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Chapter 18: Killing is not good, except for beasts

"Head, we are ready!"

At night, Gao Zhuo's excited wolf howl came from the team channel.

The past few days of rest have made Gao Zhuo very hungry and thirsty, so it's no wonder he is so excited.

Xu Tong's 300,000 script points were not thrown away in vain.

During this time, Gao Zhuo, Gu Xibai, and Chang Wugu almost soaked themselves in the exhibition.

On the one hand, he spends crazily and updates his prop cards; on the other hand, he spends crazily.

A one-day training ground with one thousand script points. After tossing myself to exhaustion, I went to the hothouse to soak in the hot spring with three thousand script points.

Even the food we eat is a high-end nutritious meal divided into five hundred scripts.

In addition to being expensive, these things bring great benefits.

Gao Zhuo even quickly advanced the reverse training of life and death to the eighth level. Three pieces of non-transformable bones were formed on his body. He was only one chance away from completing the ninth level.

However, Gao Zhuo's path to advancement is very strange. According to the reverse training of life and death, he is now no different from a living person.

However, due to the influence of the prop card, it became a zombie that could not break into bones.

These are two extremely contradictory directions, but the problem is not big, and training against life and death and not turning into bones are not contradictory.

As the saying goes, if you want to practice martial arts if you are poor in culture and rich in martial arts, you still have to spend money to practice martial arts. If you don't have money to practice it, Gu Xibai finally reached the Taoist state after spending a lot of script points.

At first glance, he may seem a bit weak in strength, but this guy is a pure martial artist, and his explosive fighting power can even crush Gao Zhuo.

In comparison, Chang Wuju seems very different, relying entirely on the stacking of a large number of prop cards to increase his strength.

But in fact, this is the route that most players take. After all, not all players can get the inheritance.

As for Li Bo... Xu Tong has temporarily positioned him as the team mascot. As a peripheral member, the benefits are still very high. At least the prop cards they eliminated will be given to Li Bo as long as they are not too valuable.

After all, the team is really not short of money now. To use Li Yunlong’s words, we have never fought such a wealthy battle in our life.

This feeling is the same as when you take sildenafil, apply Indian blood-activating oil, and then walk straight into the massage room.

"Okay, let's meet in the lobby!" Xu Tong nodded, stretched, sat up from the sofa, and waved to Chang Wuju and Li Bo in front of him: "Let's go!"

The three of them walked out of the room and got into the elevator.

I saw the elevator going down slowly. Xu Tong and Chang Wugu were both calm. Li Bo looked a little nervous. He raised his head and looked at Xu Tong: "Head, this certification script...I heard it is very difficult. Can I do it?"

Holding back?"

He had only heard of certified players, let alone certified level scripts.

It's really hard for Xu Tong to answer this question. If the script was set in ancient times, even in the Ming Dynasty, it might not be easy.

But this time the world of the script is modern, which means that the characters in the plot should not be very strong.

The stronger ones may be the players they have to face.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong patted Li Bo on the shoulder and told him: "Don't expose yourself, try to integrate yourself into the characters in the script. The higher you integrate, the smaller the risk of exposure. We will help at critical moments."


Hearing Xu Tong's words, Li Bo suddenly felt more at ease and kept these words firmly in his heart.


At this time, the elevator door opened, and what came into view was not the neat corridor hall, but the script-killing sign with flashing neon lights.

After Xu Tong pushed the door open, what appeared on the bar was not the girl Xu Tong was familiar with, but Thalia, who had big breasts and a big butt and a charming face.

"Hey, long time no see, you are really getting more and more surprising."

Thalia looked Xu Tong up and down and found that Xu Tong actually cut the Tao in an extraordinary way. She was immediately surprised. The last time she saw him, this little guy had not yet become a Taoist. Now he has actually stepped into the realm of Tao cutting. This speed is amazing.

It surprised her a little.

"It's just good luck."

Xu Tong sat casually in front of the bar. This scene made Li Bo who was following behind him extremely envious.

The bartender and the host usually treat me with a cold face, as if I have lost a lot of money if I say one more word.

Thalia took out a bottle of soda from under the bar and placed it on the table, while whispering: "Try this."

Xu Tong picked it up and took a sip, and immediately frowned. The taste was a bit sweet and he didn't like it very much.

However, Talia stretched out her hand to Xu Tong with a smile: "3000 script points."

Xu Tong glared. It was not because of the strong wind that he had money. He looked at the soda in his hand doubtfully: "This thing has 3,000 script points. This is..."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Tong narrowed his eyes and suddenly changed his tone: "This is too cheap. Let's have another drink, one for each person."

As he spoke, he traded 15,000 script points to Thalia, in addition to the three of them, and also gave them to Gao Zhuo and Gu Xibai.

It's okay to be free from all worries. I'm used to spending money during this time, so I don't think it's a big deal.

Li Bo was so scared of poverty. When he heard that this thing actually cost 3,000 script points, he almost shouted, "I don't want to drink, I want money."

But seeing Thalia looking at him with a smile, Li Bo suddenly trembled with fat. After all, he did not dare to shout these words.

Li Bo took the soda with a painful look on his face, and after taking a sip, Li Bo's eyes widened and he heard the prompt from the prop booklet.

"You drank a special prop, the juice of the goddess of destiny, and randomly obtained a privilege..."

"Ding! You get the privilege, the pendulum of fate sounds."


Li Bo blinked. He didn't expect that this drink could increase privileges, but he had never heard of this privilege.

At this time, Xu Tong glanced over and took a look at Qimen with his life eye. He found that Li Bo had a big bronze bell in his luck. He didn't know what this bronze bell meant.

"This guy is indeed a very lucky baby!"

It turns out that the privileges drawn from this juice are not 100%. The privileges Xu Tong drew only increased his luck by 30%, and the same was obviously true for Chang Wugu.

On the contrary, Li Bo actually won the privilege. Although he didn't know what the bell meant, it was always better than nothing.

When the three of them arrived at the lobby, they saw Gu Xibai and Gao Zhuo already waiting in the lobby.

Seeing Xu Tong coming with two glasses of soda, the two of them quickly waved.

Xu Tong looked around and found that besides them, there were several people sitting scattered in the hall, and his eyes glanced at Xu Tong and others from time to time.

"Here! Good stuff, don't make any noise about it!"

Xu Tong handed the lucky juice in his hand to the two of them and said in the team channel at the same time.

After hearing this, the two of them took the juice in their hands casually, as if they were not in a hurry to drink it.

Soon, two more people walked in one after another. These two people should be a team, a man and a woman. As soon as they entered the door, they sat down with their backs to the corner.

Xu Tong silently observed the circle. In addition to their team, there should be three other teams here.

But the people in the other two teams were deliberately spread out, and Xu Tong couldn't tell whether they were the same team.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

At this time, the time bell rang, and the small door in front of me slowly opened, and a white-haired young man wearing a neat suit walked out.

When Xu Tong saw this person, he immediately frowned.


I knew this guy was back, but I didn't expect to meet him as host as soon as he came back. Although I wasn't worried that this guy would dare to do anything again.

But when Xu Tong saw this guy, he couldn't help but feel a very disgusting feeling in his heart.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this script killing experience store. As the host of this event, I need to make a statement in advance.

This scenario world is a cross-regional hunting scenario. Whether you are willing or not, after entering the scenario world, you will become an alliance member. If you hunt alliance members, you will be punished. If the alliance mission fails, you will all be punished! "

After not seeing him for a while, the voice on the stage has become much shriller, and even his behavior is very uncomfortable.

The way he moved his fingers back and forth as he spoke reminded Xu Tong of ADHD patients.

As soon as these words came out, everyone including Gao Zhuo and others looked at each other and suddenly became less alert.

With the relationship of alliance, at least everyone will not be enemies with each other.

"Next, please follow me and start this adventure!"

Mr. Tai twisted his fingers in a circle on top of his head like a butterfly, then swung his fingers behind him, and saw the door behind him slowly opening.

A long corridor appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing this, everyone stood up and walked forward. The corridor was very long, as if it had no end. However, the more they walked forward, the fewer people there were. One after another, people saw a door and walked in.

It's as if every door can only be seen by you.

Not long after, the figures of Gao Zhuo and others also disappeared one after another beside Xu Tong.

At this time, Tai walked up to Xu Tong, grinning and showing a set of neat gold teeth: "Long time no see!"

"It's been a while since I last saw you!"

Xu Tong did not dodge Mr. Tai's gaze, but instead raised his head and scanned Tai's body up and down with scrutinizing eyes.

Although this seems very rude and arrogant, Xu Tong now has the qualification to make Taiwan look up to him.

The corner of Tai's mouth twitched a few times, and he walked to Xu Tong's side with a smile: "What happened last time was my fault. I'm very sorry for it, and I paid a huge price."

Tai's attitude was very conciliatory and he took the initiative to apologize to Xu Tong.

People are bound to be stronger. This is the naked reality. If you are weaker than me, I will step on you. If you are stronger than me, I will support you.

The station is very aware of its current embarrassing position. If this cross-regional script fails, it will be demoted again. At that time, it will have to vacate its position obediently and step down to become a receptionist.

Therefore, Taiwan not only didn't care about Xu Tong's attitude, but was very happy because it was the attitude that a strong man should have.

Xu Tong snorted coldly and stopped discussing the matter with Tai.

This was obviously a good signal in Taiwan's eyes, so he hurriedly said: "This cross-regional battle is very special. If you can kill more than seven people from the opponent's camp, I can give you an extra special reward. On top of the script bonus!”

Taiwan's remarks really surprised Xu Tong.

He tilted his head and looked at the stage: "What about more than seven?"

"Hey! The more, the greater the rewards."

Xu Tong nodded when he heard this: "Good deal, I like it!"

But then Xu Tongxiao's voice changed: "But I'm not a murderer, so find someone else."

He doesn't mind killing people, but he never kills people simply for the sake of killing people. Whether he wants to kill or not, how many people he wants to kill, Xu Tong prefers to follow his own temper.

Tai frowned for a moment when he saw this, and when he was about to say something, a hand patted his shoulder.

Looking back, he saw Amei standing beside him, shaking her head at him: "You can't do this!"

After saying that, he shouted to Xu Tong: "Hey!"

When Xu Tong heard Amei's voice, he turned around and heard Amei say: "The camp that is fighting you this time is the Japanese Script Club!"

Xu Tong raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this, waved his hand to bid farewell to his sister, and then opened the door in front of him without looking back. Only when he closed the door did he hear Xu Tong's voice from the crack of the door: "You can't kill someone." Okay, except for beasts!!”

This chapter has been completed!
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