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Chapter 40: Rose Hotel (two chapters in one)

"on fire!"

At night, a scream broke the silence.

The raging fire suddenly lit up the night sky, the alarm bells sounded, and the fire trucks quickly rushed over.

This kind of fire truck looks more like a kind of truck. The whole body is nearly 2 meters long and more than 1 meter high. It travels on four iron hoops and wooden wheels. An iron bucket that can hold about two tons of water is installed on the chassis.

, there is a seesaw-like pressure arm on the central pressure device of the bucket. When three or four people press it together, the water in the bucket will be sprayed out.

This is the oldest fire-fighting device, but in this era, it is a very advanced product.

The water jets sprayed out by three or four fire trucks quickly suppressed the fire.

But this is just the surface, there is still a lot of smoke and a lot of flames burning inside.

"It's over, it's over!"

A Japanese businessman knelt on the ground, looking at the raging fire, his heart almost bleeding. The warehouse was filled with raw silk.

There were not many industries that Japan could export, and raw silk was one of them.

The goods in this warehouse are very expensive, and if this fire breaks out, they will be completely destroyed.

And the fire was not limited to this Japanese warehouse. At the same time, all the Japanese shops in Tsim Sha Tsui were ignited by fire. The fire was raging. For these Japanese-style wooden buildings, it was almost as terrible as a catastrophe.

"These despicable Chinese people!"

Inoue Murasai looked at the fire in front of him and his gums itched with hatred. Anyone could tell that someone set the fire deliberately.

"It must be the other players, these bastards!"

There were several Japanese players standing next to Inoue Murasai. They were all going crazy with anger as they looked at the sea of ​​​​fire burning in front of them.

"Kill back, I will let these Chinese people know what the price is!" Someone on the spot couldn't help it, and shouted loudly that they wanted to kill back for revenge.

"I want to go to you. I don't want to die."

The cold snorts from behind the crowd interrupted these hot-headed people who were ready to take revenge.

When I looked back, I saw Sakuragi Seimei coming out.

Everyone recognized him and knew that Sakuragi Seimei's team was one of the subordinate teams of the Onmyo Shrine. He seemed to be the strongest here. Seeing him speak, everyone could only temporarily extinguish their anger.

Seeing that everyone had calmed down, Sakuragi Haruaki continued: "In this script, we have the home field advantage. It won't be long before the empire will launch a full-scale attack. Once we occupy the New Territories, we will win."

As soon as these words came out, everyone nodded secretly.

In this script world with this historical background, whoever has the home field advantage will take the lead.

It is an unavoidable fact that Japan will go to war, and their task is to occupy as many favorable resources as possible before the war begins.

As long as the battle begins and the New Territory is successfully captured, there will be no suspense in this team battle.

"Mr. Qingming, are we too passive? Please allow me to kill these bastards in the next mission."

A Japanese player said.

"No need to worry, there will be movement in Yin Yang Palace soon. Believe me, victory in this battle will eventually belong to us!"

Sakuragi Seimei himself studied under Onmyo Shrine and was very aware of this historical event. He concluded that the legendary old man would leave for Onmyo Shrine soon.

At that time, it will be time for them to fully launch a counterattack. Before that, they must avoid conflicts with those Eastern players as much as possible.

Especially that person... Sakuragi Haruaki thought of the ugly man on the sea before, and the wound under his ribs began to hurt slightly.

On the other side, Xu Tong has returned from the gap between reality and reality.

In addition to the dragon head that he brought into the space between reality and reality before, Xu Tong also brought back something else.


Xu Tong walked out of the room and shouted towards the door.

Soon, A Bin rushed back from the door: "Grandpa, what's the matter?"

"From today onwards, all the brothers who enter the hall will worship Duke Long. You can find a mason to make a golden body for Grandpa Long. All the brothers who enter the hall must worship him."

A Bin looked at the faucet on the table and was a little confused about the situation, but Grandpa said that anyway, as long as he doesn't want to wash his hands and become a good person, everything else is easy to discuss.

Immediately, people were sent to find masons to work.

It's easy to find a mason, because you don't need to carve the faucet, you just need to shape a gold body. This doesn't require a master mason, ordinary masons can do it.

After the golden body was finished, Xu Tong placed the dragon head on it, picked up the cinnabar pen, and lightly touched the longan.

Suddenly, everyone could even vaguely hear the roar of a dragon. The sound was not heard, but resounded from deep within.

Even these gangsters who only know how to deceive and oppress the people suddenly feel a sense of righteousness in their hearts.

Of course, this righteousness cannot suppress their evil thoughts, nor can it transform them into messengers of justice.

But that's enough.

According to Master's analysis, there is a high probability that Gen Mansai Musashi will appear in the New Territories.

To deal with this old monster, you can't use brute force, of course you have to outsmart him.

How to outwit it??

This would require sacrificing one's own master.

Oh, master, please put on your pants quickly. You don’t need to sacrifice your beauty. After all, you are an old man and your body and bones can’t stand it.

The master's meaning is very simple. As long as you participate in the world of this script, you are not afraid that the master's wife can still watch from the sidelines at the critical moment.

What's that famous saying...Master, you don't want to see your master being beaten to death, right?

How to participate?

It's very simple, interests are tied together.

The master's calculation is very simple. The New Territories is an untapped market now. Worshiping Guan Gong is not popular yet. People from all over the world come here and bring a mess.

In this case, it is simple. It is a very good idea to establish a spiritual belief for them and worship the Dragon King.

When the master said this, Xu Tong understood that this was to copy the example of the master acting as the city god in the previous script world.

Then why not worship the City God directly?

On the one hand, the character of the City God is too positive and he is a land god, so he is not suitable for development in the New Territories, a place where good and bad people are mixed.

On the other hand, the reason for worshiping the Dragon King is also because the New Territories started on docks, and poor people really couldn't make it. If they built a boat to go fishing, they would not starve to death.

Furthermore, the Dragon Prince is highly recognizable. Whether it is those who are involved in the world or ordinary people, they always have to pay homage to him when they go to sea or ashore.

The most important point is that the dragon head in Xu Tong's hand will definitely attract the attention of Mansai Musashigen. After all, it contains dragon energy and is more useful than directly collecting spiritual stones.

It's not impossible for Xu Tong to hide this thing directly, but it would be unlucky to do so.

In this case, it would be better to erect this dragon head openly. At least before the full-scale war breaks out in Japan, Mansai Musashi Gen may not dare to be so blatant if he wants to seize the dragon head.

Of course, if he really took away the dragon head, it would not be Xu Tong's fault.

Xu Tong lit the dragon's eyes, and then took out a magic talisman from the box.

I saw the words "Follow the Order of the Ghost Holy Emperor of the South of Yincao" written sparsely on the talisman in a ghostly talisman-like writing.

There are three other words written behind the talisman, Song Qingyun.

This is Mr. Song’s real name.

It is different from the last Beiyin talisman. This time the talisman was issued by the master in the name of Du Ziren. There is a small mark stamped underneath, which is a mark unique to Du Ziren.

The reason why the master is able to pull off the tiger's skin like this is because after the last trip to Youshan, Du Ziren promoted the master to a higher status, from the original inspector of the underworld to the leader of the front car. Although he is a small official, his official position is already

It's even with Yincaosi.

If you don't believe it, just because of Du Ziren's reputation, the Dragon King would dare not let him get this position.

Xu Tong put the magic talisman on it, glanced at it, and sure enough, he saw a brilliant golden glow pouring out of the Dragon King.

At this time, even A Bin and others were stunned. Although they could not see Jin Xia, they could feel that the Dragon Prince in front of them seemed a little unusual.

Even those who lick blood from the knife edge have the urge to kneel on the ground and worship.

The reason for this is precisely the blessing effect of the master's secret use of incense merit.

With just a little bit of incense merit, the effect is enough to shock people.

Xu Tong left the promotion to A Bin.

He must be allowed to promote Dragon Prince.

This stumped A Bin. He was good at beating and killing him, but promoting the Dragon King was a bit difficult for him.

Xu Tong didn't care about this and only gave A Bin a deadline of about ten days. Of course, he would also secretly ask you Jixiang to help, create a little chaos, and let the Dragon King come to calm things down.

Anyway, I no longer need to specifically instruct this set of operations. Master and the others have already understood it.

After doing these things, Xu Tong received an invitation from Bishop Simpson to attend a banquet. After the invitation was sent, a prompt for a side mission came to Xu Tong's ears.

"Side Mission 1: Rose Restaurant"

Mission description: Rose Restaurant is a very interesting place, and today will be a special day. Finding the secret of Rose Restaurant will be of great help to you.

The mission is successful: a single player obtains 400 alliance points.

Mission failed: 200 alliance points will be deducted.

Looking at the task reminder sent from the prop book, Xu Tong looked at the invitation letter in his hand and couldn't help but secretly wonder whether this task asked him to investigate the restaurant or the Simpsons.

Although he didn't know why this foreign monk suddenly found him, Xu Tong had someone prepare a car and drove to Garden Road to attend Simpson's invitation.

Regardless of whether it is due to mission requirements or not, at this stage, foreigners are their major advantage, and Xu Tong will never let go of this advantage easily.

Because it was a one-man mission, Xu Tong didn't need to take Gu Xibai with him. He was left to look after the house honestly. If he encountered revenge from the Japanese, he wouldn't be blamed by the Japanese.

Garden Road is located in the Central and Western District, which is also the so-called foreigner district. Xu Tong's car was driving on the street, and he could see foreigners of both sexes shopping on the street.

Occasionally, you can see foreign soldiers with firearms patrolling.

The bustling streets are lined with all kinds of neon lights, which really makes people feel like they have returned to reality for a moment.

After the car passed through the busy streets, it arrived in front of a restaurant.

A black doorman stepped forward and opened the car door. He was stunned for a moment and subconsciously wanted to reach out to stop Xu Tong from moving forward.

This is a foreigner area, and it is often very unfriendly to these yellow-skinned Asians, and the same is true for Rose Hotel.

But Xu Tong didn't say anything and slapped the invitation letter directly on this guy's face.

When the doorman saw the invitation and looked up at the tall man with a sinewy face in front of him, he took two steps back in fear.

Xu Tong snatched the invitation away, casually dropped a silver dollar tip on the ground, and strode inside.

As soon as he entered the door, it was obvious that many people were looking towards Xu Tong.

In the hotel lobby, everyone was wearing gentleman's suits and luxurious dresses. Xu Tong was wearing a simple robe and coat, especially the braids on his head, which were particularly eye-catching.

Some people even wanted to come forward and drive Xu Tong away. Fortunately, Simpson had already anticipated this situation and entrusted Colonel Simon to wait at the door early. When he saw Xu Tong, he hurriedly walked to Xu Tong.

He introduced it to everyone enthusiastically.

When they heard that the yellow-skinned Asian in front of them turned out to be the honorary cardinal of the church, those who had been uncomfortable with Xu Tong's appearance immediately put on flattering smiles.

The authority of the church cannot be questioned by anyone.

Even today's Queen can only impose some restrictions on the church's funds, but she does not dare to really touch the church's bottom line.

"Praise the Lord God, your arrival has made this place shine."

Simpson put on his black monastic robe, carried a cross, and came to Xu Tong with a Bible in his hand. He solemnly kissed Xu Tong's ring face in front of everyone, and further confirmed Xu Tong's identity to everyone.


Now no one dared to question Xu Tong anymore, and all bowed to Xu Tong to say hello.

Even under the aura of the church, some people felt that this rough-faced guy looked particularly manly.

Well...it's just so realistic.

Simpson led Xu Tong up to a separate room on the second floor. After Xu Tong sat down, Simpson said: "I have already sent a telegram to the church regarding your appearance. The church means that I hope you can leave as soon as possible.

Heading to the Vatican.”

When Xu Tong heard this, he immediately frowned, "It's like this every time. Is your church short of people?"

After experiencing the script with a Western background, Xu Tong knew exactly what Simpson was going to say next, so he said first: "I'm sorry, please apologize to the Pope on my behalf. I can't go back for the time being."


Simpson was startled. He didn't expect Xu Tong to refuse so simply.

Just when he wanted to say something more, Xu Tong's expression was particularly upright and he continued: "This mysterious Eastern country needs to spread the glory of the God Lord now. Although I know that this is a very difficult choice, but

I am still willing to dedicate my life here."

Simpson was shocked.

In his opinion, it was a very bad decision to come to the East to preach. The indigenous people here have long-established thinking, and they have deep-seated beliefs in the so-called local gods.

Even if there is no need to deliberately preach, the new generation of children will instinctively believe in a god called God, and will not believe in the glory of the Lord.

Xu Tong's words were all filled with a spirit of selfless dedication. This spirit moved Simpson and made his face feel hot.

But Simpson didn't know that the subtle expression on his face had long been seen by Xu Tong.

Seeing this, Xu Tong stretched out his palm and applied it lightly on Simpson's greasy bald head: "Child, our lives are as humble as fireflies. Only when we sense the call of the Lord God will we shine with dazzling light. Maybe

The two of us are inconspicuous, but the moment our millions of faiths gather together, God and the Lord are by our side."

Such shocking words shocked Simpson mentally, and he instantly felt extremely guilty for his previous thoughts.

But he still said hesitantly: "But the people here don't welcome us very much. When I tried to tell him that the Lord of God is the only true God, an old man actually said that they have more than three thousand gods. My Lord of God.

, how did he memorize the names of so many gods."

Faced with Simpson's complaint, Xu Tong just smiled:

"Child, this is the mysterious East. Their civilization is even older than the church. If you reject their gods, you reject them. If you want to preach, you must first understand them and join them, even a little bit.

Be them."

Simpson was very confused by these words and did not understand them, but this did not affect Xu Tong's status in his heart, and his eyes even showed more admiration.

This is the messenger of the Lord of God. His thoughts and wisdom far exceed those of his poor Muggle head.

"So what should I do??"

Simpson asked with wide eyes.

"It's very simple. If you can't beat it, just join and try to gain popularity."

Xu Tong said with a smile on his face, but he had his own little plan in mind. If he wanted to join, he must learn to admit it. As long as Simpson recognized the Dragon King, the Dragon King would have official endorsement in the New Territories, and it wouldn't be the same who took advantage of whom.


Simpson was still hesitating for a moment, always feeling that the messenger's words were too profound.

"You see, I have now joined and become one of them, and they have quickly accepted me. When the time is right, I will call on them to convert to the embrace of the Lord God."


Simpson's mind was spinning.

Seeing that the bald man was still hesitating, Xu Tong could only use his trump card and said to Simpson solemnly: "Remember, there are many ways to believe, even if it does not have any fixed form, as long as he has a yearning in his heart, he can bathe

Under the glory of the Lord God.”

The last sentence of this sentence, the original saying is, if you have a yearning in your heart, you can pursue your faith.

These were the words that the old magician used to fool Xu Tong. Now they were slightly modified by Xu Tong and used to fool Simpson. Simpson's head was obviously shocked by these words, and his brain buzzed, as if he suddenly had an enlightenment.

Generally, they knelt down in front of Xu Tong devoutly: "Hallelujah!"


After a while, Simpson walked out of the box, his eyes full of tears of excitement, holding the cross in his hands, and already having infinite yearning for heaven in his mind.

He even completely forgot his original purpose of persuading Xu Tong to leave the New Territories.

After sending Simpson off, Xu Tong stood up and walked out of the box, glanced left and right at the corridor, and began to think about this side mission.

According to the description of the side mission, this hotel seems to be hiding some ulterior secrets.

And only tonight will the clues be revealed.

But where are the clues??

"The boss asked me to bring the things to the room."

At this time, Xu Tong's ears moved slightly and he heard a voice coming from the corridor, which seemed to be a hotel waiter.

These people seemed to be carrying something heavy as they walked into the room step by step.


Hearing these two words, Xu Tong immediately thought, who else knows his restaurant better than the boss.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong turned around and walked up the steps to the third floor, following several waiters in a hurry. His steps were very light, and his body was almost close to one of the waiters. But strangely, the four waiters

He was completely unaware of Xu Tong's appearance.

After opening the door in the corridor, several people put down the boxes and then turned around and left obediently.

Only after the door was closed, Xu Tong walked out from behind the screen and looked around. He didn't find anything strange. He just felt that the decoration here was very old-fashioned and was incompatible with the brightly lit Western style outside.

It's more like an old man's room.

There was also an exquisite shrine on the bedside of the room. Xu Tong stepped forward and took a closer look. There was a line of small words written on the token: "The seat of the immortal god without life or fruit."

"Who is this? I have never heard of such a god??"

I dare not say that I know all the Taoist gods, but at least I have an impression of them. After all, I had to participate in Luo Tianda Dipping.

But I have never heard of the existence of such a god.

Since it’s not on the list, could it be that he is an evil god?

Just when Xu Tong was feeling doubtful, a few crisp sounds suddenly came from the box next to him. A golden light flashed through Xu Tong's eyes as he looked around, and sure enough he saw a foreigner with blond hair and blue eyes in the box.

Now he felt even weirder, walked to the box and opened it.

"woo woo woo woo……"

The foreigner in the box immediately started struggling when he saw Xu Tong. This foreigner was not very old, but he was quite handsome. He had blue eyes, a sullen nose, sharp outlines, and short blond hair. In reality, he must have crushed Xiaoxian.

The meaty kind.

Xu Tong ignored this guy's look for help, but saw another thing, a document bag.

Taking out the document bag, Xu Tong took a closer look after opening it and found that the document bag was full of asset transfers.

Is it a robbery?

Xu Tong took a closer look, and his expression gradually became weird. He looked at the young man, looked up and down, left and right, and found that there were more than a dozen large yellow croakers placed under the box, so he asked: "Your name is Frank Richard?"


The young man nodded wildly.

"That's strange, why are all the properties above transferred to your name??"

Xu Tong looked at the information on the documents. Rose Hotel, two multinational commercial banks, two pawn shops, and even a ferry. Such a huge windfall was all going to be transferred to this foreign young man?

If robbery is such a good thing, Xu Tong would also like to try it.

With doubts, Xu Tong suddenly thought of a way. He reached out and took Mr. Richard out of the box, then threw him under the bed, put on Jack's mask and turned into Charlie, and then lay down

Go into the box...

This chapter has been completed!
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