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Chapter 9: Famous Three Armies

At the foot of Langshan Mountain, there is Tiangan Camp.

Several generals looked at the map in front of them, and they all argued with red faces.

Half a month ago, the main force of the Northern Barbarians had begun to advance towards them, but just a few days ago, a large number of Northern Barbarian cavalry actually changed direction and broke away from the main force of the Northern Barbarians.

This has left many people scratching their heads.

What's even stranger is that according to reports from spies, something seems to have gone wrong with the Northern Barbarian army in the past few days. The camp always gives people a messy feeling, which is completely different from the past.

Nice romance novel

"General, this matter is strange. It must be a fraud, or it may be the Northern Barbarians' old trick to spread suspicion."

"General, the opponent's cavalry has been divided into three groups, with a total of 20,000 troops. The Northern Barbarian cavalry is famous all over the world for being good at attacking. From General Yimo's point of view, it is impossible to say that they want to bypass our army and raid the three counties of Yecheng, Qingdu, and Liangchuan. ."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was really shocked.

But then a veteran sternly rejected the idea.

"It's impossible. Yecheng has a natural and dangerous gate. One man can guard the gate and ten thousand men can't open it. Qingdu is geographically advantageous, and the terrain is complicated and difficult for carriages and horses. Although Liangchuan is not dangerous, it is guarded by veteran general Lin Mao. Each of the three counties Taking advantage of the sky, the earth, and the people, even if the barbarian army has no plans, they will definitely not risk their lives!"

"Yes, yes, the barbarian army rushed over, and the men and horses were trapped. There is absolutely no reason to win."

Everyone nodded, but the behavior of the Northern Barbarians dividing their troops could not be explained. The war was imminent, and dividing the troops was a taboo for military strategists. The commander of the Northern Barbarians was Xiao Chi, one of the top ten famous generals in the world. This man conquered the South and the North. Thirty years later, I will definitely not make such a mistake.

While everyone was hesitating, everyone could only look at the commander-in-chief Wu Jie at the head of the table.

But Wu Jie felt very strange at the moment.

As Xiao Chi's old rivals, the two of them had fought six or seven times, each with their own victories and defeats, but they both knew each other very well, and this dangerous style of military conduct was definitely not Xiao Chi's temperament.

Just when everyone was puzzled by this, there was a sound of galloping horses rushing outside. Horses were strictly prohibited from running fast in the military camp, but there was only one exception, that is, the scouts in the front.

I saw the war horse galloping outside the camp, and the scout on horseback fell off the horse. He was carried into the camp by two guards on his arms. After a quick look, he saw that the scout had been seriously injured.

"Commander...I got the stuff!"

The scout struggled to raise his head and took out a package from his arms.

"Quickly, take the person down for treatment."

As Wu Jie spoke, he hurriedly signaled to the general on the side to quickly take the package, and then opened the package, and a foul smell hit his face.

I saw that there were two fresh poops in the package.

The stench was overwhelming, but everyone present stared at the excrement carefully with their eyes wide open.

As the head coach, Wu Jie even took a small stick and played with it in the feces.

Although the scene of Tian Gan gathering the commander-in-chief and making a fuss looks funny and weird, there is indeed amazing information in it.

So Wu Jie and others looked at each other with extremely weird expressions.

“The Northern Barbarians are short of food??”

A general looked at the feces for a moment and finally told everyone's guess.

"It's impossible. How could the Northern Barbarians be short of food??"

The Northern Barbarians are a desolate land, and everyone makes a living by raising animals. It does not produce food, but Xuankun produces food. Xuankun is known as the world's granary. Even Tiangan purchases tens of thousands of grains from Xuankun every year.

You can imagine how wealthy Xuan Kun was. After the Northern Barbarians destroyed Xuan Kun, Xuan Kun's granary was enough to feed the 100,000 Northern Barbarian army for ten years.

I am afraid that the Northern Barbarians have never fought such a wealthy war since the founding of the country. How could they be short of food?

If Xuan Kun had not been destroyed, how could the Northern Barbarians dare to fight against Tiangan?

Who would believe it now that they are short of food?



Just when everyone was undecided, someone from outside suddenly came to report: "Commander, a group of soldiers said that the vanguard was defeated and returning to camp."

Wu Jie and others were upset. Hearing this, he waved his hands impatiently: "Put things in order and keep the records in order."

According to military regulations, if they cannot return to camp for fifteen days, they are considered deserters. The time limit has already expired, but it is not easy for them to return to camp at this time. Wu Jie is already extremely merciful.

In addition, the defeat of the 30,000 forwards was all the fault of that beast of the Lu family, but the court had already concluded the matter. The beast of the Lu family was safe and sound. Wu Jie felt guilty, but it was precisely because of this guilt that he He didn't dare to face these returning defeated troops, so he just said casually and didn't plan to pay any more attention to them.

However, after saying this, the messenger did not come down. He could not help but stare and asked with an unhappy expression: "What else is there!"

"Commander, they...each of them carries a bag of barbarian heads and more than a hundred ears."

As soon as the messenger said these words, Wu Jie and others were instantly stunned.

"What did you say? Say it again?"

Someone didn't hear clearly, and a general asked.

The messenger soldier swallowed his foam, faced the gazes of all the generals, and said loudly: "Commander, each of them carries a barbarian head, and a total of two thousand barbarian ears."



Hearing this, everyone was confused.

"How many are there in total? Are you sure you are not pretending to be someone else?"

"Rough statistics show that there are six hundred of them in total, and they are all Northern Barbarians."

Suddenly, there was a dead silence in the entire commander's tent, and even some generals were shocked.

Six hundred people, each with a barbarian head, this is already a great military achievement, not to mention the left ear of two thousand barbarians, this is a great achievement that can be reported to the imperial court.

Could it be that all of these six hundred people are martial arts masters?

Wu Jie immediately stopped caring. He suddenly had an idea in his mind that perhaps the Northern Barbarians' lack of food and troop divisions had something to do with these tribes.

Immediately he hurriedly led the people out of the handsome tent.

When I took a look outside, I saw that the heads had been neatly placed on the table, and the ears stained with blood were piled up in two large baskets.

"It's actually true!


Wu Jie felt ecstatic in his heart, and immediately walked quickly to the returning soldiers. Looking at these wounded forward brothers, his eyes immediately became moist.

Immediately, a leading soldier was called and asked in detail how they did it.

As a result, when the soldier told his story, Wu Jie and others became quiet.

"You said that general's name is Yang Hong?"

"Yes, Captain Yang Hong."

"You said he had a heavy cavalry force and destroyed three thousand Northern barbarian cavalry??"

"Yes, I have seen it with my own eyes. There is the head of the Northern Barbarian general Hu Gulie here to prove it!"

"You said that this person has now gathered 800 of your brothers and formed a cavalry to rob the grain road behind the northern barbarians??"

"Yes, that's what General Yang said. He said guerrilla warfare can only be said in sixteen words: when the enemy advances, we retreat; when the enemy is stationed, we harass; when the enemy is tired, we attack; when the enemy retreats, we pursue."

The soldier told everything he knew.

All the generals were stunned when they heard this. After a while, one general couldn't hold back his anger any longer. Just when he was about to get angry and scold him, he was stopped by Wu Jie's eyes.

Wu Jie pinched his beard and praised him repeatedly. He even turned around and said to the onlookers: "I am blessed to have such a brave man as General Yang."

After saying that, he pulled up the soldiers on the ground and patted their shoulders heavily: "When your military merits are recorded, when General Yang returns, I will personally ask for the merits of the Holy One!"

After saying this, he turned around and picked up a barbarian head on the table, looked at the people in front of him, and shouted loudly: "Heaven will win! God bless our emperor!"


"Heaven will win, God bless our emperor!


The sound of excitement rippled through the three armies. Only after Wu Jie asked people to take these heroes down, did he lead a group of people into the handsome tent.

"There is a security guard fifty steps outside the tent, and any trespassers will be killed!"

Before walking to the commander's tent, Wu Jie's face gradually turned cold. After giving the order, he led the generals into the commander's tent.

Before Wu Jie could sit down, a general couldn't help but start complaining: "Isn't this nonsense? Where did the captain named Yang come from? Why didn't I know about it?"

"Yes, he also held heavy cavalry and destroyed three thousand barbarians. He probably doesn't know how Xuan Kun's 30,000 armored troops were destroyed by barbarians back then."

"Commander, these people may be deceitful and should be arrested and tortured to extract confessions!"

These generals almost started to lift the table and curse, thinking that this was just nonsense.

Wu Jie ignored the scoldings of these people and just stared at the two fresh piles of feces on the table.

"Shut up!"

After a moment Wu Jie spoke, all the generals immediately shut their mouths, just waiting for the commander to speak.

"The Northern Barbarians are short of food. Regardless of whether Captain Yang attacked the food road or not, this is an indisputable fact. Lack of food will damage morale, and morale is related to success or failure. The decisive battle is imminent. Xiao Chi, an old guy, does not dare to play such a stupid game. trick."

Everyone nodded after hearing this.

The more famous a general is, the more he has his own set of rules and regulations. Not just anyone can become a famous general by reading a few books on the Art of War.

After all, he is in charge of the three armies, and a small mistake will result in the ruin of the three armies.

"Whether what those people say is true or false, the military achievements cannot be faked, the heads cannot be faked, and the identities of these people cannot be faked. The records must be consistent, and the family background must have something to show for it."

"The commander-in-chief is right. I was the one who panicked."

All the generals were also stabilized by Wu Jie, and then Wu Jie continued:

"Go check Yang Hong's file and transfer his household registration to me. It doesn't matter whether this person is real or fake. If he can really contain the Northern Barbarians from behind, huh, let alone a school captain, it's me. So what if I reported it personally to the Holy One and made him a general?"

After saying this, Wu Jie warned everyone that no one was allowed to spread the discussion in the commander's tent to outsiders. The main purpose was to stabilize the morale of the troops and boost their morale.

After asking these generals to retire.

Wu Jiecai sat on the chair, picked up the brush, and quickly wrote down the sixteen characters just now.

Gently blow dry the ink on it and look at the sixteen words on it, and think for a moment: "Wonderful, wonderful, he is really a strange person in the world."

This chapter has been completed!
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