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Chapter 10: The Monk Covering His Mouth

"Fanjing Mountain is one of the twenty-one caves. Therefore, the lower part was added to make it flat, the higher part was reduced to lower part, and changed to Jiaxiang. It is the place with the first five tones. The Nine Locks and Three Immortals can be said to be amazing..."

Gao Zhuo held the book "Lingling Yin and Yang Feng Shui Map" and found Fenjingshan's annotations, and read while walking.

This short sentence contains several Feng Shui terms. If Xu Tong hadn't studied the number of plum blossoms and gained some knowledge along the way, he really wouldn't be able to understand it.

The so-called "A direction" is 70 degrees east-northeast, which means "purple air coming from the east"

"Nine locks" means to go around the bay and loop around, with many locks, so that the vitality does not decline.

The Three Immortals refer to the three unique golden domes.

Being able to give such a high evaluation on the "Lingling Yin and Yang Feng Shui Diagram" shows the inherent peculiarity of Fenjing Mountain.

Of course, this is the same as the result he calculated using the Mingyan Qimen and Bagua Tianji Compass. The two-phase confirmation also gave Xu Tong some special gains.

The mountain road in front of us was rugged and the muddy ground was slippery. After a short while, the road disappeared, and we could only vaguely see the traces of animals treading on it.

If you step on those gravels, they will slide down a large area. If you are not careful, you may fall off the cliff.

Fortunately, Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo were not ordinary people. Not only did they not retreat because of the difficulty of the road, but because there were no people around them, their steps were incredibly agile.

I saw Xu Tong jumping up in a vigorous step, with one hand only as thick as a chopstick, swinging lightly five or six meters away from the tree trunk. Gao Zhuo was not so exaggerated, but it was not much different.

If this scene is seen by someone, some mysterious incident will inevitably happen.

But as a digression, it seems that there are quite a lot of mysterious events in Xiangxi.

When the two were walking through a forest, Gao Zhuo's eyes suddenly lit up and he saw two golden monkeys on the tree.

She has golden hair, a blue face, nostrils pointing upward, a protruding mouth, and a tail as long as her body. She looks really cute.

Different from the perverse temperament of the macaques in Mount Emei, these two golden monkeys squatted in the tree, facing the two humans who suddenly broke in, just watching curiously, and even did not forget to help their companions comb their hair.

Even though Gao Zhuo is from Xiangxi, he lives in seclusion on weekdays. This is his first time to visit Mount Fanjing, and it is also his first time to see the specialty of his hometown, the national treasure golden monkey, and he can't help but take a few more glances.

"Hey, don't tell me, a national treasure is a national treasure. When I went to Mount Emei that year, those monkey thieves actually threw stones at me. I almost couldn't help but kill them all with a knife. Bah, a bunch of thieves, no

, it’s a tough guy!”

Compared with those unpleasant experiences in Mount Emei, the golden monkey in front of me is worthy of being a noble among monkeys. Not only is it good-looking, but it is also particularly docile.

When Xu Tong took a look, he could tell that compared to the murderous monkeys in the third script world, the golden monkey in front of him was as well-behaved as a little princess.

Especially the smaller golden monkey has a bunch of flame-patterned golden hair on its white chest, which looks quite unique.

Gao Zhuo took out two apples from the props book, shook them in his hand, and then tossed them gently. The two golden monkeys actually caught them steadily, holding the fruits and chewing them into their mouths slowly.

Hmm... the food looks better than that group of cunning monkeys.

The two of them watched the golden monkeys for a while and then continued on their way. The road behind them was almost entirely walking through the gaps on the edge of the cliff.

During this period, Gao Zhuo almost missed the point with his foot, but fortunately Xu Tong caught him, otherwise he would have been choked if he fell.

After climbing down the cliff, what they saw in front of them was not the glorious palace as they imagined, but instead a piece of ruins.

It is surrounded by walls made of stones, but now they are only half a person tall.

When I looked inside, I saw a Buddha statue enshrined inside.

"That's it??"

Gao Zhuo looked around and saw that this ghost place had been abandoned for who knows how many years. After pushing aside the weeds and taking a closer look, he could still see some damaged pagodas.

In fact, this place is not bad. It is hidden between mountains on both sides. There is a concave flat land in the middle of the mountainside. The mountains and forests on both sides are dense, but they do not block the light at all.

In addition, facing the east, you can see the mountains below the mountain. This time, you don’t need Feng Shui to observe, and you think this place is good.

"There is also a spring here."

Gao Zhuo looked at the clear spring flowing out from the cracks in the rocks in front of him and onto the stone path below. He could conclude that there were indeed people living in this place in the past. He took a mouthful of mountain spring and drank it. The mountain spring was clear and sweet, and it felt very cool and quenched his thirst when he drank it. He couldn't help but

Take a few more sips.

This is a rare and good place. If it is developed, it will definitely become a popular attraction.

Xu Tong walked into the temple, which had already been stripped of its walls, and saw a monk on the altar table. But strangely, the monk was covering his mouth.

This is the first time I have seen such a strange-looking statue.

Could it be that this monk also practices closed-mouth meditation?

Just when Xu Tong was puzzled, Da Ya's voice came out from the hall, and Da Ya turned into a woman's clothes, holding Fa Cai in her arms, sitting on the door rail and watching.

"Headmaster, I know this. When I was a child, I heard my grandma say that a monk covering his mouth means the same word, enlightenment!"

Da Ya raised her little face and became proud. The reason why she knew so clearly was because her grandma also tested herself in this way.

Cover and Enlightenment, this is a classic Zen koan from the Northern Song Dynasty. The general meaning of the story is that the little monk asked the master why he didn't teach him anything. The master suddenly covered his mouth, and the little monk became enlightened.

Later, this young monk became Zen Master Chu Yuan, who was famous for his Zen style in the Northern Song Dynasty, and his influence was far-reaching.


When Xu Tong heard this, he looked at the monk, muttered for a while, then turned around and called Gao Zhuo.

"Gao Zhuo!"


Gao Zhuo ran over and saw Xu Tong pointing at the Buddha statue in front of him: "Bow down."


Gao Zhuo was stunned for a moment, scratched his head, and asked with a puzzled look on his face: "What are you doing with this thing?"

“I’ll worship you when I ask you to!”

Xu Tong kicked Gao Zhuo on the buttocks, and Gao Zhuo could only kneel down obediently in front of the Buddha statue.

When Gao Zhuo was about to bow down, Xu Tong held his shoulders and said, "Hey, don't you... have the power of Buddha? Use that to bow!"


Gao Zhuo nodded. After transforming into corpses, he didn't need to summon zombies. He could easily use the power of those corpses. He clasped his hands together, and a surging Buddha's light actually emerged from his body.

As the Buddha's light swayed from Gao Zhuo's body, the Buddha statue in front of him actually resonated. The Buddha statue that was obviously covering its mouth actually recited sutras at this moment.

Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo were shocked when they saw this, and Gao Zhuo quickly increased his Buddhist power.


There was a sudden roar of a big bell, and the monk covering his mouth in front of them turned into a six-foot golden body in the light of Buddha.

The dilapidated palace was transformed into a majestic ancient temple in an instant, solemn and sacred, like an immortal monument, standing quietly, giving people a sense of majestic and inviolable solemnity.

"Between reality and fiction!"

Xu Tong was shocked and said in surprise, "This is impossible??"

It's just an old bronze monk that has been abandoned for so many years. How can it still inspire the connection between reality and reality?

But Xu Tong soon calmed down. He remembered that in the previous script world, the place where the eldest princess slept was similar to reality.

There are places like ghost markets that are different.

It can only be said that there are still too many things in this world that cannot be explained clearly for a while.

The monk covers his mouth, which means he is enlightened.

There was a bright golden light in front of me, and the surrounding valley seemed to be dyed with a layer of golden light, like a giant Buddha sitting cross-legged.

"Everyone, in front of you is Fenjing Temple on Lao Jinding. It is said that some strange things happen here every few years, such as..."

On the top of Laojin Summit, Kani is enthusiastically explaining to the tourists.

Suddenly the surrounding light suddenly became brighter. At this time, someone screamed. Everyone gathered around and took a look. They saw that in the sea of ​​clouds under the golden dome, there were flickering colorful haloes, vaguely like a Buddhist plate.

Sitting among the sea of ​​clouds.

Suddenly the entire Golden Dome was in chaos, and everyone was holding up their cameras to take pictures.

Xu Tong didn't know what kind of chaos the Jinding was in.

But in front of him, Gao Zhuo was motionless at this moment, as if he was in trance.

Bursts of Buddha's voice reached my ears, as if there were really countless eminent monks meditating and chanting sutras beside me at one time.

It is said that Fenjing Mountain has been a holy place of Buddhism since ancient times. Many secluded eminent monks have stayed here to preach the Dharma. However, I did not expect that no one would come after waiting for so many years. As a result, the secret of the Buddha statue has never been revealed.


If Xu Tong hadn't discovered this unusual secret path using his Life Eye Qimen, I'm afraid it would be difficult for anyone in the world to find this place again.

It can only be said that Gao Zhuo is lucky enough to encounter such a good thing when traveling.

Thinking of Xu Tong's gaze looking at the destiny above Gao Zhuo's head, it turned out to be a cloud of colorful clouds filled with blessings.

In the Buddha's light, Gao Zhuo's whole person seemed to have been sublimated, and his body was dyed with a layer of golden powder by the Buddha's light.

Just as he listened, Xu Tong felt that something was wrong. He just listened to the inexplicable Zen singing and the vast divine voice coming from the Buddhist scriptures: "Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately, take refuge in Buddhism, and transcend the other shore."

When the voice came, Xu Tong couldn't help but walked forward, wanting to prostrate himself and kneel in front of the Buddha.

But at this moment, his mind suddenly became hot, and he suddenly woke up. Under the strong stimulation, the golden light and the hall in front of him instantly began to fall apart.

At the same time, Xu Tong noticed that the prop book was constantly sending messages to him, and when he called it out, his expression immediately turned gloomy.

"Warning, you are attacked by some mysterious force, which is determined to be a level 5 mind control technique... The passive [Curse of Lilith] is activated, resisting...

Passive [Curse of Lilith] is activated... Resisting... Resistance successful!!"

Xu Tong squinted at the bronze statue of the monk covering his mouth, feeling shocked and angry. [Lilith's Curse] can be immune to level four mental control.

In addition, [Archangel Michael's Blessing] is immune to damage caused by mental attacks, and has a 200% soul increase.

Logically speaking, most of the mental attacks are ineffective against you.

But the spiritual attack of the Buddha statue in front of him actually reached level five. This is the real world, how could something so terrifying appear?

In addition to being surprised, he inevitably felt annoyed, and narrowed his eyes: "I don't want the beauties in heaven, and you still want me to go to the West and become a monk??"

Obviously, this bronze statue did not simply want to teach the Dharma, but seemed to want to forcibly save himself. Thinking of this, Xu Tong stretched out his hand to grab the bronze statue.

But at this time, he suddenly felt a rushing sound of wind behind his head. Xu Tong was startled and hurriedly bent to avoid it. At the same time, he raised his leg and kicked the goose behind him.


I saw Gao Zhuo backing up a few steps, then standing up straight again, but his face was covered with a layer of gold powder, glaring at Xu Tong like a glaring King Kong, clasping his hands together, mechanically chanting: "Amitabha

, kill demons and drive out evil spirits, Namo Amitabha!”

Please remember the first domain name of this book: ._

This chapter has been completed!
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