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Chapter 475 What does the king want you to do!

I saw Wang Lun looking around with red eyes. At this time, under the bombardment of hundreds of artillery pieces from the imperial army, it can be said that the entire rebel position was completely plunged into chaos. Solution

Originally, it was impossible for the artillery's range to reach a radius of more than ten miles. After all, the artillery's range was actually quite limited. At most, only some of the rebels at the front would be threatened by artillery fire.

But as the rebels in the front collapsed and fled after being bombarded by artillery, panic spread directly among the army.

Even the rebels who were not affected were also affected one by one. The panic was like a plague. When the imperial army began to charge, along with the shaking of the earth and the shouts of killing, the rebels in the rear unexpectedly

Some people started to run away quietly.

Once an escape situation occurs, it will inevitably spread at an extremely fast speed if it cannot be stopped in time.

So what Wang Lun saw at this time was a chaotic scene, and in addition to dozens of personal guards around him, there were scattered soldiers everywhere.

Wang Lun, who had completely given up the idea of ​​gathering an army to resist the imperial army, had only one thought at the moment, that he could not die here no matter what.

He still has a great life. Along the way, he has collected a lot of wealth. Whether it is money or beauty, he has not enjoyed enough yet. Explanation


With a low shout, Wang Lun directly took his personal guards with him, mixed with Yang Qing and others, and fled towards the distance at an extremely fast speed.

The rebels, who were already in chaos, now had no general to take charge of the situation, and the result could be imagined.

If there were manpower to hold Kuangzhan back and gather some of the defeated troops, they might be able to delay the charge of the imperial army. At this time, even the commanders like Wang Lun and Yang Qing had fled, and the army of 100,000 was like this

completely collapsed.

Li Huan led 10,000 cavalrymen and rushed around among the rebels like lightning. Whenever there were signs of rebels gathering, the cavalry would immediately be attacked.

Less than half a day passed, and the 100,000 rebels still collapsed under the charge of the cavalry. In addition, the following infantry charged and shouted slogans of surrender without killing. Many rebel soldiers were running around like headless flies.

They simply dropped their weapons and fell to the ground one by one, begging for mercy.

Xu Ying's body was stained with blood, and behind him were a large number of infantry. However, there were very few resisting rebels on the battlefield at this time. Solution

At a glance, there were either rebels who had been killed, or rebels who abandoned their weapons and knelt down to beg for mercy. At this time, all the soldiers and horses of the imperial court were busy gathering the surrendered rebels.

Li Huan was riding on his horse, looking far away in the direction of Nanjing City. There was no need to think that Nanjing City must be experiencing a fierce fighting at this moment.

Normally, Li Huan should have led the army to Nanjing City at this time, but seeing the rebels fleeing in all directions, even Li Huan had to suppress the idea of ​​rushing to Nanjing City immediately.

With Xu Yan in charge, and the city of Nanjing being tall and fortified, even if King Ning's rebels attacked with all their strength, it would not be easy to break into Nanjing.

Therefore, Li Huan did not need to worry too much about the safety of Nanjing City, and what was more important at the moment was actually gathering the defeated rebels.

Most of these rebels were tenant farmers of local powerful families. Although there was information from the Jin Yiwei, it was impossible for the Jin Yiwei's intelligence to be comprehensive enough to find out all the people and forces who colluded with King Ning.

However, with the existence of these rebel prisoners this time, a little interrogation will be able to find out those powerful gentry who brought their own money, food and troops to help King Ning. At least, he will be able to reduce the number of fish that slip through the net when he cleans up Jiangnan in the future. Solution

In addition to those who died directly in battle, and excluding some who fled without a trace, the number of captured rebels now exceeds 80,000.

The custody of these more than 80,000 captives alone was a big problem. For this reason, Li Huan had to allocate 5,000 troops to guard them.

In the evening, Li Huan, who had finally arranged for the rebel prisoners, looked at the generals such as Xu Ying, Zhang Huai, Zhu Liang and other generals who were in full armor and ready for battle outside the camp.

When Zhang Huai, Xu Ying, Zhu Liang and others saw the group of people walking out of the tent, especially when their eyes fell on Li Huan, surprise and expectation flashed in their eyes.

"General, according to your instructions, the army is ready and ready to leave at any time!"

Li Huan looked at the sunset that was about to set on the horizon, a flash of light flashed in his eyes and said solemnly: "Send my order to the general, and the army will set off!"

They are almost dozens of miles away from Nanjing City. If this distance is said to be a forced march, it will only take more than an hour at most. Solution

It can be said that by the time we arrived at the gate of Nanjing, it was nightfall.

Here, Li Huan's army rushed towards Nanjing City, but Nanjing City was currently experiencing a fierce fighting.

King Ning and others were not fools. After receiving help from a large number of powerful people, King Ning made up his mind to attack Nanjing City. For this reason, King Ning made appropriate arrangements.

Wang Lun and Yang Qing, two generals who had great trust in him, led an army of 100,000 to resist the imperial rebels. From King Ning's point of view, this arrangement was absolutely perfect.

He did not ask Wang Lun and Yang Qing to defeat the imperial reinforcements, as long as they could hold off the imperial reinforcements. When he broke through Nanjing City, tens of thousands of imperial reinforcements would naturally not be a problem.

Therefore, after Wang Lun and Yang Qing led the army to leave, King Ning personally led a group of subordinates to the front line to supervise the battle.

As the sky dawned, the rebel offensive had already begun. Under Yang Dai's arrangement, a large number of rebels carried siege ladders, pushed crash carts, and gathered dozens of large and small artillery and launched a fierce attack on the city of Nanjing.

offensive solution

Maybe it was because King Ning and others were supervising the battle, or maybe it was because the rebels were attacking the city for the first time, but at least the morale displayed by the rebels was quite good.

It's just that Wei Guogong Xu Yan is in charge of the city, and a wave of purges has been completed in the city. All the nobles, officials, and gentry who were exposed to be colluding with King Ning have been captured by now, to a certain extent.

It can be regarded as unifying the forces in the city, greatly reducing the possibility of the rebels cooperating internally and externally.

At this time, Xu Er personally supervised the battle. At this time, many nobles even chose to board the city wall to supervise the battle in person, either because they were afraid of Li Huanqiu's later settlement or because they wanted to gain military merit.

It is conceivable that under such circumstances, Nanjing City, which was originally a high and solid city, remained unmoved even under the fierce offensive of the rebels.

One morning passed, and apart from leaving thousands of corpses under Nanjing City, the rebels did not even have a single person on the top of the city.

The rebel soldiers who were sent to attack the city were overwhelmed by the brutal scene of the siege after the initial momentum. If many of the rebel soldiers were not afraid that Yang Dai himself would lead them and kill hundreds of deserters.

If there was a supervising team, I'm afraid they would have been frightened and fled long ago.

In a siege battle, the party that attacked the city was originally under great pressure of casualties. King Ning's rebels were able to continue the siege for half a day, and the general Yang Dai definitely played a huge role.


It can be said that if Yang Dai had not divided the army into five armies, the front, middle, rear, left and right armies, each army has about 20,000 people, except for the central army as a reserve force to protect the camp, the other four armies, each army

It needs to be rotated every hour.

In addition, Yang Dai mobilized thousands of elites to personally supervise the battle, using ruthless means to kill hundreds of deserters without hesitation to shock the morale of the army, and actually made a group of ragtag rebels barely look like a ragtag group of rebels.

But that was all Yang Dai could do. Driven and intimidated by him, the two troops of the front army and the rear army after a morning of siege and fighting, besides paying an extremely heavy price of casualties,

, the more important point is that the morale of the military has obviously become extremely decadent.

Looking at the sun above his head, Yang Dai looked at the city of Nanjing in front of him, and a hint of gloom flashed in his eyes.

He knew that the city of Nanjing was easy to defend and difficult to attack, but before he tried it, Yang Dai still had some luck in his heart. However, after this morning's siege, Yang Dai clearly realized that Nanjing City was

How strong and difficult to break.

Yang Dai even felt a bit desperate in his heart. Unless there was civil strife in the city, he would not be able to break through such a fortified city even if he had a million-strong army.

However, looking at King Ning's high-flying flag at the rear, Yang Dai knew clearly that King Ning and others were watching every move on his side. Explanation

Since he was appointed by King Ning, he had no way out. He could either conquer Nanjing City and become famous all over the world and enjoy endless glory and wealth, or his life would be at stake.

Whether he was killed by the furious King Ning, or he ended up being confiscated and exterminated by the imperial court, he could not capture the city of Nanjing anyway, so his fate can be imagined.

Among the central army, on the high observation tower, King Ning and others naturally watched the battle from a distance when Yang Dai commanded the army to attack the city.

Li Shishi, Wang Hao and others naturally saw the scene of the siege under Nanjing City in their eyes.

To be honest, neither Li Shishi nor Wang Hao think there is anything to blame about Yang Dai's commanding ability.

Maybe Yang Dai is not a famous general, but he can be considered quite orderly in commanding the army. At least the large army under his command does not appear in a mess, but appears to be quite orderly.

It's just that the solidity of Nanjing City also made Li Shishi, Wang Hao and others look quite ugly. Even though they had been mentally prepared for a long time, looking at the past morning, the casualties were so heavy that they couldn't even climb to the top of the city.

This had a huge impact on Prince Ning and others. Explanation

After all, Jiangnan has been at peace for hundreds of years, and Nanjing City has never experienced any war. It is definitely the first time in a hundred years that the war is burning in Nanjing City like this. It also makes Wang Hao, Li Shishi, Ning Wang and others who have never been on the battlefield

For the first time, they realized that Nanjing City was not as easy to break as they thought.

The two armies retreated one after another, and there was a temporary calm under the Nanjing city. Yang Dai was obviously hesitant as to whether he should continue to dispatch the left and right armies to attack the city in sequence, or whether to suspend the siege and come up with a better way to attack the city.

Yang Dai was hesitant here, but King Ning, who was watching the battle, saw that the offensive had stopped. King Ning, who was already in a bad mood, became a little gloomy and said: "What on earth is going on with Yang Dai? Why did he suddenly

If he had to stop the offensive for a while, didn't he know that he had to go all out and never give the soldiers defending the city a chance to breathe?"

On the other hand, Wang Hao stroked his beard, coughed lightly and said to Prince Ning: "My lord, please don't be anxious. Maybe General Yang has other plans. It's already noon, and the army is quite tired after a whole morning. I'm not going to let the army rest for a while. Your lord, please."

Recruit General Yang to come and inquire."

After listening to Wang Hao's words, King Ning pondered for a moment and said to the bodyguard beside him: "Go and tell Yang Dai to come see me."

Here, Yang Dai was about to order the dispatch of the left and right armies into the battlefield, when he suddenly saw the troops surrounding King Ning coming.

"General Yang, the prince has an order for you to go see him quickly."

Yang Dai had some doubts in his heart, but he did not dare to hesitate at all about King Ning's summons. He temporarily handed over the army to the deputy general, and Yang Dai hurriedly went to see King Ning.

At this time, King Ning and others had already descended from the observation tower. Looking at Yang Dai, who was wearing a military uniform, the gloomy look on King Ning's face softened a bit, but it could also be seen that King Ning was in a bad mood.

Before Yang Dai could speak, King Ning said in a deep voice to Yang Dai: "Yang Dai, tell me, how many days will it take for you to break through Nanjing City?"

Yang Dai couldn't help but froze when he heard the words. Naturally, he saw Prince Ning's gloomy expression. At this time, after hearing Prince Ning's culture, Yang Dai felt bitter in his heart.

How can he guarantee that Nanjing will be conquered within a few days?

But when faced with King Ning's question, Yang Dai had to answer, but he didn't know how to reply to King Ning. Could it be that he directly told King Ning that Nanjing's defense was beyond his imagination? Even he didn't know what happened.

How long does it take to break through.

Fortunately, Wang Hao spoke from the side and said: "General Yang, Nanjing is easy to defend but difficult to attack. Your Majesty also saw the situation of the attack just now. There are no outsiders here. If you have anything to say, just say it."

After hearing Wang Hao's words, Yang Dai couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

After pondering for a while, Yang Dai slowly said: "Returning to the prince, I can't guarantee how long it will take to break through Nanjing City..."

"What, you actually told me that you don't know, then what do I want you to do..."

After hearing Yang Dai's words, Prince Ning's complexion suddenly changed, and he roared at Yang Dai almost out of conditioned reflex.

Yang Dai was obviously mentally prepared for King Ning's roar and anger, but he just stood there silently, enduring King Ning's anger.

Thinking that the imperial army was close at hand, he didn't know how long Wang Lun, Yang Qing and the others could delay it. It can be said that he put all his hopes on Yang Dai, only hoping that Yang Dai could break through Nanjing City as soon as possible. As a result, Yang Dai turned out to be like this

If you gave him such a reply, you can imagine how disappointed Prince Ning was.

【Ask for monthly ticket】Solution



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