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Chapter 867 Dream Key

Chapter 867 Dream Key

"Xiaobo, follow the boss from now on. You have to work hard, but don't be stupid!"

In front of the community, Li Bo's mother pulled Li Bo and said this repeatedly.

Li Bo nodded repeatedly with red eyes.

This made Xu Tong look a little embarrassed. After all, Li Bo seemed to have his own reasons for being put on the bounty list.

He stepped forward and put his hands on Li Bo's shoulders, and once again assured Li Bo's mother that he would take good care of him in the future.


At this moment, Chang Chang walked out of the community with carefree steps, nodding towards Xu Tong without leaving a trace.

Ever since he entered the community last night, Xu Tong noticed that something was not right in the community, so he asked Chang Wuzhen to clean it up. This kind of trivial matter was very familiar to Chang Wuzhen. After all, he had served the sharks before.

He often does this kind of thing.

Within two hours, several people were missing from the community without warning. Chang Wugu also let two people go and asked them to go back and tell Shark that he would guarantee Li Bo's future reward!

Either the shark asks the employer to increase the reward, or to remove the reward.

Chang Wugu knows the management of sharks very well. If he meets someone like Li Bo, who has a low bounty but a high risk, he will usually take it off the list, unless the employer is willing to spend ten times more to increase the original bounty amount.

"Let's go, take care of yourself, auntie."

After Xu Tong signaled Li Bo to say goodbye to his mother, the three of them got into the car and slowly drove out of the community.

"Hey, lovers will eventually get married!"

The old man in the security booth of the community looked at the back of the car, picked up the tea cup and took a sip, sighing endlessly.

Then he took out the notebook in the drawer, and as soon as he wrote, he was inspired. A touching love story was written vividly in the old man's pen...

The three of them drove straight to the Fifth Courtyard.

After careful consideration, Xu Tong asked Li Bo to stay in the car and wait for them.

It's not that he doesn't trust Li Bo. In the last script world, Li Bo persisted until the end and did not return to reality alone. For this reason, Xu Tong has promoted him to the core team.

Neither Chang Wuji nor Gao Zhuo had any complaints about this.

After all, if it weren't for Li Bo, Xu Tong and the others would probably be in danger.

Not letting him in was because I was worried about some uncontrollable risks.

After all, I and Chang Wuju were children who grew up under the eyes of Old A and the others. I believe that Old A would not really kill them.

But Li Bo is different. If something unexpected happens, this guy will be used as a tool to scare the monkeys.

Then Xu Tong and Chang Wuju walked into the hospital.

But the strange thing is that there are familiar faces in the hospital, but they seem to have had their memories of the two people wiped away, and they have no impression of them at all.

The two of them ran straight to the critical care area at the back of the hospital.

But to their disappointment, the dilapidated old building still stood there. The cracked walls, broken windows, and door full of cobwebs seemed to tell that this was a dangerous building that had been abandoned for a long time.

"Are they still unwilling to see us??"

Chang Wuzhen walked to the front of the building and looked at the empty corridor unwillingly, suddenly feeling abandoned in his heart.

This is his home. No matter where he goes, he always has to go home in the end. But now he is clearly standing at the door of his home, but he finds that his home is still there, but his family is gone.

It's like you have worked hard outside for more than ten years, and when you return home, you find that your hometown has changed drastically. There are no familiar faces on the familiar streets. Even your old house was demolished and bulldozed a few years ago.

When you look around, you realize that you are homeless.

Chang Wuju reluctantly wanted to walk in, but Xu Tong held his arm with a hand: "Forget it, they don't want to see us, just because it's not the time. When the time comes, they will naturally come out on their own!"

Xu Tong frowned, thinking of the crazy words of the old magician. These crazy words that he had scorned since he was a child suddenly became true one day, and even Xu Tong could not help but feel a sense of absurdity in his heart.

He raised his head and looked at the room where Old A and the others were sitting and shouted: "Old guy, we left and we don't know if we can come back. If you have any treasures or anything to say, if you don't say it today, you won't have the chance in the future.

Got it!"

Xu Tong shouted, and his voice echoed in the empty corridor.

After a while, after confirming that no one responded, Xu Tong looked back at Chang Wugu: "Let's go!"


Chang Wenzhi was unwilling to give in, but looking at the dangerous building in front of him that looked like ruins, he gritted his teeth and stamped his feet like an angry child: "I'm leaving, I won't come back!!"

After that, he walked out without looking back.

Seeing this, Xu Tong looked towards the window above his head, grinned, and walked out with a relaxed expression.

After the two of them left the hospital, the sunlight shone on the dilapidated building in the backyard. After all, no sound could be heard in the empty corridor.

The next journey is much simpler.

The three of them took a plane and headed straight to Xiangxi.

While flying to western Hunan, Xu Tong also took advantage of this gap to call out the prop book and examine the props harvested this time one by one.

【The calamity of blood resentment】

Active Skill 1: Blood Curse

When you injure an enemy, you can use the enemy's blood as a primer, consuming 800 script points to activate the skill.

After activation, 30% of the opponent's overall constitution will be deducted and added to your body.

40% of the damage you take will be passed on to the other party.

Duration: 1 minute

Cooling time: 48 hours.

(Note: Using blood as a guide, the stars will change as time passes, and the strengths of others will be repaid to others!)

This prop card has only one skill, but its effect is extremely abnormal. It not only takes away 30% of the opponent's power, but also transfers 40% of the damage to the enemy.

The most important thing is that after Xu Tong repeatedly confirmed, this prop card did not mention any negative effects.

Once used properly, this prop card is enough to turn the tide against the strong at a critical moment. Although the duration is relatively short, if it is paired with your own [Time Stamp], the time can theoretically be extended to two minutes.

You must know that when experts compete with each other, many things can be decided in two minutes.

Then he looked at another prop card.

【Dream Walk】

Passive skill 1: full of energy

The holder of the prop card is always in a full mental state.

Passive skill 2: Can’t dream at night

Item card holders will no longer be able to dream.

Active skill 3: Nightmare Walker

It consumes 3,000 script points. After activation, it can transform into a nightmare walker, able to enter other people's dreams at will and distort the other person's dreams to a certain extent.

Duration: 4 hours

Cooling time: 8 days

(Note: Don’t work hard, you can have everything in your dreams...)

Seeing the entry for this prop card, Xu Tong was not sure what the purpose of this prop card was for a moment.

"Well, when we get to western Hunan, we should find an opportunity to try it out."

After reading these two prop cards, Xu Tong looked at the title again. Seeing that his title almost occupied a whole page of the prop book, Xu Tong covered his forehead in pain.

Title cards cannot be traded or discarded. It seems that I want to fuse a wave of title cards and organize my prop book.

【Battlefield Veterans】

After activating this title, when fighting against players, the cooldown time of all skills will be reduced by 35%, and the skills released will have a 10% chance of refreshing the cooldown.

“Weak ribs!”

Regarding this title, Xu Tong could only comment on these two words, and he had already classified it into the scope of synthetic materials.

【Evil God Terminator】

After activating the title, your damage ability to gods increases by 30%.

The god (clone) killed by you will have part of its godhood forcibly reduced.

Title Skill 1: Dragon Slaying

The same amount of script points is consumed. After activation, the next attack will have a dragon-slaying effect, which can cause great damage to the gods (additional damage = consumed script points).

Cooling time: 48 hours

Side effects: After activating Dragon Slaying, one-third of your luck will be evaporated.

This title is a bit interesting. Thinking of his future opponents, not only players, but also those high-ranking gods, Xu Tong couldn't help but have a cold light flash in his eyes.

Compared with these two titles, Xu Tong couldn't help but laugh when he looked at the next title card.

This title card is not so much a title card as it is space purely used to disgust myself.

【Hades Blacklist】

Those who hold this title will be on the blacklist of Hades and become a person despised by many ghosts and gods.

(Note: You must be careful and must survive, otherwise what awaits you is a punishment more terrifying than death!!)

"Come on, it can be considered a gain."

Xu Tong looked at this title and thought it would be a good material for a fusion title.

After reading all the prop cards and titles, Xu Tong turned his attention to the last prop.

【Dream Key】

This item is a reward for the player with the highest points in this alliance.

Just hearing the name gives people some expectations.

After Xu Tong looked at the entry for this key, his expression gradually calmed down, and his eyes slowly scanned it word by word.

【Dream Key】

There is a rumored special prop. With this prop, you can get a mysterious treasure box in this high-end exhibition area.

After the treasure chest is opened, the following rewards will be randomly given.

1: Obtain a unique and exclusive land.

2: Obtain a high-level prop card.

3: Obtain the right to use a leased land area.

4: Obtain an exclusive elf butler.

5:Thank you for your patronage...

Looking at the content given in the entry, Xu Tong fell into deep thought for a moment. It seemed that this was a blind box of luck, but he was not worse than anyone in terms of luck. When he arrived in Xiangxi, he might as well give it a try. If he could get a piece of

Even if you only have the right to lease the land in the high-end exhibition area, it is a great good thing for you.

Just as Xu Tong was deep in thought, Chang Wuju suddenly said: "The people from Shark sent me news that the information about our seven sects has been released."

This chapter has been completed!
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