Turn off the lights
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Chapter 53: The City Plays

At night, Chang Miao dragged his tired body back. He was terribly tired. Today he collected all the feces in the entire village in one go, which was enough for eight carts of feces. That’s eight cents, plus he contracted the entire feces.

There is still 25 yuan for hauling the village's excrement every month. After all, my salary next month is almost 40 yuan at least.

Chang Miao became energetic when she thought of this. She unloaded the dung truck and was about to push the door into the Taoist temple when the door of the Taoist temple in front of her was suddenly opened.

Taking a closer look, Chang Miao was stunned for a moment, and saw a young man standing in front of the door. He was fair and clean, had short hair, and looked energetic in his vest.

She was still thinking about whose child this was, when she saw the young man grinning at him. The silly expression made Chang Miao come back to her senses: "Idiot??"


The fool nodded shyly, jumped up and down the steps, and ran towards the village.

"Hey... I'll go, I didn't expect the fool to be quite fair."

Looking at the retreating figure of the fool, Chang Miao couldn't help but laugh. In the impression, the fool had never washed his face. Today, when he suddenly saw the fool's fair and clean appearance, he still couldn't get used to it.

Look at my arms again, they are not as white as others.

Little did Chang Miao know that today Xu Tong took Fool to the big bathhouse behind Lijing Gate. As soon as this guy got into the water, everyone in the bathhouse collapsed, and he just fell into the pool like an ink pimple.

Like a super pollutant, the pool was dyed black in ten seconds.

Xu Tong also specially invited three masters to give him a bath.

The three masters in the bathhouse had seen a lot, but they rubbed a pound of mud off the idiot's body. Good guy, the three masters almost collapsed on the ground from exhaustion, shouting this

I have never been so happy in my life.

After cleaning the fool, Xu Tong personally trimmed the fool's hair.

He also bought a new set of clothes for him. Even though Xu Tong knew in his heart that this brand new clothes and shoes would probably be stained by fools before they see the sun tomorrow, but he didn't care. It's best to be happy.


"Hey! Are you going out too??"

At this time, Chang Miao saw Xu Tong walking out from behind the Taoist temple door and couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, I went for a walk when I was full. I left a big elbow for you, so you can eat slowly."

After saying that, Xu Tong naturally rode on the bicycle Chang Miao at the door and disappeared into the night.

"Big elbow!!"

Chang Miao, smash, slap, mouth. It happened to be a tiring day, and my stomach was almost starving. When I heard the word "elbow", my tongue almost drooled out.

Immediately, he walked quickly to the yard and saw two large bowls clasped together on the table, and four large steamed buns on the side.

"Hey hey hey...I'm coming."

Without even bothering to wash her hands, Chang Miao opened the porcelain bowl that was upside down. When she saw, there was no big elbow inside, only the remaining bones and broth.

Seeing this, Changmiao was stunned for a moment, and she was suddenly disappointed. She thought it was meat, but only bones were left, and her face immediately fell.

But looking at the broth in the bowl, I still couldn't help but spit out my mouth, so I just ate the broth and the steamed buns. After four big steamed buns, not to mention the broth, there was no trace of the meat foam in the bowl.

Chang Miao used the last bite of steamed bun as a dish towel to wipe away the grease in the bowl, and then put it in her mouth.

Patting his belly, a look of satisfaction appeared on his face.

Just think of it as a big meal tonight.

Thinking about it, he picked up the bowl and chopsticks and planned to go to the kitchen. As soon as he picked up the bowl, a piece of paper floated under it. He picked it up and took a look: "The meat is warm in the pot, don't eat too many steamed buns."

Looking at the note and then at the steamed buns that she had finished eating, Chang Miao was stunned for a moment and then suddenly burped.


When he looked into the kitchen, he found that there was indeed a basin of oily and shiny big elbows warming in the pot, and his whole body suddenly felt bad.

"Okay, I can only sleep on my elbows tonight."

Chang Miao felt helpless when she thought that a bowl of hot pork elbow could only be eaten tomorrow morning.


Suddenly there was a movement in his ear, and an unusual sound made him alert. He listened carefully, and heard a subtle knocking sound.

The sound was very small. If he hadn't had super hearing, he probably wouldn't have been able to hear such a small sound.


Chang Miao glared out of the corner of her eyes, and realized that this pot of elbows was right here. If this was done by a rat, she would not regret it to death.

He picked up the rolling pin beside the table and walked over to follow the sound. He saw an iron box sitting there in the corner. The sound he heard came from this iron box.

"Hiss! This box..."

Chang Miao had a vague impression. Could it be that a fool had left the mouse in there?

Well... the more he thought about it, the more it made sense. Only a fool could do such a thing.

Thinking of this, he threw the rolling pin aside, picked up the box, put it to his ear and shook it vigorously a few times. The thumping noise inside didn't sound like a rat.

Out of curiosity, Chang Miao opened the box, only to see a pig made of yellow paper appearing in front of her, swaying in the box as if she was drunk. She shook her head and settled down.

God, then he raised his head and danced towards Chang Miao.

Chang Miao had never seen this before, and was immediately frightened. He threw away the box and the pig directly into the brazier on the side...

"Walk slowly!"

Looking at the figure walking out of the door, Wang Gong felt relieved. He looked at the time and saw that it was only one o'clock in the morning. In just a short time, he had already sent away the third wave of 'guests'

At this time, there was no one in the store, and it was finally clear. People stood outside and looked around, muttering to themselves: "Why doesn't that expert come?"

Since he didn't deliberately drive away those 'guests', more and more 'guests' have come to his door in the past two days, making it difficult for him to sleep soundly during the day recently.

But the expert didn't come either, which made him feel very disappointed. Judging from the time today, he probably wouldn't come either.

Thinking of this, Wang Gong sat back on his chair and picked up a newspaper.

After flipping through two pages, I saw a line of big characters printed on the front page of the back page: "A woman was dissatisfied with her husband's search for his mistress, so she cut her body into pieces and jumped off the building with her head in her arms."


Just looking at the title, Wang Gong couldn't help but squint his eyes and thought to himself: "I am a good boy. I am indeed the most poisonous woman. When I marry a wife in the future, I must find an honest one."

Just as he was about to look down, his ears moved and he heard the bell hanging on the beam of the door suddenly ring.


Wang Gong raised his head and saw a woman standing in front of him: "Boss, bring me a bowl of soup, put more spicy pepper and less green onion."

The woman's appearance gives people a sweet and warm feeling just like her voice.

Wang Gong glanced sideways at the bell still hanging on the door beam, and couldn't help but feel sorry for such a beautiful girl... What a pity.

Thinking of this, he stood up and took the banknote the girl handed him, and threw it into the trash can nearby without looking at it.

Not long after, a bowl of beef offal soup covered with a thick layer of red oil and spicy seeds was delivered to the woman, and Wang Gong also gave her an extra pancake.

However, the woman looked at the hot broth in front of her but did not move her chopsticks. Instead, she reached out and took Wang Gong's hand: "Brother, your house is still closed at this late hour."

Wang Gong was held by the woman's hand, but his heart skipped a beat. This was the first time he was touched by such a customer. He felt that the girl's hand was cold, as if he was holding a piece of ice, and soon the palms of his hands were frozen.

Stinging pain.

Immediately Wang Gong couldn't stand it anymore, so he hurriedly broke away and said with a cold face: "It's none of your business, just eat quickly, and leave as soon as you're done, don't delay my business."

I don't know what's wrong today, my eyelids are twitching so much. Although I promised to help the master keep some guests like this, the master never comes, and I don't want to chat with these weird guests.

After all, I am not Xu Xian, let alone Ning Caichen. If I shake my hand, I will shiver with cold. If I go further, I will freeze into a popsicle.

As he said this, Wang Gong picked up a pair of chopsticks and inserted them into the sesame cakes.

However, as soon as the woman stretched out her hand, she flicked the chopsticks away. She squinted at the bowl of broth on the table, and a trace of boredom appeared in her slender brows: "I don't like beef offal soup, it has a smell."

"Why did you come in if you don't like drinking?"

Wang Gong's forehead was numb for a while, and he suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart. He wanted to put on a casual and relaxed look on his face, but he stepped back and bumped into the counter behind him.

Take the newspaper on the table and unfold it.

The muscles in Wang Gong's neck suddenly stiffened, and dense beads of sweat instantly appeared on his forehead. The cold wind blew directly on his spine, and goosebumps stood up all over his body.

On the back page of the newspaper, there was a large photo printed with the words "Her husband's murderer" written on it, and the woman in the photo actually looked exactly like the woman in front of her.

This time, Wang Gong was holding the newspaper in his hands, but it began to shake uncontrollably, causing the newspaper to rattle.

Seeing this, the woman came forward and squinted at the newspaper: "That's ugly, this is a photo of me from many years ago."

After speaking, the woman stared at Wang Gong: "Look at how beautiful I am now. You said I am so beautiful, why did he go to find that vixen? Do you think he should die?"

Wang Gong swallowed and saw that the woman's expression became more and more ferocious, her head felt like pounded garlic, and she kept saying: "Damn it, damn it..."

As soon as Wang Gong finished speaking, he suddenly felt a huge pain in his arm. He saw the woman's head turning around little by little, and on the back of her head, there was actually a man's face.

The man's eyes were fierce and he glared at himself: "You deserve to die if you say you should. I think you should die too!" After saying that, he grabbed him with one hand, one hand on his throat, and the other hand on his throat.

Kitchen knife for cutting cakes.

The man is committing murder, while the woman is laughing loudly from behind.

But when the man raised the knife in his hand and was about to chop off Wang Gong's head, he suddenly heard a burst of laughter from behind him.

"Wonderful, one head and two faces. If your wife cheats on you now, do you focus on participating or coming out? You city people really know how to play. It's exciting to think about it."

The familiar voice made Wang Gong's spirit perk up. He followed the voice and found that the master had been sitting at the dining table nearby, holding the soup bowl he had just served for the woman, and was eating.

With relish.

This chapter has been completed!
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