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Chapter 29: Underground Lair (Late Night.)

Although Xu Tong said he was very optimistic, no one in the car could be optimistic.

Some people put their hands together and recite Amitabha silently, but even in hell, Amitabha has no effect.

There is a couple hugging each other tightly, maybe today will be their last hug.

There were also people holding their heads and crying, or even cursing in a low voice. Listen carefully, and it was not difficult to hear that it turned out that he was betrayed by his brothers and was caught by these evolutionists.

But whether it's regret or fear.

As the car entered the huge city in front of us, no one dared to make a sound.

"Boom, boom, boom..." The violent flapping sound sounded like thunder in my ears.

The smell of living people, like water droplets falling into boiling oil, was enough to drive these infected people crazy. The bus, which weighed at least 7 tons, felt like it was about to be overturned.


An arm covered with rotten flesh suddenly stretched out from the car window, grabbed a woman's hair, and tried to pull it out.

Fortunately, everyone grabbed the girl one after another, but she only got a handful of her hair broken.


A huge fleshy palm stepped on the roof of the car, and an evolutionist shook his six lizard-like hands and knocked away the infected people who had climbed onto the car.

But his huge body almost caused the car to overturn.

Fortunately, the other evolvers guarding the car quickly began to clear the area, constantly grabbing the infected people who dared to challenge their authority, opening their mouths to bite off their heads, and casually smashing the corpses onto other infected people.

A big piece.

And these infected people who are knocked down will be trampled into pulp in an instant.

Crazy, this place is simply hell, no, even hell is not as scary as this place.

As the car drove slowly deeper, Xu Tong raised his head, and what he saw was not just high-rise buildings, but also huge sarcomas attached to the high-rise buildings, forming a huge flesh-colored dome.

If you look carefully at these flesh-colored domes, you will find that they are actually covered with many reptile-like evolvers. Their slender bodies look like geckos, but they have a face that looks like a human.

There is also a huge flesh bag on the tail. The flesh bag seems to be filled with infected people and bones.

They would spit out a sticky flesh-colored liquid from their mouths, then grab a handful of human bones from the meat bag and stick them on it to build the dome.

If there are not enough corpses, just grab some infected people instead, knead them casually, or chew off the heads and stick them on as materials.

So much so that if you look around, you will see arms stretched out in the air in many places, swinging feebly.

These guys are transforming the city??

He was a little surprised, thinking that these infected people who were driven here were just building materials, right?

The number of infected people outside is increasing. Everyone in the car is crawling on the ground as much as possible. The car is shaking. Once thrown out, the consequences can be imagined.

Suddenly there was a scream, and the sound did not come from the car, but from behind them. Someone boldly raised their head and looked back, and instantly saw an unforgettable scene.

They saw another large truck coming from outside not far behind them. As a result, before the evolutionaries guarding the truck could protect the truck, it was directly pushed down by the infected who were already extremely agitated.

In an instant, the humans in the truck tumbled out and fell among countless infected people. With their screams, they were torn to pieces in the blink of an eye.

Even if those angry evolvers rushed down immediately and smashed some infected people into pulp, it would be of no avail. They could only let out angry roars and massacre among these infected people before giving up hastily.

Seeing this, everyone felt scared and happy at the same time.

Fortunately, they were the first wave to come in. Compared to the second car behind them, when they came in, most of the infected people had not yet reacted. Plus the few evolutionaries in their car were relatively fierce and powerful.

Protect the car in time, kill all the infected people rushing in front, and stabilize it as soon as possible, otherwise they would be just a pile of bones by now.

Thinking of the few people in this car, they actually felt a little bit grateful to the evolutionaries who escorted them. I have to say that humans are really complex animals.

Unlike everyone else, Xu Tong was a little disappointed when he looked at the car behind him. Apparently there was no player on it that he was expecting.

The car passed through the huge square and saw that it was full of ruins.


A middle-aged man quietly raised his head and took a look outside the car. He couldn't help but be a little surprised: "I came here last year. There was a Ginza shopping mall here at the time. Why is it gone??"

After he finished speaking, his eyes were all complicated. In a flash, it was just last year. At that time, his position had just been promoted to project director, and his monthly income could reach more than 100,000 yuan.

For this reason, I brought my wife and children here specially. I remember that they bought a lot of things that day. The children were very happy, and I also felt that the days were getting more and more comfortable.

In the end, who would have thought that in just one year, when we come here again, the world will have come to an end.

Such a contrast made him want to slap himself twice, telling himself that he was dreaming and that as long as he opened his eyes, he would wake up from his bed immediately.

But the reality is bloody. No matter whether he pinches himself or hits himself, or how many times he opens his eyes, he cannot change the facts before him.

Everyone looked quietly, and sure enough, there was nothing.

That Ginza shopping mall is a famous shopping mall. It is known as a city that never sleeps and is open 24 hours a day. Just before the virus outbreak, it was still promoting some discounts and promotions.

Now there is actually no shadow at all.

When the car approached, they discovered that the mall had been bulldozed, leaving only a huge cave on the ground.

Before they even entered the car, the strong and pungent smell in the air almost made them faint.

Looking again, the walls of the cave are all made of bones and flesh. No wonder the smell is so disgusting.

But aside from the bad smell, there's some grudging good news.

It seems that after arriving here, the infected people were isolated outside the cave. Even though they surrounded the cave and made shrill screams, they did not dare to take a step into the thunder pool.

This also made them secretly relieved.

The car went deeper and deeper, and the shadow of the underground parking lot could still be vaguely seen, but as the car continued to go down, no trace of human construction could be seen.

All kinds of evolvers began to come out of the huge underground cave.

The bodies of these evolved beings were strangely shaped, and some actually let out shrill laughter like humans. She ran over and stood on the roof of the car. Her eyes explored like poisonous snakes and scanned the faces of everyone in the car.

This scene undoubtedly caused the people in the car to scream in fear.

But fortunately, these evolved people didn't look like they were going to eat them right away. After all, there were only a dozen or so people in this car. If they really wanted to eat them, the guards would probably have eaten them halfway without leaving any bones.


The car was pulled into a huge cave. Several mutants pushed the car forward and allowed the car to slide forward on its own.


Although they don’t know what will happen next, at this moment, their faces are filled with joy of surviving the disaster.

Someone carefully poked their head out, only to realize that outside the car window, there were human beings exactly like them.

The strange thing is that these people are actually naked, neither men nor women even have a fig leaf.

Just when they were surprised by this, a group of people slowly approached the car outside the car. There was an obvious difference between these people and the others, that is, they were wearing clothes.

And not just one or two pieces of clothing, but two or three layers of coats, and some even dressed themselves up in weird ways.

He stared blankly at the car that was slowly stopping in front of him, and quickly began to rush towards it.

After Xu Tong glanced at these people, he raised his brows slightly, stood up from his seat, and looked at the strangers walking behind him.

In line with the mentality of being in the same boat for a hundred years, he whispered to them: "Guys, welcome to the scene of a large-scale robbery. Be prepared to be stripped naked."

Before anyone could understand what he meant, Xu Tong had already jumped onto the roof of the car.

If these people were smart enough, they might have followed his lead at this moment, but until Xu Tong jumped out of the car far away, no one could follow him.

So it's a pity, but after a while, men's curses and women's screams came from the car.

Some women were stripped naked and thrown out of car windows by three or five men.

The man was beaten to a bloody head and finally had to be stripped naked.

When someone saw Xu Tong, their eyes flashed with fierceness, and they rushed up with a wrench in their hands: "Take off your clothes!!"

As a result, before the wrench was smashed, Xu Tong suddenly turned around and slapped him so hard that his nose bled. He almost spun around in a circle and froze in place, obviously being stunned.


Only then did Xu Tong take out a cigarette from his pocket and throw it to him: "Take me to see your boss here."

Maybe it was because Xu Tong beat him so hard that he no longer had the same vigor as before, or maybe the cigarette in his hand was too tempting.

After the man was stunned for a few seconds, he immediately nodded like a chicken eating rice and led Xu Tong inside.

No one knows exactly how big this huge cave is.

The passages extending in all directions were crowded with humans, but most of them had no clothes.

And when they saw those similar people wearing clothes, their first reaction was actually fear, as if these people wearing clothes were more like those infected people who eat people without spitting out their bones.

When they passed through a cave, they saw a huge iron pot bubbling black water.

Several women on the side carefully stirred the black water with iron rods, and unexpectedly pulled out a boiled leather belt. Looking at the leather belt, the woman swallowed a mouthful of spit.

It seems that this is not a belt, but more like a boiled beef strip.

Sure enough, no matter what stage a person reaches, he can never forget these four words in his mind: the law of the jungle and the strong...

PS: Go to bed and good night

This chapter has been completed!
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