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Chapter Ten: The Eve of the Ball

"Master Kevin, there is a dance tonight at the Tongte Hotel. I heard that many people want to admire your style. Of course, if you don't plan to go, I will help you refuse now."

Master Morgan placed the tea next to Xu Tong's table. Facing this boy who was only a teenager, Master Morgan showed a completely different attitude from the previous few days.

It seems that since Evelin left yesterday, Mr. Morgan has discovered that he should lower his attitude in front of the uncle who was supposed to be his unofficial appointment.

This made Shar next to him particularly unhappy, and he felt as if his job had been taken away.


Xu Tong closed the book and looked up at Mr. Morgan: "Can you let Qiao Xi be my dance partner? You know I haven't developed well yet and it's difficult to find a suitable dance partner."

"Of course, it's my little girl's honor."

Mr. Morgan was so excited that his voice became numb.

"In addition, I need a well-fitting dress, not the kind for a ball, but the kind for a formal occasion. The black diamond-encrusted dress last time was actually a bit tight."

"No problem, Mrs. Anman, the best tailor in Amantes, has already called. She should be here soon."

"One last thing, Master Morgan."


Mr. Morgan looked at Xu Tong with wide eyes, as if he was afraid that there would be something that would dissatisfy Mr. Kevin in front of him.

"Actually, I still like the way we looked when we first met. The way you act now makes me feel like I'm more like a bandit who takes the spotlight, unless you're driving me out in this way."

"No no no!!"

Mr. Morgan was shocked and turned pale. His head was like a rattle and he hurriedly denied: "I swear on the name of the Morgan family that you are the most distinguished guest of our family. Please treat this place as your home."

After speaking, Mr. Morgan was startled when he saw Xu Tong just staring at him with squinted eyes. After thinking about Xu Tong's words just now, he thought about it and straightened up his bent waist. Although his voice was still trembling, his expression seemed

I have found what I was like at the beginning.'

"Believe me...child, this is your home..."

Mr. Morgan repeated what he just said, his heart pounding uncontrollably.

But this time Xu Tong smiled particularly brightly: "Thank you for your generosity, the God will bless you."

When Mr. Morgan left, he walked like a big duck on his two feet. Xu Tong believed that he would soon be able to regain his former demeanor.

"Master, you can actually refuse this kind of dance."

After Mr. Morgan left, Shar reminded him in a low voice.

The reason why Mr. Morgan is so enthusiastic about inviting Xu Tong to the so-called dance is to use Kevin's reputation to strengthen his family's reputation. To put it bluntly, he is using Kevin's name as a stepping stone to help the Morgan family get into the upper class.

Go into social circles.

"I know, but who told us to eat Morgan's bread?"

Of course Xu Tong could think of things that Shaer could see clearly. It was precisely because he understood what Mr. Morgan meant that he proposed to let Qiao Xi participate as his dance partner.

To be a human being, you need to know how to be grateful, and there are many places where Master Morgan will be needed in the future.

For example, regarding the slum problem, although I haven't thought about how to poach the incense under the eyes of the church, no matter what method is used, I believe it will be inseparable from the support of the Morgan family.

From this point of view, the stronger the Morgan family is, the more beneficial it is to themselves.

"But Master, I'm still worried..."

Char has seen and done so much in his life, and he scorns the so-called upper class from the bottom of his heart. Even for the Roma girls in the slums, those guys who call themselves upper class just wear a few more clothes than them.

Even worse than these J girls, at least I have never heard that Roma women would be proud to give their nephews a rite of passage.

In Shar's world, his young master is a piece of pure white paper. When this white paper is thrown into dirty ink, it will inevitably be stained with black stains.

"Don't worry, Josie will always be by my side to protect me."

Xu Tong smiled, opened the book in his hand, and started reading again.

After hearing these words, Shar reluctantly closed his mouth. In his heart, although his identity had changed, Miss Qiao Qi was still the most suitable girl.

Unknowingly, Shar had begun to use his mother-in-law to examine his daughter-in-law's thinking and Miss Josie's character.

Xu Tong opened the book and looked at the history of the church's development.

This is a book that was delivered to Evelin shortly after she left yesterday.

It contains a detailed introduction to the current titles of church departments and how they operate.

For example, the powers of the Inquisition and the levels of its members are introduced in detail here.

Aside from the most basic handymen, the God Catchers are the most basic members of the church, and all matters related to monsters will be handled by them.

This includes the murder of butler Angus in the cafe.

A little further up the level of the Divine Catcher is the captain, and the Samoda who was shot dead by him was a person of this level.

There are at least eighteen captains in an Inquisition.

Their chief is the judge.

That old man named Antu is.

It is said that inquisitors, often those who fail to be ordained as archbishops, will retire and become inquisitors of a region.

In a sense, he is also the person who checks and balances the power of the local bishop.

As for the church, it is more traditional, consisting of pastors, priests, bishops, archbishops, and popes.

But Xu Tong noticed something very interesting.

Although the bishop is the actual ruler of a region, the church run by the bishop needs to be subject to municipal management to a certain extent.

Even the bishop's church, as well as the stipends and benefits of its clergy, are all funded by local finances. Even if the bishop wants to build a church, he must obtain the support of the local municipal government.

This is more interesting.

Theocratic power manages the secular world, but the secular world restricts part of the divine power to prevent the theocratic power from being too excessive and causing backlash.

I don’t know whether this rule was proposed by the church or by the king of the empire.

However, a cooperative relationship with mutual constraints can often go further.

This is an eternal truth.


Josie was very happy to attend such a luxurious ball, and specially prepared an extremely expensive dress for this purpose.

While changing clothes in front of the mirror, he asked Mrs. Morgan at the side: "Will my aunt also participate?"

When Mrs. Morgan heard this, she frowned and thought of her sister, who had a bad reputation, and felt as if a thorn had been stabbed in her heart.

"Maybe." She responded stiffly.

The last time the Morgan family held a ball, it was intended to be a blockbuster, using the name of the Corleone family to try for the future of the Morgan family.

As a result, the whole story was leaked before it even started.

Although Angus, the butler, swore after the incident that he would find the leaker and break his legs himself, no results were found after the incident, and Angus died suddenly.

Maybe it's a woman's intuition, or maybe it's Mrs. Morgan's understanding of her sister.

She now even suspected that she might be the one who leaked the secret.

This despicable slut, one day I will tear her mouth open.

He seemed to realize that he had said the wrong thing.

Josie quickly covered her mouth, trotted up to Mrs. Morgan, and hugged her with her body: "I'm sorry, madam, I shouldn't have mentioned this matter."

"It doesn't matter. Tonight is your chance. You must seize it. Boys of Earl Kevin's age are most likely to treat the first woman as an unforgettable object."

"Oh, how come you..."

Josie covered her face and ran into her cloakroom.

At this time, the door was gently pushed open a crack, and it was Master Morgan. It turned out that he had been standing outside the door and eavesdropping from the beginning to the end.

He walked to Mrs. Morgan, stopped her waist, and said affectionately: "Anna, your relationship with Josie is really getting better and better now."

Mr. Morgan still remembered that after his first wife passed away, he married Anna again.

At that time, Josie smashed most of the furniture in the house in anger.

In these years, perhaps because of time, Anna and Josie have become good best friends who talk about everything, which makes Mr. Morgan extremely happy in his heart.

Thinking of this, Mr. Morgan couldn't help but look at the portrait hanging on the wall.

The woman in the portrait has the same charming long brown hair as Josie, and her appearance is somewhat similar to Josie's.

That was Josie's mother, his first wife.

I believe that if my wife could see the scene in front of her, she would be even more pleased.

"Master, Angus's matter..."

Mrs. Morgan suddenly thought of Angus, the housekeeper.

"Oh, I have already buried Angus. He has no family, so I buried him in our family cemetery."

"That's great, but now we need a new butler. Is Sha'er who is next to Master Kevin willing?"

"No, I mentioned it privately, but Mr. Schaal didn't mean it."

"Then I have a good candidate, who is my distant cousin. He is a well-behaved child. Perhaps we can ask Mr. Shar to teach him..."

The voices of the two people gradually became distant.

No one noticed it when the two of them left Qiao Qie's room.

In the portrait hanging on the wall, the eyeballs slowly moved, silently staring at the backs of the Morgans with a cold murderous intent...

This chapter has been completed!
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