the summer tax.

It's not just people like Feng Gu and Sun Zheng who encountered Zhu Hong. It's just that the more powerful the local people are, the more they hate Li Huan. They are really sharing the land, and the officials and gentry all pay for the food and actually cut their flesh from them, even if compared to

Their income and actual taxes paid are not much, but they have never paid any taxes in the past, but this time they have to bleed a lot. It would be strange if they can accept it psychologically.

[Please give me a monthly ticket]

(End of chapter)

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