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Chapter 11: Make money and pay off debts)

At noon the next day, Xu Tong walked out of the gate of the governor's office.

At this moment, the clothes on his body were completely new.

Wearing a crown with two red stripes on it, it looks particularly eye-catching.

He is wearing a brown official uniform with a round collar, with dark flowers embroidered on the cuffs and collar, and a silver fish brocade bag around his waist.

Maybe it's because the Li family has a bit of Hu people's blood, so Li Zheng's skin is very white, and his facial features are a bit more heroic. In addition, he has been well-dressed and well-fed since he was a child, and his figure is also very upright.

Wearing a suit of clothes, it actually brings out a bit of nobility.

"Your Majesty!"

Guo Yi and others had been waiting outside the Yamen for a long time. When they saw Xu Tong coming out, they immediately stepped forward to greet him.

Guo Yi pulled Xu Tong's arm and took him aside: "The governor didn't embarrass you, right?"

After all, Song Qin and Peng are Jiang Zhen's subordinates, and Xu Tong's behavior last night was actually very dangerous, and even suspected of inciting civil unrest.

If Jiang Zhen takes this opportunity to attack, the prince will inevitably be disgraced.

However, Guo Yi's worries are purely overblown.

Jiang Zhen really didn't embarrass himself. Not only did he not embarrass himself, he neatly arranged all the handover matters, carriages, horses, accommodation, and office space for Xu Tong.

Now they don't need to stay in a hotel at all, they can stay in a post house, where food, drinks and accommodation are all included.

When Guo Yi heard that there was no need to spend money, his honest face smiled happily.

Of course, they really don't have much money.

In fact, there is a reason why it went so smoothly.

He and his party entered the city from the river bank. Song's relatives and friends, including the whole family, including young and old, committed suicide. Jiang Zhen showed up just in time and even wrote the paperwork. This efficiency was so fast that it completely refreshed his outlook on life.

Xu Tong even wondered if this guy was a player with a mobile phone in his pocket.

Jiang Zhen finally cut off the tail cleanly. At this time, how dare he do anything? He just begged Xu Tong to finish the work quickly and get out!

"Sir, this is your carriage."

After saying this, the group of people walked out. After taking just two steps, a guard brought a carriage.

It has to be said that even though he is a fifth-rank official, his salary is not generally good. Xu Tong got into the carriage and sat comfortably in it, now he didn't even have to walk.


At this time, Xu Tong suddenly felt that the cushion on his waist was a little uncomfortable. He stretched out his hand and touched it, and it turned out to be a rosewood box.

"This thing..."

The box was opened, and inside were twelve neat gold bars.

The bright gold bars make people feel dazzling.

I picked one up and weighed it in my hand. One gold bar was about five taels.

According to the current exchange rate of gold to silver, one tael of gold can be exchanged for 5 taels of silver, which can be exchanged for 8,000 Wen cash, which can buy 20,000 kilograms of rice.

Although there are only twelve pieces in the box, there are still three hundred taels of silver in total.

Don't look at yourself as spending money like water, but you are just trying to sell yourself out and don't feel bad about it.

If you don’t believe it, just look at Guo Yi’s expression every time he spends money.

If you think about your cheap father, the dignified prince, who has saved only a thousand taels of silver over the years, you will know how valuable money is in today's world.

Who gave him this money?

You can tell with your toes that it must be Jiang Zhen, the governor. It can be understood that this is a kind of temptation.

If he refuses, then he is not in the same boat as Jiang Zhen.

If Jiang Zhen is questioned about this, he can easily find an excuse. For example, this is to recruit workers for himself. When building a river, he must have forgotten to mention the cost of purchasing tools when the servants sent them over.

If he accepted the money, he would be accepting a bribe. Of course, the advantage was that once Jiang Zhen saw that he had received the money, he would be able to continue giving it to him with confidence and boldness, firmly binding himself to his broken ship.

If it were the original Li Zheng, he would have refused the money decisively.

But once the money is in Xu Tong's mouth, there is no reason to spit it out.

"Guo Yi!" Xu Tong called softly.


Guo Yi gently opened the car curtain with his hand and listened carefully.

"Don't go back to the posthouse now, let's go to the City God's Temple."


Guo Yi nodded: "Change the route and go to the Chenghuang Temple!"

The carriage turned around and headed straight for the City God's Temple.

By the time the car arrived near the City God's Temple, it actually couldn't move any further.

Why? Traffic jam.

Xu Tong poked his head out of the carriage and took a look. Oh dear, a street full of pedestrians and carriages had blocked the road.

Guo Yi originally wanted to buy some incense and candles, after all, he was the most opposed to the construction of the City God's Temple.

Unexpectedly, as the prince said, their safety depended entirely on the city god. As soon as he inquired about it, all the incense candles in Yuyang City were sold out.

In the script world of the late Qing Dynasty, when Xu Tong was running Fu Xian, there was no such hot scene at its peak.

It feels like the entire Yuyang City people are going to the Chenghuang Temple to offer incense.

Xu Tong used his life eye to look at the Qimen, and saw that the sky above the Chenghuang Temple was dazzling, with faith like fire and smoke like the sea.

"This is going to make a lot of money!"

Behind them, Da Ya and the others were dumbfounded. They had already begun to imagine that they could eat incense and merit tonight, and they would eat until they were full.

No, it should be said that from now on, I'm afraid they won't have to worry about the merits of incense for a long time.

Isn't this a waste of money?

In fact, the reason why there are so many people is not just because the City God appears.

Another part of the reason is that the turtle's body has been pulled to the front of the City God's Temple.

It is said that more than a dozen large iron pots have been set up to stew this tortoise soup and distribute it to the people who want to make incense.

This was not arranged by Xu Tong, but organized spontaneously by these common people.

At this time, the wealthy businessmen and officials' families in Yuyang City could not sit still and drove over one after another.

In fact, for such a big bastard, not to mention ordinary people, even Jiang Zhen, the governor of Yizhou, wanted to have a try.

This stuff is old.

But the people didn't give him this chance at all, and directly carried the bastard to the front of the City God's Temple. Butchers from all over Yuyang City and cooks from several restaurants rushed over and started working.

Seeing that the road was blocked, Xu Tong could only ask someone to send the carriage back, and then walked inside.

Fortunately, Xu Tong's brand-new official uniform was extremely eye-catching. When everyone took a look and recognized Xu Tong, they immediately shouted to make way for Xu Tong.

"Thank you, Mr. Li!"

Wherever Xu Tong went, many people bowed and bowed their hands.

In the hearts of many people, this young Master Li used the hands of the City God to kill the river monster that had been causing trouble to them for many years.

But Mr. Li himself also pulled out the gang of ruffians from the Heshen Division and took them to the Song relatives and friends to seek justice from the high officials. This achievement is not much worse than killing the river demon.

Even the storytellers on the street have arranged their stories.

It is said that they are all compiled into a set of stories, and the table of contents is as follows...

"The City God Comes to the World" "Li Guanren Wisdom Destroys Demons" "Song's Relatives and Friends Send Poisoned Wine to Relatives and Friends"

It's a pity that Xu Tong didn't know, otherwise he would have bought a few sets and kept them

For a moment, even the entourage following Xu Tong couldn't help but raise their heads, feeling more proud than those who had won the first prize in the exam.

Only Guo Yi had a cold face the whole time. Seeing the expressions of the followers behind him, his eyes became even colder. He turned around and lowered his voice:

"The Crown Prince is out and about, and there are so many eyes on him. Please be alert and don't let me find out whoever uses the Crown Prince's reputation to gain prestige. I will break his three legs!"

After being poured down by Guo Yi's basin of cold water, the initially complacent followers immediately looked like eggplants beaten by frost. They all lowered their heads and did not dare to feel complacent again.

Soon Xu Tong, with the support of everyone, finally walked to the gate of the City God's Temple.

At this moment, there is a strong fragrance in the air.

There was a lot of excitement in front of the gate, and delicious tortoise soup was already being cooked in twelve huge iron pots.

The tortoise soup in these twelve iron pots are all different.

Ordinary tortoise soup, which contains cabbage, fish and shrimp.

The high-end tortoise soup also contains various tonics and rare fish.

As for the best and most luxurious pot of tortoise soup, it is said that the wealthy businessmen in the city raised funds to make it.

It contained not only precious medicinal materials, but also a 100-year-old ginseng root. The cook just tasted the salty taste and ended up having a nosebleed on the spot.

Looking at the tortoise again, all that was left was an empty shell.

As for the turtle shell, it’s not that people don’t want to stew it, but it’s just that they can’t cut it open and they don’t have such a big iron pot.

At this time, when many people heard that Mr. Li was coming, they didn't even burn incense and ran out one after another.

Among them were some women with strong styles. They came directly to Xu Tong and said, "Master Li, do you want a wife or not?"

Oh, no, the original words should be: "Whether Mr. Li is married or not, if you don't give up, the little girl is willing to follow you and serve you."

Xu Tong was quite happy, but at first glance, these women were all big and round, and then he remembered from Li Zheng's memory that in this script world, women regard fat as beautiful.

This made Xu Tong, who dreamed of being a pilot, completely shattered by his dream of taking off a plane. He could only look up to the sky and sigh: "I believe in Buddhism and am not a womanizer."

Seeing more and more people around.

Guo Yi and others immediately took out the sticks in their hands, formed a circle, separated the people, and then reluctantly cleared a clearing for Xu Tong.

Xu Tong cleared his throat, and everyone immediately fell silent when they saw that he was about to speak.

Xu Tong's expression gradually became serious: "Fellow fellow villagers, the river demon has caused chaos and harmed the village. Now it has finally been punished by God. Those demons who worked for the tiger have also been punished. However, after losing their loved ones, they will never be able to come back."

Speaking of this, the corners of Xu Tong's eyes gradually turned red, and everyone's frenzied hearts suddenly calmed down.

"Although I borrowed the power of the City God to eliminate the river demons, exterminate the demons, and restore peace to Yuyang Township, I feel deeply ashamed. Today, after discussing with me, the Governor decided to allocate three hundred taels of silver to raise funds.

Part of this money was used to compensate the people who were harmed by the River God Gang.

Another part will be used to build river channels to save Yuyang from floods as soon as possible.

The last part is to repair the temple for the City God, and may God bless the Zhou Dynasty, God bless the saints, and God bless Yuyang."

As soon as the words fell, everyone present was moved, and soon after they saw everyone raising their fists and shouting!

"God bless the Zhou Dynasty, God bless the saints, God bless Yuyang!"

The loud voices shook the heaven and the earth.

At the same time, Xu Tong seemed to have noticed something. He raised his head and took a look. He saw luck surging above his head, and he could vaguely see a golden coffin hidden in the blue clouds. As the saying goes, getting promoted and making a fortune, this is a sign that official luck will go straight to the blue clouds.

For a moment, the smile on his face could hardly be hidden: "This wave is really profitable..."

This chapter has been completed!
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