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Chapter 42: This is your king?

"This crazy bitch!! Crazy!!"

On Yin Yang Mountain, everyone was horrified. Fluorescence rose before their eyes and split into water droplets, flames, air masses, and soil in the air, forming a terrifying storm. In the middle of the storm, an old woman stood in front of her holding a long knife.

The sword made a faint sound, and murderous intent shot straight into the sky.

Who would have thought that this high priest turned out to be a great master. There was no sign of her showing up all the way, and it was only then that she suddenly started to attack.

But even so, no one thinks highly of her.

The Grand Master is just a person, an ordinary mortal, but the person she faces is the terrifying god in the pavilion. These are not two concepts at all, there is nothing to compare them with.

I saw a strong wind blowing around the pavilion, but it could not lift the white silk around the pavilion. Everyone could only see the burly figure through the gap, wearing a dragon scale-like armor, towering and motionless, like Mount Tai.

Facing the high priest who actually challenged him, his stern eyes were neither happy nor sad. His indifferent gaze was like an adult watching a child's prank. He understood everything at a glance. There was no anger, only boredom.

The Ghost King said calmly: "It's very good, but it's not enough."

These five understated words seemed to have sealed the farce in front of me.

Everyone shook their heads, thinking that the high priest had lost his mind and was crazy. It was so good, why couldn't he think about it.

"If it's not enough, human lives will make up for it."

The high priest raised her head and her eyes gradually became sharp. The expressions of the Miao leaders who were following her changed. They seemed to have realized something and hurriedly turned around to run away.

But how could things that had been decided long ago go away? The high priest lifted up his robe around his waist, revealing a small leather drum, and tapped the drum head with his fingers.

"Bang bang bang..."

The high priest obviously knocked once, but the small leather drum kept sounding.

As soon as the Miao leaders heard the sound of the drums, they immediately collapsed on the ground. Then they saw their abdomens suddenly swelled, as if something was wriggling inside.

This scene undoubtedly made everyone's scalp numb.

It is said that the magic practiced by Voodoo is called witchcraft, and it is more terrifying than the heresy. Now that I saw it in front of me, I realized that it was simply evil magic.


Immediately, blood spattered and everyone saw several toads covered with black spots emerging from the abdomens of these seedling leaders. What was even more disgusting was that these toads flew on the high priest's body and made croaking sounds.


Then with a "Bang!" the toad exploded, turning into black blood and flying into the high priest's mouth and nose.


Some people shook their heads secretly, and some people started to gag.

Mei Du frowned for a moment. Although he felt disgusted in his heart, he knew that witchcraft has been bloody since ancient times, and blood sacrifices were popular. Long before Taoism became popular, the Yin and Shang Dynasties when witchcraft flourished all sacrificed human beings. As for human sacrifice,

Institutions, overtly or covertly, run through the entire ancient history.

At this time, some people began to scratch themselves unconsciously. At first, it was only the arms and neck that itched, but soon the whole body felt more and more itchy.

"Hey~~Why, why are you so itchy?"

The scratching became more and more itchy, and almost no one was spared. Gradually, everyone finally realized that something was wrong, but by the time they realized it, it was already too late.

I saw the high priest waving the Miao knife in his hand. As the blade was swung, blood beads flew out from everyone's wounds and appeared behind the high priest.

"The method of blood sacrifice, ancient witchcraft!"

The voice in the pavilion was finally amazed, and said sternly: "High Priest, the consequences of what you do will definitely be something that heaven and earth will not tolerate, and Jiuyou will not accept it, and your soul will be scattered and you will die!"

The high priest's face was expressionless, and the murderous intent on the blade in his hand was strong: "It is our bounden duty to clear the way for future generations, to overcome thorns and thorns, even if our souls are scattered, this is witchcraft!"


The screams were endless, and he was scratching his flesh crazily, and little drops of blood overflowed from his pores, pouring into the vortex behind the high priest.

Mei Du, who was hiding in the corner, looked gray, obviously frightened by the scene in front of him.

It suddenly occurred to me that when they went up the mountain, these Miao people gave them some plaster, saying it could prevent poisonous insects on the mountain.

I disliked the pungent smell of the plaster, so I didn't apply it.

The strange thing is that even after applying these ointments, people are still bitten by poisonous insects on the road, and some people even turn into blood due to poisonous insect bites.

Now that I think about it, it's not an ointment at all.

"High Priest, you are so vicious!"

When thinking of this, even Mei Du, a well-informed descendant of Meizhuang, couldn't help but take a breath.

Everything was just as he had guessed. This old woman had already plotted against them from the moment they entered Xiangxi. This scheming was really chilling.

As more and more blood gushes out from the bodies of these strangers, the blood balls behind the high priest become brighter and brighter, forming a strange vortex. The vortex reveals a primitive evil energy that seems to come from the prehistoric times.

That's witchcraft.

"Ever since your voodoo sect lost the shamanic inheritance, I never expected that after so many years, you can still see such exquisite witchcraft."

The figure from the pavilion finally came out, his red scales jingling as he moved around. With his movement, the entire Yin Yang Mountain seemed to be trembling.

"Let's go!"

Mei Du's face turned pale. He knew that the next step would be a terrifying battle, and that if he stayed here as a little miscellaneous fish, he would definitely die.

He was about to fly away for his life, but at this moment, Mei Du suddenly noticed the goddess beside him.

Senior Brother said that this little girl is not a ghost, but a living person...

Thinking of this, Mei Du gritted his teeth and cursed in his heart: "Oh, bah, Mei Du, Mei Du, who gave you the heart of a Bodhisattva?"

Immediately, he meditated the Mei family's martial arts in his mind, and along with the breath of Meidu, he gradually poured into the plum blossom hairpin in his hand. The plum blossoms on the hairpin were crystal clear for a while, and secretly fragrant.

A magical fluorescent light surged out from it and enveloped Mei Du's body, making him disappear into the air silently.

Holding the plum blossom hairpin in his hand, Mei Du felt such a magical effect for the first time, and he couldn't help but yearn for the deeds of his ancestors.

This plum blossom hairpin is indeed known as a divine weapon.

Back then, our ancestor, Taoist Meihua, relied on these three plum blossom hairpins to force his way into the city of Fushou, causing chaos in the underworld and the king of hell. In the end, he even had to reach an agreement with ancestor Meihua.

Even Plum Blossom Manor has the ability to make money from the Underworld. It is precisely because of the power that the top management of Hades Earth gave to the Taoist Meihua after this big commotion.

From then on, Plum Blossom Village truly stood tall in the world and established its sect.

"It's a pity that the unfilial descendant Meidu doesn't have the ability of our ancestors and cannot save all of our comrades. But if he can save a little girl, he will live up to the name of Plum Blossom."

As soon as he thought of this, Mei Du immediately rushed forward and flew to the side of the Heavenly Girl in front of the Underworld King. Without saying a word, he grabbed the little girl who was at a loss and ran away.

The two of them had just run out far when they heard a crashing sound behind them.

Then a violent storm hit, pushing the two of them away.

Looking back, I saw that the high priest and the ghost king had collided with each other. I saw the mountains and the ground cracking under their feet. An invisible aura spread from the soles of their feet like ripples dripping into the water.

Everything in its path was turned into ashes.

"Oh my god!!"

Mei Du was so frightened that his legs trembled when he saw this. He knew very well that gods could not really come to the human world. The reason why the Ghost King could appear in front of them was precisely because this was Yin Yang Mountain.

Although it is outside Yin and Yang, it is within the Five Elements. It is a place similar to a ghost market.

If the two of them destroyed Yin Yang Mountain with this move, they would never be able to leave in this life.

Thinking of this, he picked up the goddess on the ground and pinched his elbow. At the same time, he took out a shining golden talisman from his pocket, spat on the talisman, and put it on his forehead: "Tai Shang Laojun is as urgent as the law."

, Qianli Shenxing, rush!"

After saying that, the golden light on the talisman shone, and for a moment, Mei Du felt like there was a breeze under his feet, and his speed suddenly became astonishingly fast.

"Wait a minute..."

As soon as he rushed into the courtyard in front of Yin Yang Mountain, the goddess in his arms suddenly struggled to make Mei Du stop. He lowered his head and looked at the goddess in his arms with a sad face and said: "Little ancestor, it is important to save your life at this time, so why don't you run away quickly.


"No! Your Majesty doesn't allow me to go down the mountain privately. Besides, there are three thousand strange ghosts guarding the door at the foot of the mountain. You have no token and no one to clear the way for you. Going down the mountain with you is asking for death."

Although Tiannu is young, she is extremely smart and her words are well-founded. Mei Du was unconvinced and said: "Your king may be killed by that old woman later. As for those strange ghosts under the mountain,

It doesn’t matter, your king can’t even see me, and those White Walkers are just a bunch of blind people.”

Mei Du said this with full confidence. He held the plum blossom hairpin in his hand. Unless he was a great god, he would never be able to find traces of him.

Seeing that it didn't make sense, the goddess could only say: "You can leave if you want, but you have to go to my room first and take something with you, and then I will go with you. Otherwise, when you come down the mountain, I will yell and kill you."

The White Walkers are coming."

"Hey, you little girl will repay kindness with revenge. Believe it or not, I will throw you away and leave on my own."

Mei Du curled his lips and said that he was going to throw the goddess to the ground.

Whoever wants to care about this naughty kid can do it.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Tiannu's feet touched the ground, she turned around and left. Now Mei Du felt a little embarrassed. After all, he was not very old, and his heart was still warm.

Knowing that the two people behind him would beat her harder and harder later on, the aftermath would sweep here, leaving an ordinary little girl here would only lead to death. She cursed in her heart, but she still followed her unconsciously.

There is no other way, Holy Mother is Holy Mother, whoever makes me soft-hearted, I admit it.

In fact, the goddess didn't go far, she went directly to a small room on the side, opened the door of the room, quickly climbed onto the table and chairs, and took off the painting on the wall.

“I said it’s just for this painting??”

Mei Du couldn't help complaining when he saw this, thinking it was some kind of precious treasure.

"This is the only thing the king has left for me, and it is also the only portrait of the two of us. If I leave, I will naturally take it with me."


After hearing this, Mei Du glanced at the painting and saw a little girl sitting on a stone. The painting was lifelike, but after looking at it for a long time, he didn't see the King Jiu'e Ghost.

“Where is your king?? Isn’t this just you??”

The girl rolled her eyes at him and pointed her finger: "Where are you looking? Isn't my king right here?"

Mei Du followed the girl's fingers and looked into the painting. He felt as if he was struck by lightning. He opened his mouth, wishing he could stuff a big duck egg into his mouth.

"This...you...this is the Jiu'e Ghost King??"

"Yeah! That's right."

The girl nodded and saw that the place her finger was pointing to was nowhere else but the black cat lying in her arms.

This chapter has been completed!
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