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Chapter 16: Gao Zhuo's happy event

"Crackling..." The sky was bright and the sound of firecrackers sounded at the door of the bride's house early in the morning.

But as soon as the sound of firecrackers fell, there was a burst of wailing. In the shed set up nearby, one cried so loudly that the whole world was shaken, and the other sang heartbreakingly.

"My mother heard the birds in the back garden were frightened, and wanted to hear her daughter's voice in the room. My mother was working as a doorkeeper, clinging to the kudzu vines and complaining about her sorrows..."

The bride's boudoir was also filled with cries.

This is a custom in western Hunan, a wedding with crying. Relatives and neighbors come to give gifts and visit, and whoever comes will cry as a courtesy. The wedding with crying reaches its climax from the night before the wedding day to the next day when getting on the sedan chair.

Crying and singing during this period must be carried out according to traditional etiquette, and crying is not allowed. Anyone who cannot cry will be laughed at and even discriminated against by others.

Start crying from the parents' side first. After you finish crying, you will cry for your parents, you will cry for your brothers, you will finish crying for your brothers, you will cry for your sisters. In short, no one will be left behind, including uncles, guests, matchmakers, combing hair, and ancestors. It will not be over until you get on the sedan chair.

There are also two people beside the bride who will cry with her. For fear that the bride's cry is not loud enough, they will have to cry with them all the way to the village gate.

When you get to the village gate, you have to wash your face, which means you won’t take away a speck of dust from your parents’ home.

Such a complicated procedure is a kind of mental and physical torture for any newlyweds.

But!! Today’s crying was occasionally mixed with the sound of vomiting.

I don’t know, but I thought I was crying so hard that I cried until I vomited. Everyone who knew about it ran away after hearing the news, and they didn’t even dare to enter the boudoir door.

The children on the street didn't have time to ask for candies today. They heard it was Fengxia's wedding. Good guys, one of them ran like a gust of wind, as fast as they wanted.

The villagers cried with joy, and they could finally have a meal in peace from now on.

The young men in the village all looked up to the sky and howled. If they were not afraid of seeing Fengxia, they would have liked to beat the gongs and drums themselves.

Let me ask you who in the village has not been attacked by Feng Xia. That lethality would scare the hell out of you at night.

"Mom Fengxia, it has been six years. When I came to our village to be the village director, I weighed 200 kilograms. Now, in a blink of an eye, I only have 120 kilograms left. I can't eat well or sleep well. From now on, I will finally lose weight.

I can open my belly and have a hot meal.”

The village director held Fengxia's mother's hand and burst into tears. She was as excited as if he were marrying his daughter.

It is impossible to say that there are not many wealthy and domineering village tyrants in that village, but Fengxia's family is different. No matter who the village tyrant is or the village official, no one dares to mess with Fengxia's family.

It's not that their family has any power, but it's just that they really can't stand Feng Xia sitting in front of her house. Unless you don't go out, she'll make you vomit out all the food you've eaten the night before.

There was a conflict between the village and Fengxia's family over the land issue. As a result, Fengxia went to sit in the village committee every day. Good guy, even within three days, the village committee surrendered directly.

I made a huge concession and even compensated their family with 30,000 yuan.

For this reason, the village committee specially allocated a special fund to invite the best plastic surgeon in the province. As a result, the plastic surgeon vomited and fell unconscious on the same day and was taken away on the spot. From then on, no plastic surgery hospital dared to accept Feng.

Xia's single.

I really can't stand it.

However, there are no absolutes in anything. The village had a fight with a neighboring village a few years ago. The neighboring village had a large number of people. Seeing that his family was going to suffer, the village director became angry and invited Fengxia out. Good guy, from then on the two parties made an agreement.

, as long as you don’t send out Fengxia, we can make appropriate concessions on this big problem.

When Gao Zhuo came to pick up the bride, the young people in the village looked at Gao Zhuo. Their eyes... seemed to be looking up to a hero, the God of War, and they wanted to sing a song to show their highest respect.

The people from the village committee have cleared the road long ago. Who dares to block the road without the foresight to cancel this year's minimum living allowance?

This is what he said openly, but in fact, it goes without saying that everyone has a clear mind. If they really dare to delay Fengxia's marriage, the whole village will be frothy and their family will be flooded.

"Hehe, your arrogance is really quite impressive."

Xu Tong, as the best man, said to Gao Zhuo beside him with a smile.

When I looked around, I saw that there were no convoys organized by the villages on both sides. They were carrying sticks and following both sides of the convoy. With this kind of pomp, even the county magistrate marrying his daughter would not have such a big battle.

Gao Zhuo was extremely depressed, but sitting on the horse, he raised his head and looked energetic. The sun shone on his face, and he had a smile on his face, looking as if he was proud of the spring breeze.

This is called losing no one. After all, the matter of getting married is already a certainty. With so many people watching, he can't be cowardly in this place. Otherwise, wouldn't he lose his face with so many people watching?

Before anyone arrived, a band playing gongs and drums began to play. The emcee held up the microphone and looked at Gao Zhuo, who was riding a white horse in the distance with a motorcade and sedan chair. He was so excited that he trembled all over.

Why? It turns out that today's master of ceremonies is the deputy director of the village committee. In fact, everyone understands the composition of the village committee. Many years ago, when a new official took office, he drank too much and saw Feng from a distance.

Xia's graceful and graceful back.

She was so good-looking, with a graceful figure, high buttocks, and long black hair fluttering in the wind. At that time, the deputy director's eyes widened.

Shouted: "Beauty! Wait for me!"

This was definitely the sentence he regretted the most in his life. It is said that the moment Fengxia turned around, the young and promising deputy director had no interest in women since then. He went home on time every day and never left the house.

Drinking outside.

At this moment, the deputy director saw Gao Zhuo riding a horse and bringing the wedding team to the door, and excitedly shouted: "Here comes the hero!!"

It made Gao Zhuo almost unable to control such a lively scene.

"Don't be afraid, this is nothing. In the script world, you may be able to play a general one day, and the emperor will go out to greet you."

Xu Tong whispered in Gao Zhuo's ear.

Hearing this, Gao Zhuo immediately became confident again.

After getting off the horse, there was a big table in front of the door, filled with drinks.

The so-called "Barrier Wine" is to place an Eight Immortals table at the door of the bride's main hall, put on the Baogu shochu, and sing. If you sing well, you can drink. After you finish the wine, you can enter the house.

After all, one is marrying a daughter, and even though no one in the village dares to make things difficult for Fengxia, for fear that Fengxia won't be able to marry, there are still rules, otherwise it will only make the villagers laugh.

The corner of Gao Zhuo's mouth twitched. Although he was born and raised in Xiangxi, singing... is really not his strong point.

I can only focus on Xu Tong. After all, this best man is very versatile. Otherwise, what else would he do? Are you kidding yourself?

In fact, Xu Tong is also in a dilemma. If you want to sing about Peking Opera, he can sing a song called Xiao Fan right now. If you want to listen to Henan Opera, he is good at Chang Xiangyu and Taohua An.

Only the folk songs here in western Hunan... Xu Tong had no idea.

Fortunately, the village committee had already considered this matter, and a dozen young men came over to form the strongest choir in the village, and helped them drink all the wine they had received.

The rest of the process of getting married was naturally smooth. Not to mention the red hijab that covered her face, and the red clothes draped around her body. Just looking at her figure, even Xu Tong had to say that he was the best in the world.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it was a fairy that fell from the sky, but when it landed, it may have been too hasty and it used face braking.

The entrance to the village is covered with red horizontal strips, with a sentence written on them: "As long as you never give up on Fengxia, we are willing to do our best for you from now on. The Shibawan Village Committee wishes the newlyweds a long life together!"

The next rules are much simpler. There are three tables for the banquet, one in the morning, one at lunch, and one in the evening.

The Gao family itself was a large local family, but by the time of Gao Tianfang's father's generation, the number of people had become sparse. In addition, Gao Tianfang later had an accident and was paralyzed in bed, so many of his relatives could no longer move around much.

This time it was also a grand celebration following my son's wedding. It was not just for my son, but also as an opportunity to invite relatives who had been estranged over the years to get closer.

Fortunately, Gao Zhuo insists on a traditional Chinese wedding. The bride goes directly to the bridal chamber and waits without seeing guests. Otherwise, if she lifts her hijab, these relatives will probably run away on the spot. Not to mention that the relatives have nothing to do, it should be said

From now on, we are just enemies.

When the commotion got into the evening, Xu Tong saw Gao Zhuo sitting at the door of his new house with a bottle of wine.

When I walked over and took a look, this fool actually cried. He hugged the bottle and wailed: "Damn, I'm still a baby!!"

"Haha, when you are killing people, setting fires, playing with corpses, and doing sand dances, when I see you hugging each other, I don't think it's a baby??"

Xu Tong kicked him angrily: "Stop talking nonsense. If you are a man, hurry up and enter the bridal chamber. You are the only one in your family. If you die, you will be really sorry for your ancestors!"

Although Xu Tong didn't tell him about the seventy-two copper coffins, those copper coffins had to be supported with the blood of his direct relatives. If he were Gao Tianfang, he wouldn't be able to let Gao Zhuo continue to wander, and he would have to leave a seed no matter what.

Just fine.


Gao Zhuo wanted to say something else, but Xu Tong had no patience to listen anymore and pushed him through the door: "Go ahead, it'll be the same even if you turn off the lights."

After saying that, he flicked his fingers, kneaded a paper figure into a ball, threw it under the table, closed the door, and sat in the yard drinking wine, holding a book, as if he wanted to stay here to make sure that this kid didn't

Will run for his life halfway.

"Headmaster, don't worry, I've trained that little thing well, and it will never do anything bad."

Da Ya assured her confidently in front of the hall.

It turned out that the paper figure that Xu Tong threw into the arms was holding the Buddhist amulet he took from Sister Hong. This thing is also called Gumantong, commonly known as raising little ghosts.

The production method is also very cruel. It has to be made from the body parts of aborted dead babies, and then poured with corpse oil. After being blessed by evil magic, as long as you offer it carefully, you can get the blessing of Gumantong.

Xu Tong did not destroy this thing at that time, but he remembered that Gao Zhuo was about to get married, and this thing was just the right thing to make as a wedding gift for his eldest nephew.

Later, Daya said that she could help train and train this brat, so Xu Tong simply gave her the things to train.

Now that I have thrown it into the room, I don’t know what the effect will be. After hearing what Da Ya said, Xu Tong felt more at ease.

I thought to myself: "Old Gao, Old Gao, this is the blood of your Gao family, you shouldn't blame me."

There was no movement in the first half of the night, but in the second half of the night, Xu Tong was holding the plum blossoms in his arms and looking at them in ecstasy. When his ears suddenly moved, he heard the noise in the room getting louder and louder.

When I took another look with the Life Eye Qimen, the whole house was almost covered in a pink cloud of smoke.

Whether it’s the mouse in the corner or the cat on the roof, they are all sowing seeds like crazy.

It is obviously the season of autumn, but at this moment, the surroundings of the new house are full of spring...


This chapter has been completed!
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