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Chapter 17: Biography of Qingge

Seeing the two old men with tears and runny noses suddenly bowing down to him, Xu Tong was a little confused.

When he heard people calling him uncle, hey, Xu Tong was so shameless that he couldn't stand it anymore.

The combined age of these two old men is almost as old as that of the master.

He immediately ran away and waved his hand: "What are you two Taoist priests doing?"

Just listen to Akame Zhenren raise his head and say: "Since Master Xu is the disciple of my uncle Qingge, he is undoubtedly my two master uncles according to seniority."


Xu Tong really didn't expect that he just wanted to clean his master Song's grave today.

But I didn't want to accidentally bring about the master's family reunion, and accidentally become two Quanzhen masters and uncles.

"I...I haven't been admitted yet...No, I haven't officially become a disciple yet."

"My uncle, my uncle, has a free and easy temperament, and does not adhere to common etiquette and conventions. Since he is passing down the skills, you are his disciple."

Akame's words were very beautiful, his temperament was free and easy, and he was not bound by vulgar etiquette and conventions. If Xu Tong hadn't seen a drunken maniac, he would have almost believed it.

"Don't you doubt me? After all, my age is not even close to that of your uncle!"

However, when Master Akame heard this, he narrowed his eyelids, cast a meaningful look at Xu Tong, and said with a smile: "Uncle, there is no need to explain, we understand!"

Xu Tong thought to himself: "You know a hammer!"

However, Akame Daoist pointed to the top of his head inexplicably: "Those who are chosen by God can obtain the divine edict and enter the nine heavens and ten places. In the past and future, they will wake up like a dream butterfly in Zhouzhuang or a wonderful man in Lanke."

What Chimu Zhenren said was so shocking that Xu Tong blinked, not understanding what he meant.

However, Master also mentioned not long ago that the existence of players has long been recorded in the three religions.

Obviously Akame's words seemed to be referring to his own identity.

In this case, Xu Tong stopped arguing with Master Akame on this issue. He thought that he picked up two apprentice nephews for nothing, even though he was a little older.

"As you said earlier, I really didn't take your bracelet. Don't think that just calling me Uncle Master will help me get it out for you."

Xu Tong always felt that these two old guys were trying to trick him.

If you can't beat it, then join in. Isn't this your own trick???

"Uncle Master, we don't speak the same language. It doesn't matter whether the bracelet is with you or not. After all, it is something belonging to our Quanzhen lineage. You can just play with it."

When Master Akame said these words, what else could Xu Tong say.

I can only wait for the old man to finish speaking.

As expected, I heard Master Akame say:

"Although Uncle Master has taken over the Meihua lineage, our Quanzhen Sect has always had the concept that all dharma comes from the same origin and that the three religions have one ancestor, so we will not reject this. If you have leisure, wait until the twelfth lunar month of this year

Twenty years ago, I came to Chongyang Palace to attend the ancestor’s Christmas and recognize my ancestors and return to the clan.”

"Well... let me check the time."

I had just recognized a Plum Blossom Taoist as my Patriarch, and then a cheap Master's Wife arrived, and she was about to drag me to recognize the Chongyang Patriarch as my ancestor.

Since you didn't find your parents this time, why are you just looking for a second-generation kiss for yourself?

"Then it's settled. There is only half of the Zou Wang Sutra on the bracelet. When my uncle returns this time, we will give you the entire second half of the Zou Wang Sutra."

Yes, otherwise, ginger is still spicy.

Is Master Akame really stupid? He is like a mirror in his heart. After saying this, Xu Tong really can't find a reason to refuse.

While the three of them were talking, they realized that it was already noon, so they decided to make an appointment to have a meal together.

You don't have to go far, there are soup restaurants everywhere in Luodu. It's very convenient to drink soup in the morning and make noodles at noon.

Not far down the road, there is a soup restaurant.

Xu Tong ordered three large bowls of braised noodles, cold dishes of vegetarian dishes, and three bottles of Haibi soda. The three of them sat in the corner and ate.

Because of the location, the meals are often very affordable. A large bowl of noodles can be enough for an average adult, but today, the boss has learned a lot.

Xu Tong alone ate five large bowls of noodles, and Chimu and Chixin, two gray-haired old men, ate eight large bowls in total.

There are many young people who can eat. This is the first time the boss has seen such an old man who can eat.

I thought to myself: "Isn't this a scam? If these two die here, I won't be able to continue my business."

Fortunately, the boss's thoughts are unnecessary.

After eating eight bowls of noodles, these two old men were eighty percent full.

It's still far from dying.

Seeing the two old men chatting and laughing, the boss thought to himself: "It would be a shame not to start a mukbang business."

Ignoring what the boss thought, Xu Tong saw that the two of them were calling him uncle, so he didn't want to be polite. He glanced at the long sword carried behind Master Chixin and asked about the origin of the sword.

You don't know if you don't ask, but Xu Tong was really shocked when he asked.

It turned out that after Master Niang broke into the Chongyang Palace at night and caused a scene and left the Chongyang Palace in style, the head of the Chongyang Palace personally went to the Tomb of the Living Dead to invite them out of seclusion.

And this sword was Qiu Zu's sword back then.

It was a magical weapon that Emperor Taizu of the Yuan Dynasty spent a year forging by searching for meteorites from the sky.

From then on, this sword has been the most precious treasure of the Quanzhen Sect. When Qiu Zu was enthroned, he injected three sword energies into it and told future generations that these three sword energies can change the day and the day, and kill immortals and evil spirits.

When the Quanzhen Religion was in danger of survival, this sword was used to suppress the movement of the Religion.

This time, the master's wife really pissed off these old Taoist priests. She took out the sword and planned to kill her with her sword at all costs.

No wonder Master's wife ran so fast. If the sword energy on this sword were to be slashed out, Master's wife would be seriously injured even if she didn't die.

"Oh, by the way, wine...um...what happened to Master Qingge."

Xu Tiaoxiao changed his voice and asked about Qing Ge. After leaving the capital, he didn't know where this alcoholic lunatic had gone.

Upon hearing this, Chimu and Chixin's expressions suddenly became darker.

"Uncle Qingge is a genius that has not been seen for a century, both in terms of talent and character, but he is destined to have constant setbacks. When we were young, we once saw my uncle in the back mountain. At that time, my uncle's arms

Already broken, a generation of swordsman, without his arms he is like a useless person."

"Both arms are broken?"

Xu Tong's eyes widened and he found it unbelievable. He was now in the Dao-killing realm and a land god, but in terms of swordsmanship, even if he was trying to flatter a horse, he could not compare to one of Qing Ge's fingers.

What's more, in the Age of Dharma Ending, who in the world can cut off his arms?

Faced with Xu Tong's doubts, Taoist Chixin said: "Since the sudden death of Xiang Gongbao, the world has been in chaos. The Japanese demons have taken advantage of the situation and preached among the people. On the surface, they are giving food to the people, but in fact they are killing people secretly.

Use human life as a sacrifice to summon the evil god of Dongying.

After his uncle learned about it, he left with his sword that day. He came back ten days later with a broken arm, but he cut off the head of the evil god of Dongying and hung it on the latrine.

Now the head is still suppressed under the thatched house on the mountain behind Chongyang Palace.

Later, when the Anti-Japanese War broke out, my uncle also went down the mountain. When he came back, he was wearing a military uniform, but his other arm was gone. I heard from the uncles at the door that it was my uncle who beheaded the head of Yinshi Shrine.

, but the other arm was also injured by the exploding artillery shell. The medical level at that time was limited, so the only way to save his life was to amputate it."

The two arms were just like this, and the Chunyang Sword Technique was completely broken at this point.

Akame Zhenren recalled that when he was young, he once asked his uncle: "What should I do if I lose my arms? My uncle just laughed a few times and said, except that I can't hold the wine jar to drink, I won't delay anything else."

That is to say, three years after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, my uncle passed away.

Although he didn't say anything before he passed away, Akame always felt that the lost Chunyang Sword Technique was always a great regret in his uncle's heart.

"It's a pity that our qualifications are not good enough and we can't master Chunyang Sword Technique. We also feel unfair for my uncle. We just regret that we were born at the wrong time. If we had been a hundred years earlier, maybe with my uncle's talent, he might not have been able to cultivate the golden elixir!"

Taoist Chixin was full of regrets. In fact, my uncle's cultivation level was not very high. It was entirely due to the era. If it weren't for the Dharma-ending Era, who could rival him?

When Xu Tong heard this, he just lamented that fate is unpredictable, and Qingge was not the only one who was deceived by the Dharma Ending Age. A genius like his own master was also stuck in the Grandmaster realm for his whole life and never made any further progress.

"It's getting late, we should go back to the mountain. Don't forget the appointment of the twelfth lunar month. We will be waiting for you outside the Chongyang Gate!"

Seeing that it was getting late, Akame Zhenren stood up and saluted Xu Tong before saying goodbye.

"It will definitely live up to the promise!"

Xu Tong handed over his hand, and this time the two Taoists did not hide anymore.

"Senior brother, why are you leaving so early? I also want to ask my junior uncle to what level he has cultivated the Chunyang Sword Code."

After walking out of the soup house, Taoist Chixin couldn't help but complain to his senior brother.

But I saw Master Akame glare: "If you don't leave, you won't be able to catch the afternoon train. If you stay one more night, you'll have to sleep in a bridge hole. I didn't bring enough money."

“Boss, let’s have another noodle dish!”

After the two old Taoist priests had left, Xu Tong signaled the boss to bring him some braised noodles. Thinking of Qingge's ending, he couldn't help but feel a little indignant. He could only turn his grief and anger into appetite. Without two big bowls of braised noodles, tonight

I can't even sleep well.

When the boss brought the steaming noodles to the table, he heard a shout from outside the door: "Old Qian, the truck is unloading!"


When the boss saw that the delivery person was coming, he immediately said yes and walked out.

A slovenly middle-aged man unloaded the goods on the pallet truck. The boss counted the goods for a while and then took out the money to settle the bill. At this time, the middle-aged man handed three yuan to the boss and casually removed a bottle of beer.

Opened the cap of the bottle and drank heavily.

"Don't drive when you drink, and don't drink when you drive. There are thousands of roads, and safety comes first."

Upon seeing this, the boss curled his lips and said to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man didn't feel ashamed. He got on the cart and shook the empty bottle of wine: "This little cat urine is not enough for me to stuff between my teeth."

"You, boss, are not young anymore. Stop drinking all the time. Find a serious job. Don't be unable to find a wife in the future."

Hearing this, the man grinned, waved to the boss, pedaled and walked into the alley. As he walked, he sang to himself: "I have cultivated merits and fruits in my previous life, and now I am prosperous."

After drinking and drinking, I lay drunk at the temple gate and saw the immortals and Buddhas. I laughed at the immortals and Buddhas who were not as good as me, hahahaha..."

This chapter has been completed!
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