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Chapter Sixteen: The Mill of Despair

Mrs. Anman was stunned for a moment, obviously not understanding the meaning of Xu Tong's words, and the world in front of her eyes was instantly swallowed up by a sea of ​​fire.


The fire of hell turned the entire studio into a high-temperature crematorium in an instant.


With a scream, Mrs. Anman instantly turned into a walking torch. After struggling out of the workshop, she fell heavily to the ground and became silent.

Under the fire of hell, in just a moment, the plump Mrs. Amman was burned beyond recognition, and oil even appeared on her body. All she had to do was sprinkle a handful of cumin on it and serve it to the table. .

But Xu Tong's attack did not stop there.

Pretending to be dead? I am much more professional than her.

A sword energy burning with hellfire struck down vertically, aiming directly at Mrs. Anman's head.

But an unexpected picture appeared.

A hand tore from Mrs. Anman's chest, and a punch shattered the sword energy.

Under the surging firelight, a gray-green cold light reflected off the arms, which were layers of densely packed scales.

Immediately afterwards, Mrs. Anman's body began to be torn apart and made a "click, click, click" sound.

In the flicker of firelight, a humanoid creature stood up from her body.

It looks a bit like a standing lizard, with not only thick limbs and body, but also a thick tail that slaps on the ground.

"How did you discover me??"

Mrs. Anman's eyes have turned into animal pupils, and her height of nearly two meters makes her look more like a giant, able to look down on Xu Tong from a high position.

Xu Tong pointed to the glass cabinet next to Mrs. Anman: "Since it is a beloved work and placed in such a conspicuous position, the owner should cherish the things inside very much. However, things like glass look very clean at first glance, but why? It is the place most likely to get dusty. In order to maximize the ornamental value of this thing, cleaning the glass is a required course every day."

Mrs. Anman was a little surprised when she heard this.

But soon she started laughing. Although Mrs. Anman's memory was robbed, her living habits could not be changed. She had wiped this glass cabinet every day in the past few days, but then she gradually became too lazy to wipe it. I don't think there is any need to waste time on this.

"You want to be better than me, but I'm stronger than you!"

Mrs. Anman's tail suddenly curled up, rolled up the glass cabinet, and threw it at Xu Tong: "If you like it, I'll give it to you."

Xu Tong turned aside to avoid the smashed glass, and Mrs. Anman had already rushed up. Without any skills, she only had a big fist full of scales and hit him directly on the head.

Mrs. Amman is very satisfied with her lizard shape and firmly believes that it is impossible for a young player who has not completed the certification to injure herself.

But what she never expected was that when Xu Tong faced the incoming fist, he tiptoed, and then saw four white tails coming out from behind him.

Please magic.

This is a compulsory course for all disciples, but the difference is that as the head teacher of the hall, Xu Tong does not need to shout slogans such as "Fox Queen, please come to me".

What a shame, I wonder why the fairies like this so much.

After being possessed by Da Ya, Xu Tong's speed almost doubled.

At the same time, the active skill of [Colorful Play Master] is also activated.

Colorful Trace: It consumes 12 script points. After activation, you will gain Colorful Step, which allows you to enter a semi-invisible state while moving and leave an afterimage to confuse the opponent.

For a moment, with the afterimage passing by, Xu Tong easily dodged Mrs. Anman's fist, but he did not continue to attack, but ran away.

My own hellfire and sword energy have been blocked by Mrs. Anman in an understatement, which shows that this guy is a thick-skinned master.

There is no need for him to go head-to-head with this kind of human shield. Even if he wins, the result will be more losses than gains.

Besides, regardless of his status as an honorary bishop and fighting her desperately, he would only make this choice if his head was filled with water.

Mrs. Anman seemed to be aware of Xu Tong's thoughts. The lizard face spit out a tongue as long and slender as a snake's tongue and laughed:

"Since I'm going to kill you, how can I let you run out? Fool, let me peel off your skin slowly. Such delicate skin can give me some new pieces of underwear."

Seemingly confirming Mrs. Anman's words, Xu Tong found that he could not rush out of the store. He could clearly see through the glass that people outside were walking past the door talking and laughing, but with such a big movement, they

Didn't even notice it at all.

Seeing this, Xu Tong frowned slightly, and a little fluorescent light appeared in his eyes.

After the Life Eye Qimen was activated, it turned out that the store had a clear disconnect with the outside world, as if the space here had no connection with the outside world.

This is not the virtual reality of the Grand Master, but more like some kind of formation barrier.

However, with the help of Mingyan Qimen, Xu Tong also noticed something different. Just in the four corners of the store, there were obviously different and strange fluctuations. Although he didn't know what they were, they should be related to this enchantment.

There are relationships.

"You can't run away!"

Mrs. Anman rushed forward. It was obviously a big lizard, but it gave people the oppressive feeling of a giant King Kong.

Seeing Mrs. Anman's two pairs of iron fists coming down, Xu Tong could only dodge sideways, but at the same time he continued to hit Mrs. Anman with hellfire.

However, the strange thing is that the all-burning hellfire was quickly extinguished once it touched the scales on Mrs. Anman's skin.

Not only that, Xu Tong also discovered that Mrs. Anman's originally blue-gray scales had turned reddish at this moment.

"Can you absorb my hellfire??"

Xu Tong steadied himself and looked at Mrs. Anman in surprise.

"Hey...I was discovered by you!"

Mrs. Anman grinned widely. In this form, her defense power was outrageous. Not only was her defense power extremely strong, she could also absorb a large amount of attribute damage to enhance her own strength.

To put it simply, it means that you can maximize physical resistance and magic resistance, and you can also superimpose a strength increase for yourself.

However, she was still a little surprised. Many people who fought against her often took a long time to discover the secret. Some people even found out the secret and were already helpless.

Sometimes, simplicity to the extreme is also powerful.

Xu Tong also had to say that Mrs. Anman's abnormal defense was simply the nemesis of someone like him who relied on his skills to burst out damage.

He is even more difficult to deal with than the guy who airborne in Master's script.

"There's a price to pay!"

However, Xu Tong suddenly lowered his voice and asked a question without hesitation. This sentence made Mrs. Anman startled, and then she immediately sneered: "The price? Your life is the price!"

As she spoke, Mrs. Anman's body began to expand again, but it was not her entire body that expanded, but her arms.

I saw that my arms, which were originally as thick as adult calves, had suddenly expanded in a circle, and their arms could almost hang on the ground.

"It's a pity that such good leather as yours can't be used as my collection." Mrs. Anman showed her sharp teeth and began to slowly rotate her arms.

Xu Tong stared, he was so familiar with this boxing technique.

I believe anyone who has had a fight will...

The famous Wang Baquan.

As the saying goes, as long as you are tough enough, any skill will be in vain.

Speak human words and work miracles with great force.

Mrs. Amman obviously understands this truth.

Use the simplest method to maximize the power, and I can't remember how many men died from this move.

After every time, those pretentious guys are often smashed into pulp by their own fists, yes, as delicate as fish balls.

As Mrs. Anman swung her arms, huge air currents followed in the room.

Even the hellfire in the workshop behind Xu Tong was absorbed by this airflow. For a moment, Mrs. Anman's arms became increasingly red, and at first glance they looked like two pairs of huge hot wheels.

Mrs. Anman felt that it was almost done, and she started to approach Xu Tong step by step with a sinister smile on her lips.

Every step she takes is not big, and everything around her is broken into pieces wherever she goes.

The space of this shop is very small. If it were placed in the wild, this little guy might escape with the advantage of speed, and I really wouldn't be able to do anything against him.

But in such a small space, where could he hide even if he was possessed by Hermes?

Faced with Mrs. Anman's pressing steps, Xu Tong could only retreat.

"Headmaster, use the virtual and the real!"

Da Ya reminded in a low voice that the power between reality and reality can completely extend the space in front of you indefinitely, and then use the Yin soldiers to hold this guy back.

"No one is perfect, and no jade is perfect. The stronger her body, the weaker her soul. As long as the master can find a way to make her freeze for a second, I will have a way to severely damage her soul."

Da Ya is not a freeloader either. As a Xian'er, she naturally has the methods of the Xian family.

Xu Tong ignored it and stared directly at Mrs. Anman's arm.

"Run!! Hahaha, run quickly!"

Mrs. Anman's eyes became more and more ferocious. What she liked to see most was the prey huddled in the corner, watching the living space shrink little by little, with a final expression of despair.

For this reason, she gave her trap a very appropriate name, the Millstone of Despair.

At this time, a flash of light suddenly flashed through Xu Tong's eyes, and he rushed up to meet Mrs. Anman.

"He's crazy??"

This move not only shocked Mrs. Anman, but also Da Ya.

Facing Mrs. Anman's surprised look, Xu Tong just sneered: "You are too stupid!"

I saw him taking out a gourd from the props book, which was the [Cold Iron Gourd].

During the last trip to Yin Yang Cave, the energy of [Cold Iron Gourd] was also replenished on the tower. Although it was not fully charged, there was no problem in releasing the skill several times.

The mouth of the gourd was opened and pointed at Mrs. Anman. Xu Tong's face showed a joking look: "I call you, do you dare to agree?"

Mrs. Anman was shocked. She seemed to have heard of similar magical skills and instinctively wanted to hide back.

But instead of the terrible suction coming out of the gourd as she expected, it instead shot a ball of white and cold stuff on her face...

This chapter has been completed!
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