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Chapter 41: Seemingly good deeds are all business

"Junichiro, you coward! I'm going to hurt your mother-in-law!"

Gao Zhuo was still yelling and cursing.

The loud voice even overshadowed the chanting, forcing the old monks who were chanting to raise their voices.

But Gao Zhuo couldn't stand it, his voice was loud, and he also cursed with obscene words that made people blush.

"Shut him up!"

The dark figure sitting on the high platform seemed unable to stand Gao Zhuo's voice, and seemed to be afraid that this guy would interrupt the ceremony.

As soon as he finished speaking, two evil spirits walked up to Gao Zhuo, took out a dark rag and stuffed it into Gao Zhuo's mouth.

"Fuck, please change to something cleaner, I haven't washed it in the past few years!!"

Gao Zhuo's face turned green when he saw that the black cloth brought to his mouth was covered with a thick layer of pulp. He didn't know who the shroud was from someone's coffin.

But the evil spirit didn't care about that, he pried open Gao Zhuo's mouth and stuffed it in for him.

"Who is that!"

Xu Tong raised his head and looked at the dark figure sitting on the throne on the high platform.

The Life Eye Qimen opened, and the figure was shrouded in a black mist and could not see anything. It could only be seen that this black mist seemed to be connected to the entire ghost market.

"It's the ghost king, authorized by your majesty. After all, in such a huge ghost market, if there is no one to manage it, it will be the living people who will cause some trouble."

Tu Feiyuan explained to Xu Tong.

"Oh, that's how it is!!"

Xu Tong glanced at Gao Zhuo thoughtfully, then at the Ghost King, and frowned for a moment, thinking about how to help Gao Zhuo escape.

"I have heard that for a time the Buddha was in the Trayasa Heaven, teaching the Dharma for his mother. At that time, there were all the indescribable and indescribable Buddhas in the immeasurable worlds of the ten directions..."

Without Gao Zhuo's interruption, the sound of chanting suddenly became louder.

I saw little bits of golden light pouring out from these monks, turning into dense fonts the size of rice grains, slowly gathering above their heads, and actually tore a hole in the sky above the ghost market, revealing a secret realm of heaven.

"That is……"

Xu Tong took a closer look and saw that the scene in front of him seemed familiar.

It seems that Senju once used the Well of Purity to perform a similar method, but Senju used many magic weapons and even the power of Western faith.

But these monks in front of them just relied on their own skills to summon the Western Heaven to extradite the lonely ghosts in the ghost city.


Everyone looked up and saw that in this pure land of heaven, there was a silver waterfall falling, Zen chanting was constantly singing, and the water was surrounded by water like a sea, with little golden lights shining on the sea, which was dazzling.

"It's the Seven Treasures Merit Pool. What a blessing for these bald men!"

Tufei's round mouth was sour, and his face was full of envy, jealousy and hatred.

It is recorded in the Buddhist scriptures that there is the Seven Treasures Pool in the Land of Ultimate Bliss. This pool is natural and not artificial, so it is called the Seven Treasures Pool, also known as the Eight Merit Pools, because the pool is filled with eight merit water.

The water is crystal clear and is also called eight-flavored water or eight-flavored water. It has eight special qualities, namely: clear, cool, sweet, light and soft, moist, peaceful, relieves hunger and thirst, and nourishes the roots.

The Eight Merit Water is very precious, and all pilgrims long for it. Drinking it has many wonderful benefits. It can stay away from impurities, purify the body, purify the mind, grow and nourish the six roots, and stay away from illness and suffering.

"Master, isn't this the same as Luo Tian Dazhan?"

Zhao Peng stood behind Tu Feiyuan, looking at the merit pool emerging above his head, with a bit of greed in his eyes.

"Hmph, that's the same shit!"

Tu Feiyuan snorted coldly, and couldn't help but feel a little helpless in his eyes.

Luotian Dabao is one of the highest rituals in Taoism. It is a complicated process that requires the souls of many Taoists to chant sutras and sense the gods in the heavens.

But what is this??

This method is opportunistic. If it were in the past, it would have been severely punished by the Huntian Prison, but now Taoism is weak and the saints only worship Buddhism.

So much so that as the supervisor of Huntian Prison, he could only watch helplessly as these bald donkeys were causing trouble in front of him.


I just heard the sound of gongs and drums, and the sound of the drums echoed in the huge ghost market.

Accompanied by the sound of gongs and drums, countless black shadows quickly gathered from all directions and swarmed towards the skyscraper.

These are all wandering ghosts in the ghost city.

But what is different from the lonely ghosts they saw when they came up just now is that each of these wandering ghosts is well-dressed, and their spirit and spirit look just like ordinary people.

These ghosts gathered around, but they did not dare to land on the skyscraper, but slowly floated around.

It wasn't until an evil ghost, holding a sign and a basket, walked to the edge of the skyscraper that he saw these ghosts approaching quickly.

Xu Tong raised his head and took a look.

I saw only five words written on the sign: "Six hundred taels of silver!"

Seeing these five words, most of the wandering souls shook their heads and left with disappointment.

But some of the wandering souls showed excitement and quickly flew down in front of the evil ghost. They opened their mouths and spat out white silver ingots, which fell into the bamboo basket at the evil ghost's feet.

Then he walked in with a silly smile on his face and jumped into the pool of merit.

“That’s okay too??”

Xu Tong's eyes widened and he looked at Gu Peiyuan, meaning wasn't this obviously asking for tolls?

Facing Xu Tong's questioning look, Gu Peiyuan sarcastically said: "Don't look at me, six hundred taels is still cheap. Last year, a Ksitigarbha Dharma Assembly cost 800 taels of silver. In comparison, this year it is still cheap."


"Holy shit, isn't this a clear robbery? Where did these wandering ghosts get so much money?"

"If you don't have money, just ask your family to give it to you. If you don't have a family, learn to do business in the ghost market. It doesn't matter whether you cheat, kidnap, steal, rob, kill or sell. There are many ways to make money. If you don't have anything, hehe, we just saw

Those poor ghosts huddled downstairs are their destination. They can stay here honestly and provide the ghost market with yin energy."

After Gu Peiyuan explained, Xu Tong finally understood what the Ksitigarbha Dharma Assembly was about.

The ghost king wants to collect money.

The monk wants to collect money.

If you want to enter the Western Paradise, you have to pay.

No money?

If you don’t have money, don’t come here. Even if the monk is very merciful and gives you free money, it won’t be your turn. The Ghost King has so many connections, so who do you think you are?

Of course, not all monks do it for money. You can also earn merit by transmigrating ghost souls. In the eight-treasure merit pool in front of you, as long as a certain number of wandering souls enter, some of the merit springs will fall down to cleanse the bodies of these monks.

Disasters can enhance their skills and even improve the luck of the entire Buddhist sect.

Back then, Chen Xuanzang transformed three thousand evil spirits with his own power. It would be false to say that no one was behind this.

Just like the Ksitigarbha Dharma Assembly in front of me.

How much money will be collected, how many wandering souls will be transformed, how the money will be divided, and how much benefits the Ghost King will gain are all decided in advance.

It’s not that you can transform as much as you want. If the transformation is empty, the ghost market will not be able to hold on. The ghost king will also come to an end, and the monks will have nothing to eat. Everything must be a steady stream.

"So, what appears to be a good deed with boundless merit is actually a shady deal in private."

As Gu Peiyuan talked, he suddenly lost his mood: "Let's go, there's nothing good to see!"

As he said that, he was about to take his two apprentices away.

Seeing this, Xu Tong's eyes rolled around and he quickly stopped Gu Peiyuan: "Wait!"


Xu Tong took Gu Peiyuan's arm and asked in a low voice: "Tu...Master Gu, can anyone hold this Ksitigarbha ceremony?"

Gu Peiyuan frowned when he heard this, looked Xu Tong up and down, and lowered his voice:

"You guys should give up! Have you seen the great monk Yuanzi? Do you think he is here just to show off? Who will hold the Ksitigarbha Dharma Assembly, who will do it, which temples will participate, and how will it be divided?

Money, Buddhism has already discussed it three months ago. Even if you go to find a monk, no monk will dare to come here to cause trouble, unless his temple does not want to open!"

When Xu Tong heard this, not only did he not give up his thoughts, but his thoughts became more active: "It's difficult to cross a human being, but how difficult is it to cross a ghost? They don't allow it, so why don't I just do it myself?"


Gu Peiyuan looked Xu Tong up and down, and remembered that Xu Tong had the ability to summon the Yin God. After thinking about it in his mind, he asked: "Are you planning to summon the Yin God from the underworld?"

But that's not possible. Even if it's the Yin God, how many ghosts can you save? This is a no-nonsense zone. Even if the Yin God of the Underworld comes, you can't forcefully drag these ghosts away.

Besides, what are you doing with all this fuss?"

“What are you planning??”

Xu Tong put his hands on his round shoulders, focusing on Gao Zhuo who had been handcuffed by stone shackles: "I am the one who is heartless. Not only am I heartless, I am also petty. If you don't help me, hey, I'm done.

Ghost market, just go to the entrance of your Huntian Prison..."

“At the door of my house??”

The round and round eyes blinked.

"Yes, let me perform a living hanging for you!"

Xu Tong curled his lips and looked like he was making fun of him. He almost choked Tu Fei Yuan to death.

The flesh on his big plump face trembled with anger: "You hang yourself, what are you doing at the door of my Huntian Prison!"

"Huh, you'll know when the time comes."

Xu Tong raised his head.

The fat, round, stubby finger pointed at Xu Tong: "You, you, you, even if I help you, I will support you, but how many wandering ghosts can you really save? You are here.

What are you doing hiding here if you don't reincarnate yourself? It's not to go to the bliss of the West, otherwise you would have reincarnated long ago!"

A place like the ghost market harbors filth and evil, and not many people really want to go to the underworld to accept the reincarnation of the Eight Sutras.

Yes! That was also taken into a skyscraper by the Ghost King early on.

Want to escape?

Do you think those eyes, mouths, and palms in the cracks in the walls of this skyscraper are just decorations?

So Tu Feiyuan is not optimistic about Xu Tong.

"Hey, I can do what Chen Xuanzang can do. Why can't I do the business that Buddhism can do!"

Xu Tong smiled and saw him open his palm and give Tu Fei Yuan a look at what was in his heart.


Looking at the relic in Xu Tong's hand, his fat, round eyes almost popped out of his sockets. He quickly stretched out his hand to cover Xu Tong's hand: "Oh my God, you are crazy. Are you afraid of Buddhism and you?"

Work hard!"

"What are you afraid of? It's just the incarnation of Buddha!"

Xu Tong said, holding the relic tightly in his hand, and at the same time, with a thought in his mind, he activated the active skill of the prop card [Shadowless Power], and everything happened day and night...

This chapter has been completed!
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