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Chapter 524

Chapter 524: The world’s feudal kings enter the capital

Author: seven fleas

Chapter 524: The world’s feudal kings enter the capital

Just when the news about Nanyang Province was spreading in the capital, a great court meeting arrived as scheduled.

The officials came to the large square in front of the Qianqing Palace early. Although there were one or two imperial meetings every month, the officials felt very different every time they came.

For example, this time, because of the sensation caused by Li Huan's return not long ago, coupled with some gossip that has been circulated privately in the past few days, all officials can be said to be thinking a lot.

At dawn, the large square in front of the Qianqing Palace was already filled with civil and military officials from the DPRK.

At this time, the Emperor Luanjia has not yet arrived, but a large number of civil and military officials, nobles and even clan members have gathered here, just waiting for the Emperor's arrival.

At this time, many officials secretly cast their eyes on Li Huan's figure standing among the nobles.

At this moment, Li Huan was surrounded by a group of nobles. He could only see Li Huan talking in low voices with the British Duke, Cheng Guo Gong and other distinguished nobles. The faces of the British Duke, Cheng Guo Gong and other distinguished nobles were filled with smiles, which made everyone laugh. The officials who saw this scene had strange reverie in their hearts.

Rumor has it that Nanyang is a treasure house of gold. As long as you can go to Nanyang, you will definitely gain a lot.

Not to mention anything else, in the past few years, the Ming Dynasty Royal Trading Company established by Li Huan has brought back a large amount of property every time, making all the nobles who participated in it make a fortune one by one. It makes people jealous.

At the beginning, many officials wrote to the emperor to advise him not to compete with the people for profit, but the emperor ignored the memorials. Now the Ming Royal Commercial Bank has earned a steady stream of wealth for the emperor and many nobles, leaving countless Everyone is moved by it and even jealous.

This time Li Huan returned and brought back a huge amount of goods, which became even more exciting and made some people's hearts restless.

Now, almost everyone in the court has a unified understanding, that is, the land of Nanyang is a treasure land, and they must have a foothold in Nanyang Province no matter what, otherwise they will miss out on such good profits. Opportunities to make wealth.

"Your Majesty is here!"

As a sharp voice came, all the officials came to their senses, and after the emperor sat down, they all bowed to the emperor.

The grand meeting officially began, and a figure was seen walking out from among the hundreds of officials. It was none other than the current Chief Minister Wang Yangming.

Wang Yangming stepped forward and bowed to the Emperor: "Your Majesty, I have something to report!"

Zhu Houzhao nodded slightly, with a smile on his face and said, "Oh, I wonder what the chief assistant has to do?"

Wang Yangming took a deep breath and said: "Your Majesty, after cabinet deliberations, the imperial court is planning to move millions of people to Nanyang this year, but it requires a large number of ships. Not only that, but more officials need to be dispatched to Nanyang provinces to establish prefectures and counties. , to care for the people on behalf of heaven..."

Zhu Houzhao's expression became serious and he heard this and said, "I wonder if the chief assistant has any good ideas?"

In fact, these issues were discussed in advance between the emperor and the cabinet, and now they are being discussed at the court meeting, so it looks more like a process.

However, among the officials present, most of them were unclear, so they were all listening attentively at this moment.

Everyone knows that when it comes to Nanyang Province, every move may contain great opportunities. Maybe at this great meeting, an inconspicuous policy policy can bring about earth-shaking changes to them.

Here Wang Yangming said slowly: "I would like to ask that the Ministry of Industry be allowed to build local shipyards and increase investment in the shipbuilding industry."

Zhu Houzhao nodded slightly and said: "Yes!"

Wang Yangming continued: "In order to prevent a large number of officials from being sent to Nanyang and the imperial court being short of officials, the cabinet has discussed and requested that your majesty will continue to open Enke to recruit scholars this year to reserve talents for our Ming Dynasty."

Many officials' eyes lit up when they heard this. Last year, the imperial court had already added Enke and admitted a group of Jinshi. It is said that it is unlikely to add Enke again this year, but who told the court to need to study in Nanyang Province?

The establishment of prefectures and counties requires a large number of officials, so the court must reserve reserve officials, so adding Enke is a must.

In previous years, the examination had to be taken every three years, and many scholars might only have the opportunity to take the scientific examination a few times in their lives. Now the court has added Enke one after another, which is equivalent to a disguised increase in the number of places for scholars to be admitted.

After all, in the past, only one or two hundred people could be admitted once every three years, but now, two or three hundred people could be admitted at one time, if only once a year. You can imagine what good news this is for scholars.

There are many children in the families of the officials present who are studying and preparing for the exam. The imperial court's addition of Enke is definitely great news for their children. No wonder these people's faces showed joy after hearing Wang Yangming's words.


Under the watchful eyes of all the officials, the emperor only pondered for a moment before nodding his head and agreeing to Wang Yangming's request, and formally decreed that Enke would be selected to select talents for the court this year.

Nearly an hour had passed when Wang Yangming, the chief minister of the cabinet, went through the process of major matters that had been agreed upon at the court meeting.

As Wang Yangming retreated, the emperor, who was slightly exhausted, glanced at the officials, coughed lightly and said, "Do you have anything else to report to your family?"

Under normal circumstances, major matters in the court have just been discussed, and nothing should happen. But after the emperor finished speaking, a figure came out and said: "Your Majesty, I have something to report."

There was a crash, and all eyes turned towards Li Huan.

The person who came out was none other than Li Huan. Li Huan had been away from Beijing for two years, which made many officials feel a little uncomfortable with Li Huan's appearance at the imperial meeting, so they saw Li Huan now.

When he stood up, many people were subconsciously stunned.

At the same time, the expressions of some people changed. Everyone knew that in this big court meeting, based on Li Huan's past performance, if Li Huan stood up and spoke, it would definitely not be a small matter.

After all, Li Huan's actions in the past at the Great Court Meeting will not be forgotten by all officials now if they think about it, whether it was from the elimination of the capital camp at the beginning or the subsequent implementation of the New Deal, or the report to the emperor to implement the unified payment of grain by officials and gentry, or even

Later, with the opening of the sea, nine major shipping departments were established, Daxing Maritime Trade and so on.

It can be said that these things are no small matter no matter which one they are.

I originally thought that Li Huan would calm down after being away for two years, but unexpectedly, at the first court meeting after returning to Beijing, Li Huan would stand up.

Zhu Houzhao looked at Li Huan and said with a smile: "Oh, I wonder what's wrong with Li Qing?"

Li Huan's eyes narrowed and he said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, I heard that the clans of the feudal princes and clans of the world have invaded and occupied the fields in the world. I would like to ask you to investigate the royal fields belonging to the clansmen of the feudal clans and princes of the world..."

Li Huan's words directly shocked the civil and military officials present. Many people blinked their eyes, looked at Li Huan's righteous and awe-inspiring appearance, and subconsciously murmured: "As expected of Li Huan, he really is.

Dare to say anything and do anything!"

"You dare to provoke even the vassal king's clan members. Such courage, tsk tsk, I can only say that he is worthy of being the Duke of Qin!"

Some people were shocked at first, but after reacting, they found that Li Huan was not so unacceptable. If he wanted to check the number of acres owned by the clans of the vassal kings in the world, if other officials had spoken about it, they would definitely be regarded as crazy by hundreds of officials.

Normally, but if it comes from Li Huan, then it is completely normal.

There was a look of astonishment on the emperor's face. He looked at Li Huan and coughed lightly: "Li Qing, you..."

Seeing the change in the emperor's expression, some officials apparently thought that the emperor was subconsciously protecting the feudal clan.

However, Li Huan continued: "Your Majesty, the people of the world are already overwhelmed by the burden of supporting the vassal princes and clans. I not only request the court to inspect the vassal princes and clans' acres, but also ask your majesty to take back the various privileges of the vassal princes and clansmen in their fiefs. Regardless of whether the vassal princes and clansmen are

Both Wangtian and its affiliated shops must pay taxes like ordinary people..."

The imperial court had previously implemented the idea of ​​paying grain to the gentry as one unit. Although it has been gradually implemented after several years of strong promotion, there are still some obstacles. The most obvious group is the royal family members.

Now Li Huan's sword was directly directed at the royal family members. It can be imagined that if the news from today's imperial meeting spreads out, then the vassal kings and family members all over the world will definitely jump in and curse him, wishing to kill Li Huan.

Eight dollars is too much.

A series of eyes subconsciously looked at the emperor who was sitting there. At this time, the emperor's face was calm, making it impossible to tell what the emperor was thinking.

Suddenly, the emperor stood up and looked at the officials and said: "This matter is of great importance and involves the vassal and clan members. Let's discuss it later and withdraw from the court!"

The Emperor Luanjia left, and all the officials dispersed with him, but the news from today's court meeting spread as if it had grown wings.

Even a fool can see that the emperor may have had some thoughts on Li Huan's suggestion at the meeting, otherwise he would not have reacted like that.

Such a big thing happening in the court could never be hidden from the vassal kings.

Although it is said that all the vassal kings in the world stay in their respective fiefdoms and are absolutely not allowed to leave their fiefdoms without the decree of the court, this does not mean that these vassal kings are ignorant of what is happening in the court.

It can be said that if you are not a fool, the local vassal king will order people to pay attention to what is going on in the court. Therefore, when the news about Li Huan targeting the vassal prince's clan came out, in less than half a month, except for those whose fiefdoms were in remote places,

In addition to the feudal lords and their relatives, almost 80% to 90% of the feudal lords already know about this matter.

Nowadays, there are dozens of vassals at the prince level of the Ming Dynasty. It can be said that the number of princes and vassals granted by the Emperor of Ming Dynasty since the founding of the Ming Dynasty is already quite astonishing. This is only at the prince level. In addition, there are

Many clansmen, a large number of vassal clansmen, were like blood-sucking insects lying on Daming's body, sucking the flesh and blood of Daming.

The Princes of Jin in Datong, Shanxi, and the Prince of Zhou in Kaifeng, Henan, were the princes conferred by Emperor Taizu in the past and had been in the local areas for more than a hundred years. It can be said that the forces in their fiefdoms were intertwined, and they had no real power or the ability to control the troops and govern the people.

power, but no one dared to ignore the influence of these vassal kings on the local area.

Of course, the impact of these vassal kings on the local area is often negative, but negative impacts are also impacts.

For these vassal kings who dominate the local area and do whatever they want as long as they don't rebel, suddenly they heard that someone dared to attack them. It would be strange if these vassal kings didn't explode.


They were all restricted to their fiefdoms. Aren't they allowed to think of ways to annex the fields and work hard to bring property to the government? It can be said that the fields were one of the lifeblood of the vassal kings. As a result, Li Huan wanted to touch them as soon as he came up.

However, all the vassal kings who knew the news immediately jumped up in anger and cursed. At the same time, they wrote to the emperor, begging the emperor to kill Li Huan, a treacherous person who alienated the family ties of the Tian family.

Of course, many vassal kings had some worries and panic in their hearts. After all, not every vassal king was that lawless. Everyone knew that the emperor had great favor and trust in Li Huan. If the emperor listened to Li Huan's words and took action against them,

How will they maintain their luxurious life at that time?

So no matter what they thought in their hearts, under this situation, all the feudal princes and clansmen in the world wrote to the emperor one after another, asking the emperor to kill Li Huan.

A month later, there was another court meeting. Regarding Li Huan's proposal, after two court meetings, there was still no result, and there was even a lot of commotion in the court.

At the court meeting, Li Huan loudly said to the emperor: "Your Majesty, since the vassal kings in the world feel aggrieved and are shouting and killing me, then please your majesty to summon the vassal kings in the world to the capital. I want to see what they can do to me!"

Immediately, some ministers jumped out and objected.

However, the emperor gave Li Huan permission after hesitating for a moment, and immediately issued an order to summon all the vassal kings from all over the world to the capital.

Since Emperor Hongwu summoned all the kings in the world, it can be said that almost no vassal kings have come to the capital together. This time Zhu Houzhao issued an order to summon the vassal kings from all over the world to the capital, which is definitely a precedent.

The emperor's decree to summon the vassal kings to the capital was conveyed to all the vassal kings at an extremely fast speed. It can be said that as soon as they received the emperor's decree, many vassal kings had expressions of astonishment on their faces. Apparently they did not expect that the emperor would actually do it.

They will be summoned to Beijing.

You must know that for these vassal kings, without the emperor's will, they will never be able to enter the capital, and they will not even be able to leave their fiefdom. Once discovered, they may be charged with treason by the court.


Therefore, many vassal kings have never left their fiefdoms since they were born, and their entire lives were restricted to that small fiefdom. Now that they suddenly received the emperor's decree, some vassal kings actually felt a little surprised in their hearts.


No matter what the outcome is after entering the capital, at least I can leave the fiefdom this time and see the scene outside the fiefdom, right?

It can be said that after receiving the emperor's order, a famous clan member of the feudal clan couldn't wait to rush to the capital on a chariot and horse under the protection of the palace guards.

[Please give me a monthly ticket]

(End of chapter)

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