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Chapter 47: Special Mission 2

The rotten-faced baby was chewing on a piece of meat covered with ice, and let out a heart-wrenching laugh.

Anyone who sees it will be startled by the strange scene in front of them.

However, Xu Tong frowned and raised his hand to grab it.


Seeing the palm grabbing towards her, the ghost child opened her mouth and pounced on it to bite it. The fresh flesh and blood tasted much better than ice particles.

However, when he took a bite, he only heard a clicking sound, and felt that the thing he bitten was cold and hard. When the doll's gray eyes looked down, he realized that what he bit was not the opponent's hand, but a handle.

Just as he was about to spit out the gun, Xu Tong suddenly thrust the muzzle of the gun into the baby's throat!

"Hey, it's delicious, I'll let you eat more!"

As he spoke, Xu Tong pulled the trigger with his finger.

"Bang bang bang!!!"

The muffled sound of gunshots echoed in the consultation room. Three pure silver bullets flew out from the back of the ghost baby's head. The wounds caused by the bullets instantly glowed with silver fire and chemically reacted with the ghost baby's body, instantly killing the baby.

The ghost child was burned to ashes.

But at the moment when the ghost doll turned into ashes, Mrs. Morgan's body instantly decomposed and dissolved, turning into a black viscous liquid...

"Gu Gu Gu Gu..."

The liquid bubbled, spilled from the bed to the floor, and began to twist, with a human face twisting out of the liquid.


Mrs. Morgan's voice called his name passionately, and she stretched out her hand covered with black mucus to grab Xu Tong.

"Come and experience the joy of adulthood."

Xu Tong didn't hide and let the hand grab his sleeve.

The expressionless look on Mrs. Morgan's face was no longer human.

"Come on, come on"

Seeing that Xu Tong refused to dodge, Mrs. Morgan couldn't help but become more excited and wrapped her body around Xu Tong's body.

The slimy body allowed her to carefully feel every inch of Kevin's skin, making her wish she could swallow this well-behaved child right now.

It wasn't until Mrs. Morgan's body completely covered Xu Tong that Xu Tong's sigh was heard in the room.

Xu Tong didn't know what kind of person Mrs. Morgan was, but during his stay at Morgan's house, he was indeed taken care of by Mrs. Morgan.

"Thank you for your hospitality these days, now please hit the road!"

When the sound falls, the power of the devil and the arrival of the devil are activated.

The black armor quickly covered Xu Tong's body, and then the dark red hellfire burned from the armor. In an instant, Mrs. Morgan didn't even have time to feel the pain, and was turned into ashes in the hellfire.

Gray dust was sprinkled in the air. Xu Tong opened his eyelids, with anger and murderous look on his face.

He walked out of the door of the infirmary and saw a rustling sound in the dim hospital corridor in front of him. The ice on the ground was melting, and more and more black liquid seeped out along the walls.

As soon as Xu Tong opened the Life Eye Qimen, the world in front of him suddenly turned into black and white. Those twisted dead souls were revealed in front of Xu Tong, and exuded a rich red aura, covering every inch of the entire hospital, so that Xu Tong could not

Take a clear look at the entire hospital.

What happened to Matthew last time had already exhausted his few incense merits.

I'm afraid it won't work to use incense and merit to calculate Qiao Qie's location.

If this is the case, then I can only find it in a stupid way, going from floor to floor, room after room.

As soon as he thought of this, a large swath of hellfire spread under his feet.

The twisted liquid in front of him was instantly burned away.

However, the strange thing is that after the surrounding black liquid was burned away, more black liquid immediately began to pour out from the surroundings, like moths rushing to the flame, rushing toward Xu Tong crazily.

"Fresh flesh and blood!!"

"Help me...save me..."

Distorted faces emerged from the squirming liquid. They may still retain human consciousness, but their souls have been completely contaminated.

But why are there so many ghosts in this hospital?


The ceiling above his head cracked, and black liquid spewed out from inside.

Seeing that there were more and more of these things, Xu Tong began to speed up his pace. However, when he carefully searched all the consultation rooms on the first floor, there was no trace of Qiao Qian at all.

At this time, Damu’s excited scream came from the team channel: “These things actually give rewards.”

Xu Tong took a look at the prompts in the prop book, and sure enough, there were more than ten similar prompts on the prompt page.

"You kill the Nightmare Evil, and the script score +1"

Da Mu was already crazy with happiness. One Nightmare Sha could actually bring 1 script point. Don't underestimate it, it's only one point, but when the number increases, the income can be quite considerable.

After all, for certified players, they can completely avoid the consumption of prop points by relying on their own abilities.

But Xu Tong sensed something was wrong.

Having traveled through the world of scripts so many times, Xu Tong always firmly believes that everything he gets in the world of scripts has one principle running through it.

Equivalent exchange.

Only under equal conditions can equal benefits be obtained.

To put it bluntly, these corrupted souls are not worthy of being rewarded with script points.

But before Xu Tong could think more, he heard Mrs. Anman's voice coming over the channel: "Stop playing, come to the third floor, I found Andre!"

After hearing Mrs. Anman's words, Xu Tong quickly rushed up the steps and ran straight to the third floor.

Once on the third floor, he saw that the ground and walls were completely covered in black liquid. Xu Tong glanced out the window of the corridor, and his pupils suddenly tightened.

I saw outside the hospital door outside the window, I don’t know when, many nuns wearing white clothes appeared.

These nuns stopped outside the hospital gate, holding a candle in their hands.

They stood neatly together as if they were praying.

Are you a supporter of the church?

It should be someone from the Hunting Team, why is it a nun?

Just when Xu Tong was confused, all the nuns raised their heads, revealing a hollow under their white nun hats.



But the fact that there is nothing makes it even more weird.

"Li Jun, wait for me!"

At this time, the big tree under the stairs rushed up. As he walked, the blade in his hand slashed a strong wind, and behind this guy, there was a strange shadow.

The shadow wears a traditional Japanese ghost mask, its body is shrouded in a black robe, and it opens its mouth from time to time to devour the polluted souls around it.

That was the shikigami summoned by Da Mu, the three-pronged Qingying ghost.

Omu jumped up the stairs and saw Xu Tong covered in hellfire armor. He couldn't help but be a little surprised. He could feel that his shikigami seemed to be very afraid of the flames on Xu Tong's body.

Xu Tong nodded towards Da Mu and quickly walked ahead to lead the way. He had hell fire on his body, even if it did very little damage to the demons in hell, but facing these black liquids, he would be an instant kill.

Almost anywhere you go, you can quickly clear a large area of ​​clean space.

Damu looked envious behind him.

He thought: "It's a pity that the captain seems to value him very much..."

Following Mrs. Amman's guidance, the two came to the door of the dean's office on the third floor.

The black liquid here has solidified and turned into dark purple flesh, which is glued to the wall.

Some places look even darker.

When Xu Tong saw those black flesh walls, he immediately recognized that those black pieces of flesh were the black stains that corroded the holy rock under the Inquisition.

It's just that in comparison, the ones here are fresher.

The door has been completely corroded by the power of darkness and is wrapped in black flesh. A huge skeleton appears on the door. The skull's eyes have been smashed, but a steady stream of black water flows from inside the door.


"This way!!"

Mrs. Anman shouted, and then Xu Tong noticed that Mrs. Anman's body was integrated with the surrounding dark purple flesh walls.

But this is not because she has been corroded, or in other words, Mrs. Amman is corroding these dark purple flesh walls.

Mrs. Anman was seen slowly squirming her lizard-like body, but she had no intention of breaking away from these pieces of meat.

But as her body squirmed, a small hole gradually opened in the wall on the side.

Xu Tong and Da Mu followed the opening and looked inside.

I saw several people sitting slumped on the ground in the office, with a huge meaty egg in the middle.

Seeing Qiao Qie behind Roudan, Xu Tong secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Before the two of them could see more clearly, the walls of flesh slowly merged in front of his eyes.

"No, why didn't I see that old guy Andre??"

Damu raised his head and asked.

"He's in that egg."

Mrs. Amman said.

"Danli!!" Da Mu was shocked.

"Yes, this guy has a big problem, and now we are in trouble too."

Mrs. Anman looked serious. Andrei himself was very strong, but now he was contaminated by demonization. His strength could definitely reach the level of a superior demon or even a demon king.

Once he wakes up, the three of them may not be opponents together.

It is precisely based on this that Mrs. Anman immediately chose to use her unique biological skills, the assimilation technique, to find ways to interfere with the egg's hatching time.

"Can you send the girl inside out?"

Xu Tong can ignore the others, but Qiao Qian must be sent out first.

Mrs. Morgan is dead, and this is Mr. Morgan’s last hope. Not to mention his relationship with Josie, even if it is to repay his kindness, he must bring this girl back safely.


Mrs. Anman decisively rejected Xu Tong, not because she couldn't do it, but because she couldn't do it under the current situation, which would cause him to lose control of his surroundings and even cause the eggs to hatch early.

"Let's rush in now and strike first before he hatches!"

Damu shook the sword in his hand. He had enough confidence. Even though he was not as good as Mrs. Anman in terms of combat, in terms of single-target damage capability, he was definitely the leader in the team.

This proposal was also rejected by Mrs. Amman.

"You can't kill him. Even if you split this meaty egg, the damage will be greatly reduced. At most, it can only hurt him, but it will also wake him up early."

Mrs. Anman's meaning is very simple. To deal with this thing with just the three of them, it's like hitting an egg with an egg against a stone. The safest way at the moment is to wait.

Waiting for the support of the church and waiting for Antu to arrive, when everyone joins forces, even a demon king can be killed.

Before that, what they had to do was to make as little noise as possible and wake up Andre in the egg in advance.

Xu Tong originally agreed with this approach.

After all, Andre's identity is too sensitive, and if something happens here, Evelin will definitely come over as soon as possible.

However, before he could open his mouth to agree, his expression suddenly froze.

I just heard the mission prompt coming from the prop book.

"Special Mission 1: Amantes Hospital mission completed.

Special Mission 2: Kill Andre

Mission description: Andre has been contaminated and must be killed as soon as possible!

Mission requirements: Kill Andre before the church’s support arrives.

There are 3 hours left.

Mission punishment: This promotion mission failed."

At this time, Xu Tong had already received the task prompt. After hearing the prompt, Xu Tong was stunned for a second, raised his head suspiciously, and after a few unconscious twitches at the corner of his mouth, he silently raised a middle finger to the top of his head.


This chapter has been completed!
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