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Chapter 71: The Princess

What is the largest and best preserved ancient architectural complex in the world?

There is no doubt that the Forbidden City is the capital.

Enter through any small door and the space inside may surprise you.

Just like this seemingly abandoned palace, there are still exquisitely carved murals on the dilapidated walls.

In the mural, a man wearing a dragon robe and a flower crown on his head is sitting cross-legged in front of the alchemy furnace.

There are nine flying dragons surrounding him, and the fairy mist is lingering, like a god.

Xu Tong held his arms and looked down the mural. While admiring the mural, he also tried to read the meaning of the story in the mural.

Although there are no words, the superb painting makes people feel like they are immersed in it.

A cloud of rays of light flew out from the emperor's head. In an instant, the rays of light came to the Fairy Mountain thousands of miles away in Kyushu. Several gods met the man.

These gods gave the emperor a book.

After the emperor woke up, he began to refine the elixir according to the contents of the book.

At this point in the picture, the painting style changed, and a little girl appeared. The little girl appeared being held by a man, and the outline of the man was very blurry. It was obviously deliberately blurred to highlight that the protagonist was a little girl.

But it is worth noting that the man is also wearing a brand-new dragon robe, and he is obviously an emperor. Then the identity of the little girl can be inferred, and she is most likely a princess.

Judging from the dressing style in the mural, she is still a princess from the previous dynasty.

Holding the book in her hand, the girl came to a Taoist temple, found the refined elixir in the Taoist temple, and swallowed it.

After taking the elixir, the girl underwent a great transformation.

But the style of the mural began to become weird from here on. The girl's cultivation method became more extreme, and she began to kill some small animals and watch their death process.

Later, he even killed the eunuchs or maids in the palace, and his behavior became more and more bizarre.

In the mural, she seemed to have discovered some secret in her death. Xu Tong tried to understand it from the girl's perspective, but the content of this section of the mural was too abstract, so that he did not understand it.

When I read this mural, the picture turned and the girl was already lying in the coffin.

Died in infancy?

No, looking carefully at the mural, Xu Tong found that the girl was still alive. She was lying in the coffin and laughing. What was even weirder was that the people around her were all skeletons.

What does it mean??

Xu Tong couldn't help but frown. Whether it was Taoism, Buddhism, or even those yin practices in the lower realms, the result they pursued was only two words: "Perfection."

Just like a fool who sacrifices his life for righteousness, Master used himself to bring the dregs of the entire era to be buried with him.

The ultimate goal of their practice may be to complete a certain mission and achieve physical and mental perfection.

So death is not a terrible thing, at least in Xu Tong's view.

But the girl's death was obviously accompanied by some kind of sectarian ritual, and what I couldn't understand was that she didn't die, but buried herself alive.

There are many places here that are difficult for me to understand.

In the next picture, the girl has grown up a lot, but her presence in the mural has changed into another form.

A blurry shadow, except for the clear facial features, the body is completely hidden in the shadow. Wherever she appears, the background is often filled with corpses.

Apparently she is practicing.

It is difficult to explain this way of practicing. It can only be said that these deaths seem to be closely related to her appearance.

In the picture, she even swallowed a young golden dragon.

When Xu Tong saw the last painting, in the background, the country was ruined and the family was destroyed, and the mountains and rivers were in turmoil.

The girl appeared behind the emperor again, as if controlling the man, waving the sword in her hand, killing the women and children in front of her.

When the mural reaches this point, it can no longer be described as depressing. Everything you see is bloody massacre.

The girl's figure floated past, like a death that ordinary people couldn't see. There were countless people struggling and begging for something under the black cloak.

But the girl didn't pay attention until the scene changed. The emperor committed suicide on a crooked tree. After she stood under the tree and said goodbye to the emperor, she took the two girls back to the palace and came to the vermilion door.

In front of the gate, but behind the gate is already a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood...

After reading all these murals, Xu Tong stretched out his fingers and pinched his temples, looking at the coffin behind him out of the corner of his eye.

The stone coffin is engraved with bright flowers, but in the stamens of each flower are skeletons.

Presumably buried here is the female princess who turned herself into a demon in the mural.

He walked to the coffin and tried to use the Life Eye Qimen to see if he could see what was going on inside the coffin.

Take a closer look at the results.

Wherever he looked, there was only a pool of black water, with a black lotus hanging on the black water.

"Three flowers on top of head!"

Xu Tong couldn't help but feel a little surprised. Although there was only one flower on the black water, its strength might have surpassed that of the Grand Master, at least on the same level as Taoist Xunlong.

Although from the murals early on, it was judged that the strength of this female ghost must be very terrifying.

But he really didn't expect it to reach this level.

What makes him even more confused is that others have cultivated to this level alive and have further reached the level of perfection where the three flowers gather at the top and the five qi are facing the origin.

But this girl did it the other way around, dying first, and then practicing to this point after death.

At first glance, it seemed very simple, but after Xu Tong read so many books, he clearly understood that this simply broke his own understanding and completely violated the law of life and death.

It's as incredible as someone cutting a steel plate with a piece of paper or smashing a diamond with an egg.

He even continued to speculate that if this process was followed, her perfection would not be death, but resurrection.


Thinking of this, Xu Tong's scalp felt a little numb. If she came back to life, she would really be lawless. No one in the living world could deal with her.

So if one day she really comes back to life, then what kind of thing should she be? A demon, a ghost, or a god? A fairy?

Fortunately, this girl is still asleep. According to Xiao Lizi, it seems that this place has not been opened for a long time.

"Welcome, eldest sister!"

At this time, there was a sudden sound outside the door. Xu Tong walked to the door and took a look, and found a large black figure standing densely behind the door.

The two women at the head and the female ghosts behind them knelt on the ground, as if waiting for something.

"Could it be..."

Xu Tong's heart skipped a beat when he saw this.

The squirming sound of the coffin "crack, click, click..." made Xu Tong's mouth ache even more. His luck was really... outrageous.

The coffin had not been opened for decades, but it was opened not long after I arrived here.

But although this place is big, there is no place to hide.

What's even more troublesome is that, according to the words on the mural, the woman lying in the coffin is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and may even harm her own brothers and sisters.

Xu Tong didn't think he could survive.

Maybe Ma Hongwen is pretty good-looking, so selling his beauty is okay??

But looking at the coffin that was shaking slightly, Xu Tong began to feel unsure. After all, it was a century-old ghost, and his small body might not be enough for someone to eat it.

It's just that it's too late to leave now. A dark group of people are standing there waiting at the door.

Seeing the coffin lid being opened little by little, Xu Tong suddenly remembered something and quietly took out the kit.


The coffin made a harsh friction sound, and a skinny palm slowly poked out along the edge of the coffin.


Immediately after the woman's soft moans came from the coffin, the dry palm actually became full at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As the woman breathed, the surrounding air seemed to drop by more than ten degrees.


Along with the doubtful voice, Xu Tong saw a pair of bare feet walking towards him.

"Who are you?"

The woman looked at the strange little eunuch in front of her, dragging a tray in his hand. Although she could not remember such a eunuch, her attention quickly focused on the things on the tray.

A bright red paper box with a delicate bow tied with a red rope.

This bright color undoubtedly has a strong visual sense for women, and in fact, women are indeed much more visually sensitive than men.

Just like two lipsticks of the same color, men only see bright red, but women can accurately distinguish which lipstick is darker and which is lighter.

"Slave Li Bo, please pay your respects to the princess. This is a tribute from the Western Kingdom. I came here specially to present it to the empress."


The woman's tone was a bit contemptuous: "Zheng He's voyages to the West were just barbarian lands overseas. What good things could there be?"

However, her strong curiosity still prompted her to open the box, take a look at the contents in the box, and pick up a piece.

"What's this??"

"Reporting to the princess, Westerners say that this thing is called love."

The woman immediately let out a burst of laughter, threw it back into the box, and said nonchalantly: "It's a stupid thing that hates men and women. No wonder it's so black and ugly, it looks like mud."

Xu Tong lowered his head all the time. He noticed the woman's footsteps walking towards the door and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He was just thinking about whether he had got through.

Suddenly, his body stiffened, and a burst of cold air hit his earlobe. The woman who had just walked away actually turned back, lowering her head and sniffing in Xu Tong's ear.

"Little father-in-law, why do you still smell like a living person..."

Xu Tong's face changed slightly, but before he could explain, a chill made him straighten his spine unconsciously, and he could clearly feel the slender nails sliding up his spine until

to your throat.

With a gentle stroke, a deep incision was opened, and blood flowed down the wound.

The woman put her blood-stained fingernails to her mouth, and after taking a careful sip, her face suddenly darkened: "What a pity, I have been dead for a long time."

This chapter has been completed!
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