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Chapter 69 Bring Li Huan to see Ben Qianhu!

Li Huan slowly spoke in the midst of everyone's doubtful glances: "From today on, I will leave it to you to identify and recognize the meridians and acupuncture points of the human body. I hope you can write them down in the shortest possible time!"

Cao Yu suddenly realized that Li Huan asked him to take off his clothes in order to use him as a model to explain the eight extraordinary meridians of the human body.

Li Huan took a branch and pointed it at the center of Cao Yu's eyebrows and said: "This is the Shenting point of the human body, which belongs to the Du meridian. It is the meeting point of the Du meridian and the Foot-taiyang bladder meridian. If it is hit, it will cause headaches."

Dizziness and a feeling of brain swelling."

The young eunuchs saw clearly and memorized it carefully. They all concentrated on it, while Li Huan explained acupuncture points one by one. For a full hour, he only explained 20 to 30% of the many meridians and acupuncture points of the human body.

After explaining the location and function of an acupuncture point, Li Huan stopped, glanced at the crowd and said, "I'll talk about these first today. You must write them down."

As he spoke, Li Huan pondered for a moment and said to Cao Yu: "Cao Yu, you go to the medical clinic tomorrow and buy a map of the human body's meridians and acupuncture points, and then supervise everyone to memorize it."

Cao Yu was shocked and said: "Don't worry, sir, I will definitely supervise you all."

The sky was bright and Li Huan was in a good mood. He taught the young eunuchs how to identify the meridians and acupuncture points of the human body last night, naturally to lay the foundation for teaching them the next step in practice. I believe that in a few days, these young eunuchs will be able to memorize all the meridians and acupuncture points.

Then he can teach them how to practice.

Thinking of the evil differences of the evil-repelling sword technique, Li Huan became a little bit excited, and he didn't know what kind of effect these young eunuchs would have if they practiced that technique.

Thinking about Yue Buqun, after Lin Pingzhi and the others learned the evil sword manual, their strength soared, especially Lin Pingzhi's rapid progress. He had never thought that each of these little eunuchs would be as strong as Lin Pingzhi.

, he would be extremely satisfied if he could produce just one or two people.

After all, in practicing this kind of thing, you don't have to have powerful secrets to become a master. It's just like the Shaolin Temple has so many unique skills, but most of its disciples have mediocre achievements.

There are so many people who have handled the Sunflower Book. Over the past decades or hundreds of years, they have not become the Undefeated Dongfang. If you really think that if you take the Sunflower Book or the sword manual to ward off evil and find some people to practice it, everyone can become the Unbeaten Dongfang.

, that is a luxury wish.

It is certainly unrealistic to say that there is no original version of the Sunflower Book of the Sunflower Book circulated in the former Song Dynasty. It is also not known that the royal family of the former Song Dynasty sent 3,000 Sunflower Guards to resist Meng Yuan's attempt to destroy the building.

Of course, I have to admit that the evil-repelling sword manual is indeed a quick method for evil spirits. The speed of practice is far faster than ordinary people. If it is consistent with the evil-repelling sword manual, the achievements will be astonishing.

He was looking forward to whether among the young eunuchs he took in, there was someone as talented as Dongfang Bubai. Not to mention achieving the level of Dongfang Bubai, or even reaching the level of Lin Yuantu, his gains would be great.


Unknowingly, Li Huan arrived at the Jinyiwei Yamen and walked towards his own side hall as before.


Suddenly Li Huan stopped and looked towards the officials gathered together in the distance.

Although they were more than ten feet apart, Li Huan's ear was able to clearly hear the low-pitched conversations of several officials.

"Have you heard? Today someone took Eunuch Liu's note and came to see the commander. He transferred Qian Ning from the Hundred Households of the Jinyi Guards to the Thousand Households of the Jinyi Guards."

"Yes, I heard about it too. I heard that Qian Ning fell in the eyes of Eunuch Liu and was able to reach the sky in one step."

"I really envy him. He hugged Eunuch Liu's lap. From now on, he will be the governor and command the ministers. It is not impossible to look forward to the vacancy."

Li Huan heard clearly that these officials were still guessing why Qian Ning fell in Liu Jin's eyes, but Li Huan knew it very well, but he didn't expect Qian Ning to come back so quickly.

However, Li Huan didn't take it to heart. The reason why he stopped and listened just now was because it involved Qian Ning.

Step into the side hall and continue to select suitable candidates to prepare for the reorganization of the bodyguards and the army.

It is said that after several days of screening, Li Huan has already had seven or eight candidates for the three thousand bodyguards. It will take at least a few days to completely determine the candidates, and then the bodyguards will be truly reorganized.

But it was said that Qian Ning was very drunk with his subordinates the night before yesterday, and he woke up the next morning very energetic. However, Qian Ning did not rush to Jinyiwei Yamen but sent someone to Jinyiwei Yamen to inquire about the news.

He, Qian Ning, had been away from Jinyiwei for a few months, and now that he had returned to Jinyiwei, he could not return as an official of one hundred households. Instead, he had to wait until Liu Jin got the emperor's permission and sent a message to the commander of Jinyiwei to truly confirm that he had one thousand households in Jinyiwei.

Because of his identity, he went to the Jinyiwei Yamen in glory.

After all, the Jinyiwei is the emperor's personal army. The Jinyiwei Qianhu can be regarded as an upper-middle-level official among the Jinyiwei. Maybe one hundred households are appointed. The Jinyiwei commander has certain authority, but when it comes to the level of the Jinyiwei Qianhu, it must be

Only the emperor nods, otherwise, even the commander of the Jinyi Guards will not have the right to appoint or remove a thousand Jinyiwei.

It has to be said that Zhu Houzhao still trusted and relied on Liu Jin very much. Liu Jin just mentioned it casually, and Zhu Houzhao directly agreed without much thought. Liu Jin then sent someone to the Jinyiwei Yamen to deliver a note to convey the emperor's oral order.

Most of the morning passed, and seeing that there was no news after such a long time, Qian Ning waited at home, restless, fearing that something would go wrong with Liu Jin. If the emperor disagreed, wouldn't his happiness be in vain?


Just when Qian Ning's mind was in chaos and she had all kinds of bad guesses, a burst of rapid footsteps came over. When she heard the footsteps, Qian Ning quickly looked up.

I saw a man running over panting, and said to Qian Ning with a face full of joy: "Congratulations, sir, congratulations, sir, your promotion to a thousand households has been conveyed to Jinyiwei, sir, go to Jinyiwei again, that is Jinyiwei."

Qianhu’s identity.”

Qian Ning's heart finally dropped when he heard this, and he couldn't help but punched the air.

"Hahaha, okay, okay, follow me to the Yamen to report."

A dozen of Qian Ning's confidants also had happy faces. Qian Ning went one step further and believed that it would not be long before each of them could benefit from it.

Surrounded by Qian Ning, the crowd headed straight for the Jinyiwei Yamen. The momentum was really good at all. Those who didn't know better thought they were the Jinyiwei commander and colleagues.

However, Qian Ning was deliberately so public. The purpose was to let everyone in Jinyiwei know that the person standing behind Qian Ning was Liu Jin, the powerful internal minister of the court. In this way, no one would be willing to offend him and fight against him.

With Liu Jin's power, although he only guarded thousands of households in royal robes, his influence was comparable to that of suppressing envoys and even directing people's affairs.

Sure enough, when Qian Ning and his party appeared at the Jinyiwei Yamen, everyone who saw that scene looked at Qian Ning with envy and awe.

Qian Ning felt the envious and awed looks from his former colleagues and couldn't help but feel endless satisfaction in his heart. This was the benefit brought by power. At the same time, Qian Ning became more and more determined to hold Liu Jin's thigh tightly.

Qian Ning coughed lightly and shouted to a close subordinate beside him: "Wu Hui, go and bring Li Huan of Baihu to see me! Just tell me that I, Lord Qianhu, want to see him."

This chapter has been completed!
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