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Chapter 57: Multiple-choice questions? I want them all! (two chapters in one)

"What do you want to do!!"

Antu suddenly became nervous.

Xu Tong stood up: "Generally speaking, promotion tasks will be one level lower than your main tasks, but you and I are exactly the opposite!"

Xu Tong briefly recounted what happened in the hospital from beginning to end, allowing Antu and Zhao San to figure out the truth.


Antu was silent for a moment, and after thinking about it carefully, it was indeed true.

Whether it's their pursuit, the church's pursuit, or the changes in Evelin and Josie, it seems a bit overwhelming for a promoted player.

"Could it be that you were offended..."

Zhao San seemed to have thought of something, but before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Antu: "Don't talk nonsense, we have no evidence for this matter, so we can't just talk!"

Antu immediately explained to Xu Tong: "We have some speculations, but we can't say these things now because there is no evidence. Saying it directly will have an adverse impact."

Because of the surrender order, Antu must give an explanation.

He then said: "If you can be promoted, you can use the arbitration rights to arbitrate this script world. If there are really special circumstances, the script world will give you a reasonable compensation!"

Xu Tong nodded when he heard this and said to take note of it...

At the same time, there was a 'bang' sound from the fairy furnace at the entrance of the hall.

It is the soul of the witcher Tommy that has been refined.

Daya opened the pill furnace and saw a gray pill rolling out, and threw it out of the hall to Xu Tong.

Xu Tong took it and threw it into the prop book.

Seeing the elixir refined from Tommy's soul, Xu Tong was stunned for a moment, feeling a little surprised. He didn't expect it to be such a strange thing.

But this elixir came at the right time.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong calmed down and discussed with Antu in a low voice.

Deciding to separate temporarily, they first went to prevent Evelin and Qiao Qian from completing the sacrifice to the evil god, while Xu Tong followed the clues and headed to the Inquisition.

"It's just that this place is not close to the Inquisition. Are you sure there is no problem for you alone?"

Zhao San looked out the window and saw a gray world outside the window.

The sacrifices to the evil gods have begun, and the residents of Amantes will be continuously pulled into the other world until the other world and Amantes completely overlap, becoming a connection between hell and the human world.

If you listen carefully, you can easily hear the constant screams of people on the street, which makes people feel very uncomfortable.

"Don't worry, I think even if this road leads to hell, I won't be the only one on the way to hell."

Xu Tong glanced at Art on the ground: "I heard it all!"

Art opened his eyelids, shook his head and sat up straight from the ground. Antu's holy light hit his head painfully, but after all, he was of the Holy Light system, and Art still had a certain immunity.

He sat up and looked directly at Xu Tong: "Evelin really betrayed the church?"

As a divine hunter of the church, he naturally has an almost obsessive trust in the Twelve Red Archbishops, so after hearing Xu Tong tell what happened in the hospital, Art refused to believe it in his heart.

It cannot be said that he is betrayal, maybe he is more loyal than anyone else.

Xu Tong knew very well that Evelin and Eretiya had never betrayed their faith.

It's just that the way they are loyal to God is expressed in another way. Just like Judas who betrayed God thousands of years ago, he willingly gave up the position of the twelve apostles remaining in the mural and used his own evil to set off the majesty of God.


But Xu Tong would not explain these things to Art.

Because Art hasn't understood this step yet.

As the old Taoist said, heaven and hell are one family, and it is obviously impossible for Art to accept it.

So Xu Tong's statement was more direct: "They were only temporarily confused by the devil, but no matter what, as the church's divine catcher, you have the obligation and responsibility to act with me, unless... you are a coward!"

Art got up from the ground: "I'll go with you, but I will personally take you into the cell afterwards!"

"We'll join you. If you go to hell, we'll catch you too."

In the corner, Qin, Dorsey, Sagem, Hugh, and Ian came out with support. Each of them had a lot of injuries.

They were besieged by demons just now, and it was already difficult to resist the demons that kept appearing.

They thought they were certain to die, but Xu Tong suddenly ran past them with a mocking doll.

Thanks to the venomous tongue of the mocking doll, the demons that originally besieged them changed their targets in an instant, allowing them to survive by chance.

They all heard the conversation just now.

Since Art is going to go, as members of the hunting team, they will naturally not let their guard down at this time.


Xu Tong tilted his head and looked at Antu: "Look, I told you a long time ago that I am not alone!"

"Then I wish you good luck!"

Antu is not optimistic about Xu Tong, especially after Zhao San raised the possibility, Antu is even less optimistic about Xu Tong. To borrow an Eastern proverb: "Man cannot fight with the sky!"

Of course, these Antu couldn't tell them directly. Their time was limited, and they didn't dare to stay here any longer. After saying goodbye to Xu Tong, they got on Zhao San's big rooster and quickly left the church.

Of course, before leaving, Antu still fulfilled his duties as a judge and a superior. He used the Holy Light Technique to treat Art and the others. Although the effect was not particularly good, it was better than nothing.

Be strong.

"Let's go!!"

Xu Tong took a deep breath and led everyone out of the church door.

In the gray world, screams come from unknown places from time to time, making people feel deeply uneasy.

This is an inner world, and it is a very deep inner world.

You can't see the sky when you raise your head. Even if the world in front of you still has some rudiments of reality, everything you see is devastated.

"You have to do it as soon as possible. If you wait too long, you may be in big trouble!"

Xu Tong touched his heart and said.

On the way, Art walked to Xu Tong's side: "Are you sure you have to go down? I mean that dungeon!"

Speaking of the dungeon, Art also felt a little uneasy.

After all, no one can say whether the things under the dungeon are still alive, but when I joined the Inquisition, I learned that no one has ever come out of the deepest part of the dungeon alive.

Even every year, some people are caught by gods and somehow walk to the edge of the dungeon and jump down.

Now that he knew that Xu Tong's purpose was to go down to the dungeon to pull out the rumored [Santias Spear Sword], Art naturally wanted to oppose this approach.

Even with Kevin's special physique, who can guarantee that he can come out alive?

Even if he succeeds, without the suppression of [Santias Spear Sword], what will happen if the demon under the dungeon suddenly wakes up?

Those are demons who were sealed here by angels in ancient times. Can they be opponents?

Facing Art's nagging questions, Xu Tong couldn't help but frown, took out an apple from the props book and stuffed it into Art's mouth: "The road is walked, not spoken. How come there are so many multiple-choice questions?"

Made for you!"

As he spoke, Xu Tong quickened his pace.

Seeing that his persuasion was ineffective, Art stopped wasting his words. The seven of them hurried forward slowly, but there were more and more sounds coming from all around.

I don't know if it's a human or a ghost.

"who is it!!!"

As they walked, Dorsey suddenly noticed a black figure in front of them, slowly approaching them. He tensed up and immediately pointed his gun at the black figure in the distance.


Fortunately, Art on the side had quick eyesight and quick hands, and he held down the muzzle of Doshi's gun. Art's pupils were flashing with a faint fluorescent light, and his eyes were fixed on the direction of the white mist in the distance.

The shadow in the gray mist seemed to be aware of the sound here, hesitated for a moment, and then rushed towards Xu Tong and the others.

"Help! Help me!!" came a person's voice.

Dorsey and Art looked at each other and put down their pistols.

Not long after, a middle-aged man in a suit ran out of the street in a panic. When he saw Xu Tong and the others, the man in the suit was startled at first because he saw the unique gray clothing of the Detective Team.

But what followed was a burst of ecstasy.

Thank God, thank God, he had never felt for a moment that these Inquisitions, which people usually hear about, would make people feel so friendly.

As he spoke, he quickened his pace and walked toward them, chattering as he walked: "God, who can explain to me why I am here? I am just a sincere and kind-hearted ordinary person."

Art didn't know how to explain to the other party, but he still stepped forward and comforted him: "Don't worry, God has not abandoned you. You are safe. We will..."

In the middle of what he said, Art suddenly froze on the spot.

Not only Art, but also Dorsey and others could not help but shrink their pupils and quickly pointed their guns at the man.

Looking at the muzzle of the gun pointed at him, the man was startled. His feet suddenly stopped in mid-air and he looked at Art at a loss. He looked panicked, like a child who had done something wrong, but he didn't know what he was.

The place was not done well.


The man opened his mouth, not knowing what to say, and his eyes became more and more panicked.

After all, the reputation of the Divine Catchers is not good in Amantes, and they are often even associated with executioners.

It wasn't until the man followed everyone's gaze and looked at his lower abdomen that he was startled. He didn't know when a black and twisted hand appeared on his lower abdomen.

"What's this?"

After the man saw this, he was instantly frightened. He stretched out his hand to pull the hand off, but the hand seemed to have grown on his body. No matter how hard the man tried, he could not pull it out.

Until the man tore off his clothes and his face instantly turned pale.

I saw that this ugly and weird arm was actually connected to his abdomen, as if it was a hand growing from his abdomen.

"What is this? This is not my hand. This is not my hand!!"

He screamed and tried to defend himself, while trying with all his strength to tear the hand off.

"That's your hand!"

Xu Tong walked out, looked at the palms on the man's abdomen, and looked at the man's hands. He saw that the man's index finger and ring finger were particularly slender and neat, especially the index finger was almost as long as the ring finger, and he became more certain in his heart.

own thoughts.

"Third hand, you must be a thief."

The man was stunned for a moment and immediately denied it: "Nonsense, I am a decent designer, how could I steal something!"

"If you are not a thief, you must have stolen other people's things, so you were dragged into hell so quickly. This hand is the evil in your heart!"

Xu Tong stared coldly at the luck above the man's head.

Seeing that the luck above the man's head was passing rapidly, he was getting closer and closer to defeat.


The man's face turned pale. He was a designer, but he was not an excellent designer. On the contrary, all his famous designs were stolen from other people's inspirations and ideas.

Not only did he shamelessly take it for himself, he even killed his friend just for the sake of the unpublished design drawings in his friend's hands.

"No, I'm not a thief, I'm not a thief, not..."

Thinking of his friend's death and the arm on his belly, the man became more and more uneasy. Even though he tried desperately to deny it, the palm was always on his body.

Suddenly, when the man saw the hand on his belly, he slowly opened his mouth and let out a sneaky whisper.

"Chris, Chris, you stole my idea. You promised me that you would complete this building with me, you despicable thief!"

The familiar voice was the curse of his good friend before his death, which made Chris panic.

He was getting more and more panicked, and all kinds of accusations and abuses filled his mind.

"No, it's you, you don't deserve it. These excellent designs should have belonged to me. Only I can make people recognize these buildings. You stupid bastards, go to hell!!"

Chris was dancing and gesticulating, but he was still struggling with time in his heart, looking for excuses for himself.

But in Xu Tong's eyes, they saw more and more arms stretching out from Chris's body. These arms were twisting greedily in the air, seeming to have a special power that could snatch anything from everyone.

It wants the same thing.

But in the blink of an eye, Chris, an excellent designer, has completely turned into a monster.

Seeing that Chris had been completely demonized, Xu Tong ejected a sword energy with hellfire and instantly cut off Chris' head.

"Let's go, we don't have much time, there will be more and more of this kind of thing."

Seeing that everyone was still looking at the corpse on the ground, Xu Tong could only remind him that Amantes, the second largest city in the empire, was not only wealthy, but also full of all kinds of exaggeration and lewdness.

Chris is just an insignificant one among them. I believe that soon, more people will be involved and then become completely demonized like Chris.

After hearing Xu Tong's words, everyone looked at each other and gasped.

Now they are beginning to realize the seriousness of the matter. If it is true as Xu Tong said, at least two-thirds of the entire population of Anmantesri will become demons.

By then, the entire empire may be destroyed.

So everyone immediately quickened their pace and looked at the woods not far ahead. They estimated that as long as they passed through this forest, they could reach the farm, which was the Inquisition.

"Save me, save my child, please, I am willing to dedicate everything to you!"

At this moment, a woman rushed out from the gray fog and rushed forward, trying to grab Xu Tong's hand.

Xu Tong turned aside, and his wife caught a moment and fell to the ground.

But even if she fell, the lady would always hold the child in her arms tightly and look at everyone with pleading eyes: "Please, save my child, save my child."

Hearing the child, Qin, who was walking behind, fell into a trance, seeming to remember the time when her parents were killed by demons.

Her heart suddenly felt as if it had been scratched. During the hesitation, the woman reached out and grabbed her wrist.

"Please, save him. This is my child. Look how cute he is. He hasn't opened his eyes yet, hasn't seen the sunshine of this world, and hasn't even seen his mother. I don't want to

Let it see me like I am now, please!"

The woman raised her head and pointed to the side of her face. Only then did Qin notice that there were large black spots on the woman's face.

The dark spots are rapidly corroding her skin, and I'm afraid she will become completely demonized before long.

Even with a heart as strong as steel, upon hearing such pleading, he could not help but feel a burst of sadness in his heart.

The bridge of Qin's nose felt sour and her eyes instantly became moist. She could understand the woman's mood, just like when she was a child, her mother was bitten by a neighbor's vicious dog in order to protect herself.

Thinking of this, Qin mustered up the courage to look at the child in the woman's arms. When the clothes were lifted, she didn't see the so-called baby. She only saw a mass of sarcoma. The sarcoma was completely connected to the woman's body and was growing continuously.

The ground absorbs the nutrients from the woman's body.

Suddenly, Qin was stunned for a moment, a bad premonition came over him, and he immediately wanted to hide back.

But the woman grabbed Qin's arm, changed her expression from Ci Min, and screamed with a ferocious look: "You promised me to save my child, don't leave, you bitch, tear your clothes off quickly"

Come feed my baby!!”

The strong contrast between the woman before and after made Qin panic. For some reason, she felt a strong sense of guilt in her heart, as if she really owed her something.

At this moment, a hand suddenly grabbed Qin's shoulder and forcefully pulled her back from the woman's hand.


Seeing the duck flying away, the woman rushed forward with a ferocious face, but what greeted her was only a ball of red hellfire.


The red fire like a huge wave immediately knocked the woman away. At this time, Qin came back to her senses and looked back to see Xu Tong's cold face, just when she was about to say thank you.

However, Xu Tong slapped Qin's face with his backhand: "Remember, don't indulge in self-movement. It will only make you weak and easy to bully. The greatest kindness to your enemies is to send them to hell!"

The cold scolding and the burning pain on her face made Qin a little angry for a moment, but neither Art nor Dorsey and the others surprisingly did not say anything to stop her.

Because just now, they had called Qin countless times, but Qin seemed to be possessed and ignored their calls.

If it hadn't been for Xu Tong, Qin would have sacrificed his body to this demonized woman by now.

Xu Tong estimated that in reality, this woman was the kind of unruly and fierce woman.

He likes to take advantage of others. To put it bluntly, he bullies honest people. Otherwise, how could he be dragged into the other world so quickly?

In short, no one who is pulled into the other world at this stage is a kind person.

Qin, who was woken up by the slap, also realized that she seemed to be really crazy just now, and actually felt guilty about these monsters. Now she was very lucky that Xu Tong slapped her awake, otherwise this kind of

Once the seed of an idea is planted in your heart, sooner or later you will be destroyed by the seed.

Everyone continued on their way, but fortunately after passing through the woods, they no longer encountered those demonized humans.

It was just when they arrived at the gate of the Inquisition without stopping.

The ground in front of him was already covered with corpses.

Art walked to a corpse. The corpse was mutilated, but it could be seen that his body had been completely demonized.

When Art saw the face of the corpse, he recognized it immediately.

"It's him!"

Xu Tong also recognized the owner of this corpse, it was the mayor who made things difficult for him in the first place.

This guy was invited to the Inquisition afterwards and imprisoned in a cage.

Now that he appears here and has been completely demonized, everyone can't help but worry about the current situation in the dungeon.

But since these people have become demons, who killed them?

With doubts, everyone walked into the farm.

Before they even reached the dungeon door, everyone's faces instantly turned pale, and they saw a trace of black mist rising from the dungeon door.

Just being close makes them feel a strong sense of discomfort.

"Back off!!"

Art knew very well the origin of this feeling. Normally, he would only feel this way when walking in front of the deepest abyss of the dungeon, but the demonic energy under the dungeon had actually spread up.

"You guys wait for me here, I'll go down."

Xu Tong took a deep breath. His behavior was completely different from that of Art and others. Instead, he felt more comfortable than ever before, as if even the air around him had become sweeter.

"I'm with you! As long as you are still a member of our team, I have no reason to let you go down alone."

Art stepped forward. Although the atmosphere in the dungeon made him very uncomfortable, Art was still determined to follow Xu Tong, if Xu Tong really became a demon.

As the leader of the team, he has the obligation to kill him personally.

"what ever!"

Xu Tong glanced at Art and walked into the dungeon.

The originally pure white holy rock outside the dungeon was now completely dyed black.

After taking just a few steps, Art couldn't stop vomiting.

The air inside was nothing less than a chronic poison to him.

"Wait for me outside!" Seeing this, Xu Tong couldn't bear the misfortune of this guy following him, so he advised him.

Art was speechless, stubbornly shook his head, tore off his cuffs and wrapped them around his face, showing that he could do it.

Seeing this, Xu Tong didn't say anything. He continued walking deeper anyway. He wouldn't be able to hold on for long. When the time came, he would naturally retreat.

The two of them walked along the corridor of the dungeon until they reached the third floor, when they saw a faint candle light in the dark dungeon. What was even more unexpected was that under the candle light, a man was leaning against the wall, seemingly waiting.

Just like myself.

"It's you!"

Xu Tong saw the figure clearly and suddenly became alert. The person standing under the candlelight was none other than Thalia, the administrator who had disappeared for some time!

Thalia appears here, so who did those corpses outside will naturally have the answer.

"Finally it's here."

Thalia's figure stood under the candlelight, and the hazy light made it difficult to see the expression on her face. She could only hear her saying in a teasing tone: "Pull out that spear, and you will die. Now

If you give up this promotion task, you can still apply after three script worlds, have you thought clearly?"

Once the spear is pulled out, the demon below will inevitably revive. According to the last experience, the first thing this guy will do when he wakes up is probably to kill himself.

But if you don't pull out the spear, without this weapon, you won't be able to complete the promotion mission.

Although Thalia said it nicely, who can guarantee that he will be able to successfully pass the next promotion mission?

What Antu and the others said before had already made Xu Tong realize that as long as he became a certified player, he could use his privileges to apply for arbitration when faced with unfairness, but non-certified players did not even have the qualifications to question it.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong took a step forward, put his body close to Thalia, looked at the face under the candlelight, and said word by word: "I never do multiple-choice questions, I want them all!"

This chapter has been completed!
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