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Chapter 2: Seeing Profits in the First Battle

Brother Yelujin looked at the oncoming soldiers, his eyes filled with bloodshot eyes, and he roared, signaling the soldiers behind him to slow down and let him personally deal with this desperate infantryman.

I saw him kicking the saddle with his legs, and the white horse under his crotch neighed, and its speed suddenly increased several times.


At this time, Gu Xibai and Chang Wugu also realized that something was wrong. The aura of Brother Yelujin had changed greatly. Xu Tong looked at Qimen with his Life Eye and saw that the energy on the other party was surging, forming a red

of thunderclouds.

The two temples were slightly surrounded by dark red blood. It was obvious that the Qi and blood circulation in the whole body had been refined to the extreme. Although the opponent was a martial artist, he had a terrifying evil spirit and was already like a Shura.

"Gao Zhuo, don't be careless, this guy is difficult to deal with!"

When Xu Tong opened his mouth to remind him, Brother Yelujin had already swooped in front of Gao Zhuo, swinging his scimitar in his hand. For a moment, the man and the horse became one, and the shadow of the sword seemed to be like a blue dragon and a giant tiger.

"I go!


Gao Zhuo's face turned cold when he saw this. He could already feel how powerful the opponent's sword was. He immediately ignored his embarrassment and turned into the body of a yaksha with his feet. He used his wings behind him to flap backwards, and then narrowly avoided Yelu.

With this stab, Brother Jin rolled on the ground in embarrassment and got up with an embarrassed look on his face.

He originally wanted to pretend to be next door, but he didn't expect to be slapped in the face every minute. He immediately didn't dare to be more confident, raised his hands, and saw twelve zombies being summoned by him.

These zombies were not of a high level, they only had bronze armor. They opened their sharp claws and fangs and pounced on Brother Yelujin.

"How dare you come here to die with sorcery and evil methods!"

Looking at these zombies, Brother Yelujin showed a ferocious smile on his face. He didn't take them into his eyes at all. He swung the scimitar in his hand. The light of the sword was like a downpour, spreading in all directions. Then he swept across the zombies, and wiped out the zombies in front of him.

Zombie cut in half.


Xu Tong and Chang Wugu said in unison.

I don’t know what the origin of this person is. The artistic conception of the sword technique is not revealed, and it seems that he does not use all his strength. However, the artistic conception is extremely far-reaching, covering the eight wastelands, and operating the world. His strength is no less than that of an enlightened master.

At this moment, Xu Tong probably understood why the previous team decisively gave up the idea of ​​joining the main force.

As soon as he entered the script, he was instantly impressed.

Everyone should carefully consider the next step.



At this time, Gao Zhuo had activated the corpse explosion, and three kinds of weird smoke, blue, purple, and red, filled the air. Brother Yelujin was caught off guard and inhaled a puff of poisonous smoke. His face changed drastically in an instant, and his internal organs seemed to be burning.

It was so painful that even breathing became unbearably painful.

He immediately raised his hands to seal the acupuncture points, and at the same time silently recited a mantra in his mouth, a protective aura emerged all over his body, blocking the poison three feet away.

But how can Gao Zhuo's poison be ordinary? After all, it is an enhanced skill.

【Poison Star】+6

Poison damage increased by 45%.

Attached skills: (See the Blood Marquis) (Pervasive) (Poison Star Shines High)

See blood and seal throat: Once poisoned, the toxin will quickly flow into the body in a short period of time.

Pervasive: physical power, magic, and divine magic cannot isolate poisonous erosion.

【Voodoo Head】+6

Toxins are mixed. Each time a toxin is mixed, the power of the toxin increases by 15%.

Attached skills: (Poison) (Quick Burn) (Poison Transformation)

Curse Poison: Poison comes with a special curse that can pollute the opponent's luck.

Quick Burn: After activation, the CD of all your own skills will be doubled after being poisoned, and part of the opponent's lifespan and physical functions will be burned every minute.

Just these poisonous bonuses are already very annoying.

What's more, the poison Gao Zhuo smeared on these corpses was carefully developed by him and strengthened by the Rubik's Cube.

There are three effects: weakness, lung damage, and body cold. Although the three poisons are not fatal immediately, they become extremely vicious after being blessed by prop cards.

Suddenly, Brother Yelujin's face became more and more ugly, his lungs seemed to be burned through, and he kept coughing up blood. Even the war horse under his crotch fell to the ground with a mournful cry and started twitching.



Seeing this, the other northern barbarian soldiers finally came to their senses and charged towards Gao Zhuo.

Different from Brother Yelujin's solo charge, these soldiers' individual strength is far inferior to Brother Yelujin's, but when they charge together, the murderous aura, fighting spirit, blood and masculinity in their bodies condense into an invisible aura that hits them like an overwhelming mountain.


There were only a dozen or so people, but they already gave Xu Tong and others an oppressive aura. I really can't imagine what it would be like if the number of people increased to hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands.

"Go together!"

Upon seeing this, Gu Xibai and Chang Wugu immediately rushed to help.

Gao Zhuo immediately summoned the zombies again, and at the same time summoned the blood blade of the general. He saw the cold light flashing on the blood blade, and after a layer of strange blood light emerged, Gao Zhuo jumped in front of Brother Yelu Jin.

Stab it with a knife.

Brother Yelujin was poisoned, as if all the bones had been taken away from his body. He could only watch helplessly as the broken blade was inserted into his heart.

As the strange red light on the blood blade flashed, Brother Yelujin's body gradually began to twitch, white hair grew on his body, and his nails began to become slender.

It turned into a zombie in the blink of an eye.

Active Skill 1: Corpse Curse

It consumes 800 script points. After activation, the creatures killed by the blood blade will turn into armored zombies in a short time.



Brother Yelujin, who turned into a zombie again, let out a low roar in his throat, stood up from the ground with blank eyes, and his mind was already in chaos.

"Hahahaha, okay, this is really good!


Gao Zhuo looked at Brother Yelujin who had turned into a zombie in front of him, his eyes flashed with gold. Although he was an armored corpse, Brother Yelujin's own strength not only did not decrease, but actually increased a lot.

He raised his hand and stabbed the horse's throat with a knife.

After transforming the war horse into a zombie, the war horse twitched a few times before standing up again from the ground.

Brother Yelujin jumped on his horse and looked at Gao Zhuo who was sizing him up with doubts, as if he was waiting for Gao Zhuo to give an order.

Gao Zhuo glanced sideways and saw Gu Xibai rushing towards the cavalry behind him.

The overwhelming force formed by these more than ten cavalrymen, even some Dao-level masters would take a detour when they saw it. They are all true warriors. Not only do they have amazing murderous aura, but they also cooperate seamlessly and charge together.

At this time, he condenses his thoughts, murderous intent, and fighting spirit into an invisible force.

Although it is not a powerful spell, it is the nemesis of spells in the world.

This is also the reason why people in the world are unwilling to become enemies of these killing machines.

However, Gu Xibai just raised his eyebrows contemptuously. The nemesis of magic in the world encountered him, an extreme martial artist.

Gu Xibai took a deep breath, and his chest and lungs could be obviously expanded, and then he exhaled violently.


A powerful air flow and a powerful sound wave came from Gu Xibai's mouth.

That powerful airflow was a ball of hot white mist, like steam boiling like water. This ball of white air was the size of a water tank. It spread out violently, and Xu Tong felt the violent masculine blood.


The sound of dragons and tigers echoed from all sides. The huge martial arts will was like an indestructible golden mountain, directly shaking away the momentum of the cavalry. Even their battle-experienced horses were frightened by this roar.

Suddenly, the mounts of two unlucky guys rolled to the ground.

The charge that was originally neat and uniform was now in disarray, and no longer had the momentum that had dominated the world just now.

A cavalryman finally pulled the reins to control his frightened mount, but suddenly felt a chill in his throat, and a silent dagger slipped past his throat.

Without the original charging momentum, Chang's shadow was like a ghost, and his light figure shuttled left and right among these war horses.

The +9 Black Water Dragon Fang in his hand was as terrifying as a death scythe. These barbarians didn't even understand until the moment before death that there was a slender incision on their throats.

"Fuck, don't kill me, leave some for me!


Seeing this scene, Gao Zhuo screamed anxiously. These strong northern barbarian men are good materials for making zombies.

He immediately jumped on the back of Brother Yelujin's mount, pointed forward and shouted: "Charge up!"


Facing his former brother, Brother Yelujin didn't hesitate at all. He kicked his stirrups and rushed forward with Gao Zhuo at a lightning speed.

The Northern Barbarian cavalry were dumbfounded when they saw this scene. They didn't understand why Brother Yelujin had gone crazy and why he suddenly attacked them, but no one was destined to answer these questions.

Brother Yelujin's strength itself is strong, and after turning into a zombie, it has no impact at all. On the contrary, his strength increases explosively. He swings the scimitar in his hand, whipping up a terrifying sword wind, which directly kills the former comrades in front of him.

Zhan Fei dismounted.

Gao Zhuo sat behind and took the opportunity to retaliate. As the horse galloped past, he wiped out the opponent's throat with a bloody blade in his hand.

Li Bo stood next to Xu Tong, watching the killing start to end in less than five minutes. He had a complicated expression for a moment: "Boss, am I... holding back again?"


When Xu Tong heard this, he glanced at Li Bo and patted Li Bo on the shoulder, telling him not to worry about it. He encouraged him: "It's okay. You will become stronger after you pass the certification. Besides, this era is your home court."

Li Bo also got excited when he heard it. Yes, there is no other in this era, but the environment is definitely not picky. As a nature player, he can show his strongest side here.

[Side mission 1: Killing the barbarians has been completed, and you have obtained a map]

"Ding, you killed fourteen elite cavalrymen of the barbarian army, killed the cavalry commander Yelu Jinge, exceeded the limit of the side mission, and received an additional double reward. It will be settled when you return."

Xu Tong didn't feel happy when he got the prompt.

In Yang Hong's memory, the army was organized into teams of five, with one corps leader, two corps commanders, and one commander.

Brother Yelujin's strength is not inferior to that of a master who has entered the Dao realm. Even if they charge together, they may be more powerful, but he is just a master.

It seems that there are as many masters in the script world this time as there are dogs.

"But...it's interesting when it's difficult."

Xu Tong's eyes became hot. He had no intention of following the direction of the script. Looking at Gao Zhuo in the distance, pointing at the six or seven corpses on the ground, and the three Gao Zhuo who were arguing with Chang Wugu, Xu Tong already felt something in his heart.

A bolder plan.

This chapter has been completed!
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