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Chapter 36: [Ancient God Corpse]

"Ah! Baga!!"

Looking at the note on the table, Junichiro felt all the blood in his body surge from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.

There is not a single curse word in the simplified Chinese characters and emoticons on the table, and even from the literal meaning, it does not seem to mean cheering.

But in Junichiro's eyes, this invisible ridicule made him feel an unprecedented insult.

Because there are no simplified Chinese characters at all in this era.

There is no such exaggerated expression.

The appearance of such words can only mean one thing. The other party is not an old immortal or a leader at all, but a player.

This couldn't help but give Junichiro the illusion that he was defrauded of money, sex, and feelings by a scumbag. Not only did he lose both his life and money, but he even deeply toyed with himself and insulted his personality.

"Ah! Ah!"

Junichiro's eyes suddenly turned red when he was extremely angry, and he banged on the coffin frantically: "Asshole, I'm going to kill you! Come out! Come out!!"

It's a pity that Junichiro's strength is good, but brute strength is not his strong point. Naturally, hitting the coffin made of thousand-year-old dark wood with both fists has no effect at all.

Seeing that brute force was useless, Junichiro gritted his teeth and determined to make this guy die without any body parts.

But at this moment, the door behind him could no longer withstand the heavy impact from outside. The seal on it flashed for a moment and then quickly dimmed.


Suddenly, countless thick black hairs tore the door apart and poured into the room like a backward tide.

"not good!!"

Only then did Junichiro realize that he had no chance to take action against the coffin.

The other party's previous pretense was that he had clearly calculated the time and did not give himself a chance to take revenge on the other party.

"You despicable bastard, you despicable bastard!!"

Junichiro was resentful to the core of his heart towards the guy in the coffin, but he could no longer think of ways to pry open the coffin and pull out the bastard inside.

A long and shrill howl sounded in the air, and a big hand poked out from the thick black hair and grabbed Junichiro's head.

"Void Yin Barrier!"

"Evil ghost way, spirit-killing technique!"

I saw Junichiro waving the [Seimeihan] in his hand to activate the power of the barrier attached to this prop card to bless himself.

At the same time, the other hand slapped the ground heavily under his feet. For a moment, a black void appeared on the ground. Several ferocious evil ghosts poked their heads out of the black void, opened their mouths, and spat out dark cyan water towards the palms that were grasped in front of them. Virtual light.

However, Junichiro still thinks too highly of himself.

The difference between certified scripts and ordinary scripts is not just as simple as resources and task difficulty.

In the world of certified scripts, there are too many unknown entities, and their abilities far exceed Junichiro's imagination.

The big hand ignored Xu Guang's attack and aimed at Junichiro and slapped him. The power contained in this slap was very huge. Junichiro, who was hit from the front, was sent flying five to six meters alive.

After rolling a few times, he tried his best to stand up, but when he was halfway up, his hands softened and he fell down again. He spurted out a mouthful of blood again, and his internal organs were shattered.

This was not an existence of the same level at all. Junichiro screamed in despair, but the big hand did not attack him again, but grabbed the direction of the coffin. This not only made Junichiro's eyes widen, but there was even a hint of fear in his eyes. Pleasure.

"Yes, kill him, kill him!!"

Even if he failed in his mission, if he could kill the guy in the coffin, he would be able to vent his anger.

But what Junichiro didn't expect was that before his big hands could reach for the coffin, the originally closed coffin was pushed open.

Immediately after, a sword beam burning with red flames came out of the coffin.

Fiery slash!

Blazing fire gushed out from the blade and exploded in the palm of the giant palm. The terrifying high temperature immediately burned the hair around the palm into charcoal. For a moment, black blood spattered and evaporated in the flames.


A long and shrill howl sounded in the corridor, and the hair in the room was ignited and the big hand quickly closed in at an extremely fast speed as if it had touched a hedgehog.

The thick hair was like an ebbing tide, quickly receding along the corridor until it disappeared into the darkness.

In an instant, apart from the broken door and the mess on the floor, the only person left in the room was the dumbfounded Junichiro, staring blankly at the figure walking out of the coffin in front of him.

The figure in green scales is like a mountain shrouded in clouds, making it impossible for anyone who sees it to know how high the mountain is or how deep the water in it is.

Junichiro's eyes were still full of resentment, but besides the resentment, his face was shrouded in a haze of despair.

"Why! You can obviously kill me!"

When he opened his mouth, blood spat out from his mouth, so his voice was particularly blurry, and his resentful eyes were like a resentful woman who was ruthlessly played by a scumbag and then abandoned.


Xu Tong walked up to Junichiro, and the scales on his face receded to reveal Li Zheng's dignified appearance, but at this moment, there was an indescribable evil smile on his face, which looked particularly evil.

"It's fun!"

After saying that, he slapped the long sword in his hand, and the sword surface hit Junichiro's face, knocking him out mercilessly.

It's not that I don't want to kill him, but I feel that this guy can make Gao Zhuo so angry that he even wants to kill him even if the mission fails. There must be some big grudge between them. The matter of revenge should be left to Gao Zhuo. Better.

I saw Daya jumping out from the entrance of the hall, taking a look at Junichiro's unconscious body: "It's just right, let me use it first!"

As he spoke, Daya jumped up and landed next to Junichiro. With a flick of his tail, his figure turned into a white light and penetrated between Junichiro's eyebrows.

This is the magic of possession by the immortal family.

It's just that Junichiro didn't do it voluntarily, and he wasn't Ma Di. Forcibly attaching to him like this would cause great damage to his lifespan and body.

But who cares.

Not long after, Daya slowly controlled Junichiro's body to stand up.

However, as a player, Junichiro's prop book cannot be summoned by Daya.

"It's a pity that he's not good enough, otherwise he could use the Soul Searching Technique and dig out everything in this kid's head!"

Da Ya got up from the ground and tried to move her body.

Then he waved, and saw five furry little guys rolling out of the coffin, looking at Junichiro in front of him with confusion, wanting to get closer but hesitating.

But when Daya stretched out her finger in front of them, these little guys came up and sniffed it for a few times, and immediately started to circle around Daya like bees smelling honey.

"These little things are quite interesting!"

Xu Tong took a look at these fur balls called black mesons and tried to reach out to touch them. As a result, these little guys hid behind Da Ya. To Xu Tong, they were like cats seeing mice out of instinct. Feeling afraid.

Seeing this, Xu Tong tried to take out some merit incense and tentatively put it to the mouths of these little guys.

Seeing the golden merits of the incense, these furballs were fascinated for a moment, but none of them dared to take the initiative to approach.

It wasn't until Da Ya took it and brought it to their mouths that the little guys woke up from a dream and started to grab it first.

"Headmaster, these little things are quite interesting. Otherwise, if you take them in, you'll save yourself the trouble of doing rough work in the future."

"It's up to you to take care of this matter."

Xu Tong nodded and agreed. These young men could easily carry the coffin and were so steady along the way that they almost fell asleep. At worst, they would be doing hard labor.

Then he called out the props book and looked at the two things Junichiro gave him in the props book.

Speaking of which, the two items Junichiro took out were extraordinary, and even the entries in the prop book were very vague.

【Sun and Moon Treasure Box】

It is said that during Zheng He's voyage to the West, he accidentally found something and sealed it in a box.

Passive skill:????

Active skills:????

Seeing the entry on the box, Xu Tong couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. In fact, when he saw the box, the first thing he thought of was Qian Ji Shen.

But this box obviously isn't.

Most of the boxes have question marks and need to be identified, but Xu Tong noticed that the box was marked as a product of the Ming Dynasty. Maybe he could bring it to the eldest princess and let her know the origin of this thing.

Then he looked to the side, the severed hand.

【Ancient God Corpse】

It is rumored that the remains of corpses left by ancient gods have unknown origins and possess strange effects.

Passive skill 1: Whisper of the Ancient God

The holder will occasionally hear strange whispers, and if he can decipher them, he will gain huge benefits.

Active skills:???

(Note: The ancient god's body, even if it is only incomplete, still has mysterious power, remember to be careful!!)

The information given in the props book is not only scant, but also extremely vague, indicating that in a sense, the powerful ability of this item has made it impossible for the props book to give an accurate location.

However, Xu Tong did not intend to study this thing. Professional matters should be left to professionals.

Since it is the corpse of an ancient god, it should be thrown to Gao Zhuo.

Anyway, it is something that the White Wolf got with nothing. If Gao Zhuo can develop any strange skills from it, it will be a worthwhile gain.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong didn't plan to stay here anymore: "Let's go find Gao Zhuo!"

After saying that, he asked Hei Jiezi to carry the coffin and prepare to leave the inn to find Gao Zhuo.

As for the rules the innkeeper mentioned.


Xu Tong walked to the window and slowly raised the Pure Yang Sword in his hand: "I don't live in a hotel, why should I abide by the rules!"



In front of the inn counter, the boss who was still flipping the abacus trembled with his fingers, raised his head expressionlessly, looked at the dust falling, and couldn't help but shake his head.

Momo took out a mask with a sad face from under the counter and put it on his face: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.a.m.cn, why are you tearing down my windows?"

This chapter has been completed!
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