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Chapter 33: Intermediate Demon

Is human blood rare? No.

Since he is an abortion doctor, it is normal for him to have blood in his place.

But what's disgusting is that the place where human blood appears is on the chopping board.

Hearing this, Xu Tong walked to the chopping board, glanced around suspiciously, raised his head thoughtfully, and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows: "Judging from the blood stains, it should have been in the past two days, no more than three days. The deceased should be a girl.

Probably around eighteen years old."


Zhao San tilted his head and looked at him in surprise.

He has a special bloodline, does he also have it?

Zhao San stretched out his finger, picked out a handful of powder on the chopping board, put it in his mouth, tasted it carefully, and said in surprise: "It's true, you are right."

"Well, I also know that this poor girl was dismembered by this guy. After her internal organs were taken out, she was smeared with thick salt to prevent the flesh from rotting."

"Hmm... It's a bit salty. You actually know this??"

Zhao San looked very surprised at this moment. He asked in surprise: "Does the dark system still have this ability??"

However, Xu Tong curled his lips, shook his head and denied Zhao San's conjecture, pointing to the top of his head: "Nothing else, just observe..."

When Zhao San heard this, he immediately raised his head and took a look.

His expression instantly became awkward.

I saw several female corpses hanging above my head. These corpses had been dismembered and covered with thick salt and were hanging on top.

Some have been dried.

Such a weird scene would probably make the average person vomit.

But both Xu Tong and Zhao San were already accustomed to this. Zhao San took a closer look and suddenly cursed in his heart and greeted Xu Tong.

In fact, it was his own preconception, and these corpses were hung on the roof, so dark that no one would notice them unless they looked carefully.

The two even looked at the corpses carefully.

"The technique is skillful. Every cut is made along the joints, cleanly." Zhao San observed the corpses and inferred the butcher's cutting technique.

"These people were dismembered after death. They should be hanging here waiting for their families to buy their bodies."

Xu Tong deduced.

At present, the empire's medical methods are still in an extremely backward state. Let alone abortion, even a common disease can often take half of a person's life.

It is normal for some women to develop infection and high fever after abortion, or to bleed and die here.

Among them, some women who come for abortions come alone to prevent their whereabouts from being exposed.

As a result, he died here, and his family didn't know.

The body was left here, waiting for the family to find it, and then buy it with money.

As for why it was in a dismembered state, Xu Tong didn't know.

Perhaps it was for convenience in pickling, otherwise these body parts would not have been preserved so completely.

In short, after seeing these body parts, the two of them were basically certain that Matthew, the butcher, was exactly the person they were looking for.

Don’t forget that the body of Archbishop Iletea was completely dismembered.

In response, the two looked at each other, turned and walked towards the small door at the back.

After the door was pushed open, there was a small courtyard, but the strong smell in the air and the flies floating around made people feel sick to their stomachs.


Looking at the blood stains on the wall, the two of them could feel a strong resentment floating in the air before they even walked in.

This resentment is so strong that it is shocking, and has even seriously affected the surrounding aura.

Whether it is the flowers in the corner or the plants and trees in the yard, they all give people a very uncomfortable feeling, as if they are being stared at by countless pairs of eyes as soon as they walk in.

Even the air here feels very turbid.

"It seems that they are all buried in the soil. Hehe, if they are buried for a few more years and the number is larger, some evil spirits may emerge from this place."

Zhao San knelt down and pinched a handful of dirt on the ground, and couldn't help but sneered.

A normal person would go crazy living here in a place like this. Even just walking in would make people feel uncomfortable, and even the neighbors would be affected.

"I'll save you later."

Xu Tong stepped in with one foot and felt a strong sense of rejection around him.

However, this level of resentment was instantly shaken away by the luck above his head. There was even an invisible evil aura on Zhao San's body, causing these resentments to dissipate instantly.

It seems that compared to Xu Tong's strong luck, the hidden evil energy in Zhao San's body is the nemesis of these things.

The two walked to the door, looked at each other, and then Zhao San kicked the door open and walked into the room.

The room is not big, only about 20 square meters at first glance.

It is filled with various ceramic dolls.

As for the butcher they were looking for, he was not in the room.

Xu Tong activated the Life Eye Qimen, and after looking around with his eyes, he suddenly condensed his eyes and looked sideways at a doll beside him.

I saw him walking up to the doll, stretching out his hand to pinch the doll's body, and then trying to twist it sideways.


Along with the sound of the mechanism, a gap opened behind the wall in front of me.

Looking through the gap, I saw a secret passage leading underground.

Xu Tong and Zhao San looked at each other, pushed open the mechanism and walked down the tunnel.

It's probably nothing more than five or six meters of steps, with an empty cellar underneath.

A man in a white coat stood in front of a corpse with his back to the two of them, focusing on cutting up the corpse in front of him.

The two people walking down behind him only paused slightly, but did not stop what they were doing.

The cold scalpel skillfully cut through the muscles of the corpse.

The man looked at the corpse in front of him obsessively, and his face gradually showed boredom: "You guys came at the wrong time."

"Then go ahead, we don't mind waiting here!"

Xu Tong pulled up a chair and sat down casually.

Zhao Sanze stood aside with his arms folded. After taking a look at the man's so-called works, his eyes showed a look of disgust: "It's really boring to blaspheme the works of the dead."

Matthew dropped the scalpel on his hand, picked up a towel and wiped the blood on his hand, then looked at the two of them: "What do you want?"

"Eletia's invitation."

Xu Tong took out the invitation letter from the White Witch and waved it in his hand.

When he saw the invitation, Matthew let out a heavy breath and felt a sense of relief. He opened the chest of drawers at hand.

"I have been waiting for you for a long time, but you came too late."

The drawer was opened, and an invitation letter similar to the one in Xu Tong's hand was taken out by Matthew and placed on the table.

"What do you mean it's too late?" Zhao San asked.

I saw Matthew sitting on the sofa in the corner, taking out a cigarette and putting it to his mouth. Hearing this, he tilted his head and looked at Zhao San.

No emotion could be seen in those gray eyes.

"The ceremony is almost completed. You don't have enough time. You have to do it as soon as possible."

"What ceremony?"

Zhao San asked, but Matthew showed no sign of explaining. Seeing this, Zhao San's face turned cold and his eyes gradually darkened.

Xu Tong took the invitation letter in his hand, glanced at the information on it and asked, "Who are the other two people?"

Matthew grinned, took a deep drag on the cigarette in his hand, looked at the flickering light of the cigarette butt and couldn't help but sneered: "Then you have to find it yourself."

"Oh, that's not necessarily the case!"

Zhao Sanhe's face darkened. There seemed to be something strange moving under the clothes on his chest. You could see slender tentacles gradually tearing open the clothes on his chest.

Seeing this, Matthew grinned and threw the cigarette butt in his hand at his feet. The cigarette butt spattered sparks on the ground. Then with a "Boom!" sound, a ball of flame suddenly exploded on the ground, killing Matthew.

The figure was swallowed up.

"Forgive me, Lord God!!"

"I want to die! It's not that easy."

With a sharp shout, Zhao San rushed up quickly, only to see the clothes on his chest torn open, and countless dense tentacles poured out from his chest, trying to pull Matthew out of the sea of ​​​​fire.

When Xu Tong saw this, his eyes flashed, and he saw a blurry shadow behind Matthew taking shape under the firelight, and his face changed slightly: "Quickly retreat"

As soon as he finished speaking, a sudden change occurred. Matthew's body suddenly split open at this moment, and white bone spurs poured out from under his skin, stabbing Zhao San like a spear.

The speed was so fast that Zhao San had no room to dodge. Upon seeing this, a strange black mist suddenly emerged from Zhao San's body. The black mist wrapped Zhao San's body and turned into a set of armor with a mysterious and primitive atmosphere.


The bone spur hit Zhao San's chest, and the huge force instantly pushed his body up.

At the critical moment, Zhao San's arm burst out with a flash of scarlet, like a mantis's hidden knife. He cut off the bone spur with his arms crossed, and at the same time used the force to fly out.

His body turned sideways in the air, his toes stepped on the wall, and after all the strength was removed from his body, he landed firmly on the ground.

When he looked again, he saw that a hole had been pierced through the armor on his chest, and a severed bone spur was being tightly entangled by slender tentacles.


The sound of bones being squeezed was heard, and a twisted body gradually expanded in the flames.

At the same time, black liquid began to seep out of the surrounding walls. The liquid seemed to be alive, twisting in the air, and then turned into twisted faces, with a sound similar to a baby crying.

Zhao Sanleng spat and shouted in the team channel: "Is there anyone who can support me? I encountered an intermediate demon."

However, what surprised Zhao San was that as soon as he finished speaking, he was reminded by the prop book that he was outside the scope of the team.

"Impossible, how could it go beyond the scope of the team?"

This made Zhao San confused. Theoretically speaking, the distance between the team channels was sufficient as long as they did not cross provinces. They had not left Amantes, so how could they exceed the distance.

"It's space!"

At this time, Xu Tong frowned and stared at Matthew's feet. He saw a strange magic circle taking shape in the flames. Xu Tong didn't understand magic, but he could rely on his strong perception to determine that the surrounding space was


"Get out first!"

With that said, Xu Tong grabbed Zhao San and rushed out of the cellar. As soon as he rushed out of the cellar door, he saw the dolls in the room in front of him standing neatly at the door.

A ceramic doll holding flowers in its hands slowly raised its head, with wrinkle-like cracks on its fair face, and asked the two of them with its cracked mouth: "Have you seen my mother?"

This chapter has been completed!
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