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Chapter 98: Use your luck

Xu Tong moved very quickly, pulling out hidden stakes, clearing the emperor's side, and then stopped fighting. The series of actions seemed to have been premeditated.

And it's well-founded. Isn't it that you are fighting because I killed the tribal leader of the Prince's Palace? Now that the real murderer has been found for you, why are you still fighting? Stop the war and retreat, that's my request.

Many ministers in the court had evil intentions, but facing Yang Hong, they did not have the courage to oppose him.

Even if they don't take action, don't forget how he scolded Zhou Yasheng until he vomited blood and ran away. Even Yasheng couldn't scold him. He was irresponsible and couldn't beat him. So why did he rush to seek death?

So after Empress Xiao repeatedly asked the ministers for their opinions but no one spoke, she decisively ordered the troops to withdraw.

The order to retreat has not yet been sent to the battlefield.

Xu Tong first had a good meal in the palace, but after being in the cell for so long, there was no oil or water left in his stomach.

A table full of delicacies from all over the world, in his eyes, is just something to fill his stomach. It doesn’t matter how good it tastes, he just stuffs it into his mouth.

There were three kitchens and eighteen royal chefs. They worked hard all day and all night, and they were almost exhausted to death, so they could barely let the old man eat enough.

After having had enough wine and food, Xu Tong swaggered out of Zhongdu City, escorted by Empress Xiao and the civil and military officials of the Northern Manchu Dynasty.

In fact, he could have summoned Thunder and rushed directly to the battlefield, but he chose not to do so. Instead, he wanted to make a big show of it, hoping to let everyone in the world know that not only did he walk out of prison, but he was also sent off by Empress Xiao and the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty.

Get off and leave Zhongdu City.

This move naturally caused a huge publicity wave.

When he was suppressed by Xiao Leshan and sent to death row, everyone thought that Yang Hong was finished.

Even the old man from Gusu felt that Yang Hong had no chance to turn around this time.

But now, Empress Dowager Xiao personally issued an edict to absolve Yang Hong of all his crimes, and also personally escorted him out of the Central Capital with all the civil and military officials. This change was so big that it was too unbelievable.

And the effect of Xu Tong's words to stop fighting is even more admired by people all over the world.

Whether they are scholars studying, soldiers in the army, or even people in the martial arts world, everyone admires him.

In the words of those talented people, a word stops a battle, which is the sign of a saint.

Instead, the soldiers in the army felt that this was the Shenwuhou who was unparalleled in the world. He used the art of war to the extreme, that is, he could conquer others without fighting.

As for those people in the world, they can no longer express their inner shock in normal language. They can only say: "It's so damn awesome. I never dared to be so stupid in my dreams!"

But after Xu Tong left Zhongdu, he first met up with Gao Zhuo.

This guy hid outside and dug hard at the grave. Not to mention, he really dug up a lot of good stuff.

Not to mention the gold, silver and jewelry burial objects, the key thing is that he found a high-level prop card.

This object looks like a huge jade plate with exquisite carvings on it, like some kind of ancient sacrificial object.

【Barbarian weapon】

It is said that the Eastern Yi people, who came after Taizu of the Northern Barbarians, fought in all directions and performed miraculous feats.

Active skill 1: Sacrifice

At the cost of consuming one's own luck, a curse is unleashed on the target.

The more luck consumed, the greater the damage the target will receive.

Passive skill 1: Sacrifice to gods

All spell effects increased by 20%

If the form of the spell complies with ritual rituals, it will be increased by 300%.

(Note: If the great gift and great mantra are not strong enough in life and not strong enough in luck, they will die violently)

I don't know if it's Gao Zhuo's good luck or Xu Tong's huge luck at the moment, but this thing is really the icing on the cake.

"Hey, this thing came at the right time. I just need it."

Xu Tong stopped being polite to Gao Zhuo and took the thing over directly. The relationship between the two was like that of real brothers. Gao Zhuo also cared about this kind of thing. Instead, he felt that he could help Xu Tong and it would not be in vain for him to take the Northern Barbarians.

All the prince's graves were dug up.

Then the two of them did not go directly to the frontline battlefield, but came to Songshan Shaolin.

Before Xu Tong could go up the mountain, the ancient Tibetan monk was already waiting for him in front of the mountain gate.

"Amitabha, your venerable celestial being has enlightened people, I am so happy and congratulated."

Guzang put his hands together and congratulated Xu Tong for breaking through the shackles, but he secretly regretted in his heart: "What a pity, did you not enter my Buddhist door after all?"

Xu Tong took Gao Zhuo and jumped down from Xunlei's back. Without any nonsense, he said bluntly: "Great monk, I'm here to lend you some luck. Can I lend it to you?"

Gu Zang was also a little surprised when he heard this. He had never heard that this thing could be borrowed. He scratched his shiny head and asked the biggest question since ancient times: "Can I pay it back??"

It is said that when the Five Mountains Sword Alliance was at its peak, Feng Tianhua's master was unable to return, so he became a master of swordsmanship and soared through the air.

Use the world's swords to slay the demons in your heart. A single word of sword will trigger thousands of flying swords. The scene is very spectacular.

But the sword was borrowed, and it was never returned. From then on, people in the world cursed this old thief.

"Hahahaha, thanks!"

Xu Tong laughed loudly and said haha. He didn't know if he could return this thing, but it was definitely a loan for him.

Interception activation.

Thirty thousand screenplay credits were evaporated.

This skill consumes one-third of his own script points. Xu Tong has already transferred the script points in the prop book to the team channel, leaving only 90,000 script points in his hand.

In fact, logically speaking, the less it should be, the better.

But if you want to take advantage of the props, you will definitely be the unlucky one.

The more script points you consume, the higher the quality of luck you consume.

If you just keep cheating and cheating, you might directly absorb the other person's bad luck, and you will be the unlucky one.

Thirty thousand script points, plus himself and one-tenth of his lifespan at the cost.

Gu Zang immediately noticed something. He suddenly raised his head and saw a big dragon sticking its head out of the clouds behind Xu Tong. He opened his mouth and took a breath, which actually took away more than half of his luck.

"Hiss, Amitabha, Your Majesty is trying to ruin the poor monk's luck of becoming an immortal."

Even though it was Gu Zang, a good old man, he felt a pain in his body at this moment.

At this time, it is estimated that he will not be able to recover within a few decades.

Seeing this, Xu Tong quickly comforted him and said: "We monks should be dedicated, selfless and fraternal. I am for everyone and everyone is for me. Amitabha is good and good."

As Xu Tong clasped his hands together, looking like a Bodhisattva, even Gu Zang couldn't help but want to curse.

After devouring half of Guzang's luck, the dragon behind Xu Tong grew larger and larger. The dragon's body was rising and falling in the clouds. Either a star or a half was exposed, or it was a sign that the dragon was born.

"Add in the national luck of Xu Lai and Xiao Leshan, and it's almost the same." Xu Tong looked at his luck that had increased sharply again, and couldn't help but make calculations in his heart. He didn't know where Jiuyang Zhenjun and Old Man Gusu were.

If you encounter one, you can also borrow their luck.

Of course, Xu Tong did not let Monk Gu Zang help him in vain, so he took out an imperial edict from his sleeve and gave it to Gu Zang.

Guzang took it and took a look, and immediately smiled, and no longer bothered about luck. Anyway, this kind of thing, I am lucky to get it, but I am destined to lose it.

At worst, he will become a Buddha in a few years' time and teach Buddhism to the human world, which would be a good thing.

"Tou, what did you give me that made this old monk as happy as if he had eaten stick honey??"

Gao Zhuo looked at Xu Tong with satisfaction and confusion.

"It's not a good thing, it's just an edict from Empress Dowager Xiao, establishing Shaolin Temple as the Zen Martial Arts Sect."

It turns out that this imperial edict was obtained by Xu Tong on behalf of the Shaolin Temple before he left, and he assured himself that he and Gu Zang were good brothers, and it would be better to let Gu Zang protect the Northern Barbarians more in the future.

Empress Dowager Xiao also heard about the reputation of the ancient Tibetan monks, and thought it was a good deal, so she simply wrote this imperial edict with a stroke of her pen.

With this imperial edict, Shaolin Temple has been officially recognized and can be recorded in the history books. For the history books, it is a small step, but for the Shaolin Temple, it is the first step towards becoming a holy place.

So when the ancient Tibetan monk saw this imperial edict, he naturally stopped caring about his own luck.

"By the way, where is Xu Fan?"

At this time, Gao Zhuo looked around, but did not see Xu Fan. It is believed that this guy knew that his patron saint was coming, so he would have run down the mountain in a hurry.

Why haven’t I seen a shadow yet??

When Gao Zhuo said this, Gu Zang's expression suddenly became a little unnatural, and he clasped his hands together: "Sin, sin, sin."

With that, he told Xu Tong and Gao Zhuo about the masters sent by Prince Xi's Palace to Shaolin Temple to beg people.

Although Gu Zang was in charge of Shaolin, he came here on behalf of the government, and Gu Zang couldn't fight directly, so he could only secretly protect Xu Fan and leave the Shaolin Temple.

"Hey, old monk, you are not authentic!"

Gao Zhuo curled his lips and felt that what the ancient Tibetan monk did was not honorable at all.

No matter what, Xu Fan was brought by Xu Tong. The first amount of money for sesame oil in Shaolin Temple was given by Xu Fan.

Guzang didn't protect Xu Fan, which is really unreasonable.

As soon as these words came out, Gu Zang's face turned a little red.

"It doesn't matter, I'll go find him right away."

Xu Tong could understand Gu Zang. If he were alone, Prince Xi's palace would not dare to come to him to ask for someone even if he had the courage to do so.

But behind him is the Shaolin Temple. It is understandable that Guzang does not want to involve the Shaolin Temple and leave a historical stain on the Shaolin Temple of monks resisting officials.

After all, this temple is an ancient temple for thousands of years in the future. Even if the Northern Barbarians are gone, other dynasties will change in the future. They will remember that this temple has a history of using force to resist the law. It will be difficult for it to become a holy place for Buddhism in the world in the future.

Guzang personally sent the man out of Shaolin and covered his whereabouts. From this point of view, it was quite interesting.

Therefore, we cannot say that the ancient collection was wrong.

Xu Tong didn't say anything. With a flash of thought, he activated his plan for a rainy day. The thought entered the timeline, and after directly searching for Xu Fan's traces, he raised his brows slightly: "Hey, isn't this just a dish delivered to your door!"

"Lao Gao, let's go!"

Xu Tong called Gao Zhuo, jumped on Xunlei's body, and raised his hands to the ancient Tibetan monk: "Farewell!"

After that, he took the thunder and sped towards the south.

(End of chapter)

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