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Chapter 59: The spear sword is also a sword!

Outside the farm, Sagem carried the demonized corpses aside.

Qin looked in the direction of the cell from time to time, her eyes full of worry.

She even wanted to go down there several times to find out what was going on, but looking at the dark dungeon, she really couldn't muster up the courage to go in.

The only thing he could do was to put his hands on his chest and silently pray to the Lord.

Praying that the two of them could come out of it as soon as possible.

"Don't worry, the captain is no ordinary person."

Dorsey walked to Qin, took out a cigarette from the box, and put it to his mouth...

Qin gave him a disgusted look, turned around and walked upwind. Doshi was already used to this and continued to talk to himself:

"More than three hundred years ago, Rome collapsed overnight, and witches and demons were rampant. It was a brave man who fought in the north and south, swept across the country, and unified the empire. Do you still remember his name?"

"Remember, Alfred, it is said that the Pope personally presided over his coronation ceremony and handed him the silver key that symbolizes power in the world."

The history of Qin is very good, especially the history of the church.

Alfred is the only emperor recognized in the history of the empire.

It was he who completed the separation of divine power and human rights, even if it was only on the surface at the time, the Pope did hand him the silver key.

It is precisely because of this that the empire is now prosperous.

After saying that, Qin looked at Dorsey sideways: "Why, you still want to tell me, is the captain a descendant of Alfred?"

"Hahahaha, you are so smart that you will naturally guess this old trick, but what I want to tell you is that although the captain is not a direct descendant in the true sense, he does have the blood of Alfred the Great.

And I can tell you responsibly that the silver key rumored to be given by the Pope is not a key in the true sense, but a special contract power. This power will be hidden in the blood of every descendant of Alfred.


So based on this, you can rest assured."

Faced with Dorsey's exaggerated expression, Qin knew that this was probably a short story written and directed by Dorsey to comfort her, but she felt much better for a moment.


Suddenly, prop master Xiu's shout came from the gate, followed by a holy light bomb, which was launched into the air by Xiu.

With the help of the illumination of this holy light bomb, the expressions of the five people instantly became ugly.

The swaying figures in the woods gradually became clearer under the holy light bombs.

"Damn, why are there so many??"

Dorsey threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, and those twisted demonic figures had formed a dark shadow, moving closer to them.

As if receiving some kind of call from somewhere, I walked out of the woods in a blink of an eye with neat steps...

On the other side, when Art heard Xu Tong's arrival, his heart couldn't stop trembling, and he raised his head cautiously.

A silver spear came into view. The simple gun body was carved with delicate textures, and it was still as bright as new even after a thousand years.

The body of the gun is not long, but the other end is shaped like a long sword.

It's more of an extended sword than a spear.

Such a weird shape is naturally impossible to see now, but Art naturally recognized the origin of this spear at a glance.

"Santias Spear Sword!"

Art has heard about this legendary weapon since he was born. He only saw it for the first time today, but it does not affect the unique status of this weapon in his heart and his deep sense of shock.

And when Art continued to look down along the blade, the shock in Art's eyes gradually turned into doubt and confusion.

One end of the sword blade was inserted into a corpse.

The corpse was as thin as a pitiful monkey, and the broad sword blade would even disembowel him.

"Is this the rumored ancient demon king?"

Art opened his mouth and said to himself.

This was completely different from what he had imagined, and even the huge contrast made people feel absurd.

I guess if other people knew that the Demon King sealed by the Spear God Sword in the dungeon that they feared day and night actually looked like this, I wonder what their expressions would be like.

Xu Tong looked at the corpse, but his face was full of caution and vigilance.

This seemingly almost dried corpse was left on the road, and probably not even a dog would chew it, but was that really all it was?

He recalled the moment he entered the dungeon for the first time, and he still had goosebumps all over his body.

With doubts, Xu Tong put his hand on the handle of the spear sword.


As a result, as soon as the palm of my hand touched the handle of the gun, it felt stinging as if touching a red-hot iron. When I turned my hand over, I saw that the palm of my hand had been burned with large blisters.

"This is a divine weapon, don't mess around!!"

Art seemed to have expected this result: "If you can't change your physique, you won't even think about pulling out this spear."

"Do you want to change your physique?"

Xu Tong was stunned for a moment. From Art's words, he couldn't help but smell some conspiracy.

He immediately did not touch the spear, but sat on the ground, took out some food from the prop book, and chewed it.

"Are you still in the mood to eat?"

Art looked at him eating and drinking, and felt anxious. Shouldn't he pull out the sharpshooter sword as soon as possible and leave?


Xu Tong threw him a piece of bread and gnawed on the chicken leg: "Eat it. If you don't eat it, you may not have a chance."


As he said that, Xu Tong also opened a bottle of Coke, which was cold and refreshing. This is the advantage of the prop book. The food thrown in it can always remain in the state in which it was thrown in. Even the Coke is ice cold.

Apart from not being able to save living people, the only dissatisfaction is that the grids are limited.

Apart from your own prop cards, separate a half-page grid to hold miscellaneous items.

I don’t know how much the number of grids can increase after becoming a certified player.

Art looked at the bread in his hand and didn't know whether to cry or laugh for a moment, but seeing that he was eating so deliciously, his stomach began to growl.

Then have some.

"Come on, let's sit down and eat."

Xu Tong pulled Att to sit down and pushed all the snacks and fruits to Att, which made Att look suspicious as he didn't know how he brought these things with him.

But don't mention it, although the food is very strange, most of which he has never seen before, it tastes really delicious.

As he was eating, Art smelled the smell of tobacco. When he saw that Xu Tong had stopped eating, he started to smoke a hookah.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes, thinking that Bishop Kevin was too unreliable.

But Art didn't know that Xu Tong was not simply enjoying eating and smoking, but thinking.

I reviewed the world of this script in detail in my mind.

Every detail was replayed on the screen in Xu Tong's mind.

In a daze, he could feel that there was an invisible hand covering the top of his head, as if it was manipulating everything.

Whether it is the promotion mission in the script world or the appearance of Thalia, the final point of all conflicts is to let yourself pull out this spear.

Then, if I pull out this gun...

Does it mean that that moment is the day of his death?

At this moment, Xu Tong suddenly had an idea and asked Art, "Art, do you understand this gun? Is it a gun or a sword?"

Hearing Xu Tong's sudden inquiry, Art puffed out his cheeks and gnawed on the bread while explaining: "I understand, everyone in the church understands!"

It is said that on Thanksgiving Day, a craftsman prayed to the Lord to allow him to forge a weapon that would go down in history.

As a result, a meteorite happened to hit his blacksmith shop that day.

The craftsmen put great effort into using Damascus forging methods to forge this unique spear sword.

Because of its unique shape, it was often criticized by later generations.

Many people even suspected that the craftsman originally wanted to forge a big sword, but inexplicably forged the hilt into a gun handle.

Moreover, this gun cannot be used by ordinary people at all. It is just like an ordinary weapon in the hand. It has no characteristics except that it is a little harder.

It wasn't until the later battle between the devil and the angel that the spear and sword seemed to be inspired by the Lord of God, and it automatically flew into the angel's hand.

So far, this artifact has become the nightmare of all demons.

And people later discovered that because Battle Angel's figure and hands were different from ordinary people's, the Spear God Sword looked more like a two-handed sword in their hands.

So this is an artifact specially forged for angels, and mortals cannot exert its power at all.

"I see!"

Xu Tong narrowed his eyelids, and he understood that even if he risked his life and pulled out the sword, he couldn't use it at all.

He was even forced to transform into a divine physique, thus losing most of his dark abilities.

If he wants to exert the power of this sword and divert the crisis, he has only one way to go.

The soul leaves the body and steals the power of faith to unleash the maximum power of this artifact.

For a moment, Thalia's figure appeared in Xu Tong's mind.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong narrowed his eyelids and thought of something. Since it is a sword, it does not necessarily have to be an angel to use it...

This chapter has been completed!
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