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Chapter Eighteen:

"Master! You are asking my wife to take the blame for me!"

Xu Tong was so smart that he immediately understood Mr. Song's intention after hearing this.

The master's wife ran away with her things, and the master deliberately spared Miaojing. Didn't this mean that the lice on the monk's head were clearly visible?

I'm afraid that it won't be long before the news that my master's wife absconded with the treasure will be announced to the public.

By that time, I'm afraid the mistress's life will be difficult.

When he thought of this, the bridge of his nose felt sour for a moment, and his mouth became a little bitter. After all, they have been a couple for so many years, and he has only been here for a long time.

But he didn't expect that the master would actually divert the trouble to the east in the end, not only sparing his wife, but also protecting himself. This kindness made his eloquent little mouth suddenly become clumsy.

Mr. Song smoked the pipe and pot in his hand and patted Xu Tong's arm gently with one hand: "When your master died, all kinds of monsters and ghosts came to our house. There were ghosts, officials and thieves. It was so lively.


When Xue Gui died suddenly, many people came to test Mr. Song's depth under the guise of paying homage.

From the governor of a province to the small director of a sub-district office.

There are big thieves in the green forest, and there are evil imps.

All three religions and nine schools of thought were watching, and even when he was still vigiling in the middle of the night, there was already a fight outside the door.

That period of time was too difficult, and I would often wake up in the middle of the night, and I could feel someone watching me when I walked on the road.

Occasionally, if you are not careful, you will even be ambushed and beaten, even if it is light. In serious cases, you may even have your throat cut off.

"Back then, my master left in a hurry and failed to save me. I suffered a lot, and in the end I didn't dare to take this thing out."

Mr. Song pointed to the box in Xu Tong's hand. The contents in this box were extraordinary. When Xue Gui stayed here, he might not have thought of giving it to Mr. Song.

But this thing is too eye-catching, and no suitable opportunity has been found. Then Xue Gui was tricked. Mr. Song has been more cautious in his life, and he has endured many hardships before he gradually recovered, but

By the time I get through it, I will already be old.

Coupled with the reform and opening up, people's lives began to flourish again, so Mr. Song was too lazy to care about these things anymore and lived a down-to-earth life.

But he knew in his heart that there were still people thinking about the contents of this box. If these people knew that they had an apprentice, they would never leave the mountain again.

Therefore, Mr. Song half-squinted his eyes, held Xu Tong's hand tightly and said: "Son, Master knows that you are capable, but a good tiger cannot fight against a pack of wolves. Master Lu has already helped you break through, and the rest depends on you."


"But Master's wife's side..." Thinking of Master's wife's methods, Xu Tong was still a little wary. If he hadn't happened to have the magic bell in his hand to restrain her, he might have suffered a big loss just now.

But with the Demon Bell alone, I am not sure that I can really agree to her, unless I activate the two abilities of the Dark Lord and the Advent of the Demon King, but the cost of doing so is too high, and the gain is not worth the loss.

"Don't worry, she can't open the porcelain jar."

Mr. Song was very confident about the seal on the porcelain jar. The seal on it did not come from their Pingmen lineage, but was inspired by his extensive reading and found in an old book.

After the seal is sealed, unless there is a correct method, if you want to break the seal, you can only break it violently, but the things inside are so precious, who would take such a big risk to violently remove it.

So Mr. Song estimated that his seal could last for at least a year and a half. By then, when people found out that they had been deceived, his good disciple would have already run away.

Under the guidance of Mr. Song, Xu Tong pulled the paper figures to the yard outside the door and took them apart.

By the way, it was just another lesson for him. Every time he demolished a place, Mr. Song inevitably explained the unknown tricks in detail.

Without the body of the paper man, the master wife will have to hide for a while and slowly look for opportunities. In the end, whether it is to borrow the corpse to bring back the soul, or to take the soul from the body, in short, it is not something that can be completed in a short time.

It just happened that this period of time allowed the master and apprentice to calm down and fill in the many vacancies after getting started.

For example, during the day, I stayed with Mr. Song, and under Mr. Song's guidance, Xu Tong's mountain buckle gradually began to improve.

Bowing within ten meters is enough to hurt someone's spirit. Even if the other party's spiritual power is obviously higher than your own, they are still capable of fighting.

But that alone was not enough. Mr. Song specially took him to see off several elderly people around the old city.

When Xu Tong asked, he found out that the elderly people in the old city had made an agreement with Mr. Song long ago that in addition to the paper figures to see him off, Mr. Song must also be responsible for handling the arrangements at home after his death.

Therefore, in the past few days, Xu Tong and Mr. Song had to have a banquet every day, and his thin face actually became a little rounder.

The weather was not good that day. It was windy outside and it looked like it was going to rain.

But today someone came to the door and asked Mr. Song to host the funeral for their family. When Mr. Song heard the name of the deceased, he didn't say anything and brought him here.

In front of the mourning hall in the house, several children were already crying together.

After Mr. Song comforted the family members for a few words, he took Xu Tong into the mourning hall and came to the room where the old man placed his body.

Because this is a house built by one's own family, after setting up the mourning hall, the corpse will be parked at home for two days before being sent to the crematorium. Therefore, before that, Mr. Song needs to enter the house and cast a final spell on the deceased.

Of course, this is the official view. In fact, Mr. Song wanted to bring out the resentment of the deceased before his death. According to the family members, they actually heard his father speaking when they were keeping vigil last night.

What's even more strange is that this morning, the body of the deceased actually sat upright and didn't lie down slowly until noon.

When he entered the room and took a look at the black and white photos hanging on the wall, Xu Tong couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. After thinking about it carefully, he finally remembered and thought to himself: "Oh, it's him."

I had seen the man who passed away today. I remember he and Mr. Song had met this old man Zhang when they had mutton soup before. (Volume 2, Chapter 54)

I remember that Mr. Song greeted him at that time. Although the old man didn't speak at that time, he was in good spirits. He never thought that the old man would die if he said no.

I heard from family members that when they called the old man to get up in the morning, they found that the old man was actually wearing a shroud and lying upright on the bed. When he stepped forward and touched him, he was already cold.

At this moment, the whole family was in a panic, but some elderly people said that it was a joy and mourning, with smiles on their faces without any trace of sadness.

At least in the eyes of these old people, it is a great blessing not to get sick in the hospital, to walk without pain or haste, and to close their eyes in a decent manner.

Many people came to pay homage, including many local business elites and municipal officials.

After a little inquiry, I found out that this old man Zhang is also a well-known university professor, and he can be said to be full of talents all over the world.

It was just that Xu Tong took one look at the corpse and felt that something was wrong. Although his facial features looked very peaceful, as if he was asleep, it always gave people a tense feeling, which made people feel very uncomfortable just by looking at it.


"Old guy, you want to save face and suffer the consequences!"

Old Song glanced at Old Man Zhang and couldn't help but shake his head and curse.

He gently opened the old man's mouth with his fingers and showed it to Xu Tong. Xu Tong didn't notice anything strange, but he smelled a special odor.

Xu Tong raised his eyebrows slightly, then looked carefully up and down on Old Man Zhang, and found that there were some tiny thread fragments between his fingernails.

After gently pressing Old Man Zhang's abdomen with his fingers a few times, he couldn't help but look at Old Man Song strangely and whispered: "Suicide?"

The fluid accumulation in Old Man Zhang's abdomen revealed that his stomach had begun to decay very quickly. The reason why it is not visible now is because the shroud is wide.

And judging from the bending of his fingers and the threads in the gaps between his nails, he must have experienced a struggle before his death.

After all, he even wore his shroud neatly, which showed that he took his own death very seriously and washed himself clean long before he died. There were actually threads in his fingernails, which showed that the process of death was very painful.

Xu Tong's eyes suddenly caught sight of the bottle of sleeping pills on the bedside, and he probably thought that the old man might have committed suicide by taking sleeping pills.


Old Song snorted coldly. When he checked Old Man Zhang's pulse, he felt that this old guy would have no problem living for a few more years, but Old Man Zhang has never smiled since he found out that he had Alzheimer's disease.

He has been a scholar and a teacher all his life, so of course he knows what Alzheimer's disease is.

An old man who acts like a fool will drag down the whole family and even become incontinent.

This was a result that Old Man Zhang could not accept. He could not imagine what it would be like to reach such a stage that he died in a muddle.

People would only feel pitiful when they saw his skinny body.

Ever since, I thought of suicide as a way to escape, hoping that I would die in a dignified way.

But what he didn't know was that among all suicide methods, suicide by taking sleeping pills is undoubtedly the most painful one, second only to drinking paraquat.

The drug will cause gastric irritation and cause vomiting and strong acidity when you enter a semi-sleep state.

Because the nerves are paralyzed, the person cannot move, and the vomited liquid will enter the lungs and nasal cavity, causing great breathing pain and burning sensation in the lungs. The person cannot move, but has to suffer for about 15 minutes.

Well...if I really want to describe this feeling, to put it simply, it's like eating chili oil and choking on your throat.

Mr. Song was both hateful and pitiful towards him, but in the end he let Xu Tong complete the entire resentment operation.

Three sticks of yellow incense were used as a guide, inserted into the arms of the paper man, and a bowl of white wine was poured on it. Xu Tong followed Xu Tong's imitation of Chen Lao and chanted the incantation, causing the paper man to burst into flames, and then the fire dissipated.

At this time, a stream of black blood began to flow out of Old Man Zhang's nose. He quickly put the black blood into the glass bottle he had prepared earlier, and then sprinkled money around it.

Sure enough, the face of old man Zhang who was lying on the bed relaxed a lot, and his expression suddenly became natural and relaxed.

After doing everything, Xu Tong carefully put away the resentful ink.

After opening the door and letting the family members in, they saw their old father on the bed, and the tension in his expression that made them feel worried had disappeared, and they all immediately heaved a sigh of relief.

A stack of thick red envelopes was presented to me. Just looking at the thickness of the red envelopes, I thought it would cost more than 10,000 yuan.

Sending such a large amount of money must not only be for Mr. Song to preside over the ceremony.

The boss whispered a few words in Mr. Song's ear, to the effect that Mr. Song should not announce the true cause of Mr. Zhang's death.

Mr. Song took another look at Mr. Zhang who was lying on the bed, took the money and threw it to Xu Tong.

Then they took him outside to wait. In the end, they did not participate in the so-called farewell ceremony. An old man and a young man squatted in the doorway in the shade and started smoking and puffing away smoke.

Especially Xu Tong’s big hookah. When he puffed out the smoke, those who didn’t know it thought he was having a barbecue.

"Some people say that life is unfair, but death is the only fairness in this world. This is true, but it is also wrong."

Mr. Song watched the Zhang family put the body into the iron can in the funeral parlor, his eyes were particularly melancholy, and he grinned: "Actually, people will die sooner or later while they are alive.

But there are still grades of death.

If those masters of Taoism die, it is called becoming immortal and ascending.

When people like us die, our merits are fulfilled."

As he said this, Old Man Zhang, who was thrown into the iron coffin with a finger, hated the iron and said: "But this kind of suicide, in the words of the underworld, is just eating enough to support it, and increasing the workload of the underworld out of thin air."

Do you think the devils in the underworld will look good on you??

It can range from being sent to hell to have skin and cramps for a hundred years, to being beaten to death in vain. But if you can compete for some money, although the result will not change, the process will be completely different.

When Xu Tong heard this, he rolled his eyes and nodded repeatedly: "I understand, understand, I will give you money to guide you when we get back, and I will burn a terracotta warrior for you and line up for you!"

"Fuck you, I went to the underworld, not to rebel." Mr. Song kicked Xu Tong hard.

After the two had a banquet and arranged the funeral of Lao Zhang's family, it was almost night when the two returned home.

Xu Tong dotted the eyes of a paper figurine with the resentful ink he got today. The eyes of the paper figurine whose eyes were dotted suddenly had a strange sense of agility in their still white eyes.

This sense of agility might be very pleasing if it appeared in birds and animals.

But it happens to appear on a paper man, which is more terrifying.

He lit the paper figure on fire, and as the flames rose with desire, Xu Tong suddenly felt an unexplained lightness coming over him.

He knew that this was the result of completing the entire papermaker's ritual.

After a while, Xu Tong felt that his soul seemed to have become much stronger, as if he had received some mysterious increase.

This discovery made him extremely happy. Mr. Song, who was sitting by the bonfire, just looked at him with a smile: "Not bad, I have made some progress. Go and burn the next few."

As a result, Xu Tong threw the master's wife's body into the fire, casually held up a bunch of barbecue skewers and placed them next to the bonfire, and actually lit a fire for barbecue?

But as soon as the fire started, there was a sudden knock on the door...

This chapter has been completed!
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