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Chapter 63: Fortune

Mr. Wenyuan sat on the chair for a long time, seemingly accepting the fact that he was dead without difficulty.

Xu Tong did not wait to think any more and continued: "Sir, you are now the body of a Yin God, but this is not a good path."

The so-called Shinto means naturally to accept people's incense and cultivate into a righteous god.

Yinshen is only a process, not a result.

Only by being recognized by the world can one become a Yang God, otherwise it is an evil way.

Therefore, if Mr. Wenyuan cannot go further, after more than ten years, the Ma family's fortune will decline, and Mr. Wenyuan will also be destined to die together.

As for reincarnation, I'm sorry, if you choose to stay in the human world, what does it have to do with their underworld?

"Fortunately, I met an immortal at Taoyuan Temple a few days ago. The immortal taught me a magical method that can help you escape from the sea of ​​suffering, but..."

Xu Tong hesitated.

“Just what??”

Wenyuan asked.

"It's divided into 30 and 70."

Wenyuan sighed. He obviously understood that his situation was not good. Hearing this, he sighed: "It costs 30% for one mouthful. This immortal is too dark."

Xu Tong shook his head: "No, 70% belongs to others, and we take 30%..."

About dawn, Xu Tong walked out of Wenyuan's room.

The servants couldn't help but be a little surprised when they saw Xu Tong coming out of the school room.

Xu Tong hummed a little tune all the way to the main hall, where Ma Qi was eating with his grandmother. When Ma Qi saw his son coming back, his face suddenly lost its good look.

"Niezhang, where did you go to fool around again? With three thousand taels of silver, you plan to separate from me!"

Xu Tong grimaced, rolled his eyes, and hid next to his grandma.

"Forget it, forget it, he went out for a trip, and I heard that everyone who went out with him died. Our son was so lucky that he ran back, just to calm him down."

After the grandma finished speaking, she glared at Ma Qi angrily: "You too, go to a place as far away as the mountains, and you won't stop me. If something happens, what will I do if you want me to?"

Ma Qi knew that he was in the wrong, so he could only hold the bowl and stuff his head into his mouth. As he ate, he muttered: "How could I have known that something like this would go wrong? Besides, didn't the person come back safely?"

After saying that, sensing the unkind look in Grandma's eyes, Ma Qi put down the bowls and chopsticks: "I'm full!"

After saying that, he stood up and walked out. Before he reached the door, he glared at Xu Tong angrily and said, "I'll spare you this once. I'll go back to work as an errand tomorrow."

After Ma Qi left, the grandmother pulled Xu Tong over and quickly asked someone to serve Xu Tong rice.

I didn't forget to ask him the name of the new maid in his room.

The new maid that the eldest grandma mentioned was the female thief. Xu Tong naturally had his purpose in bringing her back.

When the eldest grandma asked, she waved her hand: "It's not a maid. My friend will send her to the palace tomorrow to be a palace maid. She should also have a place to live."

Xu Tong is really eating here.

The streets outside were very lively, and rats came out of nowhere and made noise all over the city.

Some people even woke up in the morning and found mice lying on the bedding, busy carrying on the family line.

Those who have mattresses are fine, but those who live in chicken-feather houses are even worse.

If there were just one or two, it would be easy to deal with, but right now there are just too many rats, making everyone feel restless.

Someone invited a rat-catching team. As a result, early the next morning, the rat-catching team’s house was full of rats, and they were biting all the rat-catching team members.

It is said that the lifeblood of the captain of the rat-catching team was bitten off in half.

As soon as the news came out, no one's mouse-catching team dared to come to catch mice.

Just when people were at a loss what to do, a fat Taoist priest suddenly appeared on the street. The Taoist priest walked to the street and saw a group of people surrounding a rat cage, and quickly stepped forward to stop him.

"Hey, no!"

Everyone was seriously harmed by these rats. After hearing the Taoist priest's words, they couldn't help but look back.

"Infinite Heavenly Lord."

The Taoist priest kowtowed and waved his whisk whisk, and the rat cage opened.

What's even more surprising is that these mice did not run away, but crawled in front of the Taoist.

The Taoist stretched out his hand to grab one of them, and after asking him what was going on, the mouse squeaked, jumped to the ground, and led everyone forward.

"Oh my god, these rats have become sperm??"

Seeing the rat leading the way, the people were immediately frightened, and some even knelt on the ground, shouting that the rat fairy had appeared.

I saw the mouse leading everyone to an alley.

At the end of the alley is a dilapidated house, with the doors and windows locked, and no one knows what is going on inside.

Next to the alley is the Ji Feofang slum, and there is no one living nearby.

Wait until they open the door and take a look.

Everyone was stunned. In this inconspicuous house, there were more than ten people lying in various directions. Some of these people were almost dead, and some were already dying.

Everyone looks skinny and skinny.

"Don't go in, these people are sick!"

Upon seeing this, the Taoist priest hurriedly stopped everyone from entering the house. After careful observation, he concluded that it might be a plague. He asked the government to notify the government and asked the government to recruit doctors, and explained:

"These rats did not deliberately come out to cause trouble, but were instructed by a blessed immortal to report the news to you in advance. Fortunately, we found it early. If we had waited a few more days, the plague would have spread, and by then there would have been countless casualties, and people would not be able to survive.


When these common people heard this, they all asked about the name of this blessed immortal and who he was.

"This guy, he has a long story..."

The fat Taoist priest pinched his beard and began to educate everyone about the matter.

At the same time, statues of Lucky Immortals began to appear on the streets for sale. Not only could they keep you safe, but as long as you sincerely made a wish for them, the Lucky Immortals would bless you.

"Old man, look, this is the Immortal of Fortune."

An old lady came in carrying a wooden lump and placed it on the altar table in front of her.

The old man looked at the old woman's nervous look, then looked at the little rice left in the jar and sighed: "What the hell, Fu Xian? No matter how hard you think of, it's hard to say whether our family can survive the New Year this year."

The old lady was helpless when she saw this. Nowadays, the price of rice is getting more and more expensive, one price per day. If this continues, whether they can survive until next year is one thing.

Thinking of this, the old lady knelt on the ground, looked at the statue of the Immortal of Fortune, and remembered what the man who sold the statue said, please go back to the Immortal of Fortune, you must be sincere, sincerity will lead to success.

It can be regarded as a try attitude. It is always better to have hope than no hope.

As a result, the two of them slept until midnight when they heard something moving in the house.

But they didn't care. Their house was so poor that even if a thief came in, they would have to go back empty-handed, so they just buried their heads and continued to sleep.

The next morning, while the old man was still lying in bed, he heard a scream, which made the old man tremble.

"What's wrong!!"

The old man picked up the stick and rushed into the kitchen, only to see the old lady standing in front of the rice vat in the kitchen, looking ecstatic.

Looking again, the empty rice vat was actually filled with rice.

They are not the only ones in this situation. When people had the mentality of giving it a try, they found that it actually happened.

Now the name of Fu Xian became very popular.

"Did you hear that Immortal Fu was born?"

"Isn't that right? Nowadays, statues of Fu Xian are extremely rare."

"Stop talking, I'll go and ask for one. Then I'll see if I can make a fortune or something."

"Hey, you are not good at this. It is said that you have to be sincere. I don't care about a fortune-seeking immortal like you."

Rumors about Fuxian can be heard from time to time on the streets along the way.

But these have nothing to do with Xu Tong. He is not Fuxian. At best, he is just a shareholder of Fuxian.

I provided Mr. Wenyuan with the packaging and initial financial investment. As for the responsibility of delivering food and listening to the people's prayers, I naturally left it to the great steward Ji Xiang.

All the credit goes to Mr. Wenyuan. When the time comes, he only needs to give a part of the incense to himself as a reward. This is fair.

In this way, even if something happens in the future, it will be his own business and has nothing to do with him.

As for the incense merits obtained, Xu Tong found out awkwardly that he seemed to have no use for these things. The practice method of worshiping Shankou still required a large number of evil ghosts and ghosts, which had nothing to do with it.

Therefore, Xu Tong kept some of these things and gave the rest to Daya and the others.

So, if you do this by yourself, isn’t there any reward?

Of course there is, and it’s not just an ordinary return.

Just last night, my proficiency in Qi Men suddenly increased to a thousand points.

It directly broke through to level LV3.

After the breakthrough, I suddenly had a deeper feeling about the mystery.

He raised his head and looked at the majestic Forbidden Palace in the distance. He saw red smoke billowing and a thin golden dragon struggling and wailing in his heart. Behind the golden dragon, there was a big python coiled in the golden dragon.

Get angry.

Looking to the other side, I saw vague outlines vaguely emerging over the huge capital city. These outlines were either hidden or visible, and it was difficult to detect without looking carefully.

People often say that there are gods three feet above the head. He thought these must be those so-called gods.

Just as I was thinking about it, I looked up and walked to the palace gate.

An old eunuch was standing there waiting for him. Xu Tong looked back at the woman behind him: "Go in and be a little palace maid first. I will take care of you inside. Don't run away anymore, otherwise..."

Yang Qi shuddered when she heard this. She was already familiar with the methods of Mr. Ma in front of her. Just last night, when Huo Wuji and the others were gone, she stole a sum of money and tried to escape. As a result, just now

Not long after escaping, he was blocked by a group of rats.

She could no longer resist the slightest thought of resisting this terrible demon, so she nodded obediently, walked to the old eunuch with a face full of reluctance, and was pulled into the palace by the old eunuch.

This chapter has been completed!
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