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Chapter 39: Second Floor

About two days later, Chang Wuzhen came to the door at the address given by Xu Tong.

As soon as I walked in, I saw this guy looking carefree. He sat down on the sofa, looked around and then curled his lips and said, "I can't get used to living in this place!"

He casually put his feet up on the table and said, "I want to go back to Luoyang, when will you go back?"

Xu Tong was sitting on a rocking chair nearby, holding a notebook of the Mei family's magic techniques and looking at it intently. When he heard this, he said without raising his head: "Let's wait for a while."

"It's up to you. All the harvest this time has been thrown into the team warehouse. You can divide it among yourself. I'm leaving!"

After saying that, Chang Wuzhen stood up and left.

Before leaving, he turned around and glanced at Xu Tong: "Are you sure you don't want to go back with me??"

"You go back first and say hello to the old man for me."

Xu Tong said without raising his head.


Chang Wuzhen curled his lips, turned around and walked out of the door. After Chang Wuzhen left, Gu Xibai looked at Xu Tong: "Has your brother always been so strong?"

Xu Tong nodded, he knew in his heart what kind of places Chang Wuzhi liked, whether it was bars, dance halls, casinos, dirty places, etc., the more he liked to stay there.

There is nothing wrong with feasting and feasting, but quiet times are not suitable for everyone.

There's nothing going on right now anyway, so it makes me feel upset to have him stay with me.

This is very contradictory, but in fact it is not difficult to understand. Just like if you stay at home during the summer vacation, your parents will be annoyed when they see you.

"Then we are going to Luoyang in a while?"

Gu Xibai continued to ask.

For Luoyang, I am both familiar and unfamiliar. What I am familiar with is the prosperous city in the world of the script, but what I am unfamiliar with is a declining third-tier city.

"Yes! But not now."

Xu Tong closed the book in his hand and took a look at the time. It was already two o'clock in the morning. He saw that the second soul, the little fat man, had climbed out of his head on time. He didn't even say hello to Xu Tong, and just wandered around.

Fly out.

Every night, the Second Soul can't help but fly out and go to the small street behind the crematorium to eat rice. It seems to have become a habit.

It is precisely for this reason that Xu Tong plans to go back later.

Anyway, it's still early for the old man's birthday.

Of course, this is only one of the reasons. There is another reason why Xu Tong doesn't want to go back now, and that is to investigate the identity of his mother...

Thinking of this, Xu Tong stood up, clasped his hands, and used the Shankou. Since someone had erased his parents' information, there must be relevant records in another place. Xu Tong didn't believe that the other party could reach there.

Inside the underworld.

Immediately step into the space between reality and reality, preparing to go to the master to ask about the book of life and death...

The consultation area of ​​Luoyang Fifth Hospital.

A woman in a long skirt stopped Director Wang who was about to observe the patient.

"Hello, Dean Wang, this is my father. His condition has become much more serious during this period, so I want my father to be treated in the hospital for a while."

Upon hearing this, Dean Wang looked aside along the woman's hand and saw an old man standing aside.

The old man looked quite young, but he was stronger than the average young man. He had a ferocious scar on his head, which looked as ferocious as a giant centipede.

Even though it was Dean Wang, when he saw the old man's appearance, he couldn't help but cry in his heart. When he looked again, he saw that the old man's eyes were wandering, and he seemed to be a little mentally disturbed.

However, further judgment on whether to be hospitalized or not requires a confirmed diagnosis.

However, just when Dean Wang wanted to let the woman register for diagnosis first and then go through the hospitalization procedures according to her condition.

The woman suddenly raised her head and said in a frivolous tone: "Dean, please help me."

A soft voice came, and Dean Wang's eyes tightened. Immediately, his whole body trembled, and his attitude suddenly softened: "Okay, okay, whatever you say will be done."

Seeing that Dean Wang had taken the bait, the old man next to the woman suddenly had sharp eyes: "Take us to the stalls!"

"Okay, okay, please come this way."

Dean Wang agreed almost without thinking.

He led the two of them straight to the stall. After opening the door of the stall, he heard the woman say: "We are looking for someone named Xu Tong. Is his file there?"

"Yes, yes!"

When Dean Wang heard the woman's voice, as if he had heard an imperial edict, he walked to the filing cabinet and pulled out a file.

"This is his profile."

Dean Wang was afraid that there would be dust on the file, so he wiped it several times before handing it to the woman.

The woman opened the file, scanned the contents at a glance, and smacked her lips: "Young, you are still a little bastard."

As he turned to the next page, his tone suddenly became even worse: "What a shame. Didn't your hospital register the names of this kid's parents? How come there aren't even any relatives??"

Dean Wang was scolded, and cold sweat suddenly broke out on his forehead, and he quickly explained: "These are all old people from the previous generation. There are shortcomings and shortcomings. I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"Hey! Wait, this kid got sick when he was six years old. Who is the person named Old A who signed the surgery signature??"

At this time, the woman suddenly found a surgical drape and looked at the inconspicuous signature in the lower left corner. The handwriting on it was blurry to the point of being blurry, but if you look carefully, you can still see some clues.


Dean Wang, who was obedient to the woman, actually hesitated when he heard the name.

There seems to be a lot of taboo against this person.

The words of the last old dean before he said goodbye even came to mind: "If one day, you encounter something you can't solve, just go to Old A on the third floor. There is nothing he can't do, including

Let you evaporate from this world!”

Thinking of this, Dean Wang's eyes began to become resistant. Seeing this, the woman's expression changed and she quickly put a hand on Dean Wang's chest.

A purple mist appeared on the woman's palm, which gradually confused Dean Wang's consciousness.

"Old A (huh), he's right behind, on the third floor."

Dean Wang pointed to the ward area behind him with blank eyes.

"Come on, take us there!"

Dean Wang nodded and led the two of them through the general ward to the gate of the serious illness isolation area in the backyard.

He took out the key and opened the door, then pointed to the stairs to the side. Going up from here, the first room on the far left was his room.

As he spoke, Dean Wang did not intend to go any further, and the look of resistance in his eyes became stronger and stronger.

Seeing this, the woman simply asked Dean Wang to stay and guard the door, not allowing anyone in, and then led the old man beside her up the steps step by step.

As soon as they reached the second floor, a fat nurse suddenly poked his head out from the corner and stopped them in front of them: "Hey, stop, this is the critical ward. Who are you? How did you get in? Get out quickly, or I'll watch.

Call security."

Seeing the fat nurse standing in front of the stairs like a mountain of meat, the woman frowned, and saw the old man behind her quickly rushing up and hitting the female nurse's neck with a knife like lightning.


Immediately, the sound of cracking bones was heard. The fat nurse's eyes widened. After standing on the same spot and shaking for a few times, her body fell straight to the ground like a hill.

"Old man, we agreed not to kill anyone."

Seeing that the fat nurse was no longer breathing, the woman suddenly started to complain with dissatisfaction.

"Huh?? I didn't use any strength??"

The old man looked at his hands in confusion. He had already mastered the control of power. If he punched an egg shell with one punch, it would definitely not break the egg membrane.

He obviously had good control over his own strength, so why did he beat this fat nurse to death in one fell swoop?

But the old man reached out and touched the woman's neck. Sure enough, the bones in her neck were broken. It was obviously his work.

Now the old man had nothing to say, he could only cough twice: "Sorry, I didn't control my strength well, please be careful next time!"

The woman didn't want to pester her anymore, so she stood on tiptoes and tried to step over the fat nurse's face.

As a result, before one foot even landed, I heard a burst of deep laughter from under my skirt: "Hey, I saw it, it's red!"

Hearing the sound, the woman's vagina tightened, and she almost subconsciously raised her foot and kicked the fat girl in the face.

But what she didn't expect was that when the woman stepped on her foot, it was all gone. When she lowered her head and looked down, there was no trace of the fat girl.

"Old man!"

Seeing this, the woman was stunned for a second, her heart tightened, and she hurriedly called the old man to leave quickly.

But when she raised her head, the woman was immediately stunned.

The companion who was standing aside just now disappeared without a trace. For a moment, everything in the huge ward was eerily quiet, and her faint breathing could be heard.

"Old man!! Old man!!"

The woman hurriedly shouted twice, but after receiving no response, she immediately shouted on the team channel: "Captain, there is a problem, come and support me!!"

"Ding! You are currently not in the same space as your team members, so you cannot conduct team messaging."

The cold reminder sound came, making the woman feel strongly uneasy for a moment: "Damn it, what on earth is this place!!"

The woman panicked in her heart and turned around to run out.

"Da da da da..."

The high heels made a squeaking sound on the steps.

One floor, two floors, three floors...

The steps in front of me seem to be endless and despairing.

I don’t know how long I ran, but when the woman raised her head, the floor mark on the wall was still the second floor.

"how so??"

Looking at the numbers on the second floor on the stairs, the woman gritted her teeth and punched the wall. The huge force made the entire building tremble, and countless spiderweb-like cracks spread out on the wall in front of her.

Along with the huge rumbling sound, the happy expression on the woman's face suddenly froze, her eyes staring blankly at the broken wall in front of her, which was like countless mirrors, reflecting countless hesitant versions of herself.

"How could...this...what..."

Looking at the countless faces that were exactly the same as hers, the woman fell into a huge panic. As a certified player, she was confident that her strength was not inferior, but this was the first time she encountered such a strange situation.

At this time, a warm, moist wind blew from under the skirt, causing the woman's expression to change. She slowly lowered her head, and saw a huge face appearing under her skirt. There was a bit more twist in her honest smile.

Hehe: "Hey...I saw...red..."

This chapter has been completed!
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