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Chapter Thirty-ninth: A Feast of Fright in the World. (2 in 1)

A long time ago, this place was not called Qingcheng Mountain, it was just an unknown mountain.

I don’t know when a man and a woman came.

They lived here for a long time and planted a plum tree here.

Later, when they were leaving, the woman left something in the plum tree before leaving. Two hundred years have passed since then.

Mei Shu gradually gained some consciousness. He remembered the three words the woman said to him before she left. He wanted to find three people to pass on the technique, so Mei Shu waited here. He didn't know how long he waited.

How many years.

One day he met a monk named Yu Ji.

Maybe he was tired from climbing the mountain, so Yu Ji simply lay down under the plum tree and snored. The plum tree tried to pass on what was in his body to him.

Later, Yu Ji woke up and sat under a tree for seven days and nights, then went down the mountain with a long laugh.

About ten years later, Yu Ji returned and said that there were many noble families in the world. He used talisman water to save people, but someone actually wanted to kill him. The Han Dynasty had exhausted its strength and the world could no longer tolerate him, so he simply left.

He practiced hard in the mountains.

Later, Yu Ji met a Chai Fu, so he gave the Chai Fu three scriptures that he had written casually.

He said he wanted Chai Fu to cause trouble in the world.

After receiving the scriptures, Chai Fu felt as if his brain had been enlightened. His whole appearance changed, and he shouted: "Heaven is dead, Huang Tian is here to stand!"

After saying that, he held the scriptures and went down the mountain.

Two years later, I heard from a passing fairy that there was a man named Zhang Jiao who had brought chaos to the world.

After Yu Ji lived here for a long time, he left a volume of "Taiping Yashu" and disappeared without a trace.

A few years later, he discovered that someone had built a Taoist temple on the other side of the mountain.

It seems that a man named Zhang Daoling, after opening a forum there and preaching for a while, finally became immortal and ascended on the top of the mountain.

From then on the place became lively.

Occasionally there are some mountain spirits and monsters entrenched in the back mountain, and occasionally some passers-by rest under the trees.

But Mei Shu didn't dare to pass on her things easily, for fear that she would be entrusted to someone else and cause trouble to the world.

I don’t know how many years passed, but one day later, a young man who accidentally fell from the cliff above to escape pursuit happened to fall on the branch of his own tree.

As soon as Mei Shu saw the young man, she felt that this young man was destined for her, so she passed on the things in her body to him.

After the young man practiced hard here for a period of time, he went out to take revenge.

In this way, about ten years passed.

The young man returned here with his two women and three children, built a house here and settled down.

As time goes by, the place gradually becomes lively.

The young people's Taoism is getting deeper and deeper, their strength is getting stronger and stronger, and they have created many strange and weird spells.

In bad years, we collect corpses and put them as food; in good years, we devote ourselves to research.

It's just that he practiced hard, but in the end he couldn't take that step.

One night when he was one hundred and twenty-eight years old.

He drank a lot of wine, went to the tree, talked to it about many things, and told it not to look for a mate among his descendants.

As he talked, he stopped talking. When the family woke up at dawn, they saw that he had passed away under the plum tree.

But Plum Blossom Village grew stronger and stronger, and finally formed a large scale...

"So, you have endured this long and sent away several generations just to wait for me?"

In the pavilion, Xu Tong looked at the old man in front of him who called himself the Plum Blossom Fairy, and kept smashing his mouth. This story is not as good as a magic stick.

But Mei Xian was very sure: "Of course, if you can see the treasure talisman left in my body, it means that you are my last destined person. If you promise me, this villa, the treasure in the mountain, and

I will give you all the collection of books and ancient books left by Taoist Meihua."

"Um... Strictly speaking, these should be the things of the Mei family, right?"

Xu Tong rolled his eyes, this was more direct than borrowing flowers to offer to Buddha.

"No! Yu Ji and Taoist Meihua made an agreement with me, and their inheritance belongs to me.

Only my destined people can inherit it.

This is the ancestral motto of the Mei family, and the Mei family cannot say anything, not to mention that the Mei family is no longer suitable for practice, and their family no longer needs these treasures."

Mei Xian has watched several generations of the Mei family, and he knows very well the current situation and mentality of the Mei family. He knows best.

As long as Xu Tong nods, he can make the decision to give these things to Xu Tong, and the Mei family will never complain about it.

Otherwise, it would be a violation of the ancestral precepts and the agreement between him and Meihua Taoist.

Even though he broke the agreement, he couldn't do anything to the Mei family, but then the Mei family's luck would dissipate, and within a few years the Mei family would inevitably be in decline or even fall apart.

I believe the Mei family can still tell which one is more important.

"Then what can you teach me? I already know how to search for spirits and bones, so I don't need you to teach me."

Taoist Meihua has hidden the most important core chapter of Yanshu in the Paper Spiritual Sutra. Coupled with the formulas taught by his master's wife, he has already understood how to search for spirits and bones, and there is no need for Mei Xian to teach him.

"Hehe, it's precisely because you have understood how to search for spirits and bones that you need me to help you. Otherwise, even if you can figure it out on your own, you will have to figure it out until when."

Mei Xian was not disappointed when he heard this, but was very excited to introduce to Xu Tong the wonderful use of searching for spirits and bones.

He opened his palm, and a magical talisman shining with strange light appeared on his palm.

"Try to put your hand on it and see."

"No, what if you pass this thing to me once it's put up? I haven't promised you anything yet."

Xu Tong shook his head in alarm and refused.

This made Mei Xian secretly curse this guy for being too treacherous and completely unsuitable.

So I could only say with a grimace: "Then what do you want!"

"My yard is missing a tree!"

"your home??"

Mei Xian couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Where is your home, and how can I get to your home? Even if you want to transplant it, my rhizomes have already taken root for hundreds of miles, so how can you tamper with it? What's more, your home is just an ordinary place.

Earth, I’m afraid I’m not accustomed to the soil.”

Mei Xian's words were actually very subtle, but also very straightforward.

Where is your home?

Can it be compared with this place??

Seeing this, Xu Tong stopped talking nonsense and took a step back, clasping his hands in front of his chest.

"Uh...what are you??"

When Mei Xian saw this, she thought that Xu Tong was preparing to perform a apprenticeship ceremony for her, so she immediately sat upright and looked prepared.

Unexpectedly, when Xu Tong bowed his hands, the surroundings were shaken.

"You...what are you doing??"

Ignoring the fear in Mei Xian's heart, Xu Tong continued to bow down. Suddenly, the void in front of his eyes tore open, and a large door appeared behind him.

Xu Tong knocked on the door, and as the door slowly opened, billowing evil spirits surged out, and when he looked around, he saw the boundless black sea.

"here it is!!"

Mei Xian's eyes widened, and she couldn't help but be shocked when she saw the scene inside the gate behind Xu Tong.

"There is such magic in the world!!"

Mei Xian has lived in this world for too long and has watched many unparalleled geniuses, such as Yu Ji and Mei Hua Taoist, so she naturally has a sharp eye and can tell what is going on in the world behind Xu Tong at a glance.

Good guy, others have practiced hard to become great masters, and between reality and reality, they have just evolved their own understanding of the Tao.

Just like the illusion Xu Tong is in at this moment, it is the reality between Mei Xian's own reality.

Floating clouds spread over the sea, thousands of years pass in a blink of an eye.

It fits his state of mind and growth process.

But Xu Tong's virtual reality actually achieves the combination of virtual reality and reality, connecting yin and yang.

Such a strange technique was also an eye-opener for Mei Xian.

This is not to say that the talents of Taoist Meihua and Yu Ji were not as good as the master and could not create such a strange reality. In fact, in the final analysis, the master was too poor.

This poverty does not refer to wealth, but to resources.

Xue Gui's era was already the end of the Dharma, and the resources and opportunities for practice had long since disappeared.

Although Xue Gui is a Grand Master, there is no possibility of further advancement. He can only work hard to figure out whether he can make a fuss between reality and reality.

Finally, with the spirit of breaking a penny in half, he came up with the strange and unique skill of Bai Shan Kou.

Otherwise, if it were another era, Xue Gui would not waste time on the illusion and reality, and would have started to understand the Tao, enter the Tao, and try his best to improve his cultivation.

"This is my home. It cannot be said to be a geomantic treasure, but it is the only place in the world that connects Yin and Yang." Xu Tong pointed to the mansion at one end of the Black Sea and said to Mei Xian.

Looking at the high-walled ancient houses standing tall in the void, connecting the Yin and Yang worlds.

The fairy's heart was moved.

It is a bit exaggerated to say that this kind of place is unique in the world. After all, in its perception, this kind of place does not exist in the world.

It's just that places like this have either been sealed up or are no longer suitable for spiritual beings to live there.

Some places have even been developed into scenic spots.

At present, although Qingcheng Mountain is half open and half hidden, what will happen if it is not fully preserved?

The reason why Mei Xian is eager to find the third destined person is precisely because he discovered that more and more people have begun to walk up the mountain in recent years.

When the cable car was being repaired a few years ago, if the Mei family hadn't come forward, the cable car would have hung over my head.

While Mei Xian was struggling, a woman quietly appeared behind Xu Tong in the black sea. It was the eldest princess.


Mei Xian was instantly frightened when she saw the eldest princess.

It claims to be an immortal, but it is far from being an immortal. To put it bluntly, it is just an elf who knows how to cultivate plants and trees.

Seeing an enlightened person like the eldest princess, it is inevitable that my heart will be filled with excitement.

Since the generation of Taoist Meihua, great masters have become increasingly rare, and those who have entered Taoism have become even rarer, let alone those who have attained Taoism.

Now, an enlightened man appeared unexpectedly behind Xu Tong, and Mei Xian understood instantly. No wonder this boy was indifferent to the temptation he had promised, and his family's wealth was also very rich.

"Hmm!! The family is rich!"

Thinking of this, Mei Xian couldn't help but feel a little touched in her heart.

"What an ancient plum, do you want me to help you?"

The eldest princess's eyes were as bright as lightning, and she could see through Mei Xian's true form at a glance.

"No! What are you doing out here??"

Xu Tong looked at the eldest princess and said that she did not need to intervene in this matter.

"Your master asked me to give you something, but you opened the door yourself before I called you."

The eldest princess said, handing a warrant to Xu Tong.

When Xu Tong opened it and took a look, he suddenly had a bitter look on his face: "Luo Tianda Di!"

"Yes, that's a good thing. In the past, Qimen wanted to participate but couldn't get a seat. That is to say, the current situation is special. Otherwise, do you really think that you are a piece of cake and can participate in a ceremony of this level?"

As the eldest princess spoke, the person came closer unknowingly, staring intently at Xu Tong's neck.

Xu Tong could even smell the faint fragrance on her body.

He immediately backed away cautiously, fearing that this bitch wouldn't be able to help but talk to him.

"Okay, I get it."

He put the order away and thought: "No wonder Taoist Dongxuan said that if he can refuse, he will refuse. He will never force it. Now it seems that he really can't refuse."

Putting this matter aside for now, Xu Tong looked at Mei Xian: "How about it, do you agree? If you don't agree, just pretend I didn't say anything."

The temptation offered by Mei Xian is great, but Xu Tong values ​​Mei Xian more. If Mei Xian is willing to settle in his reality, then the benefits he mentioned will naturally be indispensable.

If you don't want to, you actually have nothing to lose.

After all, he has mastered the core of Yan Shu, and the next step is to think about developing and creating it. Without the scriptures mentioned by Mei Xian, it may not be a bad thing for him.

After all, the best does not mean the most suitable for you.


This time Mei Xian did not persist, but he put forward a condition, which was to wait for Xu Tong to enter Taoism.

After all, Xu Tong is still just the Grand Master.

The so-called great master is just someone who has figured out his own truth in a skill.

But there is still a long way to go to truly enter the Tao.

Only when Xu Tong truly enters Taoism can he truly take the step of spiritual practice.

Xu Tong didn't think there was anything excessive about Mei Xian's request and readily agreed.

In fact, I have already begun to think about asking my master to prepare a suitable place for Mei Xian.

After the conditions were agreed upon, Mei Xian seemed a little tired. After all, it was very tiring to drag Xu Tong into the gap between his reality and reality. So after confirming that Xu Tong had no other problems, Mei Xian removed his reality and reality.

Wu Jian returned to his body to rest.

"Aren't you going back?"

At this time, Xu Tong discovered that the eldest princess had not returned, and couldn't help but look at her warily.

"Your master gave me a day off and allowed me to go out for a walk."

The eldest princess glanced around curiously. In fact, the eldest princess could not escape the nature of a girl after all. The girl did not like to play, but she had no conditions in the past and was not allowed to appear in the world of the world and walk around at will.

But now, she has reversed life and death, from death to life. Now she looks no different from a living person. Now, if she is not the kind of person with extremely high moral conduct, no one will be able to tell her whereabouts.

"I can play with you, but please don't try to trick me!"

Xu Tong stared at the eldest princess, always feeling that it was not a good thing for this girl to be with him.

"You just said that it is a good thing that my master wants me to participate in Luotian Dazhan. Is there some mystery in it??"

Xu Tong remembered the warrant given to him by his master and couldn't help asking.

"Well, just play with me for a day and then I'll tell you!"

The eldest princess's eyes were wandering, with a playful look, as if the expressions on her face had become richer after she became a living person.

In fact, even if the eldest princess didn't say anything, Xu Tong couldn't just leave her alone and let her run around, otherwise he would be the one who got into trouble in the end.

So he made a three-part agreement with the eldest princess.

It's okay to take her to play, but first of all, you can't always think about biting yourself.

Second, be obedient.

Third, if you haven’t thought about it well, you can add it at any time.

The eldest princess naturally happily agreed to this.

Later, the eldest princess also informed Xu Tong about some things about Luo Tianda.

She was very familiar with this kind of thing. Her grandfather, Emperor Jia, once had people on his behalf preside over Buddhist rituals of this level.

It is said that 3,600 immortals will be invited to Putian Dazhan, which is so large that it is rarely seen in the world.

It is said that every time it is held, part of Qingcheng Mountain's luck will be consumed, and since this is an important memorial ceremony exclusively for the royal family, it is not something that can be done easily.

Zhoutian Dipping is simpler, but it also requires inviting 2,400 gods to come to the world.

In comparison, Luo Tianda Dipping is simply trivial.

Luotian Dipping is the simplest of the three dips, requiring a total of 1,200 gods to be invited.

It is said that after completing all the rituals, blessings will come down, and those who really have the opportunity will be favored and blessed by a certain god.

Of course this is what is said to the outside world.

Although there are, very few people are truly blessed by the gods.

The eldest princess once saw detailed records in her grandfather's manual.

The so-called blessings from the gods, in fact, should be said to be a communication between humans and gods. In the name of the Dharma Assembly, the gods can pass on some news to their descendants, or give it to their own families under the guise of public benefit.

Inherit some private goods and so on.

After hearing what the eldest princess said, Xu Tong thought for a while: "So, there is some god who wants to see me??"

"It seems like it's from Beiyin, or it could be your master's immediate superior. Anyway, it's definitely not the gods above who want to see you. Anyway, there's definitely no harm in participating."

The eldest princess stretched her body and seemed not interested in this kind of thing.

Xu Tong thought about it for a while, but couldn't figure it out, so he simply stopped thinking about it. Before dawn, the two of them went down the mountain and walked towards the main entrance of Qingcheng Mountain.

The journey was not far, and the two of them did not have enough foot power to walk for long.

But when we arrived at the place, we were immediately shocked.

Xu Tong glanced at the time, good guy, it’s only four in the morning, and these people aren’t sleeping anymore??

I saw that there was already a sea of ​​people in front of the main gate, and it was almost difficult to find parking spaces in the two nearby parking lots. People who came later had to park farther away.

“It’s so lively!”

The eldest princess looked at the sea of ​​people in front of her, blinking her eyes.

Born in the palace and died in the palace, this was the first time she had seen such a lively place.

"Oh, then you have to follow closely, I won't squeeze you out later, I don't want to look for you."

Xu Tong glanced at his mouth.

He took the eldest princess's hand and led her into the crowd.

Xu Tong and the eldest princess were like loaches, squeezing in every possible opportunity.

If you see that there is really no road ahead, just step on it like lightning.

Many people didn't see clearly who it was, so they felt a pain in their feet. They grinned in pain, stared and cursed in a circle. If they didn't see the person, they could only consider themselves unlucky.

"Fellow Daoist Xu!! Come this way, don't squeeze in."

Not far away, someone suddenly shouted. Xu Tong looked over and saw that it was none other than Zhang Haisheng.

At this moment, I saw that he was wearing a formal robe, holding a jade Ruyi in his hand, and wearing a dharma hat. Not to mention that he looked a bit like a Taoist master wearing this robe.

Seeing Xu Tong looking towards him, Zhang Haisheng waved to him, indicating that Xu Tong should go up the mountain with the Taoist priests, so that he wouldn't have to squeeze in with the ordinary people.

Who knew that this was Zhang Haisheng's kind act, but Xu Tong grinned: "No, we want to experience life!"

“Experience life??”

Zhang Haisheng frowned, wondering what this kid was up to.

Why does there always appear to be a woman next to him??

Just when Zhang Haisheng was lost in thought, Xu Tong had already dragged the eldest princess into the crowd, and no shadow could be seen.

"Tch!! You're obviously trying to pick up girls and talk about experiencing life."

Zhang Haisheng curled his lips, took a deep breath and began to guard Yuan Yi and concentrate.

"Ding!! Ding!!"

As Luo Tianda, the consciousness is naturally very complicated. The Taoist priests of each family have to go up the mountain from the foot of the mountain, chanting and chanting scriptures, without stopping in the middle.

Zhang Haisheng naturally had to concentrate on handling such a grand ceremony.

I just don’t know if it’s intentional or not.

Every time Zhang Haisheng raised his head, he could see Xu Tong and the woman standing not far away, talking and laughing, either taking pictures, enjoying the cool air, or eating.

The laughter that came out from time to time made Zhang Haisheng feel disgusted for a while.

After finally climbing up the mountain, I looked up and felt relieved when I didn't see the two of them.

But at this time, a burst of flirting came from behind him.

"Is this delicious?"

"Mmm, it's so delicious!"

"It's delicious. You can eat the chicken neck, but don't stare at my neck!"

When I turned around, I saw the doggy man and woman in the corner holding a bucket of Baixiang Laotan instant noodles and eating them with gusto.

The sour and refreshing smell wafted over, making Zhang Hai's empty and flat stomach start to growl uncontrollably: "This couple of bitches really piss me off!"

He was here under the sun, and they were making love to each other over there. This huge gap inevitably made Zhang Haisheng feel sick.

Of course, apart from Zhang Haisheng, there were also a few Taoist priests who couldn't stand them. They were chanting sutras under the bright sun and the cold wind, while these two people just sat around eating and drinking, which was not appropriate.

Just when he was about to call someone to drive the two of them down the mountain, he suddenly saw several old Taoist priests wearing Bagua robes and holding whisks in their hands walking over from one side.

"It's Taoist Master Lingxu from Longhu Mountain!"

"Taoist Master Jingyun of Yuntai Mountain and Master Huaigu of Mount Emei are also here."

Someone with a keen eye could recognize the identities of the newcomers at a glance.

I saw that a few Taoists were quite old, but they were young-looking and had a transcendent temperament. These three Taoist priests all had the same status as Mount Tai in Taoism today.

Especially Taoist Lingxu from Longhu Mountain, although he is not a Celestial Master from Longhu Mountain, he has a high status and is also the president of the Taoist Association.

After several people saw Xu Tong, they walked towards them.

Just when the young Taoist priests thought that this pair of bastards must be reprimanded by several elders.

The next scene made everyone's eyes widen.

I saw three Taoist priests from Longhu Mountain, Lingxu, walking up to Xu Tong and the eldest princess with smiles on their face. When they looked at the eldest princess, their steps and bodies froze at the same time, and their eyes almost popped out of their eyes.

Taoist Lingxu even rubbed his eyes, almost wondering if he had seen it wrong.

He quickly made a hand gesture: "Immeasurable Heavenly Lord, a distinguished guest is here. Please move to the inner hall to rest."

"No, it's good to eat here. Would you like a bucket?"

Xu Tong said as he raised the instant noodles and handed them over. When the Taoist priests following Lingxu saw this, they blew their beards and stared in anger. They were about to speak, but Taoist Lingxu took the instant noodles generously instead.

"Hahaha, being able to sit on the floor with two fellow Taoists is also a blessing for a poor Taoist."

Taoist Master Lingxu said that and sat down on the grass. The two Taoist priests Jingyun and Huaigu who were following him were naturally unwilling to be left behind and sat down immediately after seeing this.

Just kidding, these old Taoist priests have been practicing all their lives just to become enlightened. Now a living enlightened person is right under their noses, how could they miss it so easily.

Seeing this, Xu Tong smiled and gave instant noodles to the other two Taoists.

The few old Taoist priests from Qingcheng Mountain who were following behind immediately became ashamed when they saw this, and coughed slightly: "Ahem, this is not good, okay?"

Xu Tong nodded thoughtfully when he heard this: "That's not a good idea. How about I sing a song for you to cheer you up!"

After hearing this, the faces of several old Taoist priests turned green, and they waved their hands: "No, no, please do as you please." After saying that, they turned around and left without looking back.

At this time, everyone was shocked, and the young Taoist priests were all dumbfounded.

The president of the Taoist Association, Taoist Master Jingyun of Yuntai Mountain, and Master Huaigu of Mount Emei, these three are all well-known Taoist figures today, but they are sitting here eating instant noodles??

And who are these men and women that can make all three of them so polite?

This is Luotian Dazhan. How could several veteran Taoists from Qingcheng Mountain just run away from such an important Dharma gathering?

Not to mention these young Taoists were surprised.

Even the tourists from behind walked over and looked at the scene of three old Taoist priests and a man and woman sitting under a tree eating instant noodles with surprise on their faces. They also looked weird for a moment.

Some people even took out their mobile phones and took photos. The title was: "Going to the Earthly Feast and Eating Instant Noodles on Qingcheng Mountain."

This chapter has been completed!
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