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Chapter 97: Stop the War

When Xu Tong walked out of the prison, dragons roared everywhere, and all the immortals in the world were alarmed.

This is the characteristic of Qianlong Chuyuan, which undoubtedly surprises people. Qianlong Chuyuan's fate and luck are extremely special, and it doesn't just mean that you are unlucky.

Hidden dragons are in the abyss, accumulating thick and thin. This kind of luck can only appear when you accumulate enough strength in underestimation and get a huge improvement in luck, until your strength and luck reach unprecedented extremes.

When the hidden dragon emerges from the abyss, there are two other explanations.

Follow the clouds to the sky.

A strong dragon has regrets.

These two statements foreshadow two endings.

The former can soar in the sky and climb to the top. When advancing, it can sweep across the world. When retreating, it can be hidden in the clouds. The world can move smoothly and unimpeded.

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The latter, on the other hand, wants to go against heaven, advance without retreating, and fight against heaven and earth, even if it means losing their body and causing damage to their Tao.

As the saying goes, if you hear the Tao in the morning and die in the evening, it is the latter.

Now, Yang Hong's fortune is the former. Does this mean that Yang Hong's cultivation has taken a further step and he has truly entered the realm of the Hedao Immortal?



The sea of ​​clouds was billowing above the immortal, and the huge aura was reviving. The two boys looked to the north with shocked expressions:

"Yang Hong became an immortal by combining the Tao? This is impossible. We have occupied the world's destiny and have blocked the secret of heaven for a long time. Even Xiao Leshan cannot surpass us. How did Yang Hong become an immortal? Didn't it change his destiny?"

"It's not necessarily a combination. If it is a combination, there must be a celestial phenomenon. But we changed his destiny, but it turned out to be useless. Could it be that this person still has some chance?"

The two boys looked depressed and turned to look at the statue behind them:

"The battle between the two dragons has come to an end. The luck of Xiao Leshan and Xu Lai has been entangled. They cannot be allowed to delay. Now there are not enough people who are close to death to meet the standards for the coming. Can it be

Let’s go down the mountain for a walk?”

The huge aura on the statue became more and more terrifying, and a thought as big as a baby's fist was embedded in the forehead of the statue like a gem.


After a moment, the breath of the statue gradually calmed down: "Send a message to Xu Lai. If you want Xu Fan to change his life, kill Yang Hong. No matter whether you succeed or not, I guarantee that Xu Fan will be rich and prosperous for a hundred years in the future."

When the two boys heard this, they couldn't help but praise this as a wonderful move: "Everyone in the world thinks that Xu Lai has a grudge against this son, but everyone knows that the eldest son is what Xu Lai cares about the most."

Xu Fan committed a heinous crime by poisoning his mother-in-law. Although this matter is top secret, there is no airtight wall in the world.

So many people felt that Xu Lai was eager to cut this traitor into pieces, and even Xu Fan himself thought so.

But if you are interested, you might as well think about it for yourself and you will know that if Xu Lai really wanted to kill Xu Fan, why would he let Xu Fan be the envoy and let him leave Lin'an Mansion?

It seems that they are persecuting him and using the Northern Barbarians' sword to kill Xu Fan, but in fact they are just trying to keep him away from the dangerous place of Lin'an Mansion.

"Mu'er, you still need to go through this matter personally. Xu Fan is being hunted by Prince Xi's Mansion. He is now hiding near Qifeng Mountain. Go and bring Xu Fan back."

"Okay! I'll go now."

The boy on the left nodded and was about to go down the mountain. At this moment, the statue suddenly remembered something and shouted: "Wait a minute."

The boy turned around.

"Send a message to Yao Qing and ask her to come back."


After the boy nodded in agreement, he made sure that the statue would stop talking, and then turned around and left.

At this moment, Zhongdu City was already in chaos.

The moment Xu Tong stepped out of the heavenly prison, it shocked not only the gods in the world, but also the entire Northern Barbarian movement.

Empress Dowager Xiao, who was in charge of the harem, felt flustered for no reason. The civil and military ministers were even more so, feeling uncomfortable all over.

After receiving the news of Xu Tong's escape from prison, their faces turned pale and their legs were weak with fear, fearing that this evil star would take advantage of King Xiao's absence to break into the palace and start a killing spree.



The prison door was pushed open, and the guards around him could only hold the handles of their knives tightly, but no one dared to take a step forward.

Even though Xu Tong has condensed his aura to the extreme, he is now half human and half immortal, transcending the world, and these guards can still only feel huge pressure when facing him.

It's like an ant seeing an elephant. Even if the elephant stands there motionless, its huge size will only make the ant feel despair.

Xu Tong looked in the direction of Prince Xi's Mansion, golden light appeared in his eyes, Buddha Eye and Ming Eye Qimen were activated at the same time, his gaze penetrated the entire palace, and in a moment, he quickly locked on a housekeeper.

Just a look made the butler panic, and the hairs all over his body stood up. A feeling of impending doom came over him, causing the butler to jump up and jump on the roof to escape.

Seeing this, Xu Tong raised his hand and struck out a sword beam. The sword light was like a star, piercing directly through Prince Xi's Mansion and beheading a housekeeper in the mansion on the spot.

But it wasn't over yet. Xu Tong's figure was like lightning, his steps lifted and then fell, and the time around him seemed to slow down.

The next second, Xu Tongren appeared next to a businessman.



Businessman Tong Kong's eyes widened, and his face suddenly turned pale when he saw Xu Tong suddenly appeared in front of him.

Then Xu Tong just patted him on the shoulder, and the businessman fell to the ground without breathing.

Businessmen, sedan bearers, and even some civil servants, wherever Xu Tong's figure walked, someone was bound to die.

But he was not killing innocent people indiscriminately, but cleaning up the hidden obstacles on the Shangqing Road.

But in the blink of an eye, Xu Tongren had arrived at the gate of Beiman Palace.

At this moment, there is already a strict ban outside the palace gate, and the black and dense imperial army has formed a battle formation. The whole city is filled with smoke, and in the smoke clouds that cover the sky, countless wolf shadows emerge.

It was the Sirius Formation again, but this time Xu Tong did not receive any notification that he was being suppressed.

Looking up, I saw smoke billowing like a tidal wave, but there was always a blue sky above my head.

The hidden dragon emerged from the abyss and soared up into the clouds. Xu Tong's luck at this moment was already unlimited and would not be affected by these external forces at all.

"No wonder Lu Zhi was so unscrupulous back then."

Xu Tong thought of Lu Zhi in his heart. If Tu Feiyuan hadn't sacrificed half his life and all his cultivation, he would have given him the prophecy.

I'm afraid that Lu Zhi is even more unruly and invincible in the world.

It's a pity that no one in this world can give him a prophecy. At this moment, he is the protagonist of this world, and no one can do anything to him.



The eight thousand Imperial Guards all waved their spears in unison, but before the spear points could point at Xu Tong, they were shattered by an invisible force.

The eyes of the Imperial Guards instantly became empty, and all they could see now was the mountain-like figure in front of them.

The leader of the Forbidden Army was sitting in the center of the army. Facing the surging flames on Xu Tong's body, his face suddenly turned pale, he let out a scream, and fell to the ground, unable to get up.

Xu Tong ignored these forbidden troops and strode straight into the palace gate. For a moment, the palace was buzzing with noise, and a huge mountain formed and hit Xu Tong's luck.

But before he even got close, he heard a dragon roar that shook the surrounding area.

"There are no taboos in what an immortal does."


Suddenly, the sound of breaking objects echoed throughout the palace.

"It's over, it's over, he's coming to kill you."

The civil and military ministers in the court were already in chaos, as if they had foreseen the scene of Yang Hong going on a killing spree and washing the court with blood.

Empress Dowager Xiao was sitting on the dragon chair, biting the corners of her lips tightly, clenching her fingers into a ball, and blood dripping from the seams between her fingers.


I saw the palace door being pushed open in the distance. Xu Tong was standing outside the palace door, walking towards him. He stepped into the palace door with one foot, and the next moment he appeared in the main hall.

Slowly raised his palm and grabbed it forward.

In an instant, Queen Mother Xiao's vagina tightened, and she felt as if her heart was about to stop.



It wasn't until a sharp scream that Queen Mother Xiao suddenly woke up. When she looked around, she saw Xu Tong holding the palace maid next to her, standing quietly in the main hall.

The palace maid was called Bai Xiang, and she was a close confidant of Empress Dowager Xiao. At this moment, Xu Tong was holding her neck, and her body stood there unable to move.

"Yang Hong, you are brave!


Finally, an old minister pointed at Xu Tong angrily: "Yang Hongruo has committed a great rebellion. I'm afraid you can't bear the consequences of this Northern Barbarian!"

Xu Tong glanced at the old guy and sneered: "Whether you can carry it or not, you have to try to find out."

After hearing this, everyone's faces turned green.

Fortunately, Xu Tong had no intention of massacring the imperial court, because it was not cost-effective, and his opponents were not the Northern Barbarian imperial court, nor even Xiao Leshan and Xu Lai.

There is no need for you to bear this big cause and effect.

He came here just to pull out the hidden stake on the Shangqing Road. With a flick of his finger, a ray of pure Yang Qi was injected into the palace maid's body.

The pure yang energy was like fire. In a moment, the palace maid screamed fiercely, and she could only resist with passive movements. At this moment, the palace maid's strength was immediately exposed, and she was actually a master in the Taoist realm.

There are many knowledgeable people in this court, and they can recognize at a glance that the palace maid has hidden mystical skills, and she is not just an ordinary person.

Xu Tong threw it on the ground and looked at the face of the Empress Dowager Xiao in front of him. Although she was a woman, she could still keep calm at this time. She was indeed not an ordinary person.

"This girl is a hidden stake planted by the Shangqing cult in the court. These people are responsible for the misfortune of Prince B's house. I am not the only one to blame. If you don't believe me, just use torture to ask. As for the cause and effect between me and your Xiao family, that's all.


Xiao Leshan helped himself by helping him clear away the hidden piles on the Shangqing Road, which was a retaliation.

More importantly, what Xu Tong wants is an honest person. He wants the Northern Barbarians to send him out respectfully, instead of carrying a reputation as a prison escaper.

After hearing this, Mrs. Xiao was really smart. She immediately realized that Yang Hong and Xiao Leshan might have made an agreement, and they made up their minds in a flash:

"A decree is sent to put this woman in jail for torture and interrogation, and to absolve Yang Hong of the crime of bloodbathing the palace of the second family. Immediately inform the world that the Shangqing Dao is practicing evil and perverse practices, and the people are in dire straits. Local officials should do their best to arrest the remaining culprits of the Shangqing."

After Queen Xiao finished speaking, she looked at Xu Tong cautiously, as if asking if he was satisfied with the decision.

Seeing this, Xu Tong continued: "Since it is not my fault, I still ask the Queen Mother to issue an order to withdraw the troops, make a truce, and make peace!"

This chapter has been completed!
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