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Chapter 60: Chicken Feather Room

However, the irony is that after the women holding bloody buns left, Xu Tong discovered that the executioners actually had a weak yin virtue.

Although the Yin virtue is very weak, some Yin virtue is indeed integrated into their bodies.


Seeing this, Xu Tong probably understood the entire practice process of these executioners.

When the head falls to the ground, all grievances and grudges are eliminated. This is their practice.

In addition to the silver taels distributed by the government, human blood steamed buns are also a way for them to make money.

Not just making money, but also having a weak moral character.

In his opinion, blood buns are like the Buddhist teachings spoken by monks in temples. Although they are fooling the world, their original essence is to bring spiritual comfort to desperate family members.

Thinking of this, a very strange idea suddenly popped into Xu Tong's mind.

Since you can use the name of gods, why can't I?

Don't forget, I am a paper-maker with the Eight Classics, and I also shoulder the identity of the headmaster of the church. In terms of orthodoxy, I am much better than you executioners.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong raised his eyebrows slightly and planned to make a good plan after returning home today. If this plan works, he may have found the password to unlock wealth...

After bidding farewell to Gao Zhuo, Xu Tong took Wang Zheng to find the address of Wu Guodong, the number one scholar in martial arts.

What is surprising is that the place where Wu Guodong lives is so simple that it is completely unreasonable.

Even the houses of ordinary people in the capital look much better than this straw hut.

There are various kinds of wood and processed tables and chairs piled in the yard.

This made Wang Zheng on the side suddenly have a very bad feeling in his heart.

"You two, do you want to make some furniture?"

A middle-aged man walked out of the room and saw Xu Tong and Wang Zheng standing at the door. He walked forward with a smile and asked.

"Wu Guodong?"

He took a look at the middle-aged man in front of him. His skin was dark and his face was covered with dry wrinkles. Especially his hands, which were covered with calluses and slender wounds. What made him even more worried was that this The middle-aged man is lame.

"Yes, I am Wu Guodong. Master, you can call me Carpenter Wu."

When Wu Guodong saw the clothes on Xu Tong's body, he knew that this was not a wealthy man who was short of money, so he spoke more politely.

"You are Wu Guodong!!"

Wang Zheng looked at him with wide eyes, as if he wanted to eat someone.

Before coming here, he had imagined many figures of Wu Guodong, either tall and mighty, quiet and handsome, or rough and bold, etc.

But it was obvious that the Wu Guodong in front of him was completely different from the Wu champion he had imagined.

He persisted and asked: "You are Wu Zhuangyuan, Wu Guodong!"


Hearing the words Wu Zhuangyuan, the smile on Wu Guodong's face gradually faded. He glanced at Wang Zheng warily and objected in a cold voice: "Sorry, you got the wrong person. There is no Wu Zhuangyuan here, only a lame carpenter."

After saying that, he walked towards the room without looking back.


Xu Tong quickly stopped him: "It doesn't matter whether you are a martial arts scholar or not, but do you know Magnolia?"

Wu Guodong had already stepped into the door and paused for a moment.

Xu Tong looked at his slightly trembling body and knew something was up, and continued: "Magnolia asked me to bring you a message."

Wu Guodong stood motionless at the door, but his head was slightly backward and his ears were straightened, listening.

"she says……"

Xu Tong deliberately lowered his voice, causing Wu Guodong to unconsciously turn around to listen. However, he still didn't hear anything, so he turned his head and glared at Xu Tong and said, "What did she say?"

"I am destined to be in this life, but I will still be waiting for you at the same place in my next life."

After saying this, Xu Tong took out the jade bracelet from the eldest lady and thought to himself: "Dad, don't blame me for trying to trick you. After all, who can say for sure what will happen in the next life."

"old place!!"

Wu Guodong looked at the jade bracelet, his eyes gradually became empty, and he reached out his hand in a daze.


At this time, Xu Tong put away the jade bracelet and said, "You can't give us things for free. You have to do us a favor."

When Wu Guodong heard this, his eyes became cold again, and he sneered: "You just pick up something and try to frame me? Why should I trust you?"

Xu Tong smiled: "Because my name is Ma Hongwen."

Upon hearing the three words Ma Hongwen, Wu Guodong's eyes suddenly widened: "You are Ma Qi's son!!"

Xu Tong quickly took a step back and said timidly: "Yes, Ma Qi is my father, and Magnolia is my mother. Can I use my mother to lie to you?"

Wu Guodong's breathing gradually calmed down and he glanced at the jade bracelet on Xu Tong's hand: "Tell me, what are the conditions."

Xu Tong pushed Wang Zheng, who was still stunned at the side: "Teach him the boxing skills."

"Teach boxing?"

Wu Guodong glanced at Wang Zheng up and down, his slender eyelids narrowed into a slit.

"Yes, teach boxing. In addition to this jade bracelet, this guy will provide you with food, drink and lodging during your stay here without any trouble. He will also give you another filial piety every month as compensation for delaying your work."

Xu Tong tried his best to block Wu Guodong's reasons for rejection from multiple angles.

But Wang Zheng was still very uncomfortable. The Wu Guodong in front of him was so different from the Wu Guodong he imagined. Wang Zheng even once wondered if Xu Tong had made a fake one to fool him.

Wang Zheng looked at Wu Guodong, and Wu Guodong also looked at Wang Zheng.

It has to be said that Wang Zheng's identity is not mentioned, but his appearance does fit the image of a warrior. If Wang Zheng and Gao Zhuo take a look, they are so skinny that they look like they will fall over if the wind blows. I guess Wu Guodong

By this time, he had already slapped his butt and left.


"I've been practicing since I was a kid."

Wu Guodong nodded and glanced at the jade bracelet again, his eyes still seemed to be troubled.

Xu Tong saw that Wu Guodong seemed to be struggling with something, and said while the iron was hot: "You can't bring all your skills into the coffin, you always have to leave something behind when you are alive, even if you don't leave a name for history, you still have to leave something for future generations.

A person is not given a chance."


Wu Guodong snorted coldly and raised three fingers: "Okay, if you agree to the three conditions, I will teach him boxing."

"Except for letting my mother come to see you, everything else is fine."

After all, this cheap old man Ma Qi is very kind to him, and he cannot do anything to poach the old man.

Besides, before entering the script, I also divined a hexagram, the family hexagram, based on my current background. In other words, if I want to prosper here, I still have to rely on my family background.

If you make your home miserable, it will do you no good.

Wu Guodong was blocked by Xu Tong first, and his expression was somewhat ugly.

"However, if there is a chance, I can arrange for you to see my mother from a distance."

Xu Tongxiao changed his tone and gave a compromise plan.


Wu Guodong looked a lot sad, but he still agreed: "That's all, it's not difficult to teach him boxing. I'll write you a prescription, and you'll prepare it for me. There should be no less than three meals a day of wine and meat. After the task is completed, I'll give it to you."

I have six hundred taels of silver."

Xu Tong stared at the expression on Wu Guodong's face. Seeing that there seemed to be some unclear meaning in his eyes, Xu Tong couldn't help but feel alert.

But I still agreed, after all, these are not problems.

"Can you really teach me how to box?"

Wang Zheng was still a little doubtful, so he raised his hand and aimed at the wooden stake next to him and slapped it. The wooden stake as thick as a bowl was immediately sent flying by Wang Zheng.

The wooden stake was dug into the ground half a meter deep. Even a cow might not be able to pull the wooden stake out. With this strength, most people would be shocked when they saw it.

When Wu Guodong saw this, he just frowned and said, "I'll bury the stakes later."

After saying that, he ignored Xu Tong and turned around to enter the room.

"You can practice boxing here with peace of mind, and don't judge people by their appearance."

Looking at Wu Guodong's demeanor, he obviously didn't take Wang Zheng's slap in his eyes. This also made Xu Tong feel relieved. He patted Wang Zheng on the shoulder and signaled him to stay here, and he would send people to him in the evening.

Send everything you need.

Wang Zheng nodded, and before sending Xu Tong away, he did not forget to remind him to bring him more soy sauce beef.

After Xu Tong walked away, he looked back at Wu Guodong's dilapidated house: "Jixiang, let your descendants and grandchildren pay attention. I'm afraid this old guy is not as honest as we think."

He thought of Wu Guodong's complicated eyes, and he was still a little worried about this Wu champion.

Jixiang responded, ran out, and came back after a while.

I don't know when there were many voles around the house. If there was any trouble, they would report it to him as soon as possible.

After meeting the needs of Wang Zheng, a martial arts fanatic, Xu Tong did not go home directly, but came to the vicinity of Gaojia Hutong in the capital.

There is an inconspicuous small alley at the foot of the capital city wall.

Under the high city walls, there are slums one after another, and patches of gray houses stand here.

Not far away are scattered gray and dilapidated "chicken feather houses". Most of these simple houses are opened by hotel owners, and most of the people who come in and out of them are beggars or poor people who have no place to live.

What is a chicken room?

To put it bluntly, it is a room filled with chicken feathers. A thick layer of chicken feathers covers the floor. At night, you put these thick chicken feathers on your body and it becomes a bedding.

This kind of chicken feather room only costs one penny a night, and everyone can stay there, regardless of gender or age.

A poet once wrote a poem with this title, and the name was called Chicken Feather Room.

"The ice and snow are as windy as tigers, and those who cry naked have no shelter. At dusk, I beg for three coins to buy a sleep in a chicken-feather room."

Today's weather is getting colder and colder.

Places like the Chicken Feather Room were also in short supply, and Xu Tong even saw some naked men walking in naked.

They sold all the cotton-padded clothes they had for the winter, and in exchange for money and food, they spent the winter in a chicken-feather room, waiting until winter passed and the flowers bloomed in spring before going out to work.

It seems like a ridiculous scene, but it happens every day here.

Even so, a large number of people still freeze to death on the streets every year, and if a fire breaks out in a place like a chicken house, the consequences will be disastrous.

This kind of thing has happened before. It is said that in a fire, the people inside have no time to escape. The chicken feathers ignite so fast that just a little spark can turn the whole house into a furnace in an instant.

But so what, for these people, living is the most important thing.

"Headmaster, what are you doing here??"

Daya squatted at the entrance of the hall and saw Xu Tong standing there motionless. He was wearing a cotton coat with gold piping, which made him look out of place in this place.

Hearing Da Ya's inquiry, Xu Tong raised his eyebrows slightly, licked the corners of his slightly dry lips, and looked at the people who were still struggling in the mud with hot eyes: "Don't you think, these people are all naked?"

Is it the merit of fruit..."

This chapter has been completed!
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