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Chapter 9: Burning the Mountain

"Fanjing Mountain, formerly known as Sangu Valley, is located in TR City, Guizhou Province, and is named Brahma Pure Land.

Fanjing Mountain is the source of Wuling, the ancestral hall of famous mountains, and the famous ashram of Maitreya Bodhisattva.

It is a famous Buddhist mountain in China as famous as Mount Wutai in Shanxi, Mount Putuo in Zhejiang, Mount Emei in Sichuan, and Mount AH Jiuhua."

On the bus, the guide enthusiastically introduced this attraction to everyone.

"During the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, the Wuling Mountain area, like most areas in southwest China, was full of toasts. There was even a popular saying that a century-old dynasty, a thousand-year chieftains. It was not until the founding of New China that this phenomenon was ended. Now we can only see some

The buildings left over from that time can give you a sense of the dynasty that once upon a time was a world filled with chieftains."

In the car, Gao Zhuo grinned unconsciously and whispered in Xu Tong's ear: "If my family could be put in the past, they would be the high priests and the chieftains would be obedient."

Xu Tongbai glanced at him and sneered: "Come on, you're not afraid that the seedling will pop out and kill you with a slap."

At this time, the guide came over and handed out promotional brochures to everyone. When he saw the two of them whispering, he smiled and asked, "Why are you talking so happily?"

The guide is a girl in her early twenties, with an oval face and a small nose, but her eyes are very big. When she smiles, a small dimple will appear on her face. She is very lively and cute.

Xu Tong glanced at the name on the sign on her chest.

"Daini, are you from the Miao ethnic group?"

Dai surnames are rare, but there are many in Xiangxi, because many local Miao people have this surname.

Dai Ni nodded: "Yes, this is my name."

Miao people generally have two names, one Chinese name and one Miao name.

Miao people from various places have certain differences in their names.

For example, in the QDN area, the continuous name system is implemented, that is, the name of the grandfather or father is added to one's name, and some even add both.

The Miao people in western Hunan, northeastern Guizhou and middle Guizhou do not use the son (daughter) father-to-father naming system, but use names specifically for patrilineal families.

However, for the sake of convenience, few Miao people still use the original old system.

"Oh, Kani, do you often run this line??"

As soon as Gao Zhuo heard that the other party was Miao, he immediately inquired curiously. After getting confirmation from Kani, he pretended to be a curious baby and asked: "So you are very familiar with the Nanling Mountains. We have heard of a person named

The Black Wind Pond is just east of the Nanling Mountains, have you heard of it?"

"Black Wind Pond?"

Carney thought for a moment, smiled and shook her head: "I really didn't know about this. The Nanling Mountains are so big that they can even connect to the two lakes in the east. For such a big place, I have never heard of Black Wind Pond.


After saying that, he looked at them curiously: "Aren't you fellow travellers?"

Gao Zhuo did not deny it, but pointed to Xu Tong aside: "Are we similar?"

Kani looked at Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo carefully and said with a smile: "It's really not like that. I have seen those travel friends who are much stronger than you, and I have never seen travel friends who go out without bringing anything with them."

After finishing speaking, Kani continued: "It doesn't matter if you are not a traveler. Recently, there have been repeated orders in the mountains that travelers are not allowed to explore the mountain. Not long ago, seven travellers entered the mountain, but no one has been found until now."

"Oh, you're talking about the Dabao expedition team, right?"

Several passengers on the side became energetic when they heard this.

"Yes, yes, it's them. I saw the news yesterday. They are really a group of young people who are desperate for their lives. They ran into the ravine to do a live broadcast and were looking for some ghost village. Now it's better. There's nothing to cause trouble.


"They were all full and full. The rescue team searched the mountains for five or six days but could not find any trace of them. It is said that two of them died. They can enter the mountains casually."

When mentioning the word "alley friend", it is obvious that most people have a negative attitude.

In fact, this is not surprising. Even if professionals enter the mountains, it is difficult to guarantee absolute safety in the face of emergencies.

What's more, after all, there are only a few professional teams, and most of them are improvised teams. Every year, people can see a lot of things about missing travel friends on the Internet.

The most annoying thing is some idiots who claim to be donkey friends. After watching survival programs for two days, they think they can do it too.

They sneaked into no-man's land without listening to dissuasion. In the end, the local area had to organize a large amount of manpower and material resources to search, and some search teams even suffered casualties.

And what about the rescued travel companions?

Haha, most of them have disappeared, as if these things have nothing to do with them.

It is precisely because of these scum that some local scenic spots now have a headache when they hear about the Travel Adventure Team.

Just like the Dabao Expedition Team being discussed in the car right now, it belongs to the latter group.

Wuling Mountain is now under martial law. The patrol team searched day and night, but unfortunately no one was found.

Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo naturally saw this news before setting off.

The two were joking at the time, asking if they could meet them in the mountains and rescue them.

But when the two of them were about to enter the mountain, they discovered that many mountain roads had been blocked by people appointed by the village committee, fearing that more reckless people would enter the mountain.

Ordinarily, these villagers couldn't stop the two of them, but because the search team joined in, they were even equipped with drones. Seeing the two college students in the village flying around with the drones, Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo could only wait for a while.

After scolding the street, I took a bus and went straight to the scenic spot, planning to climb over the mountain from an inconspicuous corner of the scenic spot.

In this way, on the one hand, the distance will be closer, and on the other hand, we hope to avoid those search teams.

When the car arrived at the parking lot, the two of them followed the tour group up the mountain leisurely.

The scenic spot has been developed very maturely, and there are basically resting places along the way.

Xu Tong noticed that most of the shops that opened shops here were Miao or Tujia people.

He even saw some Miao people selling herbal medicines carrying some unusual auras, but these auras were too weak to be noticed without careful consideration.

Kani also enthusiastically told them the stories of many Miao people in western Hunan.

When Gao Zhuo asked casually about the seedlings, Kani thought for a moment: "There are very few of them now. There may be a few in the mountains, but few people have seen them."

Instead of taking the cable car, Xu and Tong walked along the mountain road. There were no traces of artificial carvings on the various strange-shaped rocks along the way. They were completely the miraculous workmanship of nature. Considering their physical constitution, they did not feel tired at all.

Not even a drop of sweat broke out, which made Kani's impression of the two of them change a lot.

Regarding the matter of Yin Yang Cave, the two of them were not in a hurry for a while. After all, there were search teams everywhere in the mountains. They were all here anyway, so they just treated it as a visit to experience the local customs and customs here.

"Ahead is the Old Golden Dome, please be careful where you step."

Xu Tong raised his head and looked up. A rugged and vertical stone staircase stretched upward like a long worm.

At this time, he suddenly had a very strange feeling. He couldn't tell what was wrong, as if there was a very magical power around him, but this power was vague and vague.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong simply activated the Life Eye Qi Sect. As the Life Eye Qi Sect was activated, the color of the mountains and forests in front of them receded. In this black and white world, they saw a strange light of three different colors surrounding the clouds above their heads.



Seeing this, Xu Tong couldn't help but be a little surprised. These three colors of light, one red, one gold, and one green, are incompatible with each other.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing that he was not leaving, Gao Zhuo couldn't help asking.

Xu Tong observed for a moment and took out the [Bagua Tianji Compass] from the prop book.

The last time I went to see my master, I had this compass authenticated by my master.

【Bagua Tianji Compass】

If you are too entangled, you are not allowed to go outside the mountain. It is a long way to the mouth of the water. If you escort the dragon in perfect condition, you will be rich and noble. It is really rare.

Active Skill 1: Dragon Shaking Needle

It consumes 30 script points. After activation, you can see the yin and yang feng shui of mountains and rivers, the eight trigrams of birth, and the changes in the nine palaces. You can seek good luck and avoid bad luck, and everything will go well.

Cooling time: 10 minutes.

(Note: The results of this deduction can only be used as a reference. If there is any discrepancy... no refund will be given!)

This compass is very unique. Most other compasses are round. It is square on the outside and round on the inside. In the words of Master Xue Gui, this is called a round sky and a round place.

The compass is not fixed. There are three rings inside it that can be rotated, representing the three numbers of heaven, door and earth.

The sky represents the nine stars, the door represents the Bagua, and the earth represents the eight directions.

In addition, the twelve heavenly stems in the disk correspond to the time, and the two colors in the disk represent yin and yang, that is, the sky disk and the earth disk. This superposition is the so-called twenty-four mountain disk in Feng Shui.

This is reflected in a certain movie. The protagonist often chants the phrase "Looking for dragons, you must look at the winding mountain, one entanglement is another level of pass." The entangling mountain in it refers to the direction on the compass.

I’m not really asking you to look at the mountains. After all, where did the mountains come from in the ancient tomb?

I have to say that the price of using this compass once is quite expensive. No wonder those Feng Shui masters are making a lot of money. Their faith is really priceless.

Of course, their faith is priceless, but in Xu Tong's case it has become a clear price tag.

As the compass' ability is activated, the pointer on it also begins to rotate.

At this time, Xu Tong unexpectedly discovered that his Life Eye Qimen began to show strange lines as the pointer on the compass rotated.

It seems that the magical power of Mingyan Qimen has yet to be developed.

The pointer is getting faster and faster, the compass makes a clicking sound, and the ring representing the three numbers of heaven, door and earth also rotates.

The picture seen by Mingyan Qimen is also clearer.

Finally, when the pointer on the compass stopped, in the world of Mingyan Qimen, a path shone with splendor, seeming to guide him along this path.

Looking at the result on the compass again, it was almost pointing in the same direction as the path seen by Qimen with his Life Eye. Xu Tong's eyes lit up. He looked left and right and saw that his guide Kani was already walking in front.

He pulled Gao Zhuo towards another road.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: ._

This chapter has been completed!
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