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Chapter 17: If you can't beat it, join the 4D monthly ticket)

The biting cold air hit her face, causing Mrs. Anman's eyes to turn white for a while.

At this time she heard Xu Tong's voice: "I'll shoot you if you don't agree."


Hearing this, Mrs. Anman's chest gasped, and she recalled Xu Tong's words when she did it. She was ridiculed and humiliated like this again and again, and anyone else would go crazy.

But at this moment, Mrs. Anman felt a strange feeling on her arm.

First there was an itch, a heartbreaking itch, from the base of her arms to the tips of her fingers, it was so irritating that it made her go crazy.

And immediately afterwards, the heartbreaking stabbing pain hit.


There was a crisp popping sound, like popcorn thrown into the pot, crackling.

Immediately afterwards, Mrs. Anman was horrified to see that her arm began to deform, and the originally delicate and shiny scales exploded rapidly, and then with a harsh tearing sound, the arm exploded directly.


Blood and broken scales spattered Mrs. Amman's face.

She didn't seem to understand what happened, but Xu Tong rushed to her in a daze: "I told you to believe in science, idiot!"

The characteristic of hellfire is that it burns nothing, and it will still ignite even in water.

The ice wind blade blown out by the ice gourd is mixed with a large amount of frost water vapor. When the two are combined, they will produce a more powerful explosion.

Isn't it because of this characteristic that I often combine embers with cold iron gourds?

The principle is almost the same.

Just when Xu Tongxiao's voice fell and Mrs. Anman had not recovered from the pain, a fox with four tails jumped on Xu Tong's shoulder.

The fox is covered in white fur, but it is only the size of a cat. What is surprising is that it sits cross-legged like a human with its front paws together.

The furry little paws can actually make handprints that make a shape.

"Charming Soul Magic, suppress!"

Da Ya muttered silently in her heart, her green eyes bursting with fluorescence.

Mrs. Anman's head was buzzing for a moment, and then her whole body felt a sense of elation, as if her arms that had been exploded no longer hurt, and the world in front of her began to blur.

Looking at Mrs. Anman who was stiff and motionless, Xu Tong couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, what he hates most is this kind of rough-skinned and thick-flesh meat shield.

Especially for Mrs. Anman, who has high resistance, high defense, and particularly terrifying strength. If I don't use any means, the price I have to pay to kill her will probably be high.

To be able to kill Mrs. Anman in this way can only be said that she is too self-righteous.

Looking at Mrs. Anman who fell into a deep sleep, Xu Tong stretched out his hand and summoned Fortune, which transformed into an eight-sided sword.

At this moment, the scales on Mrs. Anman's body have cracked. It is not difficult to kill her, just...

He slowly raised the long sword in his hand and aimed it at Mrs. Anman's heart.

"rest in peace!"

Xu Tong's eyes revealed murderous intent, and he raised his sword to stab him.

But just when the sword was stabbing halfway, Xu Tong suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart. The sudden strange feeling was like a cold hand grabbing his throat, which made Xu Tong's chest suffocate.

"Transform into a shield!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Fa Cai completed his transformation almost instantly. Although his intelligence was not very high, it gave him the ability to completely obey orders and not need to think.

After the golden shield blocked Xu Tong's face, a terrifying force directly knocked Xu Tong away.


I don't know how many things were knocked down, but Xu Tong felt like he had lost all feeling in his arms.

Looking again, I found that the shield of wealth and change had been twisted into a twisted ball by the huge force, just a little bit away from being smashed through.

"Headmaster! Look, this guy is a monster!"

Da Ya made a sound of surprise. Not only had the other party released his charm, but he also let out an enchanting laugh.


The laughter gradually became sharper, until it became more and more crazy. Xu Tong put down his fortune, and then he saw Mrs. Anman's body shaking in the laughter.

Then her body began to split open, and the thick tail behind her fell off.

"Tear it apart..."

There was just a sound of flesh tearing, and the big lizard in front of me was like a deflated doll, falling limply to the ground.

Instead, there was another face.

She has the face of a woman, but her body is like a praying mantis, except that her two thick front claws are not sickle-shaped like a praying mantis, but instead resemble two round sledgehammers.

Obviously, the attack just now was an attack from the hammer head.

"Can I still change my form?"

This time it was Xu Tong's turn to be shocked. He knew that certified players were difficult to kill, but he didn't expect them to be so difficult.

"It's not a change of form, it's just that you broke a layer of my skin."

Mrs. Anman stared at Xu Tong with resentful eyes and explained: "My advanced route belongs to the biological evolution series. You can change your form by changing your skin every time. Little guy, you are very strong!"

Xu Tong shook his arm, feeling as if the whole arm was about to dislocate. Hearing Mrs. Anman's words, Xu Tong could only say helplessly: "Are all certified players so difficult? If so, I would rather fail the certification and go

Go hang out as an ordinary player."

"Not really, it's just that you're not strong enough."

Mrs. Anman stared at Xu Tong and told the truth, then shook the pair of bone hammers in her hands: "Hit him again?"

"No, I surrender. You can agree on some conditions first. I have no special hobbies."

Xu Tong spread his hands and started to cheat. He said he wanted to surrender, but he didn't mean anything good.

In fact, he could see that Mrs. Anman no longer had the murderous intention at this point.

We have already fought against each other once. If we fight against each other again, we will fight tooth and nail.

Even if the script world this time is a killing script, the killing between players is the theme.

But there is no benefit at all, so no one will risk their lives.

In the end, if you are not careful, you will be tricked by others, and it will not be worth it for anyone.

"Temporarily joining our team and cooperating with our actions, the advantage is that in this script world, we will get a share of the benefits from you."

Mrs. Amman made conditions.

"Deal, send team invitation!"

This time Xu Tong didn't hesitate at all and nodded directly in agreement, so cheerfully that Mrs. Anman even wondered if this guy was playing tricks on her.

"Don't think too much. You are all here as a team. What other choice do I have? I won't suffer any loss by joining you, but the prerequisite is that you don't treat me like a pig."

"Hmph, you're overthinking it. Breeding teams are not popular among certified players. If we find out that you are a breeder, you won't survive."

Xu Tong's heart sank when he heard this. He was not worried about himself, but thought of Yang Zixuan.

But it is not convenient to pursue further questions on this issue at this time.

After Xu Tong nodded and said he had no problem, Anman was silent for a moment and said: "You go back first. After 9 o'clock tomorrow night, you can come to the Wendy's Bar on Lingtu Avenue. Our captain will contact you then."

Mrs. Anman told Xu Tong an agreed place.

"Haha, no!"

Xu Tong decisively rejected Mrs. Anman's proposal without even thinking about it.

Just do it once by yourself, and forget it if you come again.

If it turns into a group fight next time, I won't have anywhere to cry.

Although this possibility is unlikely, after all, I will be prepared next time, for example, bring a few more people with me and let them report to the church at any time.

As an honorary bishop, I believe that no matter what happens, I can ask a big boss to save me.

For example, the judge Antu from last time seemed quite strong.

At worst, you can pull them together to finish.

But his life is his own, and Xu Tong is not that big-hearted about handing his life over to others.

"Then what do you mean."

Mrs. Anman looked a little unhappy.

In fact, a thought flashed through her mind. If it happened again, and only three people in the team were needed to take action, this guy would be meat on the chopping board, unable to fly without wings.

"If you can't make the decision, just let your captain make the decision. I have given you my sincerity. In addition, you may already know that I am an honorary bishop. This means that in the future, I will be a high-level church official and can provide you with conveniences."

very many."

Mrs. Anman looked sideways at Xu Tong. This sentence can be interpreted as having two meanings.

It can provide them with a lot of help, but it can also cause them endless trouble.

Xu Tong stood up, dusted himself off, took out a gold pound and put it on the table.

This was borrowed from Mr. Morgan, a gold pound, worth about fifteen pounds in banknotes. It is said that even a top tailor like Mrs. Amman does not need so much money.

Of course, this money is just a drop in the bucket for Mr. Morgan... No, maybe not even a drop in the bucket.

But Xu Tong said instead: "This is my deposit. I will make two sets of casual clothes according to my size. There is no need to measure the size."

Anman looked at the gold pound that Xu Tong threw carelessly on the table and curled his lips: "I know, the clothes will be delivered to your home in two days."

Then he said: "As for your conditions, I can go back and ask the captain. This is not a difficult matter. We will inform you then."

As she spoke, her body gradually returned to Mrs. Anman's original appearance, and then she patted the wall behind her. Suddenly, the space in front of her eyes began to distort, shrinking and fading like a tide.

When this twisted space slid past Xu Tong, the light in front of his eyes brightened, and the air became cooler. When he looked again, he was still standing in front of Mrs. Anman's shop.

The shops that had been destroyed by the two men have actually returned to their original appearance.

It seems that the barrier just created was already unnoticed from the moment he walked in the door and entered the recreated space.

Before the barrier completely disappeared, Mrs. Anman stretched out her arm and took out the gold pound Xu Tong dropped on the table.

The heavy weight is indeed the most valuable currency. This one gold pound is enough to cover the income of her shop for half a month.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Anman couldn't help but murmured in a low voice: "Huh, you're a soft rice man."

Although the voice was low, Xu Tong, who was standing in front of the door, listened very carefully. He looked back at Mrs. Anman, pursed his lips and said with a smile: "Actually, I am an... actor."

After saying that, Xu Tong opened the door and walked out. Watching Xu Tong leave, Mrs. Anman cursed secretly: "It seems that no one is the same, but why are you the son-in-law who came here? I will treat it as disgusting."

of chicken.”

Mrs. Anman couldn't help but think of her original identity arranged by the script world, which was the owner of a roast chicken restaurant. It was annoying to think about it...

This chapter has been completed!
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