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Chapter 518 The Dazzling Treasure

Chapter 518 A Dazzling Treasure House

Author: seven fleas

Chapter 518 A Dazzling Treasure House

Seeing the reactions of everyone, Li Huan's eyes fell on Jiang Bin and slowly said: "Jiang Bin, I will lead the fleet back to the Ming Dynasty in the near future, so I hope you can return to the Ming Dynasty here."

I want to defeat Goa before returning to Ming Dynasty. I wonder if you can do it?"

Jiang Bin, who was overjoyed to be named by Li Huan himself, immediately straightened up when he heard this. He immediately bowed to Li Huan and said: "Don't worry, General, I will go ahead and order troops to go to Goa!"

Everyone present is not a fool. According to the accounts of the Portuguese prisoners, the Portuguese have gathered a lot of wealth in Goa. If this wealth can be brought back to the Ming Dynasty and presented to the emperor, then this will definitely happen.

This is a great achievement, and it may not be able to please the emperor and be favored by him when the time comes.

Jiang Bin naturally thought of this, so he acted extremely positive.

After taking a look at Jiang Bin, Li Huan didn't care much about Jiang Bin's thoughts. No matter what ambitions Jiang Bin had, he had to do his own thing first, and what Jiang Bin did was definitely beneficial to Daming.

Goa, as Afonso's choice as the residence of the Governor-General of India, is naturally quite prosperous after it has been operating for many years. In the past few years, Afonso has continuously sent his elite troops deep into the interior of Tianzhu to suppress those who

Tianzhu people who dare to resist.

Of course, suppressing the resistance of the Tianzhu people was only one aspect. More importantly, Afonso was interested in the wealth of these Tianzhu people.

You must know that most of the wealth of the people of Tianzhu is gathered in temples. There is a large amount of gold, ivory, gems and other wealth. It can be said that almost every temple is a treasure house.

After Afonso plundered the first temple, Afonso, the well-informed governor, was amazed by the harvest. Therefore, Afonso began to crazily suppress the Tianzhu people, and he would never let anyone be killed.

The temples he set his sights on.

In the past few years, at least dozens of temples were looted and destroyed by Afonso, all of which were numerous temples in an area. The amount of wealth obtained from these temples was completely beyond imagination.

Normally, these plundered wealth will naturally be transferred to the country, and part of it will be dedicated to the current King of Portugal. However, the relationship between Portugal and Spain has not been harmonious in recent years, resulting in some changes in the waterway.

Unfortunately, Portuguese ships were often plundered by pirates backed by the Spanish.

Therefore, Afonso has not transferred the collected wealth back to the country in the past few years. He is only waiting to accumulate a certain amount and then send a powerful fleet to escort him back to the country.

If nothing unexpected happens, within one or two years at most, Afonso will consider sending his fleet to escort the massive wealth he confiscated back to his country.

The amount of wealth that had been confiscated over the years was so great that the treasure house where he stored the looted wealth could no longer fit in. If he did not transfer it back to his country, he would probably have to open a new treasure house.

But Afonso never dreamed that just because he personally commanded the army to conquer the Ming Dynasty, he was defeated in one battle and even fell into the hands of the Ming Dynasty.

Facing the interrogation of the Jinyiwei of the Ming Dynasty, even a strong man could not withstand it, let alone a pampered nobleman like Afonso. After being slightly intimidated by the Jinyiwei, Afonso honestly put everything aside.


As the defeated troops who had followed Afonso to Malacca fled back to Goa, Goa fell into chaos.

Colonel Solo was facing questions from the political officer at the moment. It should be said that Colonel Solo also learned a lesson from every experience. When the war started with the Ming Dynasty, Colonel Solo, who had already seen the power of the Ming Dynasty, deliberately fell behind. Therefore, in

When the army was defeated, Colonel Solo ran away immediately, which allowed him to escape the fate of being captured again.

However, when faced with the inquiry from Political Officer Paul, Colonel Solo told Paul the story of the naval battle with a bitter look on his face.

Listening to Colonel Solo's story, Paul's expression changed. As Governor Afonso's deputy, he could be said to be the first person under Afonso as a political officer.

But compared to Afonso, who was both civil and military, the political officer Paul was obviously only proficient in government affairs and knew nothing about the military.

But even if he didn't know anything about military affairs, just listening to Colonel Solo's story, Paul understood one thing, that is, the strength of the Ming Navy was stronger than theirs.

Staring at Colonel Solo, Paul thought about Governor Afonso's life and death, and that all the people in the Governor's Palace were leaderless. Paul felt a little uneasy, and he suppressed his inner uneasiness and said: "Colonel Solo, you said that the Ming Dynasty Navy fleet has experienced this battle.

Will they come to cause trouble for us?"

Colonel Solo was stunned for a moment, shook his head and said, "Sir, I don't know!"

Seeing Colonel Solo's confused look, Paul couldn't help but sigh. He reached out and patted Colonel Solo's shoulder and said: "Now there are only dozens of ships left in Goa, and many ships have even lost their battles."

With all your strength, you must reorganize the ships we can assemble in the shortest possible time to defend against Ming people’s invasion at any time.”

Colonel Solo took a deep breath and said: "My Lord Administrative Officer, it is best to ask for help from the country as soon as possible. I don't know whether Duke Afonso is alive or dead. This is a huge matter. If it spreads to the country, I don't know what kind of turmoil it will cause.


After hearing this, Paul nodded with a look of deep understanding on his face and said, "You are right. I will write a letter to inform the country about this."

But it was said that Jiang Bin led dozens of warships and more than a hundred large and small ships to form an elite naval fleet and headed towards Goa in a mighty manner.

With Portuguese sailor prisoners as guides, it only took more than ten days to get from the Strait of Malacca to Goa. When the fleet led by Jiang Bin appeared in the waters of Goa, the Portuguese had already noticed this fleet.

The Ming Dynasty Navy fleet did not conceal its whereabouts.

At this time, there was a chaotic scene in the Governor's Mansion. As a political officer, Paul looked like he was at a loss. The officials of the Governor's Mansion in the hall also had the same reaction.

Colonel Solo, who saw the reactions of the people in his eyes, couldn't help but sigh in his heart, how could such a group of people resist the invasion of the Ming people.

With a slight cough, Colonel Solo woke up everyone and said: "Everyone, the Ming Dynasty's fleet has appeared outside the port, and it may kill them at any time. Whether to fight or surrender, everyone always has to come up with an idea.


An official from the Governor's Palace looked at Colonel Solo and said: "Colonel Solo, let me ask you, if we want to fight, with the power we can mobilize now, can we be the opponent of those Ming people?"

Everyone looked at Colonel Solo with expectant eyes. If Colonel Solo dared to nod and guarantee that he could withstand the Ming Dynasty's fleet, they would definitely support Colonel Solo strongly.

From the bottom of their hearts, they still hope to be able to stop the Ming people. After all, they are not stupid. If Goa falls into the hands of the Ming people, the investment of the Portuguese Kingdom in Eastern India for so many years will be wasted.

However, Colonel Solo, who had high hopes from everyone, shook his head slightly and said: "I'm afraid you will be disappointed. We have been defeated twice. Our strength in the east has been completely lost. We could have gathered hundreds of ships.

However, now we can only gather dozens of ships, many of which are damaged and have not yet been repaired. There are probably no more than twenty ships that are truly capable of fighting."

At this point, Colonel Solo ignored the pale faces of everyone present and said: "The Ming people's navy fleet has hundreds of ships. With the Ming people's firepower, if we send people to fight, we will die.


Hearing what Colonel Solo said, everyone looked at each other in shock.

At this time, suddenly there was a sound of footsteps outside, and a Portuguese man ran over in a panic and said: "My lords, the envoy from the Ming Dynasty is here."

Everyone looked at each other, and as a political officer, Paul took a deep breath and said: "Please come quickly!"

Soon an official wearing the official uniform of the Ming Dynasty strode over, glanced at the crowd, and said to the Portuguese people with a bit of arrogance: "Everyone, I have been ordered by the Duke of Qin in the Ming Dynasty to conquer.

You, God is kind to you, and our Ming Dynasty is a country of etiquette, and cannot bear to cause massacres, so I allow you to surrender, hoping that you can lay down your weapons and become kings."

The interpreter on the side translated the official's words. It must be said that in this era, the Ming Dynasty was really aloof in mentality. It regarded all countries except the Ming Dynasty as barbarians and small countries, so the envoy faced a group of Portuguese

When you are in person, both your attitude and look are aloof and condescending.

If envoys from other countries dared to face the Portuguese like this, they would be kicked out immediately. However, these Portuguese believe in the law of the weak and the strong, and were defeated twice by the Ming Dynasty. Under the influence of the Portuguese

In his eyes, Daming is the strong one.

So when I saw the Ming Dynasty envoy's arrogant posture, although I felt quite frustrated and resentful, at least I didn't fall out because of it.

Paul and others looked at each other and said to the waiter: "This messenger, I don't know that my Lord Governor is now..."

After hearing the interpreter's words, the Ming envoy immediately said: "Afonso is currently in the Strait of Malacca. Soon he will return to the capital of the Ming Dynasty with my father-in-law to meet the emperor of the Ming Dynasty as a prisoner!"

The envoy said with a bit of impatience: "My words have been brought here, and the commander has already said that I will give you one stick of incense to think about. If you don't surrender after one stick of incense, you will not surrender."

Then don’t blame me for the Tomorrow soldiers coming to capture you and others in person. Whether you will live or die will depend on your luck."

Watching the Ming envoy leave, Paul and others couldn't help but look at each other.

With a bang, a bearded man slapped the table and shouted: "It's too much to bully others, it's simply too much to bully others. I, the Kingdom of Portugal, have never been treated with such contempt. Sir, please give the order, call for results."

All Portuguese people will die in battle with the Ming Dynasty, and we will never surrender."

It can be seen that this bearded official belongs to that kind of hardliner, but unfortunately not many people present actually responded to him. Only a few or two people expressed support, and most of them had solemn expressions on their faces.

Paul looked at the bearded man and said: "Crist, our Portuguese troops in Goa only have a few thousand people at all costs. Leaving aside the old, weak, women and children who have no fighting ability, there are only a few thousand people who can really take up arms and fight."

, the opponent has hundreds of ships alone, what do you think we can use to resist?

Hearing what Paul said, the bearded Christ couldn't help but said: "So what, the worst case scenario is death!"

In the Government Affairs Office, Paul, Crist and others were having a heated debate. Although Crist tried his best to insist, few people among the dozen or so people present supported Crist. In the end, the political affairs officers Paul and Solo

The colonel and others finally negotiated a result, which was to give up resistance, avoid unnecessary sacrifices, and surrender to the Ming Dynasty Navy fleet.

Above the sea, Jiang Bin, dressed in military uniform, stood on the bow of the ship with high spirits, looking at the port in the distance. With the help of a telescope, he could see the ships moored in the port.

The deputy general beside him couldn't help but said to Jiang Bin: "Master Commander, these Portuguese warships are all in the port. If a war breaks out, they may not even have a chance to leave the port. It seems that we can go smoothly this time.

We have taken Goa. Do you want to enter the port now..."

In fact, it can be seen from the Portuguese's response that the Portuguese have no fighting spirit. Otherwise, those warships would not be huddled in the port.

You must know that once you are blocked in the port, it will be like closing the door and beating the dog. It will not be so easy to break out again, so anyone who is not a fool will not dock the ship in the port at this time.

Jiang Bin said with a smile on his face: "No hurry, no hurry. Since we said we would give them one stick of incense, we will wait for one stick of incense."

While he was talking, he saw a small boat suddenly appear in the distance. A white flag could be clearly seen on the small boat. The small boat was heading towards the fleet at an extremely fast speed.

When Jiang Bin and others saw the white flag on the boat, they all had a bit of a smile on their faces.

The Portuguese surrendered.

Following Jiang Bin's order, half of the Ming Dynasty Navy fleet entered the port and began to take over the port, completing control of the port.

In the Government Affairs Office, Colonel Solo, Paul, Crist and others presented letters of surrender to Jiang Bin and others with dejected faces, and hoped that Ming Dynasty would treat them well.

A huge underground secret room was slowly opened. The leader was the political officer Paul. At this time, Paul was introducing to Jiang Bin: "Sir, here is the wealth that the Governor has collected over the years, all of which are stored in the treasure house.

, I’m afraid even the Governor doesn’t know the specific amount…”

While talking, Jiang Bin and the others had already walked into the treasure house. Looking around, the dozen or so people present were suddenly stunned.

Box after box of gold jewelry, extremely thick ivory tusks, piles of agate gemstones, and countless rare treasures were stacked in this spacious underground treasure house.

Countless gold and silver jewels and various rare treasures came into view. It can be said that the impact at that moment was absolutely shocking.

Not to mention that he had never seen such a scene before, even the political officer Paul, who had seen such a scene more than once, was stunned for a moment.

As a political officer, Paul knew better than Governor Afonso how many treasures were stored in this treasury.

At this time, Paul introduced to Jiang Bin and others with a bit of sadness: "Look, everyone, all this gold was collected by people sent by the Governor. There are dozens of tons of it. In addition, there is almost silver.

There are five to six hundred tons, dozens of boxes of various gemstones..."

One of the officials accompanying the army swallowed his saliva, subconsciously looked at Paul and said, "Approximately how many taels are there in a ton?"

Paul was just stunned and said immediately: "According to our calculation, one ton is equivalent to twenty thousand taels!"

[Big guys who have monthly passes will give them away.]

(End of chapter)

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