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Chapter 1003 Letter from a Fool

Chapter 1003 Letter from a Fool

Xu Tong felt his own changes for a moment. After becoming an immortal, his thoughts became even bigger, and he could command the power of the surrounding world with just a few movements of his hands and feet.

He waved his hand and swept away, and the magic behind him bloomed with fairy light, and the pure Yang energy as vast as the sea of ​​clouds poured down, restoring all the ominous and injured bodies of Gao Zhuo and others to their original state.

If you say that before you become an immortal, you can use the power of heaven and earth for your own use, then after you become an immortal, your own power will be the power of heaven and earth.

The difference between the two is huge and extraordinary.

For example, it's like two businessmen. One businessman borrows money to do business, and the other businessman owns a bank.

In addition, there are many mysteries. Xu Tong needs some time to slowly digest them. Immediately, his mind moved, and the Dharma returned to his body after his death.

After standing up, the first thing he did was to grab Li Bo from his master and put him aside. Then he knelt down and bowed to his master, Mei Laoxing.

"My disciple has lived up to everyone's expectations. I thank you Master, Mr. Mei."

How difficult it is to become an immortal. As someone who has experienced it firsthand, Xu Tong understands that in the eyes of others, he may be prosperous and rise rapidly.

But behind this is Master, Mr. Mei, and even the resources of the entire Meihua line are concentrated to support him.

For Gao Zhuo and others, Xu Tong can use all his resources to arm himself and repay them.

But for the selfless contributions of these two old people, Xu Tong could only show his respect with a big gift.

"Hey, where did all these fake tricks come from? You and your master look more and more alike." The master said he didn't agree, but the wrinkles on his face had deeply betrayed the joy in his heart.

Mr. Mei hurriedly stepped forward and helped him up: "Being able to become an immortal is a good thing. Your master and I are not working in vain. You should take care of the things at hand first and come back to us when you are free."

After Mr. Mei finished speaking, he nodded with Xue Gui. The two of them did not intend to stay longer and stole Xu Tong's limelight. After saying that, they waved their hands and stood up to return to the space between reality and reality.

"Farewell Master, Mr. Mei!"

Xu Tong only waited for the two people to leave before closing the gap between reality and reality.

Then he took a closer look and saw that the old man hadn't left yet, so he was stunned for a moment.

"Hahaha, congratulations, you have become an immortal and attained Taoism, which makes me very envious of the old Taoist priest."

The old man stepped forward with a smile on his face.

"you are leaving?"

When Xu Tong saw the old Taoist staying here, he immediately understood that the old Taoist was probably saying goodbye to him.

"There is no such thing as a feast that lasts forever. Today I saw the divine dragon come into the world. I know that the time has come to say goodbye. From now on, there will be no Taoist who seeks the dragon in the world."

The divine dragon that the old Taoist refers to is the huge path of luck behind Xu Tong.

He claimed that he was a Taoist seeking the dragon and wanted to see the divine dragon. However, he was born in the Dharma Ending Age and it was extremely difficult to see the real dragon.

Now that the knot in my heart is over, I know that the opportunity has arrived, and I want to say goodbye to Xu Tong.

"Little brother, please return Pindao's physical body."

Gao Zhuo was startled when he heard this, and it took him a moment to come to his senses, and he quickly called out a coffin, which was exactly the coffin that contained the old Taoist body.

The old man walked to the coffin, waved his hand, and saw the coffin lid was lifted.

The strange thing is that the old Taoist glanced into the coffin, and then saluted himself in the coffin: "Fellow Taoist, please stand up!"

After the words fell, the old Taoist's body in the coffin actually opened his eyes, stood up straight from the coffin, grinned on his face, and saluted the old Taoist in front of him: "Congratulations, fellow Taoist, the obsession is over, we are on our way.


"Of course!"

The old Taoist nodded, turned around in unison, and said goodbye to Xu Tong: "Little brother, we are destined to meet again!"

After that, the old Tao's body walked out of the coffin and walked side by side down the mountain with the old Tao. After walking a few steps, the two became one person. What's even weirder is that the aura on the old Tao's body gradually increased with his steps.

Lift upward.

First, he was in the realm of enlightenment, but after walking only a few steps, he was already in the realm of killing the Tao. After the figure disappeared, Xu Tong could vaguely feel that the aura of the old Taoist body gradually began to return to its original nature.

Once this is gone, I'm afraid it won't be long before there are signs of becoming an immortal.

"Sure enough, this old guy is extraordinary!"

Seeing this, Xu Tong knew in his heart that there must be some mystery behind the old Taoist's delay in asking for a physical body.

Once they leave, they will be like the eldest princess. From now on, the dragon will enter the sea, the sky will be high and the sky will be far away, and there will no longer be any shackles to restrain them.

After sending off the old Taoist, the rest of the matter was much simpler. Xu Tong led a group of people down the mountain, while Xu Lai took Xu Fan with him, not intending to return to Lin'an Mansion.

Although Lin'an Mansion was completely wiped out by Xu Tong's pure yang power, and there was no more yin evil, the Xu family had been completely destroyed, and Xu Lai did not intend to go back, so as not to be hurt by the situation.

He planned to take Xu Fan to find a cleaner place. On the one hand, he could cultivate his body, hide his name, live a few years of leisure, and hide from the little emperor Zhao Meng.

Xu Tong nodded to express his understanding. After all, Zhao Meng had the innate divine fetus and was qualified to fight Jue Ding. If he knew that Xu Lai's current realm had plummeted and his strength was greatly reduced, he would definitely kill him.

Wasn't Shen Kuo of Si Tian Jian a case?

Xiao Leshan wanted to return to the Northern Barbarians, but Chang Wugu continued to play the role of a good nephew.

When he went back, Xiao Leshan asked him why he chose to help Yang Hong this time. Chang Wuzhi did not rush to find an excuse. He just thought for a moment and said: "Uncle and Xu Lai risked half their lives, but he died lightly. How could it be that he died so easily?"

It’s not like he failed my uncle’s hard work. Besides, he can defy the odds, so why can’t I? Help him this time. He owes me a favor, and I will repay him twice as much in the future.”

Chang Wuju's words were quite reasonable, and Xiao Leshan was quite happy: "Okay, if your Majesty has such a vision and mind, why should the Northern Barbarians be unhappy!"

The more Xiao Leshan looked at his good nephew, the more satisfied he became.

Chang Wugu immediately brought the tea and said, "I'd better ask my uncle to help Qi'er more in the future."

"Okay, okay!"

On the one side, the father is kind and the son is filial. On the other side, Xu Tong is also temporarily separated from Gao Zhuo and Gu Xibai.

After all, he can stay here for another three months. This period of time is a rare leisure time. Gao Zhuo must seize the time to find a geomantic treasure place to refine the corpse.

Gu Xibai planned to go to Shaolin Temple to study martial arts.

In this battle with Xuantong, he already had some signs of a breakthrough, and he planned to work harder and strive for a breakthrough before going back.

After the two left, Xu Tong took Shenwuying and Li Bo with him. Just when he was wondering what they would do next, he suddenly heard the sound of hurried footsteps.

At first glance, it turned out to be an old man from Gusu.

As soon as Old Man Gusu saw Xu Tong and others, his eyes widened. He walked to Xu Tong and looked around, and then... wow! He sat down on the ground with a cry and burst into tears.

It turned out that after Xu Tong took Xiao Leshan and Xu Lai to the Immortal Summit, there was still no movement. Later, turmoil broke out in the Tianlao. When Old Man Gusu saw this, he immediately sent a message to the world.

After they united with a large number of people from all walks of life to rescue many people, they took the people to Yangzhou. They happened to catch up with Zhao Meng who was going to Yangzhou, and it was time to establish Yangzhou as the place where he lived.

The old man from Gusu simply settled down in Yangzhou. When he got the news, he hurried over. As a result, the day lilies were even cold. Seeing this, he couldn't help but burst into tears.

Xu Tong could actually understand his mood. It was just like watching a movie. After watching the first ninety minutes, I suddenly had a stomachache in the last twenty minutes and had to go to the toilet. As a result, the movie was over and the last big scene was over.

If you haven't seen the ending or climax, it's like watching a movie in vain.

Seeing him crying pitifully, Xu Tong thought, and he really remembered something, so he bent down and said to Old Man Gusu: "Stop crying, come with me, I will take you to watch another good show."


“What a show??”

When the old man from Gusu heard this, he immediately became energetic.

"Just follow me. Just tell me what happened in the world during the time we went in."

"Okay, tell me, are you really a god now? What does it feel like to be a god?"

As the old man from Gusu said, he took out his notebook and transformed into a qualified journalist again...


At the foot of Yunjing Mountain, all you can see is the shade of green bamboo, and the crisp sound of bells ripples through the mountains and forests.


When Xu Tong and his party arrived at the foot of the mountain, the great monk Minghai had already been waiting at the foot of the mountain.

Seeing Xu Tong and others arriving at the mountain gate, they took the initiative to greet them, clasped their hands together and said, "Amitabha! Your Holiness is here. It's a sin for Minghai to miss him from afar."

"Why should the great monk be so polite? Didn't we agree at the beginning that when you have completed your merits in August, I will come to see you off."

Xu Tong remembered that when monk Minghai gave him the [Glass Relic Pagoda], he said that he would pass away in August this year.

I was idle, so I decided to come here to recuperate and recuperate. When passing by Suzhou, Xu Tong searched for the place Xuantong had mentioned and found Xuantong's descendants.

After sending Xuantong's words, he left some gold and silver to their family, and then completed this side mission.

The purpose of bringing people to Yunjing Mountain now is to complete this last thing and then return to reality. It has a beginning and an end. This is a good story.

"Please, Your Majesty and others, please go up the mountain."

The great monk Minghai grinned and asked Xu Tong and others to talk in detail on the mountain. Xu Tong motioned to Ge Zhuo and others to camp at the foot of the mountain.

He took Li Bo and Old Man Gusu and slowly followed Monk Minghai up the mountain.

Tea had already been prepared in the quiet room. After everyone sat down, Monk Minghai took out a letter from the small cabinet on the side:

"The Venerable came here at the right time. Yesterday when the poor monk was chanting sutras, he suddenly fell asleep and met a boy in front of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's door who entrusted me with a dream and gave me a letter, saying that he asked me to deliver it to the Venerable.


As Monk Minghai spoke, he sent this letter to Xu Tong.

If this was so outrageous, other people would probably think that this bald donkey was trying to defraud people out of money for incense.

But the person in front of him was Monk Minghai, a generation of Zen Buddhists. When Xu Tong heard this, he immediately felt curious. He picked up the envelope and opened it. He saw that it was not so much a letter as it was two paintings.

The first painting showed a simple and honest smiling face, pointing at a Buddha statue. When Xu Tong looked at this painting, a familiar feeling came over him, and he couldn't help but laugh. He knew that this was given to him by a fool.


Although I have never seen a fool paint, the unique temperament of the fool in the painting is very well captured.

Judging from his appearance, he must be reporting peace to himself, as he seems to have something to do with Buddhism.

Then when Xu Tong looked at the second portrait, his expression gradually became weird. He saw that the lines on this painting were crooked. If he looked carefully, he saw a huge soup pot standing there, and behind the soup pot, there was actually a bridge.

, isn’t this exactly...Naihe Bridge?

(End of chapter)

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