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Chapter 8: Manjiang Vermilion Repaying Debt)

"Wow, wow, wow..."

On the river, a small boat sailed alone, drifting along the river into the reeds. Using the paddle to push aside the reeds, we saw a blood-red reef standing on the water.

The rocks were stained red with blood, and broken clothes and bones were scattered everywhere.

In the past, people in the Heshen Division didn't feel scared, but today, looking at the broken limbs and arms here, their scalp went numb for a moment.

"Sir, have mercy on me, my lord, have mercy on me. I have a seventy-year-old mother at home, and I am the only male in our family. Please have mercy, sir!"

Some people were lying on the ground, crying and begging Xu Tong to let them go.

Unfortunately, no matter how much they begged for mercy, Xu Tong's face remained expressionless.

The indifferent gaze does not seem to be looking at a person at all, but an object, a tool.

He raised his hand and Facai emerged from the entrance of the hall and dexterously wrapped around Xu Tong's hand.

"I may have to sacrifice you for a while, but when this matter is over, I will make up for it for you."

When faced with getting rich, Xu Tong's voice was particularly gentle. Ever since getting rich fell into his hands, he had never really felt comfortable. He was the one who sacrificed the most every time.

Last time, in order to prevent Lao Dao from becoming a Taoist, his level was almost burned out. After finally recovering, Xu Tong needed it to sacrifice again.

Fa Cai turned into a meat dumpling and landed in Xu Tong's palm. He shook his body and activated the skill to clone, and his chubby body shrunk by half.

Xu Tong held half of it in his hand, pinched it gently, and rolled it into a golden ball.

"Hey, it's up to you whether you can drink tortoise soup tonight!"

As he spoke, he grabbed the one who cried the loudest, raised his hand, and threw Facai into the other person's mouth.


I don’t know what it is, but people instinctively want to spit it out, but once Fucai enters the mouth, it is like a loach that encounters a hole, burrowing down the throat.


It wasn't until I swallowed it that the discomfort gradually disappeared.

Xu Tong then raised his hand and threw these people onto the rocks, rowed the boat leisurely, stopped the boat, and jumped into the air, the boots under his feet giving off a strange shimmer.

This is exactly the prop [Void Boots] that Xu Tong gambled out from the casino prop book. This pair of shoes can not only improve dodge, but the active skill can increase the speed by 200%. More importantly, the passive skill of the boots can leave no trace in the snow.

Quite practical.

Passive skill: Walking in the snow without leaving a trace

The holder ignores the troubles of natural terrain, such as in mountains, forests and snowy areas, which are difficult places to walk on, and can walk on flat ground without being affected by the natural environment.

With the passive blessing of Ta Xue Wuhen, Xu Tong stepped on the water and quietly got into the reeds without causing even the slightest ripple.

Coupled with the assistance of [Black Biao Brocade Robe], even the slightest bit of popularity was not exuded.

But after all, this is the home court of the Bastard. Of course Xu Tong doesn't dare to be careless. Whether the master can hold the position of City God depends on this Bastard.

So just in case, Xu Tong also activated the active skill of [Breath of Nature].

Active skill 1: Breath of nature.

Spend 10 script points to hide your own breath in the natural environment, integrating your body with the natural environment to achieve a camouflage effect.

For a moment, Xu Tong's figure gradually merged with the surrounding reeds and grass.

At this time, no matter whether the tortoise uses his soul to perceive or discerns with his naked eyes, it is difficult to detect the existence of Xu Tong.

After doing everything, Xu Tong began to wait patiently.


At the first watch of the night, as the sky gets darker, a cool breeze comes from time to time on the lake, blowing the reeds around it and making a rustling sound.

The few people on the reef looked at the growing darkness around them, becoming more and more nervous. They seemed to have felt that death was approaching them at a faster pace.

It is said that fear comes from the unknown, but this may not always be the case.

Compared to the people who were left here to die before, these people from Heshensi are like death row criminals who clearly informed you of the execution time.

As time goes by, the mental pressure increases.

They usually look fierce and fierce, but at this moment their faces are full of panic. They have thought about running away, but Guo Yi and others are not good at torture and extorting confessions, but when it comes to the art of binding, they are definitely high-end players.

Everyone was tied up one by one, and everyone was tied up tightly. Let alone escaping, whether they could straighten up or not was a problem.

"Oh, I don't want to die, I don't want to die!"

Someone started sobbing softly.

Some people also began to curse, including Song's relatives and friends, Jiang Zhen, and Li Zheng. They cursed so much that even their own parents and even the current saints began to greet him, as if the whole world owed him something.


But after the impotent rage, there were waves of emptiness and panic.


At this time, Xu Tong's eyelids moved slightly.

Ripples were seen on the water surface, and everyone could hear the sound of paddling.

"The River God...the River God is here!"

Someone with sharp ears and eyes raised his head immediately after hearing the sound, then forced himself to kneel on the ground, kowtowing desperately toward the front, and said in his mouth;

"Lord River God, it's us. I'm Zhang Kun. We are your disciples and disciples. We are from the River God Division. Don't eat us. Don't eat us."

The ruffian Zhang Kun shouted loudly, his voice unprecedentedly pious.

Before today, he didn't know what the River God looked like, and he didn't know whether he was a real god, but now he hoped that the River God was a real god, because gods don't eat humans.

In his daze, Zhang Kun completely forgot how the river god ate those ordinary people.

Suddenly, Zhang Kun's shoulders sank, and a fishy smell hit his nostrils from behind. He could feel a hand touching his shoulder, and the cold fingers seemed to be sliding up the back of his head. His scalp felt tight for a moment.

Goosebumps all over my body stood up involuntarily.

Is he a river god??

Zhang Kun did not dare to look back and kept chanting: "River God, River God, I am Zhang Kun, I am your disciple and grandson..."

As soon as the cool breeze blew, Zhang Kun's body trembled, and his crotch was already full of stench.

At this time, the strange feeling behind him gradually disappeared, allowing Zhang Kun's tense heartstrings to gradually relax. He took courage and slowly looked behind him.

When I turned around, the cool breeze stirred slightly, but there was nothing behind me.

Hmm...but this was just a fantasy that flashed through his mind.

Only when Zhang Kun swallowed his foam and was about to turn his head and look back.


Suddenly, a bloody mouth opened up and he bit off the top of his head: "Kaka zi" blood spurted out for a while, and the sound of bones and minced meat rubbing against each other echoed under the night sky.


Desperate screams continued one after another, echoing on the huge river.

However, the sound quickly stopped and gradually stopped.


The reeds danced in the wind, and drops of blood dripped down the leaves. The blood spilled out along the reeds, floating along the river for a while and then quickly disappeared.

There were broken corpses all over the ground. There was no miracle or mercy, and there was only the sound of chewing in the air.

A huge head slowly poked its head out of the soil, swallowing the corpse into its mouth with big mouthfuls. Its indifferent eyes had no feeling at all for the blood food of these self-proclaimed disciples.

It has survived for nearly three hundred years. In its eyes, these humans are just like the fish and shrimp in the water, they are just delicious and full of vitality food.

In addition to the delicious taste, more importantly, at this moment, it very much needs the vitality of these foods to restore its soul from the heavy damage it suffered yesterday.

As soon as he thought of this, those huge eyes inevitably raised their heads and looked in the direction of Yuyang City, their eyes full of resentful anger.

His soul cast a spell, but the city god suddenly returned to his position and he was caught off guard.

Although the City God has just taken office and has not even established a firm foothold yet, the City God is the lord of a city, and he will naturally not be able to please him if he rushes into Yuyang City.

Fortunately, although Yuanshen was injured, the wound was not serious. He only had splitting headaches every day. Only by swallowing a large amount of blood food could he recover as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, it couldn't help but wonder if it should give Yuyang Governor a dream and ask him to send more blood food in the next few days.

"Well, I want a younger one. Today's one is too old and a bit hard to chew!"

The huge head was stretching its neck and gnawing. Suddenly, in its sight, it noticed a vague shadow in the reeds quietly approaching it.

How could this old turtle not be a little vigilant after surviving in this vast river for more than three hundred years? The moment he saw the shadow, the old turtle jerked his neck and spat out a ball of blood.

The blood cells were mixed with human bones, and once spit out, they exploded like a shotgun.


Suddenly the sky was filled with blood, and large reeds fell to the ground.

This move of Lao Gui can be described as extremely vicious. It seems to be mainly forceful, but in fact, what is really terrifying is the blood mist that spreads. This blood mist is mixed with his unique stomach acid, which is even gold.

A strong acid that can dissolve it.

There was a Taoist priest who wanted to surrender to him, but he was caught off guard and was seriously injured on the spot by his move.

However, what the old turtle didn't expect was that a figure emerged from the blood mist in front of him, but ignored the bone-crushing attack and the terrifying acid in the blood mist and flew towards him.

"Demon had arrived!"

The fire of hell ignited, and the firelight illuminated the night sky, revealing a figure covered in blue-black dragon armor. Even his face and eyes were covered by a thin layer of scales.

A lion fights a rabbit with all his strength, let alone confronting such a monster. Xu Tong certainly has no chance of showing mercy. The Chunyang sword was unsheathed, and Xu Tong held it tightly with both hands, slashing the sword in the air.


The active skill of Fiery Swordsmanship [Fire Love] is activated.

Fire Passion (LV3) +3 (Pure Yang Sword Passive) (Demon King Arrives Fire Skill Increase)


Spend 20 script points to summon tiger-shaped sword energy to cause fire explosion damage to targets within a hundred meters in front.

When the corrosive fire, hell fire, and flaming sword energy were mixed together, the flames turned into a strange vermilion, giving people an indescribable sense of evil.


The roar of the tiger penetrated the sky, and a giant tiger in the sea of ​​vermilion fire exuded a fierce murderous aura and pounced on the old turtle, and everything around it instantly vaporized in its path.

Even in Yuyang City, which is more than ten miles away, you can still see the dazzling red light on the horizon in the distance.

Lao Gui may have never dreamed that the other party just spit out a mouthful of phlegm. How about you come up and give me a king bomb?

Immediately, the huge body flipped, and the reef split open. It turned out that the reef tightly surrounded by reeds turned out to be the old turtle's body.

Fortunately, Xu Tong had Wuhen Wuhen and a black brocade robe, otherwise he would have been noticed by the old turtle when he turned back.

Immediately, the old turtle's body trembled, and he desperately wanted to dive into the water. He had already felt the terror of the flames, and at the same time, he wanted to retract his head into the turtle shell.

The old turtle has great confidence in his turtle shell, which is his natal treasure that has been sacrificed for three hundred years.

As long as you save your head, it doesn't matter if your limbs are damaged, as long as you eat a few more people.

But since Xu Tong took action with all his strength, how could he give him a chance to escape?

Just as the old turtle was about to shrink his neck, he suddenly felt a huge pain in his throat. Golden spears pierced the skin from under his throat, and his head was stuck outside the turtle shell.

The severe pain made the old turtle scream, and he opened his mouth to spit out a large ball of strong acid from his stomach, which instantly corroded the strange thing stuck in his throat.

But at this moment, the Fire Tiger had suddenly fallen down, and its two front paws touched the water surface, causing the water surface to evaporate quickly, just like the giant tiger tearing the water surface out of thin air.


Accompanied by earth-shattering rumbles, everyone on the river bank stared with wide eyes and held their breaths at the vermilion water in front of them. This moment was unforgettable for them!

This chapter has been completed!
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