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Chapter forty-eight:

Xu Tong was silent. Looking at the task prompts, he felt a strong sense of being targeted in his heart.

This so-called special task should refer to his promotion task.

But this task gave Xu Tong a smell of danger.

The church has countless priests, but only twelve archbishops.

They are the face of the church and the messengers representing divine authority.

Eretia has been determined to have fallen, and this event will definitely be explained by chance by the church.

But what about Andre, this guy who directly transformed into a demon, how should he be characterized?

If you look carefully at the requirements of the mission, before the church arrives, does that tell you that the church will never allow a second archbishop to fall...

So as a murderer, should I take the blame for Andre?

Well, maybe he can explain that Andre was killed, not that he killed him.

But is it really that simple??

Xu Tong narrowed his eyelids, as if a chess game was being placed in front of him. On the blurry chessboard, he could not see anything clearly except himself.

However, soon, Xu Tong's eyes gradually began to change.

His pupils shrank slightly, and then he stood up abruptly. Without Mrs. Anman's preparation, she suddenly kicked the door in front of her.


Suddenly, the skeleton on the door was kicked to pieces by Xu Tong.

The huge force even kicked the door open directly.

"You're crazy!!"


Both Mrs. Anman and Damu were stunned by this scene.

In their eyes, Li Bo was a man who had a measured approach and retreat, a calm personality, and a generous and outgoing person.

And he can seize the key every time he takes a shot, which is the talent that their team lacks.

But who would have thought that at this special time, this guy would be so reckless.

Xu Tong ignored the horrified expressions of the two of them, looked at the meaty egg in front of him, crossed his hands, and aimed at the meaty egg with a slam dunk.

Suddenly, an invisible force hit the meatball hard.


Mrs. Anman immediately let out a scream. She had no time to take back the assimilation effect. At this moment, she also felt the lethality of Baishan Kou.

At the same time, the meat and eggs began to tremble strangely, and a slight tearing sound could be heard from inside.

The sound of "Crack, click, click..." sounded like something was about to come out of it.

"You madman, what a good thing you did!"

Damu was going crazy. If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't harm his teammates maliciously, he would have drawn his sword and chopped off this idiot's head.

Xu Tong didn't even look at him. The second mountain buckle had already hit the huge egg in front of him.

This time Mrs. Amman decisively broke out of the assimilation state. After her body jumped off the wall, the first thing she did was to run.

He knew very well that the egg's appearance was so astonishingly strong that even he was not sure of breaking it, and that once the guy inside revived, he would definitely cause a huge mess.

There is no way they are opponents. The only option for now is to escape first and wait until the captain arrives.

As for this idiot Li Bo...

Mrs. Anman cursed in her heart, planning to kick this guy out of the team if he couldn't come up with a reasonable explanation after the team gathered this time.

Although everyone will be punished to a certain extent if they are kicked out of the team, they can make up for it from this kid afterwards.

When Omu saw Mrs. Anman wagging her tail and running away quickly, she was startled: "Wait for me!"

After saying that, Xu Tong didn't care anymore, he immediately put away the sword in his hand and followed Mrs. Anman.


The moment the second mountain buckle fell, an abyss stood up, tearing open the world in front of him, and Xu Tong and the fleshy egg fell together with it.

Immediately, the meatballs trembled even more violently.

A black hand was torn open from the flesh shell. As soon as the palm was released, the rich dark power turned the abyss pavilions on both sides into dust.

The palm of his hand directly grabbed Xu Tong's throat, leaving no one doubting that this grab would send Xu Tong to the West on the spot.

Seeing this hand being grabbed, Xu Tong had no intention of dodging. Instead, he dropped his hands heavily, and the third mountain buckle had already been landed.


The door slowly opened, and Xu Tong felt his abdomen tighten, and then his vision suddenly became blurry.

"Fool, you can't risk your life like this!"

The eldest princess's scolding came to Xu Tong's ears. As she spoke, the woman gently raised her long sleeves. Suddenly, twelve water jets roared up, turned into a huge dragon claw, and grabbed the meaty egg.



For a moment, the black water collapsed, but the meat and eggs were also beaten into the air.

The five fingers of the palm that had just been exposed were twisted into a mess.

"I can't help it. I've cut the knot with a quick knife. I'll give this to you. Beat him up for me!"

Xu Tong took out the eldest princess's command arrow.

He negotiated terms with his master, and the eldest princess could only help him three times.

It's like putting a king bomb in your hand. Ordinarily, you won't play this kind of card easily unless you know the details of the opponent and are sure of winning.

But Xu Tong thinks this idea is nonsense. If you have a trump card and don't use it, it would be stupid to leave it in your hands to eat dust. Those people who capsize in the gutter often hold this kind of idea. In the end, they hold a trump card in vain, and the opponent directly

The smooth move left without giving him a chance to play his cards.


The eldest princess didn't talk nonsense, so she ordered the arrow and threw Xu Tong to the other side of the black water with a push of her hand.

When the eldest princess pushed, Xu Tong felt the wind blowing in front of him. He had no time to stand firm, so he leaned back and fell out. He thought he would fall, but in the end, a hand gently patted Xu Tong's back.

on the back.

In an instant, the inertia on his body was removed.

Looking back, I saw it was the old man.

Seeing the old Taoist, Xu Tong couldn't help but smile and said, "Sorry, I came in a hurry and didn't bring you any snacks."

"No problem!"

The old Taoist grinned, showing his old yellow teeth, smiled, and pointed at the eldest princess stepping on the black water: "I have three major hobbies, one is eating snacks, the second is playing chess, and the third... is looking at your woman


When Xu Tong heard what he said, he immediately became happy. He took out a pack of bear biscuits from the prop book and threw it to the old man.

"If you don't have any snacks, just make do with it. It's always better than looking dry."

The old Taoist saw that these little bear biscuits were really cute, so he didn't ask what they were. He tore open the packaging bag, pinched two and threw them in his mouth.

Don't tell me, it tastes okay.

The old Taoist was nibbling biscuits, but Xu Tong was not idle. He said to Mrs. Anman through the team channel: "Quick, come back and save people!"

"Get out! I'm not done with you anymore!"

Mrs. Anman responded to Xu Tong with a curse.

He has also felt that the dark aura behind him is getting stronger and stronger. At this time, if he goes back, Mrs. Anman will not do such stupid things.

Seeing that she did not agree, Xu Tong was not in a hurry. He sat down and watched the eldest princess take action.

Wait for the cooldown time of the team channel to end.

At this time, there were more and more cracks on the meatballs, but the eldest princess did not take the initiative. Instead, she waited for the meatballs to completely crack.


The tearing sound became more and more harsh, followed by a crack that gradually opened from the center of the meat and egg.

Then Andre's head was seen emerging from the balls first.

The pale face was covered with black muscles, as if there were many thick living earthworms twisting under the skin.

His eyes were completely black, and there was no trace of the white of his eyes at all.


Upon seeing this, the old Taoist couldn't help but throw two biscuits into his mouth and started chewing them.

"What's the meaning??"

Xu Tong took out another bottle of Coke, unscrewed the cap and handed it to the old man next to him.

"The gods of the underworld, under the guise of the human body, often reduce their own blessings, but they seem to be different from us. In short, they are doing the opposite of us, well... you can also understand it as


At this point, the old Taoist suddenly became contemptuous: "This is the trick played by these foreign devils. It is nothing more than that if you believe in me, you will get eternal life, and if you don't believe me, I will fall into hell. It is simple and crude, but the effect is still good."

Xu Tong was stunned for a moment, then looked back at Lao Dao: "Do you still know about this foreign religion abroad?"

The old Taoist curled his lips and said, "Hey, I've read the Bible, but it's just

This chapter has been completed!
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